Author Topic: Why Was The Original DS Cancelled?  (Read 1954 times)

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Why Was The Original DS Cancelled?
« on: April 30, 2004, 06:02:50 PM »
 ::) Just a very short comment. Why was the original series cancelled?? I understand there were several related reasons, not the least of which was lack of viewer interest. Yet, 35 or so years later, here we are; devoted fans who support DS Fests and other events to remember this series and its cast of characters. The new DS producers, etc. must salivate at that possibility. Is there a credible focus group out there today that can see the show as we did?? Maybe. Maybe not. Whatever happens, no one can truly predict the outcome until the millions of viewers determine its fate.
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Re:Why Was The Original DS Cancelled?
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2004, 10:14:27 PM »
Misty...the general consesus has been the two DS movies.

They were pretty graphic (for circa 1970); explicite gore.

Have you seen the movies?

Alot of parents accompanied their children in the theatres to see the flicks; it was mentioned that the gore was too much.

So, first parents were writing letters, etc expressing their disapproval...but...if you've seen the movies, no doubt you notice the vast difference from DS as we know it to what our parents saw [vampire].

First, ABC moved DS to a different time, but, alas, mom wasn't letting us watch no more!!

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Re:Why Was The Original DS Cancelled?
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2004, 10:31:06 PM »
It's also been mentioned that the cast, crew, and creators were pretty much ready to move on to bigger and better things. Don't know if that was stated on or off the record though. Or hear-say, or just somene's guess/opinion (but I know it's "been said" lol.) I believe the ratings were on the rise and nowhere near their all-time low. So I'd be inclined to remove the ratings factor from the equation.

Hopefully I'll be corrected if wrong, Misty. :)

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Re:Why Was The Original DS Cancelled?
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2004, 12:33:58 AM »
Hopefully I'll be corrected if wrong, Misty. :)

You're not wrong, dom.  ;)  Several of the actors publicly stated at the time of DS cancellation that they had been getting tired of the pressures the show had put on them and had been seriously thinking of moving on even before the decision to cancel came down. And the show's ratings were still quite respectable and were actually on the upswing.

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Re:Why Was The Original DS Cancelled?
« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2004, 01:02:08 AM »
i've also heard that towards the end of it's run, viewers began to get confused by all the parallell time business and began to tune got too confusing and repetitive.if the new show lasts, i hope they avoid some of the later nonsense of o.s.
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Re:Why Was The Original DS Cancelled?
« Reply #5 on: May 01, 2004, 01:29:23 AM »

The rumor about the DS movies causing the cancellation of DS is really just speculation. Many fans remember their horrified parents reaction  after seeing HODS but the actual ratings numbers don't actual show that huge of a drop...If the timeslot was changed to earlier when the audience was less able to see it, that would be a more likely factor in its sliding audience.

As for NODS causing the cancellation, the negative would have had to tumble down Quentin's 'stairway to time' in order for that to work, since the movie was made and released after the show's cancellation... ;)

Looking at a book on the history of ABC written in the late 70's/early 80's it mentioned how one of the many reasons the stockholders we're unhappy with the current network ceo was the cancellation of DS, which the stockholders brought up at an annual meeting.

I would say that part of the reason is similar to the Angel reason- the show was getting increasingly expensive to produce by the year for several reasons- special effects is always mentioned as the big cost but its more likely the natural escalation of the producers, directors, writers and casts' salaries. The more costly a show is, the higher the ratings it needs to deliver to justify those costs. As such, while the ratings took a slight dip, the size of that dip becomes much more significant because of the higher expectations...I think it was a network decision- no producer cancels his own show...well not many. But even if it hadn't been cancelled, Curtis' ambitions had grown much larger, the cast was itching to move on to bigger things, and the writers were burned out. If it stayed on the air, it would have been done with a new day-to-day producer and probably some new actors and writers brought in. One also wonders if Frid would have played Barnabas again for another storyline or renewed his contract? His refusal lead to the whole Bramwell thing earlier in year 5 so who can tell what a year 6 would have been...It truly seems to be one of those things that just ran its course and whose cancellation strongly coincided with its creators desires to end it.

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Re:Why Was The Original DS Cancelled?
« Reply #6 on: May 01, 2004, 06:34:38 AM »
i agree if Frid did not want to play Barnabas it pretty much
killed the show. i

Patti my parents did not think the show was bad for me just stupid!(hey parents don't know everything!
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Re:Why Was The Original DS Cancelled?
« Reply #7 on: May 01, 2004, 02:14:45 PM »
I don't think Jonathan Frid was opposed to playing Barnabas entirely; I think he basically wanted the chance to do other characters as well, like what the other actors and actresses got to do.  Until he performed Bramwell, he was the only actor on the entire series who never played anyone else.  Everyone else got that chance, several times over, yet he was always Barnabas.  I'd get kinda bored, too, if I had to do the same thing over and over again.


