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Discuss - Ep #0763
« on: August 07, 2014, 03:22:25 PM »
Robservations #763

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0763

Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0763
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2014, 08:51:48 PM »
Evan cues the hapless Tim with the queen of spades--shades of The Manchurian Candidate?

It's the afternoon before the first night of the full moon--Quentin's second full moon as a werewolf. While he and Beth wait for-- whatever, Quentin observes ruefully, Maybe I'm beginning to pay for all the things I did and got away with. Beth wants to speak to Magda. Quentin argues that he's already tried and failed, but she marches out anyway.

However, Magda's first visitor is Tim. Claiming to have found an old alchemy manual, he wants to buy some nightshade from her. I’ll give you ten dollars for one ounce, he offers. Who do you want to kill? Magda asks in alarm. I’ll give you twenty dollars, and no higher, Tim says, stepping closer so they’re nose to nose. Give me fifty gold pieces, Magda says. Tim nods his agreement. (After all, he isn’t spending his own money!) Return in one hour, Magda orders him. I can’t wait one hour, Tim insists. You must, she insists back, then asks, Why do you trust me? The ordinarily peaceable Tim suddenly twists her arm behind her as he answers, Because I will kill you if you mention this to anyone.

This scene is one of the most devastating in the whole series. Kudos to GH and TC. At 6:30, Beth comes to plead with Magda. What do you care about? Beth asks. Questions! Magda snaps impatiently. Do you care about Sandor? Beth asks. He’s my husband, and we do fight a lot, Magda replies, giving the impression that she likes the fighting too. Beth starts, If Sandor were Quentin, and you were me-- You are keeping me from more important things, Magda says, now that she’s got Beth’s drift. What would you do if Sandor were Quentin, and tonight, the moon would be full? Beth persists. I would wear my pentagram, Magda replies coldly. No, Beth argues. You aren’t that callous--you’re a woman. So was Jenny! Magda cries. Quentin didn’t mean to kill her, Beth reminds her. But he _did_! Magda snaps. I will help you, she says unhappily. Quentin means death to anyone who loves him--remember Jenny, she warns. Jenny wouldn’t want what you have made him, Beth insists. You know this? Magda asks. Yes! Beth replies. You aren’t a gypsy, Magda argues. No, Beth says, and I’m glad. I wouldn’t want the power to do the evil you do. Magda tells her, I have helped Quentin more times than you know. Help him now, Beth pleads. You can remove the curse. I don’t want to, Magda says. It’s the only way to let my sister’s spirit rest, to be avenged. She _is_ at rest! Beth cries! Must we go on forever like this? Must the curse last forever? Beth pleads. Magda answers, Every night there is a full moon, he will be at its mercy, every month, all the rest of his life. Can’t we do something Beth sobs. I can’t go back without some hope. Don’t go back, Magda suggests grimly. You have no right to speak to me that way! Beth exclaims angrily. I could spend the rest of my life with Quentin, marry him, get money somehow, travel, and find a cure! You would marry him, Magda says in surprise and dismay, knowing that his son-- What about his son? Beth asks abruptly. Magda says grimly, If Quentin had a son, it would be the same for him as for Quentin. You’re mad! Beth exclaims, horrified. Magda answers calmly, That is the curse. Then you have cursed your own kin! Beth tells her. Jenny had no children, Magda protests even as she is struck with suddenly dawning horror. Remember the dolls, Magda? Beth reminds her. I gave them to her because her own children were taken away from her. You’re making this up! Magda says desperately. I'll take you to them, Beth offers. They’re twins, a boy and a girl. They live twenty minutes away--shall we go now? I wouldn’t believe it even if I saw them, Magda insists. You would, Beth answers--because the girl looks just like Jenny. How did we not know? Magda asks in horror. Edward and Judith were the reason, Beth says. Tell me, Magda says faintly as she sinks into a chair. I will tell you everything, Beth says, but you must promise never to tell Quentin. I promise, Magda all but wails, I must know! Beth begins: Jenny was aware that Laura was trying to steal Quentin from her. When Edward found out, he forced Quentin to leave. Laura couldn’t bear Collinwood without Quentin, so she followed him. Jenny was never herself again afterward. Edward went to see her to offer her money to go away, and that was when Jenny told him what she had told no one else--she was pregnant. Why did she not come to me? Magda groans in anguish. We’ll never know, Beth replies sadly, continuing, Jenny was quite mad by the time the children were born. Edward didn’t want to see them. He didn’t want any reminder of his own brother, none. It was as if his own life was based on the idea that Quentin had never existed. So there is a son! Magda cries, near the breaking point. God, forgive me! Jenny, forgive me! Can you hear me, my sister? Forgive me! Leave me alone! she tells Beth. Help them now! Beth pleads. Magda tells her, Go to town, get a pentagram, and put it around the little boy’s neck. He must wear it all the days of his life. You can’t end it! Beth realizes. Oh, a child! Magda groans in misery. A child! I did not know! Magda has completely fallen apart; weeping, she orders Beth out.

