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Discuss - Ep #0815
« on: October 18, 2014, 03:26:05 PM »
Robservations #815

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0815

Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0815
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2014, 07:23:05 PM »
Aristede continues to address Petofi as Victor, even after Count Andreas Petofi's identity has been revealed.

Petofi surveys his reattached hand with immense satisfaction--and refuses to honor his promise to cure Quentin and Jamison. Instead, he seizes Barnabas’s agelessly young hand in his own ugly, reattached one and tells him, When I take my hand away, you will see marks where my fingers have touched you. Until they disappear, you will be unable to indulge in your favorite trick--for that is what it is, isn’t it, Mr. Collins? I have no tricks, Barnabas insists stolidly. I was positively jealous when Aristede told him about it, Petofi says as if Barnabas hadn’t spoken. Releasing Barnabas’s hand, he says, That is all there is to it. He and Aristede share a laugh, then he tells Barnabas, Try to disappear, for our sake, so I know I have some power. After all, you doubted me. Now you can test my powers--or are you afraid? No, Barnabas says, but I will disappear, because I must know what has happened to Jamison. I am interested in the boy too, Petofi assures him. I will be back no matter what happens, Barnabas promises, to make sure you live up to your part of the bargain. He tries to dematerialize--but he can’t. Stunned, he tries again as the other two laugh at him. He turns into a dark silhouette, but can’t manage anything further. Well, Mr. Collins, Petofi says, you have returned _before_ you disappeared. Never doubt this, he says, waving his hand in Barnabas’s face. Never!

Meanwhile, Quentin checks Jamison's pulse and is desperate to know why his nephew hasn't recovered.

Barnabas has apparently given up trying to dematerialize. Aristede pours more Champagne for Petofi. Join us, Petofi invites Barnabas. Then we can discuss the matter like gentlemen. Barnabas angrily tells Petofi, I made the biggest mistake of my life [so to speak, and we know it’s his second-greatest mistake] when I dared to trust him [i.e., Aristede] or you. You judge us too harshly, says Petofi. Only because he doesn't know us, Aristede chimes in. I know you! Barnabas snaps. At that moment, Quentin comes downstairs, heatedly demanding to know why Jamison hasn't been cured. Barn reminds Petofi that he's paid the agreed-on price. The price has changed, Petofi replies coldly. Barn tells Quentin to go back to Jamison while he deals with Petofi.

Petofi names his price: a trip to 1969. Barnabas pretends not to know what the count is talking about--until Aristede shows him the Collins Family History (published in 1967). Now that he has his hand back, he's sure the gypsies won't rest until they get it back again. I can’t take you to 1969, Barnabas protests. I don’t know how to get there myself. My reason for coming here was vital, and I intend to _try_ to return. We will try together, the count declares. Do you think this is some sort of carriage ride? Barnabas asks. I don’t understand what powers I had to get here. I had no formula written down. I used only my concentration. With your powers, you should be able to figure out a quicker and smoother way. Petofi doesn’t believe one word Barnabas has said: Would you like me to show you why you should return to your own time while you can? he asks Barnabas. I can show you, using my psychic powers, the end !He opens the large cupboard that has previously been mentioned; even though it appears to be empty, he asks Barnabas, What do you see? I see only the inside of the cupboard, Barnabas answers, but Petofi tells him to wait: Soon you will see your own death!

Sure enough, whatever far-seeing device Petofi has in the cabinet warms up in a moment or two, and Barnabas sees his own portrait--the 1967 one--hanging over the fireplace at the Old House. Julia is sitting in a chair by the fire, reading, when David stumbles downstairs, barely able to hold the banister, calling to Quentin. Julia hurries to him. Why are you out of bed? she asks. I must go to Quentin, David says. He needs me! Please let me go! No, Julia tells him as she shakes her head, Quentin does not need you. I can hear him calling to me! David insists. Fight, Julia urges him. Reject him--you must! She seats him in her chair and pleads, Reject him! No, David cries out, then collapses. Julia hurries to her medical bag, takes out a hypo and gives him an injection. She calls out David’s name. Quentin, David calls one more time, then subsides again. Julia watches him intently. [Remember that in 1969 everyone is staying at the Old House because the ghostly Quentin has taken over Collinwood.]

Is David dying? Barnabas asks. Petofi simply stares at him. David? Dying? he asks. I don’t seem to know the name. You caused that vision to happen, Barnabas reminds in. You have that power. I must know! But you saw your own death, Mr. Collins, Petofi answers, mystified. Equally mystified, Barnabas says with some wonder, I didn’t see what you did, you can’t see what you’ve caused. How can you be sure? Petofi asks. Who did you see? he asks the count. David, Petofi relies. Who else, Barnabas asks. I did not recognize the others, Petofi replies. There was only one other, Barnabas tells him. What name was mentioned? What name do you know? (Even now, he’s protecting Julia.) Yours, I presume, guesses the count. Your powers do have limits, don’t they, Barnabas realizes with a smile. Obviously, the count huffs, or I wouldn’t need you to take me to a distant time. I have told you once-- Barnabas starts, but Petofi interrupts him. You didn’t give the one answer. We should give him more time, he tells Aristede. Obviously, Aristede says fawningly. Time to overcome his scruples, Petofi continues, time to watch the Collins family disintegrate. He tells Barnabas, I suggest you leave--it’s nearly dawn, and you have much to reflect on. You need time to realize I have been honest with you, Barnabas replies. If there were some way to accomplish what you want, I’d be forced to do it--but there is not. We shall see, Petofi says. Barnabas leaves (by walking up the stairs and out the door).

