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Discuss - Ep #0749
« on: July 18, 2014, 03:40:02 PM »
Robservations #749

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0749

Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0749
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2014, 06:52:10 PM »
While Quentin paces, sleepless, in his locked room, Magda prepares the potion that will be the vehicle for her curse. Her equipment and even her manner are very much like Julia Hoffman's. She tells Sandor about how an old gypsy cursed a certain Count Petofi, [spoiler](the first but far from the last mention of his name)[/spoiler] and Magda saw what happened to him. Sandor asks what happened, but Magda doesn't want to spoil the surprise for him. With grim relish, she tells him it will be more enjoyable to watch it happen to Quentin.

Edward visits Quentin and tells him that he's told Barn the news. Quentin is afraid of falling asleep, but Edward has no sympathy for him. A shouting match begins, then Quentin gets what he thinks is a bright idea: Perhaps I can buy Magda off. If you do this for me, I promise I won't ask you for another thing as long as I live. Edward takes his time thinking it over, rubbing his chin, prolonging the pleasure of watching Quentin twist in the wind. I'm begging you! Quentin wails. How much will it take? Edward asks. A lot, Quentin replies--ten thousand, in cash. I don’t have that much! Edward protests. Judith does, Quentin reminds him, and Edward agrees, relieved that he will be able to get rid of Quentin at no expense to himself. He tells Quentin, I will ask Judith if, on receipt of the ten thousand dollars, you will sign a paper waiving your inheritance in Grandmother's will, Edward tells him. And you will leave Collinwood and never return. Quentin is horrified at these terms, which will make him homeless. The terms aren't negotiable, Edward tells him--think about it. It is an indication of his terror that Quentin takes only about a nanosecond to agree. All right, I accept! Quentin cries. Just please get me the money! I will speak to Judith immediately, Edward tells him and hurries out, eager to put the deal in motion. Quentin relocks the door after him and stares at himself in the mirror. His reflection is just as terrified as he is.

Sandor and Magda come to Collinwood to claim Jenny's body so they can bury it according to their customs. Edward takes great pleasure in telling them that she's already been buried. Magda is furious and warns that they'll be back and that Jenny's spirit won't rest either.

Quentin finally falls asleep. He hears Jenny calling him. Quentin! Don’t sleep! she says. Stay awake and very alert. I’m coming back for you. Jenny! Jenny! Quentin calls frantically, turning toward the sound of her voice. He sees one of her doll “babies” on the table. Did Jenny's ghost leave it there? He reaches out for it, then pulls back and kicks a chair instead. Edward returns, and Quentin tells him he heard Jenny. He reaches for the doll as proof--but of course it's gone. Edward tells him that Judith went to Evan Hanley and had a proper agreement drawn up with one additional condition: Quentin has to take Magda and Sandor with him when he leaves. AND the check won't be ready until this afternoon. (But as we'll see, he gives Quentin an envelope full of bills.) Quentin is practically hysterical and begs Edward not to leave him alone. Edward suggests he summon his "maidservant friend" to keep him company. His voice scaling up with fear, Quentin protests, I don’t want Beth to see me like this! I can’t blame you, Edward says contemptuously, and leaves.

