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Discuss - Ep #0825
« on: November 01, 2014, 03:14:06 PM »
Robservations #825

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0825

Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0825
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2014, 07:04:38 PM »
While Quentin waits for the count to make up his mind, Magda returns from the kitchen and finds Beth lying on the floor. Very much as Dr. Julia Hoffman would do, Magda checks and finds a pulse, smells poison in the brandy glass, and hurries out again. (Why Beth didn’t smell the poison isn’t explained; maybe she’s a teetotaler.)

With just two minutes to go, Quentin wonders aloud what a Petofi-versus-Angelique contest would look like. After the opening credits, Quentin drums his fingers on his knee as Petofi takes another sip of brandy. Quentin tells Petofi, You have about sixty seconds. Are you going to release Barnabas to me? Why do you need him? Petofi asks. Are you also going to the future? No, Quentin replies, if that’s your intent, I don’t share it. Because of the moon, my future is limited--but without Barnabas I don’t have a hope. You’re a fool! Petofi huffs. I told you I’ve already dealt with your curse. Prove it--in thirty seconds, Quentin dares him. How can I? Petofi asks. Yes, how can you indeed, Quentin sneers, and how can I believe you? If you won’t accept my word, it’s impossible, Petofi says, then swallows the rest of his brandy before continuing, Even if I offered to cure you tonight and go through some contrived ceremony, would you believe me? No, Quentin says flatly. I don’t want the gypsies to come here, Petofi says. Quentin asks, Why are you so afraid of the gypsies, with the powers you have? Petofi explains: The Romanos took my hand. One hundred years ago, the grinning Nicholas Romano took my severed hand in his and stared at me. I was still conscious despite the pain. I looked at Romano’s face and tried with all the power and pride that I ever had to take that smile away--to make him feel the pain I had felt. But I couldn't! Do you know how I hate each generation of those Romanos? Every male child born to them! he snarls. Quentin points out, Your explanation has left you with ten seconds... five seconds... to decide. The clock strikes one. Stop! Petofi cries. He raises the Hand to cover his face in defeat and tells Quentin, You can have Barnabas Collins. Quentin demands the key to the coffin. Petofi hands it over, and they go to the inner room.

Magda has somehow brought the much taller Beth up to her little room. Beth murmurs, If you hadn’t come into the room-- But I am good at coming into the room, Magda comments. Beth is weak but recovered enough to ask, What time is it? I must know the time! Her clock says 12:38, but it must have stopped. How long was I unconscious? she asks. I don’t know, Magda replies. Quentin is depending on me, Beth wails in despair. Oh my god, he may be dead! She tries to get up to find out what time it is, but Magda urges her to stay. If anything’s happened to Quentin, I’ll kill myself! Beth sobs. I didn’t give you gypsy herbs for that, Magda comments. She helps Beth sit back down on the bed and leaves.

The count watches as Quentin removes the last of the chains from the coffin. Then Petofi asks Quentin to wait until he leaves so that Barnabas won't see his humiliation. The instant he closes the door, Quentin opens the coffin and quickly removes the cross from Barnabas's chest and out of his line of sight. Barnabas suspects the count of a trick, but Quentin warns him to move fast.

Magda tells Beth that it's 1:05. Beth tries to get up to go to King Johnny, but Magda gets her to lie down again.

Barnabas and Quentin step into the main room. Petofi tells Barnabas, I have enjoyed your visit. One seldom has a visitor from another time. I’m ready to go, Barnabas tells Quentin, ignoring the count. I will see you again soon, Petofi assures him, so we can discuss my trip to the future. Barnabas insists yet again, We have nothing to discuss. We shall see, Petofi replies, then reminds Quentin, Before you go, there will be nothing said to King Johnny? You can rely on my word, Quentin assures him. That is why I like you, Petofi replies. I will leave you gentlemen to your new-found freedom. He pours himself a drink and raises the glass toward Barnabas: Until then, Mr. Collins, when we may meet again--and your friends cannot rescue you. After they leave, Petofi drains the glass and angrily crushes it in the Hand.

Petofi's unpleasant evening--and string of visitors--continues when Charles rushes into the room, furious that the count knew about Amanda two years ago--and knew that Charles drew her out of thin air. He presses the count for more information, but it's not good news: (1) Amanda is very fond of money; (2) she'll do anything Tim Shaw asks her to do; and (3) he's asking her to do some very questionable things. I don’t believe you! Charles declares. You’ll find out for yourself, Petofi replies calmly. Yes, I will, Charles declares. Now that I know she exists, I can’t forget her, and if it makes you feel any worse, I wouldn’t forget her even if I could. Petofi merely smiles.

