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Discuss - Ep #0779
« on: August 29, 2014, 04:24:02 PM »
Robservations #779

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0779

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0779
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2014, 05:24:44 PM »
Barnabas is vulnerable to being exposed in people's dreams.  How can he ever feel safe?  Pansy's problem with Barnabas is a little abstract. Dirk was the culpable vampire who did her in.  It's only we viewers who hesitate to judge Barnabas though, I guess.... and as for that, I see him more as a sort of villain this time around. 

Nice taking-stock, emotional scene at Rachel's grave.  Angelique tries to warn Barnabas, the warning is sincere, but understandably, Barnabas rejects anything to do with Angelique, including ... especially... offers of help. 

Great scene in which Carl tells Quentin that Barnabas is a vampire.  Quentin laughs, stops abruptly, camera zooms in tight on his face as realization dawns!  You just could not afford to miss a single episode, at this point.  I wish I could remember the actual experience of watching this unfold, back then. 

No one values Carl's life.  Two relatives are fine with his dying to suit their own ends.  Quentin makes a very interesting and cunning spot decision to trap Carl in the Mausoleum.  I imagine he's good at calculating the angles of a new dangerous situation very well, panicking only when he sees no route of escape.  He doesn't have to be the one to dispatch Carl, yet he arranges for it to happen.  Maybe he even tells himself Barnabas and Carl might come to an understanding.

Quentin goes to Magda, announces he Knows.  Carl in the Mausoleum... he gets worked up and pounds the coffin, then realizes what he's doing!  Carl may be smart, despite being a fool; he finds the switch that lets him escape, and he runs off, babbling in triumph.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0779
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2014, 07:42:40 PM »
Yes, Pansy should blame Dirk for all her troubles, including her forced early retirement, but I suppose Barnabas is ultimately guilty. And he knows it, otherwise he wouldn't have had such a fine soliloquy.

Funny how Barn has only to mention Josette's name and Angelique appears. We seem to be seeing a change in her--she is (or appears to be) sincerely concerned for Barnabas's safety. But of course she cursed him for all eternity and surely doesn't want to see that cut short. And Barnabas knows that Angelique always demands a price for any help she gives. So we end with a stalemate--again as the rooster crows its warning and Barnabas must seek whatever rest a vampire can find. Angelique’s cape wiggles Rachel's flimsy tombstone (1876-1897) and the one beside it. She gazes at Rachel’s inscription for a moment, then at Barnabas, who turns and looks back at her before disappearing into the mausoleum.

The suspense begins: Unknown to Barnabas (and probably to Angelique too), Carl has been watching his every movement. He emerges from behind some shrubbery in time to see Barnabas pull the ring in the lion’s mouth to open the secret panel. Perhaps suspecting an intruder, Barnabas looks up for a moment. Carl flattens his back against the building, and Barnabas turns away. Carl looks through the gates of the mausoleum--and sees what’s inside the secret room. Barnabas! Barnabas is the vampire! he gasps and runs away in horror.

Magda finds Quentin (drunk again) and tells him that she has the cure for the curse. She has to perform a ceremony when the full moon rises. Why are you willing to help me? he asks. She looks guilty, then asks harshly, Ain’t it enough that I'm willing to help? I have brought  a precious relic, a miraculous hand. When I put it on your heart, it will draw the curse from you. I've risked much to bring this back, broken many of our laws. Are you sure it will work? Quentin asks. I would not have stolen it if I weren't, she replies. He laughs at her thievery. I'd take the change from your pocket right now if I could, she says, insulted by his ingratitude. Admit the real reason you're suddenly on my side! Quentin says. Turning away from him, Magda murmurs sadly, I didn’t know! I did not know-- What? Quentin shouts. She finishes sadly, I remember how much Jenny loved you.

Fantastic scene where Carl tells Quentin what he knows: He charges in yet again and orders Quentin, Get rid of Magda--I won't speak in front of her. Unfazed, Magda chucks Carl under the chin and asks, Don't you like me anymore? Carl turns away and says, Just go, please! It's always a pleasure to leave this house, Magda says. On her way out, she adds, Quentin, Barnabas wants to see you this evening, at dusk. Carl practically jumps as he exclaims, Dusk, yes! He asks Quentin, Where are Judith and Edward? Both are dreaming of Judith's money, Quentin says jokingly. We must wake them, Carl says. We must do something. Do what? Quentin asks ironically. There are so many things waiting, so many choices. Not about this, Carl says gloomily. Sometimes I wishes I hadn't had the dream--the one where Pansy told me the vampire isn't dead. Dream again, Quentin suggests. Edward described the staking of Dirk in great, graphic detail. No, Carl insists, not Dirk! There's another vampire, Pansy said so in my dream! She said who made Dirk a vampire. Laura, Quentin guesses. No, Carl insists, I can prove it! I saw the vampire go to his coffin! I know you won't believe this. You've gone mad, Quentin says dismissively. No, Carl insists. Pansy told me to go to the mausoleum! There's a coffin there, I swear it! You must believe me! I know who the vampire is! Tell me, Quentin orders him. Barnabas, Carl replies. Quentin throws his head back to laugh, then suddenly stops as all the clues fall into place: Our cousin, he says quietly. Our cousin, that we never see during the day. Our cousin, who always appears at dusk. Tell me exactly what you saw! he orders Carl. Carl says, Barnabas went into the mausoleum, and I saw the door close. But I did note how to open it--but there's so much I don't know. A vampire stays in his coffin all day, Quentin says, lying there as if dead--at the mercy of whoever finds him. Carl says hysterically, He made Dirk a vampire, and all of us are next! Still holding his brandy glass, Quentin gets up from his chair and charges into the foyer as he tells Carl, We're going to the tomb. I don't know what we'll do when we get there. We’ll have to kill him! Carl says and goes off to get a gun. Gazing up at Barnabas' portrait, Quentin murmurs in dismay, Barnabas--but he’s my only hope. Without him, what will I do? Barnabas!

