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Discuss - Ep #0838
« on: November 20, 2014, 05:32:56 PM »
Robservations #838

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0838

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0838
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2014, 06:26:23 PM »
Lara VO... It's September tenth!  Bum bum BUM!  Quentin holes up in his room, the one place where any attacker would know to look for him.  Petofi walks right up to his bedroom door and knocks!  This was the period when anyone and his possessed brother could saunter right in the front door of the town mansion (well, the unlocked side door at least), and go up to any Collins's bedroom that s/he liked...  I thought I saw bits of that same fake blood (as in Q's death scene) on the floor as Petofi approached Q's door.  That made no sense.  They had the camera pointing down at it.  At this point it looks as if the corridor outside Quentin's bedroom is also, somehow, a library.  The wall is lined with bookshelves.

Petofi connects the dots for Quentin, showing him that his portrait now looks like its original subject again.  I suppose one could disbelieve him, about the cause of the cure actually being the portrait itself.  Petofi did seem to know the portrait had changed back before they looked at it, though.  It could be a sort of barometer of Q's status rather than a cause of anything, but at some point you just have to believe the guy, I guess.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0838
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2014, 01:50:40 PM »
Too bad there isn't any Magda/Julia scene. [spoiler]Though we learn they did meet once DS returns to the present time.[/spoiler]  It seems they didn't have the means to do a scene with an actor playing two roles at the same time until PT 1970 [spoiler]With Angelique & Alexis[/spoiler]

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0838
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2014, 04:05:52 PM »
I think it was always just a matter of whether or not they were willing to spend $ and time on editing.  [spoiler]Did they show Ang and Alexis onscreen at the same time?[/spoiler]
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0838
« Reply #4 on: November 21, 2014, 05:13:19 PM »
[spoiler]I'm pretty sure they did, MT, but my old notes say that they used a body double for Alexis and had her stand with her back to the camera so we could see Angelique's face. They did the same for the scene with both Julia and Hoffman, with Hoffman's body double also standing so we couldn't see her face.[/spoiler]

We saw in the lead-in to 1897 that Quentin's Room actually consists of two rooms: an outer, library-ish room, and Quentin's inner sanctum, with the roll-top desk and the wardrobe where Barn finds the I Ching--and presumably a big, comfortable bed that we never see (but that I'm sure Beth is more than familiar with).

Even if the front doors to the Great House were locked (as never seems to be the case), I'm sure that Petofi would have no trouble getting in.

The scenes with Beth and Jamison play out exactly as in the narrative of Beth the ghost, with several small differences. This time, after Jamison leaves her, Beth is furious. And of course, just as she aims the gun at Quentin, Petofi holds out the corrupt but powerful Hand and takes the gun from her. Quentin and Beth survive the encounter, but Beth is devastated at the loss of her disastrous love.