Alone once more, Quentin finally sinks into a chair. He tries to read but hears Edward telling him, Sleep--sooner or later your body will give in--you must.... Once asleep, he dreams he is still in his room, but it is bathed in an eerie red glow. We see and hear a tambourine being shaken. Magda enters the room, tambourine in hand and asks, Are you ready? Stay away from me! he cries. Don't be frightened, she says. This is a simple ceremony. I won’t go with you! he insists, but Magda says, You must--Jenny is waiting for you. No, I won’! he shouts. Get out! You can't resist, Magda says, shaking the tambourine again. No, he says, I won't go! Please don't make me do this, I'm begging you! He can’t help being pulled along with her, protesting all the way. It will only take a moment, Magda assures him. He follows the sound of the tambourine through darkness and finds himself downstairs in the foyer. Magda knocks at the closed drawing-room doors. Sandor opens the doors and says, You have brought him--good. We can begin the ceremony now. What ceremony? Quentin asks. Sandor explains, There is an old belief among the gypsies: The body and spirit of one who has been murdered cannot sleep until it has been blessed by its murderer. I didn't murder her, I swear! Quentin bleats. She had a knife in her hand! She was going to kill me! There is no need to defend yourself, Sandor assures him. There is no hatred or anger here. He leads Quentin into the drawing room, where Jenny is lying on a bier. Her face looks peaceful. Look at her, Sandor tells Quentin. See how beautiful she is. As beautiful as the day she married you, Magda adds. She's so different, Quentin marvels, so peaceful now. Sandor says, She can't find peace until you bless her. It will bring both of you the peace you need, Magda says. You won't rest until you do this, Sandor tells him. Go to her, touch her hand. With utmost reluctance Quentin reaches out and touches her hand with his. Jenny’s eyes open, and she looks right at him. You're alive! he moans. Only for a moment, Quentin, Jenny tells him. Only long enough for you to kiss me. He tries to resist, but she draws his face toward hers and kisses him. The kiss of death! Sandor exclaims with malicious triumph. The curse is complete with the kiss of death! Magda gloats, shaking her tambourine to signal the end of the ritual. The two gypsies laugh.

Quentin wakes up, writhing in his chair. No! he screams in a high-pitched wail. Bringing the papers and some money, Edward hears Quentin as he comes back and knocks at his door. Staggering to the door, Quentin unlocks it and and lets him in. It's all right! Quentin gabbles. I had a nightmare! I know what Magda is going to do. She’s going to keep Jenny here to haunt me! That's my curse! Edward, we must do something! It's done, Edward assures him stonily. He hands Quentin the agreement. Quentin signs it without even reading it. Where’s the money? he demands. Edward holds out an envelope, which Quentin grabs from him. As Quentin runs out the door, Edward calls to him, Judith wants you and the gypsies gone by tonight! They'll be gone! Quentin calls back over his shoulder without even looking back. As Edward gazes at the hated Quentin’s signature on the contract, he grins with satisfaction.

At the Old House, Magda gazes at the amber fluid in the vial. Sandor says, Quentin will suspect us, whatever we do. How can we get him to drink the potion without him knowing it? He won't suspect if he don't know, Magda replies with grim confidence. My plan will work--we have the rest of the afternoon to think of a way. Sandor looks out the window and sees that they have almost no time at all. He tells Magda, Quentin is coming--our prayers have been answered. Magda puts the vial in the desk, then answers the door. You are not welcome here, she starts to say, but Quentin tells her, I can make it worth your while to remove the curse. Now, I know what the curse is. Jenny's ghost has already appeared to me and won't let me rest. I'm willing to give you all the money I have if you stop it. You came to buy me! exclaims the outraged Magda, making a face at him. With a grin, Sandor tells her, Wait. I'm insulted at his offer of filthy money, Magda protests. Quentin admits, I did come to buy you off, and I’m not ashamed to admit it. I want to tell you how much. Yes, he hasn't said how much, Sandor reminds Magda with a smile. Sandor! Magda exclaims in angry disbelief. Let him show us---then he can go, Sandor suggests. Quentin says, I’ll give you ten thousand dollars in cash. I have it right in my pocket. Show it to me, says the suspicious Sandor, but Quentin insists, I want to hear Magda's answer first. Sandor points out to Magda, We could travel very far on so much money. Quentin agrees. We could do all the things we’ve always wanted to do! We could live like kings! Sandor adds. All right, Magda says. Let us see it. After your answer, Quentin says. May my poor sister forgive and understand me, Magda says. She makes the sign of the horns again, then turns her palm up as she intones, I remove the curse and all your suffering. He hands her the money, gabbling his thanks. Why don’t we have a drink to seal bargain, Sandor suggests, pointing out, Quentin has been relieved of a very heavy burden. Magda counts the money greedily, holding it in her lap as Sandor pours three glasses. But behind Quentin’s back he pours the amber potion into one of the glasses. Magda says happily, We are all satisfied--we are rich, and you are free! Sandor hands out the drinks and suggests a toast to that. Sandor hands out all the glasses, but as Quentin drains his he doesn’t notice that he is drinking alone. He stands up and says, I'll be on my way now--minus ten thousand dollars, of course, but it's worth it. At least I'm free of the curse. Relieved, he walks toward the door. No, you are wrong, Quentin, Magda answers: The curse has just begun. He listens in growing horror as she continues, You thought you were being haunted, but it was just your guilt. Keep your rotten money! she exclaims with deepest contempt as she hurls the bills to the floor. I just pretended to take it so you would relax and have a drink--because the potion that would make the curse effective was in that drink. The curse will start tonight!.....


