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Discuss - Ep #0813
« on: October 16, 2014, 02:58:02 PM »
Robservations #813

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0813

Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0813
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2014, 08:38:58 PM »
Evidently this ep. exists only as a black-and-white kinescope.

Fortunately, Nora can't open the wooden box, so she wraps everything up again and goes to bed.

J/P and Aristede meet in the woods and decide that Aristede will distract Tim while J/P--in his Jamison persona--will work on Nora to get the hand back.

At the Collins Port Inn, Tim Shaw is sitting in the restaurant that will eventually become Maggie’s place of employment. These are its salad days, so there are potted palms all around. Tim is surprised to see Jamison so late, but J/P has a cover story ready. I thought you were sick, Tim says, then immediately realizes his error. He covers up by saying, I called Collinwood. Nora told me that you had been ill. I was ill for a few days, J/P says, but I’ve begun to feel much better. They chat until Tim says he's waiting for a young lady. J/P says he'd like to meet her, but slips into Petofi mode for a moment, earning a look from Tim.

Meanwhile Amanda enters Tim's room, but before she can even turn on the light, Aristede grabs her and drags her in. Aristede slaps her but eventually is persuaded that she really doesn't know anything about the hand. But he holds the Dancing Lady to her throat despite her protests that she's never even seen the carved wooden box. There was a box in Tim’s room earlier, she says. Now you’re being sensible, Aristede says with satisfaction. What did it look like? It was an ordinary box wrapped in paper, she replies (even though Nora undid a cloth wrapping)--Tim took it away. Where did he take it? Aristede asks. I don’t know, Amanda says, weeping now. I asked him where he was going, but he wouldn’t say. I think you’re either extremely loyal or extremely foolish, Aristede comments. I’ve told you everything I know, she says, foolishly hoping Aristede will finally go away. No, not everything, he tells her: I want details. I want to know every deal that Mr. Shaw made, every person he spoke to. I advise you to remember it all very clearly!

I don’t know when Aunt Judith will be out of the rest home, J/P tells Tim as they continue their conversation. Still in Jamison mode and having no reason to lie about it, J/P tells Tim, My father has been to see her, but he says she’s still very sick. It appears our Reverend Trask has become quite the lord of the manor, Tim comments. Yes--he acts as though he _owns_ Collinwood, J/P complains. Well, Tim says philosophically, all things, good or evil, come to the same end. He's just about to check for Amanda at the front desk when Aristede strolls in and comments, Mr. Shaw! I almost didn’t know you with your new clothes. (Of course he would notice Tim’s fine new threads!) Tim replies, I remember you (obviously not fondly). We met at the Blue Whale. I delivered a message for you to Quentin Collins. Yes, and then you suddenly disappeared, Aristede comments. Tim gives him the same reply he gave J/P: I was out of town on business. I assume it had nothing to do with delivering messages, Aristede jokes. They share a pretend laugh, then Aristede says, If you’re going to be in town for a while, perhaps we could get together for a drink. He says good night and leaves. He is a very strange man, Tim comments to J/P. Who was he? J/P asks. I never saw him before. I met him only once, Tim says. I’m not sure I like him. Excuse me--I must find Amanda. I hope we’ll see you at Collinwood before you leave, J/P says politely. You will, my boy, you will, Tim assures him as he puts on his top hat. (Why? He’s not going out!) After he leaves, J/P grins triumphantly.

And Tim doesn't go outdoors but upstairs, where he is dismayed to find Amanda unconscious on the floor of his room.

Aristede and J/P confer in the woods again and decide that Nora must have the hand at Collinwood. Mr. Shaw made one mistake when he spoke to me earlier, J/P says with sudden realization. He claimed he spoke to Nora on the telephone, but I think he spoke to her in person, at Collinwood. So we must go to Collinwood and speak to Nora! Aristede exclaims, perhaps anticipating the pleasure of torturing a little girl. No, J/P tells him for the third time in a row, you must stay right here. After all, I’m her brother. I think I can get her to tell me what I want to know. He goes off whistling while Aristede smiles at his master’s cleverness.

Tim seems genuinely concerned for Amanda and genuinely sorry she got hurt. Tim insists on knowing what her attacker looked like. He was thin, Amanda says, not very tall. He wore a cape and a strange-looking foreign hat. Aristede! Tim says instantly. Do you know him? Amanda asks in alarm. I met him once, but I know nothing about him, Tim replies, then asks her, How much did you tell him? How much _could_ I? Amanda replies crossly. Nothing he said made sense to me! Good, Tim says with some relief. They’ll be back of course, he continues, back for the hand--but they shall not find it, not where it’s hidden, he adds smugly. We can’t stay in this town! Amanda pleads. We’ve got to get out of here before we’re killed! No, Tim answers, we’re safe as long as the hand is secure. We will stay till I accomplish what I’ve set out to do.