I imagine Quentin had decided what to do while Carl was off getting the gun. He displays all the skills and ruthlessness that made him a near-perfect spy. No doubt he used the same technique to arrange for Laura's (temporary) demise in Alexandria. In both cases, his hands would be clean--or nearly so.

Carl and Quentin arrive at the mausoleum. Open the door, Quentin orders his brother. Holding the gun in one hand, Carl pulls on the ring in the lion’s mouth, and the panel swings open, revealing the inner chamber. Quentin enters first, immediately spots the coffin and sets his hands on it. Open it, Carl says, still nervous and excited. Give me the gun, Quentin tells him--unless _you_ want to do it. Carl hastily hands over the gun. Gun in hand, Quentin opens the coffin, disclosing Barnabas in oblivious slumber, utterly vulnerable to anyone who finds him. Quentin and Carl stare down at him for a moment. Do it! Carl begs him. Quentin regards the helpless creature a moment longer--then closes the coffin. What are you doing? You have no choice! Carl shouts. Yes, I do, Quentin replies, training the gun on his brother. I'm the one who always plays the jokes, Carl protests, staring at the gun in his brother's hand. I'll kill you, Carl, if you run, Quentin warns him.  For god's sake, what are you doing? Carl gasps. I only ever do what I must, Quentin replies grimly. He keeps the gun pointed at Carl as he backs up the steps. Do you know how to get out, Carl? he asks. NO! Carl screams. Then you'll have to stay here, until dusk, at least, Quentin says. Quentin, please don’t close the door! Carl pleads, horrified, his face distorted into a weeping clown’s mask. Yes, Quentin replies, I'm closing it, and remember, I can do it with one hand while the gun is in the other. Oh, no Quentin! For god's sake, Quentin! Carl screams. Don’t do this, Quentin! Overcome with guilt and misery, Quentin shuts his eyes and leans against the outside wall of the panel as he listens to Carl’s hysterical shrieks.

Quentin is still horrified at what he's done when he visits the Old House, still intent on finding out why Magda is suddenly so willing to help him. He checks her throat and observes, He did not touch you. Magda’s surprise turns to shock as he continues, You have many secrets--not the least of which is how you’ve managed to exist in this house with a vampire. Magda listens, stunned, as Quentin calmly continues, Yes, I know--everything. I’ve seen Barnabas in his coffin. Magda wails in despair that they're all doomed.

Carl finishes screaming and huddles on the top step of the secret room, as far away from the coffin and its dreadful contents as he can get in the small space.

Somehow, Magda has persuaded Angelique (in her red and blue gown) to come to the Old House. I always wonder how amateurs handle these things, she comments condescendingly. Not wanting to waste time, Magda replies flatly, It was in the cards. Barnabas needs your help. But Angelique still refuses to lift a finger.

An ingenious piece of writing as Carl figures out how to escape. He's not really that stupid after all. Consulting his pocket watch, Carl tells himself, It must be getting dark! I have to get out. He pounds on the coffin with his fists. Then, to keep his panic at bay, he tells himself, Be logical. Somehow there’s a way to open that door. There’s got to be! he screams in sudden panic. I must get Edward or the police! He looks at the coffin, then hastily turns away as he wonders, Did the top move? Or was it my imagination? Figure it out now, he tells himself. Think it through--it’s just like those Chinese puzzles you have! Carl knows there has to be a mechanism to open the door on this side. He feels the walls but finds nothing. Then his foot strikes a brick on the top step. He tries moving it in various directions, then slides it to the left--exposing the mechanism inside. He pulls the ring, and the door slowly swings open. Laughing and crying hysterically with relief, he gambols out, leaving the door open behind him. He grabs a wobbly gravestone shaped like a cross as he shrieks, We’ll get him tonight! We’ll get Cousin Barnabas tonight! Bumping into the same two gravestones that Angelique did earlier, he runs off in giddy triumph....

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0779
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2014, 09:30:40 PM »
Pansy's behavior is very questionable here. I don't question her desire to have her death avenged but, if she knows that Barnabas is a vampire, she should also know (via second sight or just common sense) that her actions have certainly doomed her fiancée.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0779
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2014, 11:10:24 PM »
I don't see Pansy as much of a strategic thinker, and I'm sure she thought it was a simple matter of needing to tell somebody, somehow, about the vampire, leaving it up to that person to handle the situation as safely as possible.  I'm not sure she cared much about Carl anyway.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0779
« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2014, 12:10:25 AM »
I suspect Pansy cared only about the money she thought she'd get. If Carl really was an idiot, it would be that much easier to manipulate him. She seemed just as surprised as everyone else when she actually had an episode of second sight a couple of eps. ago.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0779
« Reply #6 on: August 31, 2014, 08:29:59 AM »
After she'd just been insulted and rejected by Judith, and they'd left, Pansy rushed after them to give Carl, and not Judith, a piece of her mind.  Maybe she was about to tell him he was a loser, and that she was on her way to the station...
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