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Discuss - Ep #0853
« on: December 11, 2014, 05:40:01 PM »
Robservations #853

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0853

Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0853
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2014, 08:25:43 PM »
This episode marks the beginning of what, to me, is one of the most disturbing story lines in the series. It is the epitome of cruelty, horror and depravity and marks yet another milestone on Quentin's road to redemption.

Welcome, blue vis-à-vis (a kind of sofa consisting of two facing seats joined together with space for a little table between). It has replaced the three-way seat. I wish I could remember where I got these fun furniture facts from, but I just can't.

Even Quentin's music can't cheer him up. Kitty comes in and asks him about Angelique. Then Angelique arrives and Kitty says she feels sure they've met before.  I feel sure we have met before. Kitty hesitates a moment, then asks, Were you ever a servant or personal maid? Angelique is affronted but replies, I would have been a poor one, since servitude requires a temperament I don’t possess. [Surely she’s remembering Joshua’s disapproval of her marriage to Barnabas.] What I do have, at least nominally, is a fiancé, she adds, possessively touching Quentin’s hair. Kitty asks the servant question again. In subzero tones, she more or less orders Quentin, Please assure Lady Hampshire you aren’t marrying below your station. Lady Hampshire knows that, Quentin says, moving away from Angelique. I’m sorry, Kitty says, annoyed. Any insult was unintended. She leaves. You could have been a little kinder to her, Quentin observes. She reminds me of someone I loathed, Angelique replies, hatred in her voice. She tells him she's going to the village but won't say where. He watches her go, his eyes full of hate.

Upstairs in her boudoir, Kitty and Edward speculate that maybe Jamison left the flowers. He’s hardly paid any attention to me, she point out. That’s how boys his age are, Edward says. They develop the most astonishing crushes. I know if you had come into my life when I was Jamison’s age, I would have thought the flower bouquet huge. And as for the book, it wouldn’t have been Burns--Donne, more likely. Strange, he comments, I didn’t know we had a copy of Burns in this house. He opens the book to the flyleaf and says. No, the Old House. It must have come from the library there. Who lives in the Old House? Kitty asks. No one, Edward replies coldly. You mean since Barnabas Collins, Kitty says. Jamison often plays there, Edward tells her. I’m sure that’s the explanation. I’ll talk to him now, before the boy goes to sleep, and see that he doesn’t trouble you anymore. You’ll be all right, he assures her. After he leaves, Kitty picks up the book and presses her lips to it as we hear Josette’s theme start up. Barnabas, she calls as she goes into Josette mode. Barnabas....

The drawing room and the Victrola have both vanished from the drawing room, but Quentin is feeling too sorry for himself to notice. He starts to pour himself yet another brandy when he hears someone in the foyer. He steps out to see Kitty staring up at the portrait of Barnabas. [Who put it back? Kitty is the only one who would want to see it, and she is certainly surprised.] His eyes want to see again, she murmurs. Edward joins Quentin as Kitty murmurs, He wants to come home.... The portrait, Quentin exclaims quietly. Where did she get it? Edward asks. In a complete trance, Kitty cries out, I won’t let you harm him! Edward wraps his arms around her and urges her, You must come to your senses! She struggles wildly and shouts, Don’t touch me! Barnabas, she pleads, tell me what to do! Let this go! Edward tells her. She turns to him and says, Joshua! Joshua Collins! She runs from the house, with Edward right behind her.

Kitty has made a beeline for Jeremiah's grave, with its tombstone still spelling his name as "Jerimiah." In Josette mode, she has a flashback about how Angelique used her black arts to make her and Jeremiah marry and blames herself. Edward tries to shake her out of it, but she runs off, with him once more in pursuit.

Angelique has really and truly gone to the village, in fact to the old rectory. She hands Julia a small cloth packet, which Julia accepts. Thank you very much, Julia says as she tucks it into her medical bag. Is everything all right? Angelique asks. When will you need more? Tomorrow, Julia says. Could you possibly bring it earlier? All right, Angelique replies. With a smile, Julia muses, It’s curious, meeting you--even liking you. After all you have heard, Angelique agrees. All of it true, I am sure, Julia answers with her usual directness, but instantly apologizes, Oh, that wasn't very tactful, was it? Unoffended, Angelique answers, No, no, I'm sure that everything Barnabas told you was the truth. The two women sit together, quite companionably, on a small sofa as Angelique continues, But there was one truth that he was never able to accept--that I sincerely, honestly loved him. As you love Quentin now? Julia asks (no doubt hoping it’s true). As I will love Quentin when he lets me, Angelique answers. Suddenly urgent, Julia says, Angelique! Angelique, you must both be very careful. Petofi is planning something. Something--and it involves Quentin, I am sure of that. We have got to watch him, and you must do everything you can to protect him. I’ll try, Angelique promises, but adds, But that Hand--that Hand frightens even me! I have never admitted that before, even to myself. I will deny it again tomorrow. But it does, Julia--it does! Julia nods sympathetically. I must return to Collinwood, Angelique finally says--staying away too long would arouse suspicion. She leaves Julia looking thoughtful.