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Re:Why Was The Original DS Cancelled?
« Reply #8 on: May 01, 2004, 03:07:20 PM »
 :)Yes, all good points. I have seen both movies; in fact, I own them. They don't define the series, that's true. The producers were able to take liberties not really appropriate for TV. I can certainly see the confusion PT may have had with viewers who were used to the run-of-the-mill soap stories. They were, still are, so predictable. But DS was unique and probably wouldn't have survived the cast changes common to other soaps. I can just see Frid, hopelessly trapped as a vampire (which, by nature, prohibits him from other roles in the series) branching out to , let's say, General Hospital. Many of his fans may follow him. Well, it will be interesting to see the life span of the new DS. Did I understand that it will involve a different story in each segment?? Right there is a world of difference.
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Re:Why Was The Original DS Cancelled?
« Reply #9 on: May 02, 2004, 03:20:02 AM »
about  j.frid being the only d.s. actor to only play one part.alexandra moltke was victoria in all time periods.diana millay was always laura.and wasn't david selby always some version of quentin?i'm not sure on that one. ???
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Re:Why Was The Original DS Cancelled?
« Reply #10 on: May 02, 2004, 04:35:50 AM »
about  j.frid being the only d.s. actor to only play one part.alexandra moltke was victoria in all time periods.diana millay was always laura.and wasn't david selby always some version of quentin?i'm not sure on that one. ???

While Alexandra was alwas Vicky, she left after a while, it wasn't remaining Vicky for several years.  The same with Laura - it was just two separate storylines involving her - she wasn't a "continuous" character.

David was always a Quentin, but it wasn't like 1970 Quentin who was really the same as 1897 Quentin.  All of the others were distinct characters with the same name.

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Re:Why Was The Original DS Cancelled?
« Reply #11 on: May 02, 2004, 02:44:58 PM »
I believe it's also talked about how the same horror classic storylines were used over and over again and it became boring for the viewers (or so they say!).  My brother tells me that he began to tune out during the  parallel storyline because it was confusing to keep track.  I personally love the 1970 parallel storyline and all the great roles played by our DS actors.  So much talent there! From everything I'm reading about the new show, the actor's seem to be very diverse and talented. I'm so looking forward to the new show.  I won't expect too much from it but I'm prepared to love the new show because Dark Shadows will never die for me. I'm really hoping that Blair Brown will be elegant like Joan Bennett was. I'm sorry to see that Alec Newman is only 5'9" since I like tall men but if he can act, I can accept him. Will there be underlying passion and desire but unrequited love by Dr. Hoffman for Barnabas? I think it would have been cool to have an older woman in her role. Maybe today's audience can't handle older women very well. Grayson Hall was an actor that only comes around once in a life time. We'll never see the likes of someone like her again. Everyone I know is excitedly waiting for May 18th! I guess I'm rambling but and all over the map today but dang it ya'll, I'm looking forward to the new DS!!!
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Re:Why Was The Original DS Cancelled?
« Reply #12 on: May 02, 2004, 06:31:30 PM »
The rumor about the DS movies causing the cancellation of DS is really just speculation. Many fans remember their horrified parents reaction  after seeing HODS but the actual ratings numbers don't actual show that huge of a drop...If the timeslot was changed to earlier when the audience was less able to see it, that would be a more likely factor in its sliding audience.

As for NODS causing the cancellation, the negative would have had to tumble down Quentin's 'stairway to time' in order for that to work, since the movie was made and released after the show's cancellation... ;)

Still, if DS HAD lasted that much longer, it MIGHT have been a factor eventually---  NoDS wasn't GORY by any means, very little fake blood was spilled or harmed during its filming, but it WAS less-than-subtly unpleasant in its sexual themes, and even more nihilistic in its denouement than HoDS....

Since it could have been argued that, like "The Innocents", the supernatural "threat" in NoDS was just as much a figment of the overactive imaginations of inmates of a large, spooky "castle"(which included an artist and two writers of gothic tales), it was a hypothetical tale of a danger that might exist in the "real world" unlike the TV version, whose evil deeds emanated from (mostly) imaginary monsters.

(Yet, at the same time, IMO, it was a better film in some ways, dealing with mature themes, plot and character development.)

Also, the concepts of a David Selby character mistreating a Kate Jackson character, or the fates of those two, AND the Nancy Barrett and John Karlen characters, might have put a damper on the enthusiasm of the series fans, who generally expected SOME kind of hopeful / optimistic resolution of DS storylines (no matter how high the final body count!)

 A more cynical movie-goer might even have  been excused for feeling a bit used, viz.: "They're using a mostly G-rated daytime series to lure ME into PAYING for the NASTY films they REALLY wanted to do..."  Not only THAT, but the fact that all surviving soap operas in the 1970s just plain got sexier and even MORE violent and morally ambiguous, you can just IMAGINE what the "old" DS would have had to do to maintain its viewership into  the disco era.

So much for the "kiddy audience", who would likely have been more entranced by "Star Wars", etc. by then, anyway.

Of course, the 1991 DS was considered to be pretty sexy and violent and full of sophisticated special effects, and now it's the Millennium, so the producers of the
newest DS can certainly make it as "bad as they wanna be" if they deem it necessary.
