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Discuss - Ep #0855
« on: December 13, 2014, 10:48:24 PM »
Robservations #855

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0855

Offline Joeytrom

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0855
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2014, 12:02:01 AM »
Sam Hall used to say that the Quentin/Petofi body switch was the one story he didn't understand.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0855
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2014, 08:27:26 PM »
Very long VO by NB.

Welcome back, Magda! She runs into Quentin at Collinwood and Quentin shouts at her, "It's mine!" Magda recognizes the ring. That belongs to Petofi! she exclaims. How did you get it? Leave me alone! Quentin shouts. Quentin, he is trying to use you! she tells him. You got to take it off! I tried, Quentin tells her, but it won’t come off! Petofi is too powerful for us! No one can do anything to fight him! he shouts and runs out, leaving his sister-in-law looking extremely concerned.

Beth and Aristede wait while the count meditates. Beth insists on knowing what's going to happen to Quentin. You’ll find out before this night is over, Aristede assures her. Is Quentin going to die? Beth wonders. Aristede laughs as he answers, No. But before this night is over, I suspect he will wish he had. Do I suspect a note of concern for Quentin? he asks with sudden suspicion. Of course not! Beth huffs. I pledged my loyalty to the count, and I deserve to know. Aristede says, I’ll give you one small clue--then you can figure it out. I suggest you give your imagination free rein. Try to see a man experiencing something far worse than death. Try to think of the most diabolical, the most terrifying thing that could happen to a human being. That is what will happen to Quentin tonight. That's all I will reveal, Beth. It's up to you now. He looks at her, but her face is impassive. Are you sure that you are not suffering from some small concern for Quentin? he asks again. I feel no concern whatsoever, Beth answers firmly. Aristede puffs on his cheroot, and Beth sits down again.

With nowhere else to go, Quentin arrives at the Blue Whale. Cross at first because she was about to close up shop, Pansity senses something is wrong and he admits that he's trying to understand what's happening to him. She touches his face gently and says seductively, We don’t have to stay here, luv. I’ve got my own place now, and we-- No, I want to stay and talk, Quentin says quite uncharacteristically. (Possibly this is the first time he’s saying this to a woman!) Talk? she asks with a laugh. The night wasn’t made for talking, luv. This one was, Quentin says as he presses his fists against his mouth with worry. Is everything all right? C/P asks, taking a good look at him. He replies that it isn't, and she offers to fix him a drink.

Meanwhile, behind his blue-tinted bottle-bottom glasses, Petofi’s eyes stare wide at something only he can see. (This is a great closeup of Thayer David, lit from underneath.) While they wait, Aristede questions Beth's loyalty. Are you sure you aren’t wondering what will happen to Quentin? Aristede asks. Quentin deserves whatever is going to happen, Beth says emphatically. But uncertainty suddenly clouds her face as she hears Quentin’s words again: Beth, I am sorry. I am truly sorry. I wanted to tell you, I tried. I couldn't find the strength. I couldn't face hurting you. I know that you can't understand this, but I still love you. I had no choice. I still love you. I still love you. Love you. Love you. Love you...

Pansity tries singing her song to Quentin while she drags her blue boa across his face. He is unresponsive. But suddenly possessed, he calls for more wine, lifts Pansity up bodily, swings her around, and sits at the piano to accompany her song. I didn’t know you could play the piano, she marvels, then starts to sing along. Abruptly, he stops, troubled, and replies bitterly, The piano? You know, my dear, many long years ago, I used to play it quite brilliantly, until _they_ came--until _they_ came! He slams the lid shut angrily and covers his face with his hands. Play me a song, C/P coaxes him. Play? he repeats, coming back to himself. I never played the piano in my life, he says, mystified. I just heard you, luv, C/P says. You were playing beautifully. I was? he asks. Yes, she replies. you said you hadn’t played for a long time, but I don’t believe that. I said that? he asks, totally confused. You don’t remember? she asks. No, he replies. She kneels beside him and runs her fingers through his hair. Maybe you don’t need the kind of looking after that I thought you did, after all, she says. Maybe you need a doctor. No! Quentin shouts, a doctor won’t help me! No one will help me! He runs out, leaving C/P looking at the closed piano.

