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Discuss - Ep #0784
« on: September 05, 2014, 03:02:05 PM »
Robservations #784

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0784

Offline MagnusTrask

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0784
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2014, 08:30:11 PM »
Barnabas dares Evan to shoot him in the back.  Good one.

Is this Greg's convoluted proposal coming?  Yes!  He manages to sound so hesitant, yet somehow manages to speed his way from 0 to 70 MPH in no time at all, stammering and hemming and hawing his way to a rushed marriage that very day.  After that, I could believe that he might just persuade St. Peter to let him through the pearly gates.  I liked how the scary music sounded, the moment Trask actually popped the question!

Barnabas tells Evan to remember that the Hand belonged to The Most Evil Man In the World.  Was there a contest?  Good storytelling I guess, dropping the information in through the side door like that.  The viewers didn't know he was TMEMITW before this.  What was Eve, The Most Evil Woman Who Ever Lived?  Someone should fix those two up.

The wedding's done.  On DS, the happy music plays during any "romantic" scene, even when we know one party is lying through his teeth.  Well, they are both happy, Judith about marriage, Greg about money.  Then Judith sees ghost Minerva for the first time, though we don't.

Magda talks to Hand, to get it to smite Evan, which it does.  What if he hadn't taken his cross off?  As he opened the box, there was an edit.  Anyway, welcome Melty Face Evan, unconscious on the cave floor.  End.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0784
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2014, 09:12:43 PM »
Yes, nice scene with Barn and Evan, surely The Most Evil Lawyer Who Ever Lived. He leaves Barnabas to retire to a no doubt restless slumber.

The proposal scene is one of the funniest ones ever, not far behind Mr. Collins's proposal to Elizabeth Bennet, who had far more sense than Judith.

Gregory reveals to Judith that Barnabas is the vampire! Then in the next breath, he starts his proposal strategy, with poor Minerva scarcely cold in her grave. I love it when Judith asks him why he's decided to close Worthington Hall forever. She asks whether it's on account of  everything that's happened to the Collinses. Only one of the Collinses has made me come to this decision, Trask answers coyly. Judith asks if it’s Edward or Quentin. I can’t confess, Trask replies, then with feigned reluctance he tells her, _You_ are the one. Judith is amazed. Have I done something to offend you? she asks. No, he replies. You’ve been here, and that is the reason I must leave. Judith is even more astonished as Trask continues, You are in this house, and I am no more than ten minutes away. I have been thinking of you day and night, wondering what you are doing, contemplating your goodness, your faith, your hold on the virtues of life. Oh, Judith, I cannot bear it any longer! You would never consider marrying me? 

