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Discuss - Ep #0831
« on: November 11, 2014, 04:46:10 PM »
Robservations #831

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0831

Offline MagnusTrask

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0831
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2014, 05:19:17 PM »
Lara VO?  Angelique doesn't fool around, when it comes to Trasks, even ones she's not all that acquainted with personally.  In saving Quentin from being shot after the transformation in the basement cell, she almost succeeds in having Trask blow his own brains out... with that same smug, utterly self-confident look with which he does everything!  She's like Barnabas in thinking that if certain people just disappeared, the world would lose nothing.

Is this basement cell (that Q is in) now in Collinwood, making it the same one Barnabas knocked Ben Stokes out in?  It seems to be the one Jamofi was kept in, in the Old House basement, which looked nothing like Maggie Evans' cell.  Hey, it's in some basement somewhere, whatever building it needs to be in that episode, that's all that matters, I suppose...

In another nice plot thread interweaving, but one that ties things together perfectly, it's Petofi arriving with the gift of Tate's painting which puts Trask off his suicide.  This Ang spell Petofi apparently can interfere with.  Is it hit and miss, whether Ang or Petofi is stronger, in any particular situation?  Petofi must have read Trask's mind, to do this.  There's some can of worms to open up, making the Count able to read minds... 

Magda can now keep secrets from Petofi.... she manages to lie to him.  I think Angelique's blunder-to-learn-from for the day is:  Never give your victim a count of three!  Just do it!  Trask would be smoking on the floor if she hadn't given Petofi those few seconds...
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0831
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2014, 06:24:48 PM »
While taunting Quentin, Trask refers to the field day the newspapers will have when they report that one of the "staid and proper" Collinses turns out to be a murderer. But Quentin has never been "staid and proper" for even one day of his life!

Angelique arrives, and Magda warns that Trask knows about Quentin. Angelique vows to deal with Trask. She is wearing a heavy gold chain with a pendant containing a large stone.

As we know from 1795, the Great House at Collinwood has its very own jail cell in the basement. Trask brings the still-groggy Quentin, who is holding his sore head, to the Collinwood basement cell, pushes him in, and locks the door. This is where Joshua locked up Ben and also where Barnabas locked up the possessed Jamison. (Note to MT: Ben knocked Barnabas out, then escaped, not the other way around.)

Angelique's big stone pendant turns out to be a (the?) jewel of antiquity, which she uses to take over whatever substitutes for Trask's mind. Trask is within an ace of blowing his brains out--with a silver bullet, no less--when Petofi arrives with Charles's portrait of Quentin, now completed. Petofi boasts about the portrait, but Trask doesn't respond, so Petofi realizes that Strange Forces Are at Work in This House. Oh, he says, someone has decided to prevent you from pursuing your duties. I won't have that, Mr. Trask. You must come within reach of your triumph--but only within reach. [For all we know, he set up the whole situation, complete with C/P’s visions.] The ultimate triumph for tonight will be Petofi’s, the count exults. I shall have it!

Nice moment: Even when Petofi grabs Magda by the throat with the Hand, she still manages to lie to him--at least for a moment. And he is at his most patronizing with Angelique, who is furious that he has thwarted her spell. Undeterred, he uncovers the portrait (with its back toward us).

Meanwhile, Trask is now released from Angelique's spell. He checks the time, realizes it's still before moonrise, and heads for the basement, gun in hand.

We get a good view of the portrait as Petofi boasts about it to Angelique, who is still furious at him. Oh, my dear Angelique, he says pleasantly, you mustn't be too angry with me. I do assure you, everything will turn out for the best. What is meant to be must be. Rewrapping the portrait, he continues, Now my dear, I think you should come with me. I don't want to let you out of my sight until after the moon has risen. It will be my night, you see. Oh, yes indeed! he laughs. My night indeed! He leaves the portrait and escorts Angelique out.

Quentin gets up from the cot where he was sitting as Magda hurries to the cell. She tells him, Angelique was trying to help you, but Petofi learned about it and stopped her. We must get you out! She takes the key from the wall and starts to unlock the door. Trask arrives the next moment, waving the pistol. Gypsy! Gypsy! he says. Get away from that door--unless you want to be locked in with your friend and get a really good view of what is going to happen! No! Magda exclaims as she backs away. Get out--and stay out! Trask orders. With a groan of despair, she runs as he takes the key out of the door. It almost worked, Quentin, Trask gloats, but whatever was happening could not stand up to one who has the Almighty on his side. With a grin, he says, There is no help for you now, Quentin, and there never will be. Quentin listens in abject terror as Trask winds up, In exactly one minute, the moon will begin to rise, and I will be witness to the fact that the transformation took place in my presence. Then the whole world will know what your secret is!......

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0831
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2014, 07:43:16 PM »
I suppose they could have been keeping Petofison in the main house, but it just seemed so much like Barnabas was dragging him out of the house to his own house, where he could control him.  At Collinwood, anyone could have wandered down from upstairs, or heard him calling...
"One can never go wrong with weapons and drinks as fashion accessories."-- the eminent and clearly quotable Dark Shadows fan and board mod known as Mysterious Benefactor