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Discuss - Ep #0847
« on: December 03, 2014, 05:36:13 PM »
Robservations #847

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0847

Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0847
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2014, 08:55:24 PM »
Still seeking--something, financial reward, maybe?--Tim hopes to surprise Petofi with his big scoop about Barnabas. But he's in for a disappointment. Tim wonders if Beth is sorry about the news, but stiffly she tells him to be a good boy and maybe Petofi will reward his all-too-apparent greed.

Petofi takes the news to the old rectory, where Julia is preparing a rather large and wicked-looking syringe, which she quickly hides. She can barely speak for crying. Petofi doesn't improve her day when he tells her, You are alone now, friendless and unprotected in an alien world. You cannot stay here long. Soon you must return to the future. When you do, I shall be by your side. You will be under surveillance morning, noon and night. Good day to you, Doctor. He leaves Julia looking utterly lost.

The conscience-stricken Quentin is in the drawing room alone with his music when Amanda arrives. Naturally they declare their love (poor, faithful Beth!) and kiss passionately--just when Petofi walks in on them. Quentin is actually stunned to hear the news and rebels when Petofi tells him that his next assignment is Julia. But as before, he can't get out of it.

Quentin tries to get Amanda to leave Collinsport with him, but she pleads that she can't because she doesn't deserve to be loved. She wants to explain but can't, so she runs off.

Tim is Petofi's next recruit for trying the I Ching. What does it involve? Tim asks. Is there great danger? There is no adventure without its danger, the count replies. Does that frighten you? What do I get out of it? Tim asks. If you find what I am seeking, the count replies, you can name your own reward. Intrigued, Tim asks, Just what is it that I’m looking for? I will explain after I tell you how the I Ching works, Petofi replies. He leaves the room, and Tim gets up, taking a few steps around the room.

Once again, Julia risks everything by visiting Quentin at Collinwood. Once again she is wearing her red shawl--maybe it's really a Cloak of Invisibility. She says that Barnabas told her--before he was killed, that is, she corrects herself--to tell Quentin to get out of Collinsport pronto because Petofi is after him.  I’ve realized that myself, Quentin tells her. I’d advise you to either leave Collinsport or return to your own time. I can’t leave now, Julia says. There’s nothing to keep you here now, Quentin insists. I have to stay and complete Barnabas’s mission, Julia insists. If you stay another minute, you’re crazy! Quentin insists--I know what I’m talking about. Julia replies, Petofi is convinced that I will eventually show him the way to the future. He can't kill me. Quentin, _you_ are the target. You have got to get out before he traps you here forever!

Tim is sitting at the little table at the old mill. Following Petofi’s instructions, he has cast the wands. Petofi has arranged them in the following unexplained hexagram: blank, blank, bar, blank, blank, blank. Why didn't they explain the hexagram? Maybe because no hexagram on earth would give rise to the following vision. (What is it with people seeing Quentin doing this particular thing???)

Concentrate on the door, Petofi orders Tim, then pass beyond it. Remember everything you see beyond the door--that’s vitally important. As Tim begins to concentrate, the pattern begins to whirl. The door appears, and he passes through it. He sees a vision of Collinwood. Amanda is in the drawing room, confronted by a cloaked and hooded figure. She seems unable to escape, and the figure quickly begins to choke her. As they struggle, she pulls down her attacker’s hood to reveal a hideous red demon mask with bulging yellow eyes and protruding fangs. At that point the figure stops trying to strangle her, and they look at each other for a moment before Amanda tries to run out of the room. The man blocks her path, and she backs up toward the windows. The masked stranger draws nearer--and nearer--until she can’t back up any more. The stranger stands in front of her, and she pulls off the mask. The face underneath belongs to Quentin Collins. She screams, but he starts to strangle her again, laughing maniacally all the while.... 

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0847
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2014, 07:55:00 PM »
Grayson Hall delivers a kittenish voiceover intro, relishing "the infamous Count Petofi"... I'm always afraid this this treasured program of mine will turn out not to have been enjoyed or respected by its makers.  Grayson as Grayson (or as a neutral announcer) seems "into" it though...

We open with, groan, Tim again trying to ingratiate for a living.  Get a job!  He paces Petofi's empty Lair.  I do like how they allowed time for the actors to behave realistically, this time anyway, even though it drags down any action or plot.  Beth looks down her nose at him, which at her height is actually possible.  Petofi comes in, actually seeming as if he's been someplace and is getting ready to knock off for a bit.  He takes a few moments to choose to deal with Tim's presence.  I like how unhurried the scene was.  With DS, I'm always too conscious of the pressures of time upon them all, everyone making the show, and I like scenes like this, as an antidote to that.

Tim debuts suit #2 I think.  This one's brown.  Petofi is glad to hear Barnabas is "dead" (no one quibbles about that), and recent canary gourmet Tim seems astonished yet again that a shower of riches doesn't fall from the ceiling in response to the news.  It seems his one bravura performance as a blackmailer with Trask and Judith taught him a simple, absolute, and utterly wrong life lesson... that you can base a career on that.  He keeps trying to repeat that success, and it seems it will take about fifty failures or so to get through to him that he's made a fundamental mistake.

Petofi makes a lot of house calls these days.  He drops in on Julia, a sort of post-murder-attempt courtesy call, as I understand was de rigeur at the time.  I'd like to see Julia take her new confidence to extremes, which she's getting from knowing her own invulnerability.  Either she could do some cool, insanely risky things (not risky to her), or become overconfident and take the attitude too far.  They didn't get a chance to squeeze any of that in...  Petofi tells her Barnabas is "dead" (again no quibbling over words) and gets the reaction Tim didn't.  Julia gasps... then someone walks in and presents her on the spot with a Daytime Emmy.  In my mind that is.

If there is such a person as a "rector", I imagine he's bound and gagged in a closet as this conversation is going on.   Again, in my mind.

The (With)Drawing Room.  Quentin greets Amanda, who walks in in a very eye-catching yellow dress.  She and Nathan Forbes were made for each other.  I just remembered, I'm out of bananas.  Back on subject...  Q and Amanda use the Grand Central Station of Maine as their private love hideaway.  Angelique is way overdue to walk in.  Donna McKechnie calls Quentin Tim, then on her next line has to think for a moment to remember "Quentin".  Take that, poor innocent working actress who's just trying to do her job...  It can be fun noticing these things, though.

I like Petofi's lines in the drawing room scene with Q.  Gordon Russell though, not VW.  Well written scene overall.  Again we see Quentin thinking.

Tim does I Ching!  Unfortunately they let us down, showing just a warning that Amanda's in danger from Quentin.  I wonder which hexagram it was.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0847
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2014, 10:49:01 PM »
Tim actually gets to wear a brown suit and does it rather well, I think. Quentin and Barn wear various gray ones. Once in 1968 or so, Barn wore a brown suit but fortunately it was only once. And of course Nicholas Blair OWNED the color gray.

Amanda in her yellow frock would get a run for her money from Suki Forbes. Here's a link to DS Wiki. If you can't see it, she's wearing a butter yellow dress and hat with blue trimmings.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0847
« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2014, 11:11:39 PM »
Oh yes, Suki, one third of her height was hat!  Thanks... Now that's committment to the color yellow...
"One can never go wrong with weapons and drinks as fashion accessories."-- the eminent and clearly quotable Dark Shadows fan and board mod known as Mysterious Benefactor