And now Petofi demands payment for saving Quentin's life. Quentin has followed Petofi’s advice and is pouring himself a brandy. When Petofi knocks, he invites the count in. Thank you for saving my life, Quentin says grudgingly. Petofi says, Your life was never really in danger--once I decided to change your fate. Why did you? Quentin asks. I’ve told you already, Petofi replies--I like you. And now I’ve come to ask for my price: I want you to perform a very great service for me. Angrily Quentin demands to know what it is. Petofi says, Barnabas Collins is a friend of yours. He will confide in you. I want you to find out from him exactly how he came here from the future and how he intends to return. He isn't to know, of course, that you are doing this for me. Quentin flatly refuses to become an informant. Petofi answers, You will find, Quentin, that you can refuse me nothing now. If it is payment you want for saving my life, Quentin says, I will do whatever I think is reasonable. Unmoved, Petofi replies, You will do whatever I tell you to do. You don't seem to understand the extent of my influence on your life. If it had not been for me, you would have been prowling the woods last night, looking for another victim. I prevented that. I did what no other living soul could do. I ended your curse. I don’t believe you’re responsible, Quentin says. Then why didn’t you change last night? Petofi asks. I don’t know, Quentin admits. Petofi says, I told you that it would be some time before you understood. But didn't things seem to become a little clearer when you returned to your room last night and saw your portrait? That portrait wasn’t of me! Quentin insists. Petofi insists back, It was your portrait, Quentin. It had the face of the werewolf because the moon was full. You mean-- Quentin starts but can’t bring himself to finish. Look at your portrait now, Petofi suggests. You’ll see what I mean. Quentin takes the portrait from the closet, uncovers it--and sees his own painted likeness staring back at him. (Apparently the moon was full for only one night this month.) Petofi presses his advantage: The portrait changed, Quentin, and you did not. What would you give if you could always look like that portrait the way it is now? I think I would give anything! Quentin answers far too hastily. Petofi says triumphantly, And so you shall. So it shall be! You will find that the betrayal of a friend is a small price to pay for what I offer you. You are impressed--I can see it. You have decided to join me and betray Barnabas Collins. A very wise decision it is, too! Yes, my dear boy. Now you belong to Petofi and--who knows?--perhaps to the ages!.........…

[For some reason, TD is credited as Professor Elliott Stokes, but of course he plays only Count Andreas Petofi in this episode.]

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0838
« Reply #5 on: November 21, 2014, 11:05:00 PM »
[spoiler]I think there's a blue screened Julia/"Hoffman" moment, where we see Grayson twice, but don't quote me...[/spoiler]

I thought of that, DL, about the inner and outer rooms of Quentin's, but since he's always in the outer room now, and it looked as if they'd done away with the inner room (putting the desk in  an alcove of the outer), I thought it couldn't be the outer that Petofi was in.  Do I want to go back and check?  Maybe I do.

At the end of Petofi's revealing of the secret of Q's cure, they sneak in the Dorian Gray line, the question-- What would you give to look like this forever?  It seems tacked on.  I'm not sure Quentin caught on, that he's [spoiler]immortal now.[/spoiler]  That's a second huge issue, and Q would have been stunned.

I've now heard the book of Dorian Gray, and I want to get through all books that DS storylines are based on.  Who wrote Turn of the Screw and isn't it just a short story?  I can just Google but I like asking friends these things more...
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0838
« Reply #6 on: November 21, 2014, 11:14:50 PM »
Henry James wrote "The Turn of the Screw," as well as several other ghost stories. It's sort of a short novel. Benjamin Britten wrote a wonderful one-act opera on it. And there's also the movie, The Innocents, with Deborah Kerr.

I think you're right, MT, that Quentin hasn't quite caught on that he is now immortal. I think he's so overwhelmed that he doesn't have to be a werewolf anymore that it just hasn't registered yet.

There's also a movie of Dorian Grey with a very young Angela Lansbury.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0838
« Reply #7 on: November 21, 2014, 11:26:40 PM »
Thanks DL.  I knew you'd know, somehow.  I knew the author was one I'd listened to a book of already; I just fished the wrong name out of my memory.  H James had two "periods" I think, the first part of his career where he wrote more straightforwardly, and later, when he got very wordy and flowery, call it what you will, and I tried a book from later H James.  Not sure I got through it, and I always try to get through a novel I've started no matter what.  TofS is an earlier story though.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0838
« Reply #8 on: November 22, 2014, 08:19:59 PM »
Have you ever tried "Washington Square"? It's also an early James novel, not very long, and later was made into a play and a movie, both called "The Heiress." Aaron Copland won a well-deserved Oscar for the movie music.

The plot, however, has nothing to do with any DS story lines.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0838
« Reply #9 on: November 22, 2014, 11:08:58 PM »
Just made a note of that, thanks...
"One can never go wrong with weapons and drinks as fashion accessories."-- the eminent and clearly quotable Dark Shadows fan and board mod known as Mysterious Benefactor