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Discuss - Ep #0792
« on: September 17, 2014, 04:04:35 PM »
Robservations #792

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0792

Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0792
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2014, 10:22:09 PM »
Aristede (who seems to know all about Quentin and the hand) says he can be very persuasive. To prove it, he reaches under his cloak and pulls out-- the Dancing Girl, which he says was made by a Persian swordsmith but which looks remarkably like a piece of wood. Eventually Quentin is forced to put it on the desk as Aristede holds the Dancing Girl at his throat. Though Aristede is at least a head shorter than Quentin, he is armed and Quentin isn’t. He backs Quentin all the way to Evan’s desk, then takes the box with his other hand. Delighted to have met you, Mr. Collins, he says jauntily on the way out--so sorry we won’t be meeting again. He exits laughing, leaving Quentin furious.

Quentin tells Magda that someone took the hand from him. She figures that Johnny Romano sent somebody at last, and that now she'll be killed. She makes a break for it, but Quentin grabs her tells her she would never escape "that young man." Magda is relieved, because the tribe would have sent an elder after her. Quentin is sure Angelique can take on the entire tribe. He tells Magda to light some black candles. His voice almost ecstatic, he summons Angelique from the pits of hell.

Angelique appears, all right--to Evan. Her characteristic laugh announces her presence as he comes to. She tells him she needs his help to get back into the Collinses' good graces, especially since she quarreled with Barnabas. It's really very simple, she says. Not so simple when your fiancé is a vampire, Evan shoots back. Angelique plays the artless innocent and claims she became Barn's helpless victim. (Yeah, right!) Eventually she and Evan strike a deal to get back at Trask, mainly because she's more powerful than he is. But first she wants Evan to tell her all about the object that Quentin stole from him.

At the Old House, Quentin continues calling to the spirit of darkness to come to him, but nothing happens. It’s no use, Magda tells him. I want to keep trying, Quentin protests, but she says sharply, Give up and go! I gotta leave before the gypsies get me. I don't want you to go! Quentin argues as he blocks her path. Don't try to stop me! she cries. She opens the door to leave--and finds Angelique standing there. You answered my summons! Quentin exclaims. Angelique looks at him, knowing full well who he is, as she calmly enters the house. I didn't realize that, she says offhandedly. I was just passing by. How did you know me? he asks. Judging by your present appearance, she says, that must be quite a powerful hand. Evan told me all about it. What business do you have with Evan? Quentin asks suspiciously. You'll find out in time, she says. But right now, I want to see the hand. You can't, Quentin says. I don't have it. Evan said you did, Angelique says with an edge to her voice. You'd better not be lying. Quentin _had_ the hand, Magda says, but someone took it from him. Someone _else_ took the hand? Angelique asks interestedly. This becomes more intriguing by the moment. Who took it? Magda describes how she stole the hand from King Johnny Romano to try and end Quentin's curse. Highly amused, Angelique says, The curse--you two have been busy. I think you'd better tell me everything--I don't like half truths. I’ll tell you all about it--if you promise to help us. First I’ll listen, Angelique replies, then perhaps.… Go on, Quentin, she prompts him. Begin.

Evan hesitates a long time, then picks up the phone and asks the operator to get him Collinsport 332. LE apparent had the day off, but from Evan's reaction, Edward seems to go into a rant about Barn's fiancée. Evan tells him that the situation isn't how it originally appeared. "The poor girl told me some things you ought to know," he says.

Quentin and Magda have brought Angelique up to date. The man had a knife, so I had no choice, Quentin concludes. Leave the room, Angelique orders Magda. Why? Magda asks crossly. Go! Angelique orders her, and don’t eavesdrop! What I have to say is between me and Quentin. With a scornful twitch of her multicolored skirts, Magda flounces upstairs. Quentin asks Angelique, Are you willing to help me? For a price, she replies--which I will tell you in time. [Quentin should have known!] You're asking a lot of me, and I may ask a lot of you, she warns. Are you prepared to accept that? Quentin hesitates, fearful of the price, which he knows will be high. What do you want from me? he asks. I find your hesitation amusing, she says. Could you possibly be in a worse predicament than you are now? His silence is acknowledgment enough. Forgive me, she says, you needn’t answer. I’ll agree to recover the hand as part of my good-will, then I’ll name my price and you can decide. This sounds like a deal to Quentin. Now tell me what this stranger looks like, Angelique says.

