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Discuss - Ep #0893
« on: March 01, 2015, 06:06:08 PM »
Robservations #893

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0893

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0893
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2015, 11:54:20 PM »
Carolyn meets Paul Stoddard at the Blue Whale.  Good conversation.  Paul apparently agreed to leave forever as part of the deal with Jason.  Welcome back David... He sees Carolyn and Stoddard "kissing", then decides he's got to turn it into a scandalous soap opera.  David broadcasts he's the town rich kid, by putting on a suit just to go into town, with Amy.  Welcome back, Amy.  David swipes the book, since he's a rich kid in a suit and can do what he likes.  Amy acts like a parent, perhaps sensing that the job is open what with Roger being perpetually unavailable for parenting duties (or so I imagine), verbally spanking David to return it, but not quite succeeding.   She comes across as a bit silly, biting off an unchewable portion, but she might be a very good influence long-term, a regular person in a house of privileged people.

I wrote in notes: "Ooh, blood-thirsty Meg!"  Taker of Book must die, Megan announces.  Welcome, fiery out-of-control Meg!  Go get 'em!!  Philip's response is said as if he had no clue how to read the line, and so went with silly melodrama.  "...and KILL!"   Let Meg do the killings, Phillip, her heart's more in it...

Now I have to see what we said five years ago.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0893
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2015, 02:33:42 AM »
I reallllllyyyyyyy did not know that Carolyn knew about faux-dead-dad arc.

When Philip re-enters their BR at night, with the 2x4s, that was good.

We know why David has the book.   [director]
[spoiler]Sad; this is the last story-arc which Liz/JB has good 'back-bone' in it. IMHO, the remaining arcs are just fluff. [/spoiler]

Since Carolyn knew about the faux-dead-dad, I really think she would not have wanted ANYTHING to do with Paul Stoddard.

What a Woman!

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0893
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2015, 05:07:59 PM »
Lovely scenes with Paul and Carolyn. I really like this part--Carolyn is so fiercely loyal to anyone she loves. David is now almost as tall as she is.

A fly orbits Philip's head as he and Megan stare down at whatever is in the cradle. Megan seems to know whenever "he" is hungry. The jar of baby food in her hand seems to indicate that "he" eats human-type food. Somehow that seems creepier to me than if "he" ate only bugs or sawdust.

Later that evening, Carolyn is wearing her sky-blue silk peignoir when she opens the door for Philip. She wants to know if she can use the shop as a temporary message center. This is fine with him, because they were going to ask her to help on a regular basis. (Yes, Carolyn Collins Stoddard has a real job, of sorts!) Are you sure you need someone? Carolyn asks with genuine delight. With a smile that stops well short of his blank and staring eyes, Philip says, We couldn’t be more sure we need someone, or more sure that it should be you.

Barn's instructions to the Todds don't take into account the fact that "he" will have to have a name. When Carolyn coos over the invisible baby, Megan fumbles for a name and comes up with Joseph.

David and Amy are in town with Mrs. Johnson and stop by the shop while Mrs. J. buys wool. David says his father isn’t sure that working in a shop is proper for a Collins, but Amy thinks it’s “neat” to work in a shop with such fun things to play with. She admires a doll, while Carolyn shows David a couple of wooden Continental soldiers (perhaps former members of Barnabas’s boyhood regiment). Carolyn busies herself with work while the kids look around. Paul Stoddard enters the shop; David recognizes him from last night but says nothing. Paul of course doesn’t know the children and goes straight to Carolyn. She makes up an excuse to send “Mr. Prescott” (also the name of Vicki’s 1795 jailer!) to the back room while David watches interestedly. Carolyn suggests the kids go back to Mrs. Johnson. Amy doesn’t want to stand around watching while Mrs. J. picks out wool, but strangely David agrees with Carolyn and leads Amy out. Paul comes back out, and Carolyn tells him who the children were and that David saw them the night before but doesn’t know who he is. Have you spoken to your mother yet? Paul asks anxiously. No, Carolyn says, she’s in bed with a headache. Don’t wait too long, Paul frets. What’s wrong? she asks. Is there something you didn’t tell me last night? Paul says no, a little too hastily, but Carolyn doesn’t notice. She promises to speak to her mother tonight. Paul kisses her again as he leaves.

The antique shop has several clocks in its inventory, but they all show different times when Megan, seemingly in a daze, closes the window shutters. Equally mechanically, Philip asks her where the Book is. I thought you took it, she replies. What will we do if it’s gone? she asks fearfully. They decide to search the shop.

The Book of the Naga is in David’s room at Collinwood. Why did you take it? Amy asks. After some hesitation, he tells her, Carolyn said my father would have to pay for anything we accidentally tore or broke. I ripped a page, and that’s why I took it. I don’t think it’s worth a lot, Amy opines. It’s not even in English. Please don’t tell anyone, David says. I’m afraid my father will be angry. Amy hands him the book. You’d better return it if you know what’s good for you, she says smartly. When he hesitates, she asks, Are you going to return it? I don’t know, David answers worriedly as he stares down at the book.

The Book hasn’t turned up at the shop, and Megan is getting distraught. Someone must have taken it, she says. It has no value to anyone but us, Philip reminds her. Whoever took it must pay with his life, Megan says flatly. She suddenly snaps out of her Leviathan stupor in shock at what she has just said: You and I would never have dreamed of hurting anyone before. Philip concurs. Relapsing, Megan says, But it is all different now. We serve him. Whoever has taken “his” Book we will track down. And kill! Philip agrees, his eyes empty.........

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0893
« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2015, 06:58:22 PM »
Wonderful comments, especially about privileged David.

I'd like to have watched the scene where the kids meet back up with Mrs. Johnson, who fusses at him that there are enough old books for her to dust at Collinwood.