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Discuss - Ep #0764
« on: August 08, 2014, 03:24:02 PM »
Robservations #764

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0764

Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0764
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2014, 09:30:31 PM »
Tim nearly strangles Evan until Evan shouts, MINE ISN'T THE RIGHT FACE! YOU SAW THE RIGHT FACE! THE FACE IS IN THE CARD! Eventually Tim lets go of him and goes back to his reading.

Frantic with fear, Beth calls Evan and begs him to come to Collinwood--"IT" has happened again. Bring some silver, she tells him, but he refuses to come. Judith (wearing her lovely dark pink gown) overhears part of the conversation, and Beth has to improvise that one of her cousins in the village is in trouble. Judith suggests she leave Collinwood now--her two weeks' notice is nearly up. But Beth wants to stay the full time because Mrs. Fillmore told her that Jenny and Quentin's son is ill. Judith wonders if they should tell Quentin that he's a father, but Beth insists not--apparently a change of mind for her. All right, Judith says reluctantly. You can stay until it’s settled. Beth picks up a parcel and says, I have an errand in the village. Then I will be with the children at Mrs. Fillmore’s, if you want me. Beth leaves the house on her errand, but pauses just outside the door when she hears the horribly familiar howling start up. Oh, Quentin, Quentin! she moans in anguish.

Barnabas visits Judith, who is playing solitaire to distract herself from the howling. They talk about the creature and how it attacked Dorcas Trilling and Beth. Judith is about to call the police when the phone rings. Judith tells Barnabas that Ezra Braithwaite wants to speak to him; she’ll phone the police from the study. [While Barnabas uses the telephone in the drawing room, Judith uses a telephone in the study to call the police; therefore there must be a second line there. In 1897, there would be one telephone serving the entire house, but no possibility of a second line anywhere. Even in the present time (1966-1971) there is never a mention of a second telephone line in Collinwood, only extensions in different rooms. Today Judith would call the police on her cell phone!] Young Ezra--played by Edward Marshall, he’s a teenager as he recalled in 1969--tells Barnabas that Beth Chavez ordered a silver pentagram and charged it to Quentin Collins. She ordered it tonight and is in a big hurry for it, he reports. (This is the very first piece he made on his own, as he also recalled in 1969. Edward Marshall’s only other appearance was the positively last appearance of Harry Johnson in 1969.) Thank you, Barnabas says. In a very lovely gesture, he tells the young man, You will be a great addition to your father’s firm. After he hangs up, Barnabas thinks urgently to himself, Beth knows now about the werewolf! How did she find out? Who is the pentagram for? That baby whose grave Chris and I opened? Where is the baby now? I must find out tonight!

Barnabas goes outside to look for Beth. He takes his trusty silver-headed cane.

Tim is nearly done with his translation, so Evan suggests a game of cards. He deals out what looks like a game of gin and has Tim do a run-through of getting a brandy and adding the poison. Evan is very pleased with the results--Tim is nearly ready.

Beth returns to Collinwood unharmed. Judith asks her how "the boy" is, not even caring enough to say his name--if she even knows it. Beth says he has a fever but no other symptoms. Beth opens the door to admit Tim Shaw, who seems to have recovered from his mandrake poisoning and is himself again. [There’s an unaccounted-for time lag from whenever Evan released him and his return to the school.] He's actually there to collect Jamison and Nora, but Judith insists that he stay the night. I was so impressed with the school! Judith gushes. The children behaved angelically. Tim remarks, Reverend Trask does require very strict discipline. So do I, Judith agrees. My father [the son of Gabriel and Edith!] was strict and god-fearing. I’m sure he would have been an ardent supporter of Reverend Trask. They exchange a few words about Rachel, and we can see that Judith is holding the queen of spades. But before Tim sees it, they hear a gunshot outside. They hurry to the door, and Beth joins them outside a moment later. Her face is full of anguish, but she stays behind them. Barnabas returns and tells them, The animal got away. Beth sighs with relief, but Barnabas immediately continues, They wounded him at close range, and the bullet went through his chest. They might catch up with him. Beth nearly collapses, and Judith and Tim support her. Are you all right? Barnabas asks, giving her one of his trademark keen looks. Judith suggests she go upstairs, but Beth runs back inside without replying. I’m going to rejoin the search, Barnabas tells Judith. I knew you’d be alarmed at the shots. Thank you, Judith says, then warns him, Be careful--the animal will be more vicious than ever, now that it’s wounded.

A bat hovers at the window a moment before Beth returns to her room. When she enters, her face full of fear, Barnabas is in the room with her. How did you get in? she asks. You were just outside--how did you get here ahead of me? That’s not important, Barnabas says and gets straight to the point. You ordered a pentagram from Braithwaite and Sons tonight. Who is it for? How do you know? Beth gasps, her eyes wide. There’s a wounded animal prowling in the woods, Barnabas observes. you know that animal is a werewolf, and that it will change back into a human in the morning. You must tell me who it is. Are you threatening me? Beth asks indignantly. I’m warning you, Barnabas replies. Time is short--you must give me the answers I need. I can’t help you, Beth insists. I know nothing about the animal in the woods. Please leave! But instead of leaving, Barnabas advances on her. Stay away from me! Beth cries she backs away in horror, then gasps, Oh my god, what are you? Left with no other choice, Barnabas, fangs bared, closes in on her throat....

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0764
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2014, 02:20:52 PM »
Joan VO.  When she talks about Q being The Wolf That Walks Like a Man, I want to add that otherwise, he's The Man That Drinks Like a Fish.  Nightshade is yellow?  That's a big ounce.  Near-panicking Evan is priceless.  Briscoe actually collapses HAA a bit roughly in the chair, almost overturning the chair, but it helps.  Then he gets Tim to go back to his translating again... And things return to... normal??

Young Ezra!  The only time Barnabas meets him?  I didn't spot that actor as Harry Johnson II.

Judith is saved from a poisoning by Tim, by a gunshot.  Beth hears that it went through the creature's chest, causing Beth to falter, but she collects herself admirably.  This reaction, though, tells Barnabas that he needs to interrogate her, as only he can.  He bites.  He now has three in hisa "stable"... which reminds me, what's up with Dirk, at this moment?  Barnabas really could just have offered to help the werewolf as with Chris.

Closing credits:  the Queen of Hearts, and the brandy.
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Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0764
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2014, 08:36:18 PM »
The Man That Drinks LIke A Fish, lol!!!  [ghost_grin] Poor Quentin doesn't have much to choose between his two lifestyles, does he?

Yes, I believe this is the only time Barnabas--and we--meet the young Ezra. DS Wiki confirms that the same actor played Harry Johnson in HJ's last appearance.

I've always loved how we see some little something from the episode under the closing credits. It's a wonderful touch, and I don't know of any other show that's done it, before or since.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0764
« Reply #4 on: August 10, 2014, 10:09:40 AM »
Thanks, DL!
"One can never go wrong with weapons and drinks as fashion accessories."-- the eminent and clearly quotable Dark Shadows fan and board mod known as Mysterious Benefactor

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0764
« Reply #5 on: August 11, 2014, 01:26:54 PM »
Poor Quentin--at least he doesn't have a supermoon to deal with as we do now!  [ghost_cheesy]

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0764
« Reply #6 on: August 11, 2014, 03:46:50 PM »
Good one DL...  that Supermoon will get so big you can touch it from your rooftop, I hear...
"One can never go wrong with weapons and drinks as fashion accessories."-- the eminent and clearly quotable Dark Shadows fan and board mod known as Mysterious Benefactor

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0764
« Reply #7 on: August 11, 2014, 05:58:04 PM »