Aristede is strolling on the docks, enjoying the night air and looking for adventure. He is about to pollute said air by lighting a cheroot when a strikingly beautiful blond woman in a garish pink and gold dress steps up and blows out the match. They strike up a conversation. She smiles radiantly at him. He asks, Is it customary for women of this town to be here? Are you a stranger? she asks. Yes, he says. So am I, Angelique says. Where are you from? No place--every place, Aristede says, trying to impress her. That intrigues me, she says with a smile. I was hoping to do so, he says. You did, she assures him, smiling. I am someone waiting, he says. For whom? she asks. You, he says, without missing a beat. I don't believe you, she says. Don't you? he asks. I'll pretend I do, she replies, since it's lonely being a stranger here. Where are you from? he asks. No place--and every place, she answers lightly, and they share a laugh. Are you trying to sound like me? he asks. I can, she says. It's my profession. I'm an actress, a puppeteer who arrived with a puppet troupe. Why aren’t you with the others? he asks. The truth is, she says, I had a quarrel with my.… Gentleman friend, Aristede finishes politely. Yes, she sighs, adding, I felt so terrible, I came down here to be alone, but it's much worse being alone. He takes her in his arms, assuring her, You aren't alone now. She pulls away flirtatiously and suggests, Why don’t I entertain you while you’re waiting. His eyes widen with appreciation as he says, I'm sure you can. Let me show you what I can do, she says. Anything, he agrees. Give me your handkerchief, she says. He takes the red handkerchief from his coat pocket. She holds it up to her nose. Ah, a very expensive scent! she says appreciatively. I like what's pleasing to the senses, Aristede says. I do, too, she agrees. She takes out what Barnabas's toy soldier, the famous “member of the regiment“ that protected David long ago. That's you, she says. Do you recognize yourself? she asks as she wraps his handkerchief around the little figure. Not so dapper as you, of course, she continues, but definitely you. Turn around and he'll call to you in your own voice--what's your name? Aristede, at your service," he replies with a bow. I like that, she says--turn around. When he turns his back to her, she wraps the handkerchief around the soldier's neck and calls, Aristede! in a high, girlish voice. Aristede laughs, observing, That isn't at all like my voice. No, she agrees, a sly look replacing her flirtatious expression. But I did fool you, she says, tightening the red handkerchief around the soldier's throat--and Aristede promptly begins to choke. What's happening? What are you doing to me? he gasps. Choking you, she says with her more usual nonchalant cruelly. Stop! he begs her, clutching his throat. When I get the hand, she says, shocking him. Give it to me quickly, she orders him. Any moment now, it will be too late. To emphasize her point, she viciously pulls the handkerchief tighter and tighter....

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0792
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2014, 02:46:10 AM »
Lara VO.  Aristede's eyes are vacant, zombie-ish.  At this point, he could be anything.  Quentin later recounts the meeting to Magda, and lets out a very forced phrase, "that young man", as if anyone would remark on that... Magda thinks they'd only send elders to muscle the Hand back. 

At this point I noticed how Grayson would raise her brows while narrowing her eyes, a human facial expression that may actually belong to her alone.  I suspected I might not even be able to do it myself, but I can.  I just never had reason to...

MF Quentin's incantation to summon Angelique is all acting and candles!  There are no set magic words, no special technique.  I swear, just light a candle and look at it, on DS, and you're off and running in the magic spell department.  Barnabas once did it by turning his head slightly, and talking at an already lit candle that just happened to be there, to provide light in the room, and him not even being a witch or anything.

As it turns out, Ang is already back, hovering and waiting for Evan to wake up from Q's blow.  She wants re-admittance to Collinwood as vamp victim.  I can recover from my trauma so much better in a lovely mansion, I'm sure she'll say... I thought she was on a mission from Quentin, having heard about the Hand incident from him, but no, just coincidence.  After Evan fills her in and promises to help her with Edward, she saunters by the Old House (where she's been since Barnabas went on the run is a very good unanswered question), where I guess she gets to laugh inwardly at Quentin's lame amateur attempt to get her attention that failed.

In exchange for a price to be named later, Ang goes hunting, for Aristede.  This is a great scene, with an unexpected nice flavor to it.  We get to see her put her charm into overdrive, and it's pretty intense.  Both of them are turning it on as much as they know how to.  The whole puppeteer thing is a nice diversion from the usual gloom.  Of course, yes, that's what she strains at all times to be, a "puppeteer".  I wonder if the writers chose that as a genuinely period thing, whether there were roaming puppet shows in 1897. 

Intrigue in 1897 now.  Excellent.
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Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0792
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2014, 02:26:10 PM »
I'm trying to remember when Barn just turned his head, eyeballed an already lit (and presumably not black) candle and talked at it.

I wondered about Angelique's whereabouts too. She certainly wouldn't have gone back to hell, so I'm sure she was hovering nearby somewhere in the Collins universe, probably laughing up her sleeve at everthing that's been happening, not just mere humans' lame attempts to summon her. She probably decides to materialize when it suits her purposes. She already seems to know all about the hand and about Aristede too.

There were all kinds of traveling shows in 1897, including puppet shows, I'm sure. The whole Punch and Judy thing was hundreds of years old by then, so Angelique must have seem it somewhere, maybe even in Martinique.