J/P wakes Nora up and claims to be disappointed that Tim visited her but not him. Nora insists Tim made her promise not to tell. I’ll bet he saw everyone else in the whole house except for me, J/P complains. No, Nora assures him, I’m the only one. Did he tell you that? J/P asks. Yes, she insists. I’ll bet he saw Beth and Charity, J/P whines. No, Nora insists, he doesn’t know Beth and him and Charity have never gotten along very well. I’m going to ask Beth and Charity. Even if he did see Beth and Charity, Nora brags, I’ll bet he didn’t bring them a gift! J/P is rooted to the spot for a moment. Barely able to contain himself, he asks, He brought you a gift? I want to see it. I promised I wouldn’t show anyone, Nora says. I’ll bet you don’t have it, J/P says slyly. You can’t show anything you don’ really have. I do so have it, Nora retorts, it’s in my dresser! She brings out the pendant to show him. What else did he give you? J/P demands. I know he gave you something else. No, Nora insists, I’m not lying to you! Yes, you are--I can tell! he shouts back. It’s somewhere in this room! He gave you a box, and you’ve hidden it in this room! No, she cries desperately. Tell me where it is! J/P insists. I can’t, she wails, I made a solemn promise! J/P grabs Nora’s arm and twists it behind her back. You’re hurting me! she protests. I don’t care, J/P says remorselessly. I don’t want to hurt you, but I will unless you tell me where it is. What’s gotten into you? Nora cries in pain. Tell me where it is! J/P says harshly. In tears, she tells him it’s in her closet. He lets her go and ignores her as she cradles her hurt arm. Gleefully he takes out the carton, unwraps it, and opens the casket. (Nora’s off camera, so we can only hope she doesn’t see the monstrous object.) Lifting the hand up triumphantly in his still-attached left one, J/P says quite as if he’s found that Sweet Mystery of Life, I’ve found it! At last I’ve found it!....

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0813
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2014, 03:02:37 AM »
Lifting the hand up triumphantly in his still-attached left one, J/P says quite as if he’s found that Sweet Mystery of Life, I’ve found it! At last I’ve found it!....

Chuckle, DL.  I always connect that song with Madeleine Khan in Young Frankenstein...

Kinescope.  Nora to Tim: "I love secrets!"  You've come to the right place.  In fact Nora, now the secrets are coming right to your room, you don't even have to go looking.  Can the Hand act if it's in the box with the lid closed?  She could be in danger.  Nora can't open it... it seems to be locked. 

 [candle_in_skull] [candle_in_skull]

Aristede with a cheroot.  I don't know what makes it a cheroot, but DL you tell me it is one, so it is.  Henesy is good.  You can see Petofi thinking, watching Henesy's face.  He even catches his own mistakes well.  He and Aristede now know Tim's back, and J/P wonders, sensibly enough, why he would ever come back, knowing dangerous men want the Hand.  Though does he know?  Tim ran off with the Hand the second he laid eyes on it, after overhearing one conversation that only told him it had powers.  He met Aristede once, knows nothing about him, and his information from Evan may not have told him anything about VFG or his being Petofi.  For that matter, when and how would Evan himself have found out that VFG was Petofi... did he meet VFG?  He knows now, though, since he warned Trask not to mess with Petofi.

 [skull_winks] [skull_winks]

Jamofi finds Tim at some hitherto unseen Collinsport restaurant.  (It may be the ancestor of the diner I suppose, DL, but that's a real devolution, fancy restaurant to greasy spoon...)  No more Blue Whale for Mr. Moneybags.  Good scene.  Offscreen, J/P fills Tim in on Trask and his taking charge of Collinwood. 

 [8_1_215] [8_1_215]

Jamofi and Aristede confer in the woods.  J/P leaves to interrogate Nora, with the camera lingering on Aristede for a few moments, standing on his own with a ridiculous smile on his face.

Is Jamison much taller than Nora now?  He threatens her and towers over her menacingly.  Petomisofi has the Hand!!!!  ... but he still has to transport it to himself.  Maybe he should open the box and say "Fly now, my pretty!!"; maybe it would teleport itself to Petofi's bedside as it did with Charity.  Anyway, J/P actually opens up the box, revealing the grotesquery that is the Hand, and we don't see or hear any reaction from Nora.  Presumably she did see it just then...
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Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0813
« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2014, 05:24:21 PM »
Entirely agree on that song, MT!

Now I have an image of the hand flapping itself to the old mill. What is the sound of one hand flapping, I wonder.