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Discuss - Ep #0765
« on: August 09, 2014, 12:50:07 PM »
Robservations #765

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0765

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0765
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2014, 08:50:00 PM »
Under Barnabas's power, Beth must reveal that the werewolf is Quentin. Shocked, Barnabas asks how it happened, and Beth explains about Jenny. Barnabas is even more shocked when Beth tells him about Quentin and Jenny's two children. Barnabas knows that Quentin will have to be told sooner or later and is concerned about the prospect of the werewolf's resuming Quentin's form in a jail cell. At least he seems to be worried about Quentin the person--as little as Q. deserves it at this point--than about the Collins family's reputation. Why are you so interested in all of us? Beth asks. Do you trust me? Barnabas asks her. I don’t know, Beth replies, even though Barnabas just bit her--his hold on her is very light, it seems. In time you will, he assures her. I just want Quentin to be rid of the curse and well again, Beth pleads. Are you in love with him? Barnabas asks gently. I am, Beth admits, almost in tears. I just want to believe everything will be all right, but I don’t see how it can be. I lie awake and wonder how and where it will end. Barnabas says, I already know how and where it will end. I want to know when. On this cryptic note, he leaves. Beth takes out another pentagram on a chain, studies it for a moment, then puts it around her neck.

At the front door of the Great House, Magda takes out a little pearl-handled revolver and loads it with silver bullets. Judith answers the door and says they aren't buying anything. It’s important, Magda insists, and it’s between Beth and me. Beth has gone to bed, Judith says with maximum rudeness as she tries to close the door on Magda. (Only at Collinwood would the servants go to bed before their mistress!) Judith and Magda--who are very well matched--have a big argument before Judith practically chases Magda off. She goes back into the house, and the camera pans over to the revolver, still hidden in the planter. Judith turns out the lights in the drawing room, makes sure the French windows are shut, closes the front doors, and goes upstairs. After a moment, Magda slips in through the window. Somewhere nearby, a wolf howls.

In the dark drawing room, Magda overhears Beth and Barnabas conversing in the foyer. Barnabas says he'll do his best to convince Quentin that he wants to help him. After I get Quentin back to Collinwood, I plan to have a talk with Magda. Is it possible to get her to end the curse? Beth asks, afraid to hope. His tone implying the use of force if necessary, Barnabas says, I will make her end it.

From inside the drawing room, Magda hears him say it--and his tone of voice. Beth says she'll wait up until Barn brings Quentin home. After he leaves, Magda steps out into the foyer. Did you get the pentagram to the baby boy? she asks anxiously. Yes, Beth replies--and one for myself, she adds, showing Magda that it’s around her neck. The boy is wearing his now. And does Barnabas know everything? Magda asks. Yes, Beth replies, I had to tell him. You’re a fool, Magda scoffs. He wants to help Quentin, Beth argues. He can’t, Magda says flatly. I’m the only one who can help him, Magda declares, I know the only way to help him. What is it? Beth asks. Instead of answering, Magda pulls aside the collar of Beth’s dress and gasps when she sees the bite marks. I cannot tell you, she decides. Are you going to harm him? Beth asks. Magda replies grimly, I cannot harm him more than he has already been harmed. You got to trust me, you got to believe that what I will do will end his misery. She walks out, retrieves the gun from the planter and finishes loading it.

Out in the woods, the werewolf growls as it catches sight of Collinwood. I guess I would too!  [ghost_grin]

Wearing a gorgeous red velvet dressing gown, Judith comes downstairs and is surprised to find Beth still up. She orders her off to bed, but the phone rings. Judith reports that the sheriff says the creature is only wounded.

Beth goes up to her room again, but this time it has been thoroughly trashed. She leans against the dresser for a moment, sick with fear, then leaves. Downstairs, Judith finishes her conversation with the sheriff, then looks up in horror as the werewolf crouches on the balcony above her. Though wounded, the creature is still agile enough to jump off the balcony and move menacingly toward her. Just as Judith starts screaming, Beth hurries out through the servants’ door. She advances on the creature as she holds up the silver pentagram to keep it at bay. It  suddenly turns tail and flees through the open drawing-room window.

Gun drawn, Magda is stalking the woods when she hears someone else nearby. She ducks behind a tree and spots Barnabas, who moves on without seeing her. He is holding his cane out in front of him like a weapon. Nor does she make her presence known. After he has passed by, she emerges.

Beth has made tea (not brandy??) for Judith and speaks to the sheriff on the phone. Judith wants him to send men to guard the house. (What about the good people of Collinsport??) I fear we’ll all die if the creature returns, Judith worries. What was it about you that scared off the animal? (How Judith could miss the pentagram I don’t know.) I don’t know, Beth lies. I wasn’t blind, Judith insists. Beth insists that the creature was more frightened than they were. Judith wants to wait for the police--and she wants Beth to wait with her. The sheriff ought to be replaced, Judith fumes. He said the animal was probably so weak, it crawled off to die. She doesn’t notice the misery on poor Beth’s face. She continues, Yet it was strong enough to almost kill me! Beth offers her more tea, hoping to get her to stop talking. Instead Judith paces up and down and complains, I can’t live through another night like this one. They must find the beast and destroy it!

Still growling softly, the wounded werewolf climbs to the top of a rock and seems to lose consciousness--but only for a moment. He spots Magda as she approaches the rock and starts growling. She hears him and looks up. She and her cursed brother-in-law eye one another. He gets ready to spring on her, but she shoots him. With a howl of pain and rage, the werewolf tumbles to the ground....

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0765
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2014, 10:27:34 AM »
Nice Barnabas "materialization", in the opening redo of him in Beth's room.  Magda and the revolver with silver bullets... I suppose these were the bullets Laura gave her money to buy?  Magda shoots Quentin-wolf... This probably wouldn't have had any effect on Q and Jenny's son's Curse.  I therefore thought she wasn't making any sense with this act, but if she kills Quentin first, and only then finds a way to reverse the Curse, her nephew will be saved from it, with Quentin still receiving his punishment.

Q-wolf is aware of Beth and of her significance for him, somehow, and returns to her room, trashing it.  Oh no, he flung the black afghan to the floor!  Alex Stevens gets to do his cool stunt move of jumping down from the railing into the foyer, as Joan tries to scream convincingly.  Beth might have gotten away with saying she drove the wolf away with her pentagram, which she got because the whole thing struck her as supernatural.

Magda shoots the werewolf, and looks sad and regretful afterward, lip quivering.  An incorrect acting choice, possibly?
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0765
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2014, 07:33:09 PM »
Interesting question, MT. On the one hand, Magda would have avenged Jenny completely by shooting Quentin dead. On the other hand, I'm sure she's never killed anyone in cold blood like that. Either way, she's sure to have some regrets.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0765
« Reply #4 on: August 11, 2014, 12:28:30 PM »
Yes, murder is murder.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0765
« Reply #5 on: August 11, 2014, 03:44:53 PM »
She was quite happy to curse Q and all his male decendants, causing them to commit countless killings, though...
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0765
« Reply #6 on: August 11, 2014, 04:31:36 PM »
Rationalizing is all too often handy human trait - and something tells me that originally Magda rationalized all the potential killings away by focusing solely on revenging Jenny.