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Discuss - Ep #0868
« on: January 22, 2015, 06:18:40 PM »
Robservations #868

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0868

Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0868
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2015, 10:36:51 PM »
Not much time today. "PQuentin" in my notes = Selbtofi.

Somehow Selbtofi has gotten hold of Ben Stokes's diary and tells Edward the whole Josette story. He warns Edward that if the battle of Kitty vs. Josette continues, Kitty could die. As Edward stares at him in shock, PQuentin explains, Josette will become stronger and Kitty weaker until Kitty ceases to exist at all--and Josette will live in her body again. Edward is furious at this idea. Understand this--and clearly, he tells PQuentin. If I ever hear you have shown that diary to Kitty, or speak of your wild-eyed nonsense, I’ll see to it personally that you’re thrown out of the house! He storms off to bed.

Hail, farewell, and three cheers for Dr. Ian Reade, played by Alfred Hinckley, last seen as the train conductor in Episode 1. He phones Collinwood, but unfortunately Selbtofi answers the phone. The good doctor tells him that a strange man stumbled into his office, asking for Edward Collins. Selbtofi puts two and two together, loads a revolver with silver bullets, and sets off.

Dr. Reade's patient has somehow retrieved his black onyx ring. When Selbtofi arrives, Barnabas--or the person who looks like him--claims not to recognize "Quentin." He’s lying, PQuentin insists. Don’t use that tone, Dr. Reade orders him. This man is very sick, and I don’t like-- And I don’t like your interfering in my business! PQuentin snaps. Now get out! You can’t talk to me in that tone! Dr. Reade fumes, but nonetheless he leaves in a huff.  PQuentin reaches into his pocket and tells Barnabas, The doctor is out of the room. Open your eyes! Barnabas does--and finds PQuentin pointing the gun at his heart. I don’t know what you did, or how, PQuentin snarls. It doesn’t matter--because I’m going to kill you! Dr. Reade returns just in time. Shocked, he orders PQuentin, Drop the gun! You don’t realize what’s going on here, PQuentin argues. I said drop the gun! Dr. Reade snaps. (Go, doc!) Reluctantly PQuentin lowers the gun but doesn’t put it away. What do you have against this man? the doctor asks. He has never seen you before. He turns to Barnabas and asks, Have you seen him before? No, I haven’t, Barnabas replies, becoming anxious. Don’t upset yourself, Dr. Reade tells him. I called Edward Collins and spoke to him this time. He will be coming in a few minutes. In the meantime, he continues with a glare at PQuentin, you are quite safe here. If he tries to harm you again, he will have to shoot me first. PQuentin has no choice but to wait for Edward’s arrival, even though he looks as if he’d gladly shoot both Barnabas and the doctor.
Edward arrives a moment later, and Barnabas tells him that he (B.) arrived from England. Selbtofi still wants to shoot him, but Edward advises waiting till dawn. Wait a minute, he tells PQuentin. Dr. Reade is standing outside the door. If you shoot Barnabas here, Dr. Reade will swear we have killed an innocent man. I don’t care what Dr. Reade thinks, PQuentin scoffs. In a few minutes it will be dawn, Edward points out, and we will be able to prove to Dr. Reade that this man is not as innocent as he thinks he is. I _am_ innocent, Barnabas insists. You don't need to say anything now, Edward replies. But in a few minutes, he continues, consulting his watch, you may have a good deal to explain. If you are still alive when dawn comes, PQuentin adds grimly. Barnabas looks terrified.