Maybe he’s telling the truth and can’t return to his own time, Aristede suggests with some surprise. No, Petofi says, Barnabas thinks he can win. He thinks he can accomplish whatever he came here to do and disappear without me. What will you do? Aristede asks. Something I learned from Lord Kitchener, Petofi replies: When the first plan of battle fails, launch the second one immediately.

At the Old House, Magda is waiting for Barnabas to return. As she watches in dismay, Aristede and Petofi burst into the room through the louver doors (“Willie’s door”). Aristede is wearing several lengths of heavy chain around his shoulders. How did you get in? she asks. How did you get in? she asks. Petofi explains, Aristede is very clever at finding secret tunnels--he has the instincts of a mole. I will not help you, she says stoutly. I think you will, Petofi says, holding up his reattached hand. Perhaps your master didn’t have time to tell you about this. She gasps, horrified. You’ll help us whether you want to or not, Petofi boasts.

As the sun rises, Magda leads Petofi and Aristede to the West Wing at Collinwood, Barnabas’s latest hiding place. We can learn from Mr. Collins, Petofi tells Aristede as he surveys the coffin, adding, This is an ingenious move on his part. Yes, you can, Magda agrees. Aristede takes out a length of chain, and Petofi barks at Magda, Silence! I am the only one who can speak. Open the coffin, he orders Aristede. Magda has to watch while Aristede does so, revealing Barnabas, asleep and helpless. Petofi places a gold cross on Barnabas’s heart, commenting, I’m afraid you are fighting a losing battle, Mr. Collins. Aristede closes the coffin. Chain him, Petofi orders, chain him securely for his long sleep. Aristede knocks off his hat in getting the chains from around his shoulders, but follows his master’s orders all too effectively, finishing by putting a heavy padlock on the chains....

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0815
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2014, 12:25:42 AM »
Grayson VO.  Heh heh heh!!  It is MINE!!  Thayer underplays it this time around.  Just before the Count made his big appearance, Barnabas had been starting to assault Aristede, but what did he actually do?  He did a little bit of... something, and Aristede sort of slumped to the floor, but in a sitting position, with a silly smile on his face... Stroka perhaps thinking he was off camera...


Petofi introduces himself to Barnabas.  Did they really not meet before?  Maybe not.  Barnabas then proceeds not to learn his lesson as to how to deal with a sort of crazy narcisisst whose help you badly need.  He taunts Petofi rather than listening to him, and is deprived of his ability to dematerialize as punishment.  That's very bad for a vampire, I realized after thinking about it.  He can't afford to get very far from home now.  Imagine if you'd die if you didn't get home by sunset... If he plaaned his day poorly, he'd have to run home across town to get to the coffin, just as DS fans all across the country were running home to see him.  He has to slip in and out of Collinwood unobserved through an actual door, every single day.

 [skelleton_runs] [skelleton_runs]

They're all pestering Petofi about ending Quentin's curse... I wonder if it occurred to Barnabas even once that if Petofi could end that curse, maybe he could actually end Barnabas's too.  If he had, he might have been less reckless in dealing with him.

So, a turtleneck on Petofi?  I think they might have started around that time.  Dirk had one.  You can't go wrong with a black turtleneck.  I possess several.  Come to think, I have one on now.  I wonder if Petofi's usual turned-down collar is anachronistic, though.

With this episode's flash-forward to '69, we have two different Grayson characters in two consecutive scenes!   It's slipping my mind why Magda has to obey Petofi.  Barnabas is crossed and chained in the coffin in the Lair, where he's going to stay for a very long time, while Mr. Frid is off doing something interesting with his career, I'm sure.  He didn't play other roles to my knowledge, though...
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0815
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2014, 04:12:19 PM »
Petofi put the hex on Magda a few episodes ago, and he waves the reattached hand at her now, so for the time being she has to obey him.

I don't think Barn and Petofi had officially met until now. Not a good day for Barnabas.

Wow, is Petofi really wearing a turtleneck? I remember that a lot of contemporary DS characters did. I guess Petofi was some kind of prescient trend setter.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0815
« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2014, 09:17:15 PM »
I think the turtleneck was a sort of turn of the century "invention".  In a Dr Who from the start of the 20th century, they had them.  They were lighthouse workers.  It might have been a new, better way of keeping warm.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0815
« Reply #5 on: October 22, 2014, 09:53:24 PM »
That makes sense, MT!

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0815
« Reply #6 on: November 09, 2014, 09:42:11 PM »
Isn't it interesting that in Barnabas' absence (while he sits in the basement in his I Ching trance) someone at the Old House decided to take down the green drapes that normally hang in the drawing room and to put up the orange ones that hang in the room in 1897:


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Re: Discuss - Ep #0815
« Reply #7 on: November 09, 2014, 10:15:50 PM »
Ha ha ha ha ha!!  [hall2_grin]