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Discuss - Ep #0787
« on: September 10, 2014, 03:44:02 PM »
Robservations #787

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0787

Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0787
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2014, 06:40:50 PM »
The sheriff's deputy phones Trask but gets Edward instead. He tells Edward that they've caught the animal and locked it in a cell. But Edward's first stop is the Old House. He accuses Magda of continuing to help Barn and waves the gun with the silver bullets around as he promises that he'll deal with Barn the same way that he's about to deal with the "animal." Magda can't hide her concern but is extremely unhappy with Edward's vocabulary lesson: Tonight's word is "lycanthrope," and Edward defines it and uses it in a sentence. Where is he now? Magda asks nervously. Safe behind bars at the jail, Edward answers with satisfaction. Magda licks her lips nervously. Carefully looking away, she replies, I hope he don’t disappoint you in the morning. I hope _you_ won't be here by then to find out, Edward barks. I want you gone from Collinwood by tomorrow. That is my order, and I'll enforce it by the police, if necessary. By now very practiced in dealing with this sort of threat, Magda asks slyly, And let the police know that one of the Collins family is a vampire? Edward is so angry that he almost inflates as he glares at her. No, she says, you have too much family pride. Something you know nothing about, he retorts. Be angry at the _Reverend_ Trask, Magda suggests. He invited us to stay. He hasn't the authority, Edward thunders. _He_ isn't Collinwood's master! Look again, Magda suggests. I think he is! With heavy sarcasm, he says, I will attend to the good Reverend Trask when I come back from town. He marches out, leaving Magda grinning--for a moment. But she has other concerns and glances out the window to see Barnabas standing outside.

It appears you had a busy night, Barnabas observes sarcastically as Magda closes the door after him. Much has happened, she agrees. Much usually does, when left with you, he comments. Tell me everything. She sits down and begins, You got to forgive me. For what? What did you do? Barnabas asks. Magda confesses that Quentin begged her to use the hand, and she did--but it didn't work, she finishes sadly. I felt sorry for him. Barnabas tells her to leave Quentin to him and to go get the hand. She disappears through "Willie's door" but comes back--empty-handed. It seems she's forgotten their other guest--Evan Hanley. Both he and the hand are gone. I'm sorry, she says. Not half as sorry as you will be if you don't get it back, Barnabas warns her. How can I do that? she asks. Go to where he lives and get it, Barnabas orders. But if he is in possession of the hand, I'm helpless, she protests. If anyone else is in possession of it, we are _all_ helpless, Barnabas points out. Go get it! I will do what I can to free Quentin. He hurries out.

Evan is at home, looking at his ruined face. Apparently his faculties have returned, but before he can use the hand on himself, Magda arrives. He hides the hand and lets her in. She stares at him in amazement as he quickly lets her in. What do you want from me? he asks. I didn't expect your recovery to be so quick, she says. Do you call this a recovery? he demands. You have your senses and you can function, she says. I'll never be able to function with this face, he protests, his voice scaling up. What do you want? You have no business here! She tells him sternly, You got something that don't belong to you. I don't know what you're talking about, Evan lies. The books (?) you took from the Old House, she says. The book? he asks (good save, HAA). The hand! Magda replies, rescued. That wretched thing! he huffs. What would I want with it? To change your face back to the way it was before, she replies promptly. I don't know where it is, he insists. And I don't want to see it again! You're lying, she says. You're the only one who could have taken it. She starts to look for it, but he orders her out. She points out that unless he knows how to use the hand, it won't help him. Cagily she admits that she might know how, but Evan says he doesn't trust her. Magda argues that the hand messed up his face, and that the hand is beyond anyone's control. They end up having a furious argument. Magda tries to negotiate, but Evan refuses: Restore my face, he shouts, and I will give you the hand! Ah, then you're admitting to having it! she pounces. Yes, he says, but you will never see it again if I stay as I am. I need the hand to help you! she reminds him. Perhaps I should try it myself until I find a way, he suggests. You'll be wasting your time, Magda insists. Perhaps, he says, clearly frustrated, but if I fail, I will seek you out some night and will use my two hands--to choke you to death! he shouts as he grabs her by the throat. She struggles, pulling his hands off her. He pushes her away contemptuously. Get out and never come back! he orders her. You will change your mind! You will, when you find out how helpless you are! Magda shouts as she storms out. Evan returns to the mirror to inspect his hideous countenance.

The werewolf paces around its cell. The jailer hears a squeaking sound, and the next moment Barnabas is in the office. He uses his vampiric gaze to subdue the man. Barn is actually unlocking the cell when he hears Edward's voice outside.

