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Discuss - Ep #0759
« on: August 01, 2014, 01:42:08 PM »
Robservations #759

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0759

Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0759
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2014, 08:17:39 PM »
Dirk is all about trying to help Laura and desperate to go with her and the kids wherever they're going. Little does he know! She actually seems angry that she needs his help.

GH is in her element as Magda in this ep.: Magda returns to the Old House from somewhere and finds Quentin sitting in the drawing room in shock. You don’t like it at home? she asks. What do you do here? Is this a public house? You come and you go as if you live here--get out! Stop it, he says absently. Then she takes a good look at his dazed eyes. Are you sick? she asks. Then she gets really nervous and asks, What have you seen? Have you been sneaking around the house? Tell me! Quentin relieves her fears somewhat by saying, haltingly, I saw Angelique burning in this room. Since there’s no evidence of the incident, Magda snaps, Liar! Get out! Quentin insists, There _was_ a fire--Laura’s--and it killed Angelique. No one can kill Angelique, Magda insists. Witches burn, Quentin reminds her. Fire is the only way to destroy them. Laura knew it--and she won! he shouts. Everyone beats you, Magda says with cruel scorn. I won’t take that from you! Quentin cries out. You’ve done enough to me! You get what you deserve, Magda snaps pitilessly. Now get out! I must tell Barnabas, Quentin insists, but Magda orders him, Get out--before Laura does something to you. Run, Quentin, she taunts him. Run, hide from her, hide! Laura had the power to stop Angelique! See what she can do to you, who play with black magic, but can't stop Laura, can't fight her. _Run_! she jeers, her voice terrifying. Quentin runs out, and Magda laughs uproariously at her brother-in-law’s panic.

When Barnabas rises to face another night, Magda is waiting upstairs. Well, madam, he greets her sardonically, what a surprise, almost an honor, to see you. Where were you when I went to my coffin? Where were you at dawn, when you were supposed to be protecting me? And where was Sandor? Magda says nervously, Listen, I got news. Barnabas answers angrily, I know that technique. News does not deter me. Magda says, I don’t want to tell it, but it must be told. Then I will know how angry you can get. Seeing that she’s serious, Barnabas attends. She crosses herself hastily. Barnabas is stunned when she announces, Laura knows about you--she knows you’re a vampire!

Magda fills Barnabas in (off camera) about the day's events. So Angelique saved me from Laura, Barnabas marvels. How curious life is, he observes, consciously or unconsciously quoting Nicholas Blair. She would not let the curse end. She would not give me the peace of the dark coffin. You don’t really want that, Magda says. Barnabas replies sharply, I don’t need your opinion. I haven’t forgotten that Laura would still be ignorant if you and Sandor had protected me as you should have. Magda comments with sly daring, You are afraid now, without your Angelique to protect you. He wonders why Angelique would have let Laura do her fire spell. He's not best pleased when Magda reminds him that Quentin saw it happen. Ever fearful of exposure, he wonders if Laura told anyone else. But Magda thinks Laura means to settle him herself, and Barnabas decides he has to settle Laura first.

Barn spies on Laura and Dirk as they plot against him. He seems Laura give Dirk a letter for Judith's eyes only. As Dirk arrives just outside Collinwood, the bat swoops at him, disregarding his attempts to escape--and his screams.

Barn accosts Laura and Collinwood and shows her Dirk--slumped against the wall, with blood streaming from the bite marks on his neck. I suppose that since Laura knows about Barnabas anyway, he has nothing to lose by showing her his handiwork. Laura goes upstairs to get Jamison. Up in Jamison’s room (which is David’s room in the twentieth century), Laura goes directly to the bed. I’ve come for you as I said I would, she tells Jamison. She tries to wake him up--only to discover that there’s nothing in the bed but a bolster. Her dismay turns to horror as she hears a woman’s laughter. As she stares in disbelief, Angelique steps out of the shadows into a witchy green light, laughing wildly....

Offline Joeytrom

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0759
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2014, 11:04:02 PM »
So, Barnabas would have been ok if Laura staked him?  That would have made the timeline go crazy and we'd have the Grandfather Paradox over & over ad nauseum.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0759
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2014, 04:49:12 PM »
Fake Angelique burns.  I love these Quentin-Magda post-Curse scenes.  It's just such a weird relationship.  The soap opera format allows for stuff like this, whereas in a horror movie, you'd just get the big dramatic bits, the betrayal, the Curse as the act of revenge, then the horror of the transformation... but with a day by day soap, the real life consequences go onscreen too!   Other plotlines interweave, forcing unexpected twists, where you just don't know how the characters are going to handle all these strange moments.  Magda listens to Q ramble about having seen Ang burn, but thinks he might have seen Barn in his coffin...

I wrote in my notes, did anyone in 1897 utter the word "phoenix", then later, Barnabas does.  Is Laura's other world Egyptian heaven?  It's up a mountain as we find out in #760, so it might be like Olympus.  A mountaintop is closer to the Sun than the ground is.  I should throw in for anyone who doesn't know that Ra the Sun god wasn't onew of the usual pantheon of Egyptian gods.  The sun-god was a sort of temporary heresy set up by King Tut's father, and contrinued by Tut.  They threw out all the traditional Egyptian gods, and replaced them with one god, the Sun.  This didn't go over very well, and the old pantheon was re-eastablished after Tut.

Laura gives Dirk The Letter!  Barnabas as bat gets Dirk economically-- nice quick shot, in which the bat is actually not embarrassing for once, maybe because we see it so briefly.  I find I enjoy the use of very short shots, very short scenes, in DS at this point.  It's part of the development of the show.  In-and-out fast is very good storytelling, sometimes. 

Barnabas and Laura get their cards-on-the-table scene.  We wait months to see those!  Barnabas is like a bat having eaten a canary, throughout.  I think he only ever really enjoys himself through revenge.  Nice cold smile...  Somehow his research has led him to characterize her as a "phoenix"; he asks her if she always has been one, even in the 1780s, and she does not answer.  Wow does he know so much, she asks him?  Funny you should ask... Barnabas reveals behind Door #1... Dirk!!  That vampire is a born showman. 

Anyone in the family, or any servant, could have walked in at any point during all of this, spoiling the whole show Barnabas was putting on.  Yet he lets the conversation slowly unfold, waiting for the right moment to reveal Dirk... he's got style. you have to give him that!

Welcome back, Angelique!  She's quite the phoenix arising repeatedly from her own ashes, herself!  Ang is a showman too, bothering to put pillows in place of Jamison, just for the reaction from Laura, when it wasn't really necessary.  And Ang appearing in a spotlight in a corner of the room is always the best special-effect-that-isn't-an-effect-at-all, that there ever was!   And for once... we're glad to see her!
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