Judith looks angry at first, but before she can respond, Trask forges on, Forgive me--I thought I had learned to control my natural impetuosity. You’re insulted by my presumption. That isn’t true! Judith interrupts, but he is determined to finish his carefully prepared monologue. He resumes, But believe me, Judith, even in my innermost thoughts, in my wildest dreams, I know there is no hope for my suit-- There is, Judith insists, but he goes on as if she hasn’t spoken. But at least now you know the real reason I must leave Collinsport--it is impossible! I can’t let you leave! Judith cries, interrupting again. I know I have affronted you, he says. I apologize. Stop it! Judith orders him at last. She walks toward him and says, No one has ever proposed to me before. It’s something I’ve never admitted to anyone. I can’t believe it, Trask says fulsomely. Grandmother thought I would never marry, Judith reminisces. She said I frightened men away. She thought I was too strong. You were forced to be strong, Trask assures her, as if being a strong woman was a failing. It was not your doing. Your family position made you assume a burden you didn't want. It's my fondest dream to share that burden [no doubt he means that money!] with you. Judith hesitates, and Trask supplies the reason: I realize we are both thinking of Minerva--the circumstances of her death, the short time that has elapsed. It's all I can think of. I'll say nothing unkind about the dead, but the thought of a new life here, with you.... At last Judith smiles faintly. I can't deny myself the opportunity, Trask says. If you knew the hours I've spent in prayer and contemplation! I know, she assures him. We could marry, he says, but you haven’t said-- Yes? Judith finishes. Is that what I haven’t said?. Then I must say it. I will marry you. It will be an understanding between us--and after a proper period of time, we'll announce it. Undoubtedly overjoyed at his stunning success, Trask says, We can't worry about what others think. Do as your conscience guides you, and you will not offend Leviticus. Judith still hesitates, so Trask presses her again. I know you are thinking of Edward and Quentin, he says, but don't you owe yourself happiness? Yes, she says, but we must be cautious. We are being so, Trask insists. We're living according to a _spiritual_ need for each other. We must marry today, before someone comes between us--because they will try, he warns her passionately. Oh, no, Judith exclaims. Your brothers will not be happy about our union, Trask observes. They are too used to this home you have made for them. Do you trust me? Completely, she says. Then come with me now, he urges her, and when we return we will be man and wife, united by God. I can't be married this way, Judith protests. You don't trust my judgment, Trask says, acting crestfallen. Yes, I do, Judith assures him. If you did, he says, you'd come with me. It can't happen this way, Judith repeats. It will be such a shock to everyone! They will learn to accept it, he says smoothly. And as for the people who talk, we won't hear them, for we shall be together. He takes both her hands and kisses them. As they embrace rather distantly, he enthuses, Oh, Judith, he says, the impermanence of life! We've seen so many examples of it lately! Dare we waste this hour? No, she replies, convinced at last. He smiles. Come, let's go into the village now, he says. Yes, Gregory, she agrees. They leave the house.

Nice touch when Barn awakens for the night: In the evening, Barnabas waits outside the cave for Magda. The wind is blowing hard. Although he cannot perceive wind or rain, he enters the cave, pacing its close confines. He and Magda have an interesting conversation about the hand, its provenance, and its possible uses.

Not only does Barn dare Evan to touch the hand, he dares him to do it after taking off his protective cross. Barn must have a lot of faith in Magda's powers, since he leaves the cave when Evan is about to behold the hand.

In the foyer at Collinwood, Judith gazes down at her wide gold wedding band almost as if it were on another woman’s hand. I can’t believe it, she tells her newly wedded husband. You will, Trask assures her. It’s wrong to feel the way I do, Judith frets. You will become accustomed to happiness, Trask promises her. As they enter the drawing room, Trask gazes around with satisfaction. Already proprietary, he comments, We must make some changes in this room, get rid of its frivolous air. You don’t want anyone to think us frivolous. Judith says faintly, Many of the things in here are family keepsakes. Trask backpedals and says, We won’t make changes quickly. Did we do the right thing? Judith asks a little fearfully. Of course, Trask assures her, adding, I know you’re afraid of the family. I am afraid, she admits--of how the family will react. Leave everything to me, Trask suggests, giving her another distant embrace. You are going to be a proper wife. Suddenly Judith, who is facing the windows, gives a little scream as she sees something over Trask’s shoulder. Minerva! I saw her! she shrieks, but Trask sees nothing.

Evan has opened the casket containing the hand. He watches in amazement as the hand slowly rises from the box of its own free will--and reaches straight for him. He screams as it covers his face, then he falls to the ground. Magda watches helplessly, her own face twisted into a mask of horror. She covers her mouth with her hand to stifle the scream that is about to burst from her. Barnabas hurries back in. Magda points to the recumbent figure with horror. He’s dead! she cries. I know it! We can’t take the chance of using the hand on Quentin, Barnabas insists. No, she agrees. She looks into the casket and sees that the hand has returned, its ghastly work done. Barnabas takes a lantern and holds it over Evan’s face. My god! Barnabas breathes. The clothes prove that it’s Evan Hanley, but his face is disfigured beyond recognition....

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0784
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2014, 11:06:29 PM »
My word for the day: "provenance".  Thank you.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0784
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2014, 12:07:42 AM »
Sure thing! But now I'm going to feel like I have to throw in a strange word every day!  [ghost_grin]