In the following wonderful scene, Barnabas has no choice but to go out to the main office, where Edward is speaking with the deputy. Barnabas! Edward shouts, holding up his cross. Barnabas flinches aside, then stands behind the unmoving constable, using him as a shield while Edward takes out the gun. Put away the gun, he warns, unless you want to shoot my innocent captive first. I was right, Edward says. You _do_ know about the creature. Yes, Barnabas admits. I've come here to help him escape--but not for the reasons you think. I'm not interested in your reasons, Edward says dismissively. You should be, Barnabas says. They have everything to do with the future of the Collins family. How can you talk of the future? Edward exclaims impatiently. You're from the past. But for a foul bargain no doubt made with the devil himself you wouldn't be here now. How little you know about me, Edward, Barnabas sighs, deeply hurt by the man whose own grandchildren and great-grandchild he loves and is trying to save. If my grandmother had lived a day longer, I'd have known a great deal about you, Edward says. In a way, I'm sorry she isn't living now, says Barnabas. This is hypocrisy, Edward fumes. I blame you for killing Edith to prevent her from telling the secret she'd held for so long. That is untrue, Barnabas replies, but not in anger. I wish there was some way I could make you understand. There isn't, Edward retorts. Nor is there a way for you to help that creature in there. I intend to stay here until morning. You will be sorry, Edward, Barnabas tells him, not in warning but with great sadness (heartbreaking!). Irritably, Edward comments, In one breath, you say you wish I could understand, then in the next, you threaten me. It’s not a threat, but a fact, says Barnabas. Let that man go, Edward orders him. I will, Barnabas answers--if you put that pistol on the floor. And if I refuse? asks Edward. Don't make me do something we'll both regret, Barnabas pleads (and he really is pleading!). Edward slowly puts the pistol down on the floor but says bitterly, What you are will never be a secret now. How long will you be able to lead this fugitive existence? How long before we find your coffin and put you back in the grave where you belong? Stepping away from the constable, Barnabas says with quiet sorrow, I’m sure this isn’t the last time we will meet, Edward. Then he simply vanishes, leaving the deputy blinking and confused but completely recovered. Are you all right? asks Edward. Yes, the man replies. Who are you? I don't remember you coming in. [Shouldn’t he recognize one of the Collinses?] What do you remember? Edward asks. The deputy says, Sitting in my chair, getting up to close the door--but then I remember nothing. I'll try to explain it, Edward says. I will stay with you until dawn. I'm very anxious to learn what will happen to the creature in the cell--something you will understand all too clearly when the sun rises. The deputy warns him, The sheriff might not want you in the back there. The sheriff doesn't realize what this animal is, Edward replies. The creature in there is a supernatural being, and when dawn comes, a transformation will take place and turn it into a man. The question is, what man? The werewolf paces in his cell.

At the Old House, the mantel clock below Josette’s portrait strikes five as Barnabas and Magda commiserate. We have both failed, Barnabas says. In a few moments, Edward will know Quentin’s secret, and there’s nothing we can do to prevent it. Then your mission has failed, Magda comments with genuine sympathy. I don’t see how it can mean anything else, Barnabas says. The events of this era will be changed by what Edward discovers and will change the future accordingly, Barnabas frets. Magda suggests gently, Maybe you should return to your own time, before Edward learns about Quentin. My own time, Barnabas repeats: I hate that word. In every crisis I’ve ever had, time has been my greatest enemy. On cue, the rooster crows. Barnabas heads back to his cave with the despairing comment, Time is running out!

Edward watches from a safe distance as the creature swats at him through the bars of the cell, then paces back and forth. Edward walks around the cell, gazing at it. In a moment the sun will be up, he tells it, and I will know who you are. Suddenly his eyes open wide at what he sees....

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0787
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2014, 01:01:21 AM »
Bear trap, yes, but still, how'd they get a werewolf into a cell?  Melty Face Evan... is his face on backwards compared to last time?  Eye on other side?  Nice scene with Evan on his own at home, with the Hand.  Magda comes, fails to get Hand from him, and MFE gives her a strange sort of I-mean-business-and-this-is-just-a-sample semi-throttling.  Another nice scene: Barnabas hypnotizing the policeman at the station.  Just acted well.  Then Edward comes-- I always like what goes on between the two of them, after Ed knows.  Maybe Quentin would be better off with Edward knowing what he is... he helped with Jenny...
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Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0787
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2014, 02:00:02 PM »
You're right, MT! MFE's eyes have switched between episodes. There are frame grabs at DS Wiki--check out ep. 784, where the Ping-Pong eyeball is on his right eye.