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Discuss - Ep #0883
« on: February 14, 2015, 07:14:19 PM »
Robservation #883

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0883

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0883
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2015, 06:55:46 AM »
Roger Davis VO.  It seems Q is successfully leaving town while we see Charity with Petofi.  So Petofi decides on a Barnabas bodyswap.  There's no pretense anymore that Barnabas isn't the same former vampire Barnabas, but I guess there's just no time to have Pansy, his staker, freak out about the vampire being alive again, so she doesn't care....

Welcome back, Garth Blackwood!  A Blackwood is never more dangerous than when he's dead!  A very short trial for Petofi, Barnabas and Charity are glad to testify against him.  Petofi and Garth fight after the witnesses run away.  Garth sets the house and the two of them on fire, solving the problem of Garth himself.  (It must be kerosene or something that Tate uses as paint thinner?)  Pansy intuits that the portrait of Quentin is in there... and actually burning?  (Should she know what the painting means to Q?)  My thought here was that the painting probably keeps itself immortal as well as its subject, so it can't actually be destroyed...  By V Welles.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0883
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2015, 06:19:13 PM »
I don't think Pansity is supposed to know about the power of Quentin's portrait either, but the writers have decided to hurry the 1897 story to its conclusion. I guess that's also the reason that they've dropped the pretense that Barnabas isn't the same former vampire Barnabas.

Petofi uses the Hand to force Pansity to reveal how she, Barnabas, and Angelique have helped Quentin get away safely. But she isn’t completely under Petofi’s spell. We have all beat you, she exults, and now Quentin is safely out of your grasp forever and ever! Petofi sends Charles to check her story.

The drawing-room fire is out again as Barnabas tells Charles that Quentin is out too--that is, he's left Collinsport. Barnabas decides to see Petofi.

While they’re waiting, Petofi torments C/P by telling her, Quentin doesn’t even care enough about your to risk his safety. Your sacrifice will be meaningless. She has almost started to believe him when Barnabas and Charles arrive. I’m here with Quentin’s regrets, Barnabas announces--he has left. C/P exults in her hero’s safe escape. Let her go, Barnabas says sternly, and deal with me. Petofi tells Charles to untie her, but makes no move toward pursuing Quentin. Barnabas doesn’t understand, so Petofi explains: I won’t see Quentin again until I arrive in 1969--in _your_ [now all-too-human] body. Barnabas is horrified. You will get used to being nearsighted, Petofi assures him--you will have to. And since you are here, I don’t have to wait for you to fall asleep--I’ll put you to sleep now. C/P jumps up to stop him, but Petofi orders Charles to hold her. Petofi gloats, I look forward to going to the future as Barnabas Collins and seeing all of your friends: Julia, David, Elizabeth, Roger. This is almost more than Barnabas can endure, and he shouts, Petofi, you can’t do this! Don’t bother to resist, Petofi says smugly. There’s no hope left. He puts the Hand on the side of Barnabas’s head. Barnabas falls to the floor.

Charles dashes out the door when Blackwood returns yet again! But Barnabas and Pansity are only too happy to testify against Petofi in Blackwood's parody of a trial. Their testimony is plenty for Blackwood, who tells them to leave: What happens now is between the prisoner and me.

Blackwood starts to retrieve his chain, then spots a can of paint thinner and decides that arson-murder would be a better idea. He closes the heavy red velvet drapes and liberally douses everything with the paint thinner. What are you doing? Petofi asks. I am carrying out the sentence, Blackwood replies. But I haven’t been sentenced yet, Petofi argues. Oh, but you have, Blackwood says. This room will be your execution chamber. You must listen to me! Petofi shouts. There is nothing for you to say, Blackwood replies implacably. You are going to die! And this room will be your funeral pyre! He sets the seascape on fire as Petofi screams, No!

Safe at Collinwood, C/P and Barnabas are sharing a drink and congratulating themselves on Quentin’s clean getaway. Blackwood is a creature from hell! C/P exclaims, still a little shaken. Yes, Barnabas agrees. And I am sure we will have to deal with him after he deals with Petofi. A more appropriate executioner would be hard to find, he opines as he sips (yes!) his drink. Suddenly C/P is puzzled as her second sight kicks in again. She tells Barnabas and we see that the studio is burning, and Blackwood and Petofi are fighting amid the flames. As she watches, the portrait of Quentin reappears as the gesso that covered it is burned away. Quentin! C/P screams. He’s burning! It’s burning, burning!.........

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0883
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2015, 05:42:46 AM »
DarkLady-- I guess DS really has been pretty consistent about showing vampires as not eating or drinking, and also showing that human Barnabas does, even while never, ever (to my knowledge) referring to the fact in words, in any way.  Last time I watched Barnabas's early days (in the WP, which I have just now completed a full cycle of!), I noted him in the Blue Whale, with a glass of something he'd ordered, coming close to putting it to his lips two or three times, yet never actually drinking...  And we shouldn't be impatient with the mere humans of Collinsport for never noticing, since I think that most of us as viewers didn't (except for DL, well done!).

"Gesso", a word I haven't heard for 30 + years possibly.  Did we call it that?  I majored in painting/drawing.  I was actually trying and failing to remember the word for the white pre-paint covering of a canvas, once very familiar to me.

It's possible that the writers/producers did think through these plot-simplifying short-cuts.  We sometimes assume a sort of crass obliviousness on their parts, and to TV makers in general, but look how complicated they have made the plots when they wanted them to be...  Maybe someone said, look, Charipansy is psychic, so in the midst of these intuitive blasts of data she's receiving about the supernatural truths around her, without its showing onscreen, she also received the importance and significance of Tate's portrait of Q (which she witnessed a bit as Charity) ... and the true nature of who and what Barnabas really is... including that he means well, means to help Quentin and the family, and... this is the tricky part... really liked Carl and was just a little panicky that day...

With all of these matters, also factor in that DS writers seem to have a habit of not spelling a lot of things out, whereas in any other show, they would have been...
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0883
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2015, 05:55:21 AM »
PS-- About the Barnabas bodyswap... Barnabas no longer lives in that stretch of 1969!  His body was yanked back to 1897!  The I Ching may not let Petofi jump to any other point in Barnabas's 20th century life...

This makes me wonder about the stress involved every day, in being a DS writer.  How many times (per day!) did they hit themselves in the forehead and say, damn it, we CAN'T do that, because of such-and-such??!!
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Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0883
« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2015, 03:16:21 PM »
Thanks for all your comments, MT. Great one about that bodyswap business! I guess those forehead-slapping moments are why shows need script editors to keep the writers in line.

I'm so intrigued that you were a drawing/painting major. I only heard about gesso because a coworker did paintings and if one didn't turn out to her liking, she would cover it up with gesso and try again.

Years before I ever saw an episode of DS, I read the very, very scary original Dracula by Bram Stoker, and I guess it became my authoritative source for vampire behavior. When the narrator arrives at the count's castle after a strange and frightening journey, the count very hospitably serves him a delicious dinner--but neither eats nor drinks any of it himself. The narrator also quickly discovers that the count (1) never appears during the day and in fact can't abide sunlight; (2) has no reflection in the mirror; (3) can take the form of a monstrous bat or even a cloud of dust; (4) sleeps in a coffin filled with his native earth; and (5) can't cross running water--although he solves that problem by traveling to England in a coffin aboard ship.