Beth explains to Magda that "Charity" poisoned her out of jealousy over Quentin. Magda promises to read the cards for Charity with a prediction that something bad will happen to her if she harms Beth again and adds, Don’t take the note to King Johnny. Beth promises not to but complains, I feel so weak. Quentin is all right, Magda assures her. I would know if something had happened to him. He’s all right! Magda leaves Beth’s room, but the moment she starts down the hall, Istvan silently grabs her and covers her mouth to keep her from crying out.

Quentin promises to watch over Barnabas after dawn. Barn wants to check on Jamison, but his (B.'s) powers are limited because the count's mark is still visible on his hand. Now if only Beth hasn’t gone to King Johnny, he frets. Barnabas comments, How curious that you’d keep your word to a man like Petofi. Wouldn’t you? Quentin asks. The (at this stage more ruthless) Barnabas replies, If he were to leave this earth, we would have lost nothing. Suddenly, he says, I want to go to Collinwood and find out how Jamison is--dare I? he wonders. It’s very late, Quentin warns him, but Beth’s room should be safe. I still can’t disappear as I could before, Barnabas says, as long as I have the mark of Count Petofi. He shows Quentin his hand, the mark still visible. Come along, Quentin says, Jamison may need us.

Beth has actually staggered to the foyer--just in time to rush into Quentin's arms when he returns. Quentin actually notices her weakness but she assures him that everything is all right--now. She agrees to help him smuggle Barnabas up to her room. Barn frets that he could do so much more if he were accepted at Collinwood. When the three are up in Beth's room, she reports that Jamison, Edward, and Charity are all still possessed. Quentin decides to go look for Magda. Left alone with Barnabas, Beth is unhappy and remorseful. You must hate me for failing you, she says. With fervent remorse, Barnabas replies, No, Beth! I summoned you, it is true. But Petofi prevented you from coming to me. I blame him, not you. Oh Beth, I misused you! he cries, ashamed. You belong to Quentin. I will never use what powers I have to summon you again!

Down in the foyer, Quentin calls to Magda, but gets no reply.

Somewhere in the woods on the estate, Istvan has pushed Magda to her knees. Take pity on me, she pleads, but he only continues tying her hands behind her back. Still talkative even now, Magda tries again. Don’t you remember what your brothers did? she asks. Don’t you hate them for that? Istvan glares at her. If you untie me, she promises, I’ll hide you. My friends will take you anywhere you want to go. They will make sure you are safe. Istvan’s only reply is to gag her. [Magda helpfully clenches the gag in her teeth while Istvan attempts to tie it.] After a moment, they hear loudly crunching footsteps. A lantern comes into view in the foreground. Istvan doesn’t move, but Magda looks up, her eyes wide with fear.........

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0825
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2014, 02:40:02 AM »
Thayer VO.  Petofi never thinks to truth-test Q on Angelique being his accomplice, and waits to give way till the last nanosecond.  He HATES giving way.  Even to do so once is a humiliation, so much of onme that he drops his guard for a moment, and admits to it.  His personal wall is back up though, by the time Barnabas steps out.  The wall is feeble and forced.  He tries to stay cool in the face of defeat, and only shows how much it affected him, by the visible effort required to keep his defenses up.  This failure can't be blamed on Aristede.

Very well done by Thayer David, the whole thing, the flashback to the day the Hand was taken off, up to his having to give in.

 [candle_in_skull_2] [bat7628] [female_skull]

Magda carried Beth to her room?  Beth's clock isn't set for the time it's supposed to be.  Istvan sneaked right into Collinwood and managed to hide...and sneaked back out without Magda screaming her head off...  gag I guess. 

Beth murmurs, If you hadn’t come into the room-- But I am good at coming into the room, Magda comments.   I missed that DL..... funny.

So Q saves Barnabas.  They leave without his coffin, which is still at the Lair.  What's Barnabas sneaking back into Collinwood for, apart from chatting with Beth?  The coffin would have been the reason.  I like the mechanism under glass in the closing credits.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0825
« Reply #3 on: November 02, 2014, 06:18:06 PM »
Maybe Barn has more than one coffin--it would make sense for him to have a spare one tucked away somewhere.

Unfortunately, I can't find a pic of the mechanism under glass. Oh well.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0825
« Reply #4 on: November 02, 2014, 07:08:42 PM »
Thanks for trying... I'm sure they'll just say he has another coffin, but I thought that earlier in 1897 they established that was his one and only possible coffin, but I have no memory of it anymore. 
"One can never go wrong with weapons and drinks as fashion accessories."-- the eminent and clearly quotable Dark Shadows fan and board mod known as Mysterious Benefactor