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Discuss - Ep #0842
« on: November 26, 2014, 05:36:03 PM »
Robservations #842

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0842

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0842
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2014, 07:09:11 PM »
Lara VO in her Angelique voice.  I like the bit of backstory bewtween Petofi and Tate, where Tate reveals that in a sort of artists' gathering to do "experiments", he and others tried the I Ching, and that a woman went mad from it.  The Surrealists got together to do this or that kind of "experiment" in each others' apartments.  When I listened to a book on them, it was a familiar sort of idea, I think because of this DS conversation.

Petofi really ought to gather from the evidence at hand that Julia was killed, and Barnabas left with her body.  Instead I think he assumes he freed her somehow, because that's what viewers saw happen.  Well, Aristede could have screwed up.

Nice Ang/Julia scene.  I like their meetings.  I like Ang's wonder at Julia's being there, and Julia's manner of dealing with all this, and her.  We're left wondering if Angelique will ruin the new plan because it will result in Barnabas being cured.  After Ang leaves... ?  She leaves a message in the mirror for Julia, indicating their plan will go ahead, and work?

Tate creates a guy!  I love this part.  Poor seconds-old blank-headed guy in a nice suit, just sort of standing there... 
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0842
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2014, 05:21:09 PM »
I love Barn's moment of sheer fury at Aristede, very nicely done by JF (he roars very well). Then Barn realizes that he has to check on Julia, whether he wants to or not. Another nice shot when we see that the bullet has shattered the chair back without harming Julia.

Petofi makes Angelique an offer she can easily refuse, and does. It's fun to see Petofi in the wrong for a change, when he completely mistakes Angelique's motive for marrying Quentin, and it's also fun to see how she leads him along.

For some reason, we get a shot of a beautiful detail of the stained-glass window at the old rectory. I gues the director really wants us to know where we are.This makes twice in just a couple of days that Barn has to look after his "dear friend," this time settling her in a chair and giving her a cup of tea. Julia is recovered enough to discuss why she didn't die from being fatally shot. Julia says, I have only one explanation that makes sense. She provides it while gazing into a full-length, cobweb-streaked mirror: When you came back to the past, your physical body remained in the future. The same thing must have happened to me (even though we saw Julia’s physical body make the trip only five episodes ago!). That doesn’t account for the fact that you went unharmed tonight, Barnabas points out. I’m still vulnerable--why aren’t you? Because _you_ existed in this time before, Julia explains. You had a host body here to receive your essence--I didn’t (thus making him the only American to sleep through the Civil War). My physical being is still in the present, Julia finishes. Incredible! Barnabas exclaims. But now they have to make sure that Petofi never learns that he can't harm her. Meanwhile, Julia is irritated that Angelique has turned up--no doubt she remembers all the grief that Cassandra caused.

It is surprising that Petofi somehow assumes that Julia is still alive. BUT I suppose he arrives at that conclusion in light of the absence of blood that a very corporeal Julia would have shed. I guess because Petofi didn't find any bloodstains, he assumes that somehow Barnabas figured out Aristede's trap and defused it somehow, rescuing a live Julia. How Aristede could have kidnapped the incorporeal Julia, let alone tie her to a chair and gag her, the writers do not vouchsafe to explain. I guess they really do think they can have it both ways.

Apparently, Julia's note inviting Angelique to the old rectory must have given no hint of its sender, because for once Angelique is totally taken aback when Julia opens the door. Julia enjoys Angelique’s surprise and assures her matter-of-factly, I am who you think I am. But things degenerate from there, with Angelique warning Julia, Let me give you one word of advice, Dr. Hoffman. The pursuit of Barnabas Collins can lead to nothing but misery. He is a cold, harsh, unresponsive man. Who made him that way? Julia parries instantly, her voice sharp as a knife blade. Angelique has the grace to pause and look away. But she is amused when Julia says that Barn needs her help to conclude his by now very nebulous mission.

Eventually, Julia and Angelique have actually become frenemies in an indeclared temporary truce. Angelique allows that Julia's plan to help Barn is very clever. In the end the eternally vain Angelique uses the mirror to give Julia a hint of how she plans to help. And Julia is very well pleased. But the next thing we know, it's nightfall. Barn returns and says the plan (which Julia must have explained to him before dawn) has to be speeded up.

As if poor Amanda isn't tormented enough already by the knowledge that she is an artificial construct, Charles just has to prove it to her by drawing a man who then appears right before her eyes!

The director gives us another view of Petofi's beautiful music stand at the old mill. Naturally CDT's little tale of "experimentation" (in a nice, nonblustery turn by RD) takes place in--where else but that den of iniquity, Greenwich Village!  [hall2_shocked] Apparently Charles was quite a wild man before meeting Petofi.

Barnabas has departed for his day's rest. Apparently J

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0842
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2014, 06:56:44 PM »
Well, okay, I went back over my notes and found that Charles doesn't specifically mention Greenwich Village but does say that the "experiment" took place in New York, which I can tell you is iniquitous enough.   [hall2_wink]

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0842
« Reply #4 on: November 29, 2014, 11:53:15 AM »
Then Barn realizes that he has to check on Julia, whether he wants to or not.

I think about things like this, uncomfortable moments when after a horrible thing, you still have to get on with business.

It's fun to see Petofi in the wrong for a change, when he completely mistakes Angelique's motive for marrying Quentin, and it's also fun to see how she leads him along.

Are we sure he's wrong?

(thus making him the only American to sleep through the Civil War).

Good one... What was Gabriel doing I wonder, the "first time around"?

BUT I suppose he arrives at that conclusion in light of the absence of blood that a very corporeal Julia would have shed.

Didn't think of that, right...

How Aristede could have kidnapped the incorporeal Julia, let alone tie her to a chair and gag her, the writers do not vouchsafe to explain. I guess they really do think they can have it both ways.

Apparently an astral self has a sort of solidity, but the life force is untouchable because it's being "transmitted" from another place, the future?  Ghosts on DS can become solid for awhile.  I don't imagine their insides are human, organs, etc, but who knows?  Petofi having altered Julia's throat so she can't speak seems contradictory, now, though.  I'll have to Google "vouchsafe".

Who made him that way? Julia parries instantly, her voice sharp as a knife blade.

Excellent point, Julia.


A handy term, will remember that...
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0842
« Reply #5 on: November 29, 2014, 07:34:15 PM »
Thanks for your explanation of how Aristede was able to deal with Julia. Maybe he was so excited about (1) having someone new to torture and (2) a new method of torturing them that he didn't stop to realize that she was maybe slightly fuzzy around the edges.

Does Petofi really know that Angelique has made a deal to swap Quentin for herself in hell? Petofi probably knows that's where she's from, but maybe not her whole agenda.

During the Civil War, "first-time-around" Gabriel could have paid someone a bounty to be his substitute in the army. I can really see him doing that, the stinker.

Offline MagnusTrask

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0842
« Reply #6 on: November 29, 2014, 11:17:00 PM »
Does Petofi really know that Angelique has made a deal to swap Quentin for herself in hell? Petofi probably knows that's where she's from, but maybe not her whole agenda.

Actually, I didn't know about that.  I just meant, maybe Angeliqe's really in love with Quentin.  I won't say what I think I remember the reason being revealed to be later, but it's less interesting than what you said.

During the Civil War, "first-time-around" Gabriel could have paid someone a bounty to be his substitute in the army. I can really see him doing that, the stinker.

Another bit of history-- I think they did do that sort of thing, thanks...
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