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Discuss - Ep #0791
« on: September 16, 2014, 03:24:18 PM »
Robservations #791

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0791

Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0791
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2014, 02:33:17 PM »
Trask and Evan continue their cruel gaslighting of Judith. And now we know why. They have to break her completely in order to get her to sign everything over to Trask. CB is truly scary as Minerva.

Evan assures Trask that he is now the Master of Collinwood--as long as Judith remains ill. Trask assures Evan that Judith will remain ill for a very long time. I suppose that murdering her so soon after murdering the first Mrs. Trask might arouse the suspicions of even the Collinsport constabulary.

Great scene by JB: Still seated at the desk, Judith seems to be in a trance. Minerva is still watching as Trask returns to the room. Dear Judith, Trask says. Winter comes early this year, Judith says in a high, childish voice. I hate snow, Carl. I don’t want to play in the snow. It’s quiet, like death. Edward is dead--did you know that, Carl? I don’t remember. Don’t bury me in the snow, Carl, don’t bury me, she pleads as Trask strokes her shoulder. Don’t bury me alive.

Back at home, Evan resumes his black ceremonial robe and relit the black candles. As he starts the ceremony to reverse the spell, someone (another actor) runs across the screen and yells, Jesus! We hear people talking in the background, but Evan never falters. He calls on the Prince of Darkness and tells Minerva’s spirit, I am content with you, but now I want to leave you in peace. I will allow you to retire without noise and with no further evil.

Minerva follows Trask as he leads Judith to the Tower Room. Judith says, She must go at once. I dismissed her. Good ladies’ maids are hard to find. She must go, she babbles. Can you hear her talking? Trask asks. Beware of berries in the early spring, Judith says. They can be poisonous. In the winter, the snows are deep. Send her away at once, or I will dismiss you, Judith says, looking at Minerva. Please hear me--she frightens me.

Evan dismisses the spirit of Minerva Trask. Spirit of darkness, he intones, you must do as I say because I summoned you. You must obey or I will smite you eternally. Begone! [As he did in his portrayal of Nicholas Blair, Astredo makes wonderful hand gestures!]

Up in the Tower Room, Judith is still terrified of Minerva. But at that moment, Evan's spell takes effect, and Trask watches as Minerva vanishes, then orders Judith to look at him. Judith looks up. She’s gone! Judith exclaims. Yes, and now I must go, too, Trask says as he makes for the door. You can’t leave me here, Judith insists. I don’t like this place. You must stay here for a while, Trask tells her. No, Judith pleads, you can't leave me here! It frightens me! Trask takes her by the arms and asks, Why are you making this so difficult? I'm trying to help you, but you make it more and more impossible. The next thing you’ll tell me is that Minerva is back--and Dirk--and Rachel--and all the dead! He leaves her standing there, horrified at his words. He closes the door and locks it after him. She backs away, staring around, waiting for all the dead to appear. Then she sinks down on the bed in despair.

Trask hurries to Evan's house, and the two villains gloat over a job well done. Evan asks, Will poor, dear, dead Edward object? He can’t, Trask replies with a smile. What good would it do? I'm the lady's husband and sole guardian of the estate--unless your contract has a loophole in it. It doesn’t, Evan assures him--now, about my cut.… I've drawn up another paper, he continues as he brings it out. Too much, Trask argues after barely glancing at it. But my contribution to Judith's present condition, was very important, and flawlessly executed, Evan reminds him. Trask reads the paper and agrees. I'll give you what you want, he says, as long as you continue to help me if I need it. If she begins to regain her senses, I'd want you to bring back Minerva, and Rachel and Dirk. I warned her that she couldn’t control herself. Unknown to either of the conspirators, Quentin, his face still disfigured but his intelligence restored--listens at the window outside as Trask continues, She could create a whole roomful of spirits! Remember what I said, he reminds Evan. Remember what I want, Evan retorts. Agreed, Trask says. They bid each other goodnight. Trask looks with satisfaction at the paper, then walks out.