Kitty is wandering in the woods as we hear the spooky vibraphone version of Josette’s theme to indicate hallucination or possession. She hears someone coming. Thinking it’s Barnabas, she calls out, Is that you, Barnabas? But Quentin comes upon her, takes her arm, and tries to get her to come back to the house. Kitty breaks away, exclaiming, No, I must go to Barnabas! He is in danger! Quentin follows her.

Angelique returns to the house just as Count Petofi descends the stairs. Ah, the most charming woman in Collinwood! he greets her (also at the moment the only woman!). What do you want here? she asks bluntly. I want to see your fiancé. I’ve already been told he isn’t in, but I want to wait. What do you want him for? Angelique asks. You are incredibly direct, Petofi observes. For a moment I thought I was talking to Julia Hoffman. Angelique is far too experienced even to blink as she replies, Well, you are not. You are talking to the woman who is going to marry Quentin Collins. Are you asking me for my blessing? Petofi wonders. No, there is no need for that, Angelique replies, since you have the Hand. Petofi agrees as he steps up behind her, holding out the Hand. Angelique turns to face him and says, I also have a gift of my own. I can summon up strange and horrifying spirits. How would you like to be walking through the woods one night and hear a noise? Suddenly, in your path there is a bolt of lightning, and there stands King Johnny Romano! His sword is held high! Enjoying her effect on Petofi, she finishes, You wouldn't risk that meeting, would you? She walks right past him and goes upstairs, leaving Petofi stunned and speechless--and for once not smiling. He looks after her, then at the Hand as if protecting it.

Kitty bursts into the old rectory with Quentin right at her heels and Josette’s theme in our ears. Barnabas! she calls out. You are here--I feel your presence, she calls. But where are you, my darling, where? Yes, my darling, I am coming, I am coming! She almost floats across the room, smiling with joy as she makes for the door at the opposite side. No doubt wondering what’s happening, Quentin watches silently as she reaches the door. You are coming to me, she says as she puts her hand on the doorknob--just as Julia opens it and comes into the room. They both jump and gasp, but Julia quickly slams the door behind her. What are you doing here? she asks Kitty. What are you doing to Barnabas? Kitty asks accusingly. Let me see him! she cries as she struggles with Julia. Quentin watches and listens intently as Julia insists, Barnabas is dead! No, Kitty insists as she backs away. He isn’t dead! You won’t let me see him. Julia finally notices Quentin and appeals to him for help. On hearing Quentin’s name, Kitty snaps out of it. Quentin? she asks. He comes over to her and takes her gently by the arms. Let me go! she cries as she breaks away from Quentin and runs out.

Julia tells Quentin, Go after her--you must! But Quentin looks her in the eye [as the persistent fly returns to see if either one of them will be more hospitable than Kitty] and says, No--Julia, I know why you have stayed in our time. I just found out. Barnabas isn't dead, is he? You know that he is, Julia answers firmly. I don’t know it, Quentin replies. I believed Kitty. I don’t know why, but I did. Because you want to, that’s why, Julia says. You saw Barnabas in his coffin. Everyone (i.e., Edward and Tim) told you they saw the stake in his heart. Why don’t you go back to the cave and see for yourself. Quentin tells her, Edward had the cave sealed. Julia answers, And Barnabas's body is there. Barnabas is dead, Quentin. Oh, Quentin! she wails. I don't want to believe it either, but I must. Quentin’s eyes widen as she adds with fierce intensity, And so must you.

Once again Kitty and Edward meet in her boudoir. Whatever is happening to me, it must stop, Kitty says as she steps a little closer to him. It will, Edward promises, with rest--and love, he adds as he steps closer to her. As she meets his eyes, Kitty wonders, Can love cure me? I am sure it will, Edward replies. I am sure couldn’t live through this without you, she declares. She puts her hands behind his head, then remembers something and slowly lowers them. Have you talked to Jamison about the nosegay? she asks. Obviously lying, Edward says he did. I know you didn’t, Kitty says gently, but thank you for the kind lie. We will find out who left it--I know it, Edward promises.

