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Discuss - Ep #0906
« on: March 18, 2015, 05:44:52 PM »
Robservations #906

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0906

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0906
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2015, 07:16:21 PM »
Mr. Frid VO again?  Meg is being testier in this redo of the scene where the ball is heard bouncing, and young terror Alexander is debuted.  Paul and Alex meet, in their friendliest scene.  They will go on to have a somewhat disturbingly hostile relationship-- it's a bit disturbing for an adult to drop that wiser, respectful barrier adults usually have up in relation to children, and deal with them directly, on the same level, with anger or fear.

So the Big Day in December came and went, and now there's a new one, January 15, 1970.  Alex's birthday?  Barnabas smarmily announces to Stoddard: "Everything's going splendidly!!"  Barnabas, STOP SMILING!!  It's creeping us all out!

Alex runs around with an African mask on... BarnMeg grin devilishly about this, as if it's a hint of what's to come.  Carolyn presents Paul with the $1000 check, and he tears it up.  Even in 1969 though, would that buy off any respectable con man?  And if $1000 is given freely without strings, wouldn't that be a big motivation to stay and get more?

Liz shows up again at Paul's hotel door, pretends awkwardly to take him seriously (in a way that only a clueless person would buy as sincere, though the audience considers believing it because of the bit she adds about Barnabas having been so different lately, which we know is true and observable)... and invites him to Collinwood.  Then she "reports" to Barnabas about it on the phone, revealing that she's now one of the cult!
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0906
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2015, 01:14:39 AM »
Good twist, though I'd have been very happy if Liz had been Leviathan resistant - just because she's Liz. I remember feeling a certain way about it as a kid during the original run, let down, I guess and somewhat agonized.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0906
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2015, 09:38:53 AM »
Back then, for me, Liz and Roger represented the straight-laced "respectable" world outside of DS, who lived outside of the sphere of the supernatural, who wouldn't be caught dead watching DS.... I think they had to get caught up in it sooner or later.  I was also glad to see them giving JB a part like Flora, even if she had trouble lightening her mood that much.  Her other characters were too much like Liz.

Seeing 1966 got me liking Liz for the first time (in 2011) and got me to dislike Roger openly...
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0906
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2015, 05:25:13 PM »
Great post, MT! Barnabas is at his absolute scariest when he's smiling.

Dennis Patrick did the VO for this episode. He's great in this role. A check for $1,000 would get you a pretty long way in 1970. Maybe it wasn't enough for a real con man like Jason, but Roger probably bit his lip till the blood ran while he was writing the check. Lovely that Carolyn's faith in her father is totally vindicated--such moment are rare in the show.

The whole mask business is pretty creepy. Well, really, everything about Alexander is pretty creepy.

I read somewhere that Flora was JB's favorite role, although my favorite JB role has always been and always will be Naomi. As I've said elsewhere, JB gave Naomi real tragic grandeur as well as glamor, and never was she more beautiful.

Elizabeth is wearing a black dress with a large gold brooch in the shape of a lizard. As she did in some earlier episodes, she will continue to wear this brooch throughout this storyline. I thought it was really, really scary that she was one of the Leviathan people.

In the last scene, Paul pulls the January page off the calendar in his room, tosses it into the garbage, picks up his suitcase and prepares to leave. At that moment Elizabeth opens the door. Where is Carolyn? she demands angrily. She’s gone from her room and all her clothes with her. (That would take a moving van!) I don’t know where Carolyn is, Paul answers. I’m leaving town. And you’re taking Carolyn with you! Elizabeth snaps. Carolyn is in danger, Paul says urgently. Not only Carolyn, but all of us. There is some kind of conspiracy, like an organization. They are evil, terribly evil. They have frightening powers that they can use to torture people, to control their minds. They have been after me ever since I got here. Obviously not believing him, Elizabeth asks sternly, What do they want from you? Don’t you think that if I knew, I would tell you? Paul answers almost wildly. That is why I have been so terrified! We are all in danger because their leader is living right in our midst--it is Barnabas Collins! At the mention of Barnabas’s name, Elizabeth seems to believe him. I know how evil and strong Barnabas is, Paul continues. He is a threat to all of us! As she stares at him in total silence, Paul realizes: You haven’t believed a word I’ve told you. I might not have, Elizabeth replies, if you hadn’t mentioned Barnabas. I’ve been terribly distressed about the change in him since he came back. I kept believing it was because he was under some kind of strain. But now that you’ve told me-- It is the truth, I swear to god it is the truth, Paul says fervently. You can do something about it because you have more power in this town than anyone. In a voice that becomes more mechanical with every word, Elizabeth tells the astounded Paul, I want you to come back to Collinwood with me. If you know something about this danger, then you are the one to help us fight it. Paul reminds her, You said you would never allow me to set foot in that house again. I have a right to be wrong, Elizabeth replies. Sounding more possessed by the minute, she goes on, I don't know how things will work out for us, but I am convinced now that you have been acting out of love for Carolyn. That is all that matters to me. Tell me where she is. Shutting his eyes with relief, Paul says she is at the train station. Like an automaton, Elizabeth says, Go and get her. Bring her back here. I will phone Collinwood and tell them to expect us. He hurries out, and Elizabeth picks up the phone and asks for Collinsport 6187. We see a phone that rings once, twice, three times, then a small hand picks up the receiver. Alexander Todd, at the antique shop, hands the receiver to Barnabas. Elizabeth tells him, Everything is going to be all right now. He is returning to Collinwood with me.....

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0906
« Reply #5 on: March 19, 2015, 09:34:07 PM »
Forgive me, Leviathan's was my first taste of present day Collinsport - so my feeling a certain way about Liz being susceptible to the Leviathan thrall came during my second viewing (as an adult) when I bought the series on VHS.