While they all wait, PQuentin holds the gun to Barnabas’s head. Edward watches for dawn outside the window, then consults his watch, which now reads 6:40. We see shots of Barnabas, the gun, Edward standing by the window, the sunrise. Finally the light gets brighter and Edward announces, The sun has risen. Oh, thank god, Barnabas sighs. He tells them that he has been held captive by the vampire Barnabas. We can imagine what he is remembering as he continues, His mouth was open wide--there were two terrible fangs in his mouth. I don’t believe a word of it, PQuentin says again. It’s well past dawn, and he’s still alive, Edward reminds him. It’s a trick, PQuentin insists. Still holding the gun, he pulls Barnabas’s collar down to show that there are no bite marks. It’s a miracle, Barnabas whispers, perhaps it’s true. He’s gone, she is finished with me! He’s never going to come back to me anymore! He _is_ finished with you, Edward. Yes, Barnabas breathes, then asks, How do you know? He’s dead, Edward tells Barnabas. PQuentin pulls Edward aside. Wait a minute--come here, you fool! Why are you tell him the creature’s dead? he fumes. Do you know what that means? That you believe he’s a vampire victim and not the vampire! Well, I don’t. Edward protests, Incredible as it sounds, it could have happened. If it didn’t, PQuentin argues, and the man is lying, what then? I have perhaps accepted this man’s story too easily, Edward admits. I want to finish him off right now, PQuentin declares. Not yet, Edward says. There is one more way to test him, one more way, with more than words to prove it. The three of us together can go to the cave and look into the coffin. PQuentin is against this (because he thinks Angelique is still there), so he reminds Edward, I saw the body in the coffin and brought you the ring. Yes, but you were there before this man came to Dr. Reade, Edward argues. I think we should go another time--now. I think he’s too weak to go to the cave, PQuentin argues. We must take him anyway, Edward insists. He assists Barnabas unsteadily to his feet and helps him walk. When they come outside to the doctor’s office, Dr. Reade objects strenuously. This man is in no way ready to leave! he argues. Edward says, I’ll take full responsibility for him. He’s very ill, Dr. Reade insists--he may not live through what you have in mind for him. You’re quite right--he may not, Edward says coldly. He asks Barnabas, Are you willing to come with us? I’m willing, Barnabas replies. PQuentin actually helps Edward lead Barnabas from the room--though he is still holding the gun. As they leave, Dr. Reade huffs, No matter what happens, I am no longer responsible. I am finished with this whole peculiar business, and well rid of it! Then he sits at his desk to write up his notes about his unusual patient.

The three Collins men make for the cave. The door is open. Aristede is gone--and so is Angelique. Selbtofi must hide his surprise when Edward comes in with Barnabas. PQuentin points out the broken chains lying on the ground under the coffin. Pretending to be happy about it, PQuentin calls to Edward, I’ve found absolutely nothing. I’ve found nothing--but that. He waves the gun at the unlocked coffin, a few loose chains still resting on it. His story was pathetic, but you’re right, Edward concedes. I accepted too easily. Put that gun to his heart, Edward orders. If the coffin is empty, you are to shoot. PQuentin is only too glad to comply, and Edward opens the coffin (which once again opens from the same direction as when Charity/Pansy staked the vampire). The chains rattle to the ground. We can see that Barnabas is still lying within, the stake still through his heart. PQuentin’s eyes widen with horror and amazement. Barnabas looks down at the body too. It’s him! he whispers. The vampire’s mouth is still bloody. Barnabas walks to the other side of the coffin--and drops to the ground in another faint. Edward and PQuentin kneel beside him; PQuentin checks his pulse. Edward looks back at the body in the coffin and gasps, Oh god! What is going on here? What's going on?.......

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0868
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2015, 04:01:12 PM »
Good catch on the onyx ring, DL!  That undermines his story just by itself...

How much did people use phonographs... was it only for the rich?  Cyllinders certainly didn't sound that good.  Welcome Dr. Ian Reade, out-of-place voice of sanity in Collinsport.  You know, even he should have heard of the then-famous Barnabas Collins, vampire.  As a doctor, he would have been interested, at least a little, not that doctors generally have curious minds. 

Selbtofi hears on the phone that Reade has a "tall, thin, dark haired" man there, grabs his gun, and heads off...  That could only describe Barnabas...

I underestimate this stretch of storyline, I think.  Barnabas's stunt is bizarre and extreme, but maybe they had set up his character to be that way.  Maybe that much thought went into it... how far would he go to have Josette?  Because I can't see how "fighting Petofi" has any meaning if... that's another interesting thing.  We don't know if Barnabas has been told about the bodyswap, and I don't think we're meant to know.  Anyway, it's a great stunt because it IS so extreme, and what a soap opera twist... I stopped and compared to other storylines, and 1897 is still great, still rolling.

I think Barnabas's two goals are accomplished as much as he intends.  Chris may not be cured by Quentin's portrait, but Barnabas hasn't been trying to undo the curse so that the portrait isn't necessary.  So Julia and Angelique actually joined forces to help Barnabas re-establish himself at Collinwood to pursue the reincarnation of Josette, a testament to Barnabas's power to get what he wants.  What did they think they were accomplishing, really?

When Selbtofi and Ed are with nouveau Barnabas, they reverse their lines accidentally, making Louis have to repeat his, saying "As I just told you...", something like that.  Mr. Frid and Roger Davis did that once, and a third time, unsure who...?  They all wait for dawn... how many times on DS? 

Hey, two Barnabi.  Well I never.  And it's one of the Barnabi who faints... by V Welles.
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Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0868
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2015, 08:41:48 PM »
This is actually a fun part of the story. I think Julia was pulled back to 1968 before Kitty arrived, and Angelique is too busy with Quentin to notice the return of Josette.