Quentin enters Evan's house. The lawyer recognizes him despite his ruined face. You recognize the mark of that accursed hand! Quentin declares. But it changed you back--I knew it would! That's why I came here--and it wasn't easy. He gazes steadily into the mirror as he continues, The police are all over, searching for that poor animal--and they'll find him, too. It frightens me to think what they're going to do to him--that freak! That hideous, unnatural being! he finishes with self-loathing. Evan, you've got to help me! Of course I will, Evan agrees smoothly. What do you need? Food? Money? Let me give you a drink. I didn't come for a drink, Quentin retorts, turning down a drink for possibly the first and last time! I want the hand to change me back, too! You'll have to go elsewhere, Evan replies. I don't have the hand--it just happened. You’re lying! Quentin shouts, then frantically begins to search. If you don't have the hand, you won't mind my looking. I _do_ mind! Evan shouts, then launches himself at Quentin. After a brief struggle, Quentin hits him over the head with a candlestick from the ceremony. You do have the hand, he tells the unconscious Evan, and I'm going to find out where. Since they were associates and Quentin knows all of Evan’s hiding places, it takes him hardly any time to find the little casket in the cabinet in the back of Evan’s desk. Suddenly a man’s hand wearing a large turquoise ring opens the french window. Who’s there? Quentin calls on hearing the noise, but gets no reply. As he opens the box and nerves himself to touch the hand, a young man steps into the room (Welcome, Michael Stroka!). He is wearing a cape at an angle over one shoulder and a dark suit with a showy red cravat. Covering his dark hair is a Persian lamb hat, shaped more or less like a large garrison cap. Extending his own hand, he declares, I’ll take the hand, Mr. Collins--now!....

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0791
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2014, 03:25:58 AM »
HAA VO.  Judith is gaslighted (gaslit?) into signing her life away.  "Minerva" watches, face so utterly dead and blank that it doesn't seem that Clarice is even really there.  Clarice is one of the best special effects DS had...

It's far too easy, under the right circumstances, to turn a person's sense of reality inside out.  Note that Judith was, at no point, lacking in sanity or reason.  No disease affecting the brain, nothing.  All that happened was that she was treated AS IF she was crazy when she wasn't.  We all depend for our stable sense of reality on the receipt of certain cues from the world and other people, on a regular basis.  The state of our world is confirmed each day by what we see and hear.  If we stop getting those expected confirmations, without any apparent reason or conspiracy, the world turns to chaos.  Up is down.  We lose our anchor.  It's all well done, except for the end, where Judith echoes Elizabeth with "Don't bury me alive."  Groan.

Evan's black ceremony-- okay, this is the blooper scene I thought I missed with Blair.  The stagehand, suddenly knowing he was going to be needed across the room, runs in front of Humbert!  It's like an SCTV sketch or something!  I was surprised that Evan spoke to her as if she was really the ghost of Minerva, or at least a conscious being of some kind, and not basically the supernatural hologram he had claimed she was.

Judith joins the growing list of prestigious individuals who have been imprisoned in the Tower Room, where she herself was keeping Jenny not so long ago.  No nosy governess to see the light in the window from outside this time...  This may be the absolute peak moment for Greg Trask's viciousness... when he sets up in Judith's mind the fear of visits from a whole crowd of ghosts of those who have recently died at Collinwood... "... and all the dead", as he puts it, then the horror music swells, scene ends.  That's a genuinely awful moment.  [spoiler]He earned the eventual comeuppance he receives later, just with that.[/spoiler]

Disfigured Quentin goes to Hanley's house for the Hand, thinking Evan cured himself with it.  Q knocks Evan out and rifles through the room, finding It.  In one of the best, most unexpected cliffhangers ever, we get our first glimpse of Aristede, appearing at the door/window just as Trask had in place of the Devil, demanding the Hand, in a much flatter and deeper voice than we ever hear him speaking in, later on.  Aristede (unnamed as of yet) not only knows about the Hand, but knows who Quentin is despite his face!  A mysterious figure from the outside world knows all the secrets, as if he's been observing them all through some telescope... and the world of 1897 DS starts to become much larger.
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Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0791
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2014, 04:59:39 PM »
Great post, MT. Wonderful scene, but why did they have to spoil it with "Don't bury me alive"???  [ghost_tongue]

You've got me thinking now (oh, no, not again!) about Prestigious Prisoners: So far we've had Barn, Jenny, and Judith. But several more are to come.

Those French doors at Evan's house must have some powerful mojo!