Nearly wild with distraction, Quentin returns to Collinwood and goes straight to the drawing room. He shakes his head and starts to pour himself a drink, but he never finishes. He is on the point of collapse as he staggers around the room. He sinks into a chair and seems to lose consciousness. The ruby ring gleams brightly in the firelight.

Meanwhile, Petofi is still concentrating. Beth and Aristede are still waiting. Beth is pacing the floor. Aristede hears someone approaching the front door. He orders Beth, Go upstairs and get rid of whoever it is--hurry! We get a view of the weed-choked lane to the sagging front door of the old mill as Magda tries to open it, but it is locked. Beth opens it and asks, Why did you come here? What are _you_ doing in this place? Magda asks in dismay. I’m not obligated to answer that, Beth replies haughtily. Are you mixed up with Petofi? Magda asks. I’m working for him, Beth replies. You’re crazy! Magda exclaims. Go away and stay away, Beth orders her. I got to talk to Petofi, she says. He’s busy, Beth replies, and for your own sake, I suggest you go. Magda sighs, then explains, I’m sure it’s something to do with Quentin, Magda insists. I saw Quentin before. I think something has happened to him--something that scared me. I got to speak to Petofi! Nearly in tears, Beth says, I have strict orders not to let anyone in--please go away. Magda replies, I know that Quentin don't mean nothing to you no more, but he is in danger. Don't that mean somethin'? Good night, Magda, Beth says, goes back in, and relocks the door.

Petofi is still deep in meditation. Aristede and Beth are still waiting--but now Beth hears voices in her head. First Quentin: Beth, I know that you can't understand this. I still love you, but I have no choice. Then Aristede: Try to think of the most diabolical and terrifying thing that could happen to any human being. Then you will know what is going to happen to Quentin tonight! Then Magda: I know that Quentin don't mean nothin' to you no more, but he is in danger, Beth. Don't that mean somethin'?... I still love you, Beth, but I have no choice. No choice.... He is in danger, Beth. Danger!... The most diabolical and terrifying thing that could... I still love you, Beth... I still love you... I still love you ... still love you... love you... love you... Danger... danger... danger.... No! Beth screams, covering her ears as if that would stop the voices. Be quiet! Aristede says sharply. Covering her face with her hands, she wails, No! I can’t let you do it to him! He does mean something to me! I can't just left this happen! You can't take him from me! Aristede calls out, You can’t go to him! You’ll ruin everything! He tries to catch her but she has already raced out of the mill.

Beth hurries to Collinwood and finds Quentin in the drawing room, still slumped in the chair. She kneels beside him and shakes him. Quentin! Oh, Quentin, you must wake up! she begs him. Quentin, you've got to listen to me. They are trying to do something dreadful to you! I don't know what it is! You must wake up before it happens--before it is too late! But Quentin does not stir from his slumber....

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0855
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2014, 10:09:02 PM »
Thayer does a more mysterious and moodier reading of the incantation (voice, lighting) in the redo.  Welcome back, Magda.  Where u beeen?  Grayson is a bit out of practice as Magda, but it only just barely shows.  At the Lair, Aristede is really over-selling the torture aspect of the impending switch to Beth.  I think.  I want to hear what you think as this plotline unfolds, DL, since it's a disturbing one for you, and I have some resistance to it, to my suspending disbelief.  I want to get more out of it.

I like how the Blue Whale scene starts, with no one onscreen, but the pink boa draped over a chair at the bar, then a pan over to Charipansy Traskfaye.  Nice storytelling thing. 

Beth, pretty realistically, is tormented by hitherto-ignored details in Q's final words before the non-shooting.  She runs away hiding nothing of her intentions to save Q, screaming them openly, then Aristede lamely calls after her "You'll ruin everything!" rather than trying to run even one step after her.  Well, I guess he was under orders not to budge from that spot.  Still...
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Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0855
« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2014, 04:21:22 PM »
Yes, there are some nice shots scattered throughout this part of the story. And thanks to whoever pointed out the wonderful use of lighting--was that you, MT?

It's a strange thing about this story line. The first time I saw it, when it was in syndication on SciFi, I totally bought the whole body-switch maneuver, I think in large part because of the amazing performances by TD and DS, especially as we see all the consequences of the switch unfold. Without the two guys, it would have been much harder to believe.

Maybe Aristede is under orders not to leave Petofi unguarded at this crucial moment. But it is pretty silly that he doesn't try harder to keep Beth from escaping.