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Discuss - Ep #0928
« on: May 01, 2015, 07:18:03 PM »
Robservations #928

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0928

Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0928
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2015, 04:12:00 PM »
Philip wears a black suit to Michael's wake. But he probably isn't very sorry, because it's a black safari suit.

Julia is late for her appointment with Stokes. He tells her that Professor Osmund is getting ready to do his tests on Tate's View of South Wales. He pours her a sherry, no doubt hoping to get her to talk. She asks him about Coleyville. It’s a dreary little place twenty miles down the coast, he observes. He notices that she’s pale, and she realizes that she hasn’t eaten since breakfast. Stokes goes into the kitchen to get some English biscuits. [He is by far the best host of anyone on the show!] What will I find in Coleyville? Julia wonders, her mind already on the next stage of one of her puzzles. A few moments later, Stokes emerges with a plate full of biscuits, but Julia is already gone.

Julia knocks on Mrs. Hutchins’s door, and a voice calls out to tell her to come in. Julia enters and steps past a birdcage with a live green parakeet inside! Mrs. Hutchins (played to a tipsy fare-thee-well by Camilla Ashland) emerges from a back room. I was lying down, she says, but she has obviously been drinking. Julia introduces herself and explains that Megan said Mrs. H. had cared for Michael. Mrs. Hutchins produces a handkerchief and proceeds to tell Julia, It wasn’t a shock to me, not the way that boy grieved when his parents.... She lets it trail off, then asks, How was the funeral? Julia tells her it was very nice. I had to give the boy up, Mrs. H. explains, because I’m not well enough to handle him. He was difficult--all of the Hacketts are “pretty spirited.” His father, Burt, for instance, was the most mischievous little boy! I knew the family for a long time, she sighs, but they are all gone and I’m still here. Julia thanks her and leaves. The moment Julia is out the door, Philip Todd emerges form the back room and tells Mrs. Hutchins, You’ve done very well. How did you find out about me? she asks. He replies, I know about a number of people who at the proper time could prove very useful--as you have. Thank you for your help, he adds, handing her an envelope. It’s full of cash, which she carefully counts. It’s enough for bottle after bottle, he assures her. Mrs. Hutchins starts to ask questions, but Philip says, Remember our agreement. The other part is that you’re to forget it all and forget me, Dr. Hoffman, and the boy. It is all something you dreamed after too much whiskey. Hesitantly, Mrs. Hutchins asks, Was there really a little boy who died? Or did you make the boy up too, like Burt and Evelyn? Forget it all, Philip tells her again. After he leaves, she is troubled for a moment, until she remembers the money and starts to count it again.

Of course Julia is lurking in the shrubbery and watches Philip leave.

At the antique shop, Megan is arranging some more stock in a desultory way. She pauses over a wooden Continental soldier identical to the “member of the regiment” from Barnabas’s boyhood collection, the soldier that Sarah used to protect David long ago. Philip returns and tells her, Dr. Hoffman was completely convinced. It is all over, they agree, but Megan adds, I will have to learn to stop looking for things that Michael would like.

Julia returns to Stokes's house, knowing she will have to pay for her rudeness, and she's right. He takes her to task and guesses that she went to Coleyville. Julia finally says, I need your help desperately. Something is going on. She tells him about Barnabas’s strange behavior; Paul Stoddard’s mental state; her conversation with Mrs. Hutchins-- And, she adds, the whole series of strange little boys coming to and going from the antique shop--all with blond hair and blue eyes, all with the same birthmark on the wrist. Today the last and oldest boy died, and it was his funeral I attended this morning. [This is very quick work, since he took ill and died, she signed the death certificate, Megan and Philip held the wake, and the funeral took place seemingly all on the same day!] It was a classic case, as if his symptoms had been read out of a book, but something about his death disturbs me, she continues. Ever since Barnabas returned, something evil has been threatening us all. We must try to stop it, Stokes immediately agrees. How do we begin? Julia tells him, I saw Philip Todd coming out of Mrs. Hutchins’s house, but why would Mrs. Hutchins lie? I’m sure Barnabas could answer all my questions--if he would. Stokes suggests, You could win Paul Stoddard’s confidence despite his fears. I will visit the antique shop that specializes in a succession of strange, disposable little boys.