Quentin is pacing in his room when Beth hurries back. In perhaps his first unselfish gesture toward her, Quentin tells her wearily, You shouldn’t be here. I know your attempt was useless. It’s dark, she tells him. Do you feel any pain? Aren’t you afraid to be in the room with me? Quentin asks. Something’s happened, she suggests hopefully. As he takes her in his arms, he asks, Should we hope that’s true, for the moment? That the nightmare is over, and the moon can go back to being something for lovers to watch? Yes, she says, laughing and weeping at the same time. Suddenly the pains start. Beth doesn't want to leave, but he orders her to. She runs out.

Evan also contemplates the moon as Tim, who has returned with the nightshade, continues his reading. Evan suggests a game of cards and says that soon Tim will bring him a brandy. When? Tim asks dully. You’ll know, Evan tells him: When the real moment comes, it may not be brandy; it could be tea or sherry. I understand, Tim replies. Evan warns him, We can’t control what it will be. I know, Tim answers with no apparent interest. They play for a moment or two, then Evan turns up the queen of spades. Seeing the signal, Tim mechanically gets up, pours a brandy, and shakes a little of the powder into it while Evan smiles approvingly. (The powder, by the way, is in plain sight on the tray with the brandy--evidently Evan trusts Tim to keep it hidden when he makes the real attempt.) Tim brings the brandy over. Good, for your first time! Evan says approvingly and sets the glass down. Tim looks puzzled. He picks up the glass, sniffs it and puts it to Evan’s lips. You are going to drink this, he tells Evan. No, Evan gasps, but Tim puts his hand to Evan’s throat and tells him, You will drink this brandy--you are going to drink it....

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0763
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2014, 02:00:30 PM »
Tim makes a hypnotised trip to Magda for nightshade, actually the source of the drug that caused my medical thing.  I liked how it goes... Tim offers ten dollars, then Magda says, smiling, "Who do you want to kill, Mr. Shaw?"  Then Tim says "Alright, twenty dollars."  Magda's remark was a bargaining manoever! 

Beth and Magda have a pivotal conversation.  Again, it's a sort of   bargaining session, or it turns into one, once a big bargaining chip falls into Beth's lap.  It comes out that Quentin's son will be cursed too.  Beth reveals that there already is a son.  Now, I wouldn't have taken it for granted that the Curse worked retroactively, also cursing an already-living son, but it does.  Magda now wants to help, but it turns out that she can't.  A lot of strange and violent things are going to happen, in the search for a "cure".

Quentin transforms.  Just look at Selby.  I couldn't bend my body sideways like that to save my life...  Nice moment with Beth, as they both indulge in wishing the problem has just gone away.

Tim and Evan rehearse for the big moment.  It's great peering in on the altered reality Hanley is creating for Shaw.  HAA is so great when Evan screws up!  Tim insists that Evan drink the brandy!  I love EH caught off guard and threatened, something that wouldn't happen to Nicholas Blair, which is why I like EH much more.  End. 
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0763
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2014, 08:30:43 PM »
MT, I'm glad we got to see Evan summoning Satan. HAA's hand gestures are so very eloquent and elegant.

It's a good thing Evan didn't send Tim to Braithwaite's to buy jewelry--he would have bought the whole store, lol.

DS Wiki has a frame grab of DS doing his famous sideways bend as the pains begin. Yikes!