Downstairs in the drawing room, Petofi is staring hard at the ruby ring on his deformed Hand, then hides when he hears someone coming. He steps out when Quentin starts to pour himself a brandy. Are there no other forms of relaxation available? Petofi asks. Not for me, Quentin replies. I’ll teach you some, Petofi suggests. I’m too tired and confused, Quentin says crossly--please leave me alone. You are becoming as inhospitable as Charles Tate, Petofi says as he turns on a lamp. I don’t want to hear his name, Quentin says. Love has made you bitter, Petofi observes. Leave me alone, Quentin says again. I’ll do better, Petofi replies, I’ll calm you. Don’t count on it, Quentin answers as he settles into an armchair. Petofi holds out the Hand as he comes over and says, Years ago, I learned a fascinating trick in the Middle East that will take your cares away completely. Not really interested, Quentin says grudgingly, You can show me if you leave afterward. Happily, Petofi replies as he holds out the Hand. This is an amazing Hand, he says, There’s no knowing what it can accomplish. You’ve seen my ring before? Already partly mesmerized, Quentin replies, I never noticed it before. The ring also comes from the Middle East, Petofi says. There is a legend connected with it. When you wear it, according to the legend, you make yourself available to begin a new life. Such a charming fantasy, isn't it? Fantasy perhaps, but, such agreeable fantasy.

Now getting down to business, the count places his hands on either side of Quentin’s head and asks, Would you like a new life? Quentin is very sleepy as he answers yes. Yes, who wouldn't? Petofi agrees pleasantly as he rubs Quentin’s temples. Even I... even I... Would you like to be as you are now in your new life? Quentin is nearly asleep as he murmurs, Never... never. As he continues to rub Quentin’s temples, Petofi tells him, Sleep... sleep. He lets go of Quentin’s head, which instantly drops to his chest. He is deep in slumber. Petofi leans over and seems to whisper into Quentin’s ear, then smiles. As Petofi steps out from behind the couch to face Quentin, we can see that the ring is gone from his Hand. Still asleep, Quentin raises his head as he murmurs, A new life. His work done, Petofi turns to leave. You may awake anytime, he tells Quentin. After Petofi leaves the house, Quentin wakes up. Petofi? he calls, then notices the count is gone. He brings his hand to his forehead--and notices the ruby ring. He stares at it in agitation as he remembers Petofi’s words: When you wear it, you make yourself available to begin a new life. To begin a new life. Would you like a new life, Quentin? Not with you! Not with you! Quentin replies. He tries to remove the ring, but it won’t come off. He wrestles with it for a moment, then stands and gives it several hard tugs. But it is all too evident that nothing short of amputation will get this ring off Quentin’s hand....

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0853
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2014, 01:47:30 AM »
Shortest VO ever?  By Thayer.  Kitty's dream again... Ang is visibly troubled by the romantic language in the poem.  After waking, Kitty says to herself that Ed said it wasn't necessary to understand any of this, because it was in her mind.  That would make it more urgent to uinderstand, wouldn't it?

It turns out that residents of the Old House stamp their books "Old House" or something, since Edward can tell from opening the R Burns book.  Ed thinks a pre-adolescent Ed would have given her Dunn.  I don't know who that is yet, except that I think he had to do with an Emma Thompson movie.  ("Wit")

I like very much the "something's wrong" version of Josette's theme used as background for the scene of Kitty at Jerimiah's grave, where he lyes.  "Wrong" notes, odd sounds.   I think scenes like these just bounce off us emotionally if we are marathoning DS, and know the whole story, but for viewers who had not seen Josette pop up as an issue for awhile, it may have been more fresh and less tiresome.

After commercials, we see Grayson and Lara just standing there waiting for their cue, Lara with hand out offering something to Grayson.  Then the switch is flicked on, and acting resumes...

Oh God, there Petofi is in Collinwood again!  They need screen doors to keep the pests out!  At the rectory, as Q pressures Julia to admit Barnabas is "alive" (or not in quotes), all I could think was that Petofi has her under constant "surveillance"...

Quentin enters the Drawing Room again, and is not the slightest bit surprised to hear Petofi's voice come at him from, behind, from out of the darkness.  Alright, all this personal service and attention from Petofi should seem very very suspicious.  A rehearsal takes place for the final Petofi plan, which makes this the beginning of the end for the 1897 storyline.  It's all going by far too fast.

My final observation: Quentin trying and failing to take a ring off his finger looks an awful lot like Quentin turning into a werewolf!
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0853
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2014, 03:59:31 PM »
Here is a biography of John Donne, 1572–1631. His love poetry is highly passionate and sometimes very explicit. I imagine Edward mentioned him just to impress Kitty with how much of an arty snob he was. 

You can find all of Donne's poems here--this page has his most famous one, "Death, Be Not Proud."

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0853
« Reply #4 on: December 15, 2014, 04:20:58 PM »
Thanks, DL!  Yes, a familiar phrase...
"One can never go wrong with weapons and drinks as fashion accessories."-- the eminent and clearly quotable Dark Shadows fan and board mod known as Mysterious Benefactor