At the shop, Megan is still working when Philip suggests they close. I miss Michael, Megan says plaintively. You have to stop thinking about him, Philip reminds her. The boy had to be gotten rid of. I think you were glad, Megan says spitefully, but whatever argument they were about to have is forgotten when Stokes enters the shop. He introduces himself, explaining, Carolyn Stoddard told me about your charming shop. He admires Megan’s Leviathan locket [which is unfortunately flipped to the back for its closeup] and actually buys a vase. Philip wraps it up, and when he hands it back to Stokes, the professor notices a Naga ring on Philip’s hand. After Stokes leaves, Megan and Philip discuss their visitor. He is intelligent, they agree, and dangerous. He’s outside, Megan says, watching the shop. I shouldn’t have worn the ring, Philip says, but Megan makes light of it. I wish we didn’t have to hide and pretend, she says impatiently. If we were like ordinary people, I couldn’t have given up Michael. Stop thinking about it! Philip says as he grabs her. After he lets her go, Megan closes the wooden window shutters. Goodbye for now, Professor Stokes! she comments sarcastically. Philip says it’s quite dark and goes to turn on the lights. Megan says not to, then hears footsteps. Philip hears them too, and a moment later, Michael, still wearing his dark funeral suit, comes down the stairs. With a really weird smile he says, I have decided not to go through with it........

[The closing credits feature a closeup of Mrs. Hutchins’s live budgie, hopping around on its perch.]

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0928
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2015, 11:18:37 AM »
Philip wears a black suit to Michael's wake. But he probably isn't very sorry, because it's a black safari suit.


Thayer VO!  Hooray!  This is Day 4 for the maroon turtleneck, all one fictional day of course...  They're making a huge, elaborate performance out of this transition.  They've pushed this disposable little boys (love how Stokes puts that) routine pretty far by now, and they really need a big show to sell it this time around.  The Todds go all out, grieving, saying believable things, bits of backstory, dropping the name of Mrs. Hutchins so Julia will go back up the story... Megan's emotion seemed strangely real, though.  Maybe it was.

Next morning... Day 1 of Megan in black turtleneck belted dress (?), for mourning.  Julia enlists Stokes.... starting by calling on him, then bolting while he goes for an English biscuit.  Julia visits Mrs. Hutchins, then sees Phillip come out.  But why wouldn't he visit Mrs. H too, to console her?  The enlistment of Stokes is concluded.  Stokes drops by the antique shop.  They cut to a close up of the Naga pendant, but the Naga seems to have fallen off in the close up!  (Oh DL, turned over?  Okay...)
Welcome back, Michael!!  Death just didn't agree with him, I guess.  After that big production number, all the hysterics, the grieving, the big story they're laying on Julia, what a great ending!
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0928
« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2015, 03:42:32 PM »
Philip does console Mrs. H after a fashion--by giving her cold hard cash.

They must have been taping at lightning speed if Costume didn't even check to make sure the Naga pendant was facing right-side up. Sheesh.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0928
« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2015, 01:47:17 AM »
I hate being cooped up and want to show everyone I can manage on my own--I'd like to go into town, perhaps to the Blue Whale. You aren't planning to leave Collinwood,

(And, there was another time, Megan, I think, says Collinwood, instead of Collinsport!)

I didn't read others replies yet, but, [spoiler] wasn't the bird stuffed, as in, not living? [/spoiler]


What a Woman!

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0928
« Reply #5 on: June 02, 2015, 03:10:18 PM »
Patti, the bird was very much alive. The closing credits featured it hopping around in its cage. Maybe somebody took their parakeet to work that day.  [ghost_cheesy]

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0928
« Reply #6 on: June 12, 2015, 12:35:04 AM »
I've mentioned it before (but I can never mention it often enough) that this ep contains one of my all-time favorite tongue-tied lines of dialogue:

While referring to Michael's death, it's Julia's opinion that "Classically, it's almost classic, actually."

Um, yes, of course it was, Julia.  [ghost_grin]

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0928
« Reply #7 on: June 12, 2015, 03:02:29 PM »
I missed that one, MB. Hilarious!  [ghost_cheesy]