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Re: Discuss - Ep #0749
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2014, 10:39:58 PM »
Edward was rather nasty and cold to Magda and Sandor and did seem to relish in telling Magda and Sandor he had Jenny buried before her gypsy relatives could. And not out of the goodness of his heart, mind you. He just wants to put to rest the whole rotten tragic mess Quentin left for him and Judith to have to clean up (this is how I think Edward sees it, not I). If you ask me I think Magda should have thought about cursing Edward and Judith as well as Quentin for their horrid attitude towards the gypsy Collins wife. Even in death, Jenny can't get any kind of empathy or proper treatment from her snobbish and bigoted in-laws more concerned with sweeping her murder under the rug than allowing her to have a burial from her blood sister, Magda, who by all rights did have more right to see to Jenny's final resting place than her uncaring brother-in-law. But then this was 1897, and I hate to say it Edward was right when he said the position of the Collins family holds more weight than the rights of the gypsies.

Magda is at work plotting her revenge against Quentin. Quentin is sweating over what Magda has in mind for him. Edward still poo-poos the idea that Magda has any real power to be able to do anything to Quentin but that doesn't stop him from taking advantage of Quentin's desperation to stop Magda by bribery (through Judith of course). Edward agrees to ask Judith for the money but Quentin has to agree to leave Collinwood forever and stay away forever and sign a piece of paper to that effect. Reluctantly, Quentin agrees.

Figures Judith would demand that Magda and Sandor also leave along with Quentin. Whether or not Judith believes that Jenny really did die by accident, she won't hesitate to do whatever is necessary to rid herself of the gypsies any way she can. Bigotry rules over sympathy.

Quentin begs Edward to stay with him until he gets the money but Edward suggests he get Beth instead. Quentin doesn't want her to see him like this (I wonder because he doesn't want her to see him as a scaredy cat or that he doesn't seem to have one lick of remorse over killing Jenny....or possibly both). Edward leaves anyway.

Quentin falls asleep and dreams of Magda and Sandor leading him to Jenny's body in the drawing room. Even in his dream he still refuses to acknowledge any remorse over what he did to his wife, that he has to justify strangling her. Magda insists he must kiss Jenny to give them both peace. He does but to his horror Jenny opens her eyes and she pulls him close to her to give him the 'kiss of death'....

Quentin awakes screaming. Edward returns with the money to give to Quentin and tells him he and the gypsies must leave by dusk. Quentin agrees and grabs the money and heads toward the Old House.

Quentin offers the money to Sandor and Magda. Seizing the opportunity, Magda pretends to remove the 'curse' (which Quentin believes was the dream with Jenny haunting him) from him and Sandor prepares the drinks to seal the bargain. Sandor pours the potion which is to make the real curse effective into Quentin's drink and he and Magda look on with silent glee as they watch Quentin unknowingly drink the potion. Magda gloats and tells Quentin the dream wasn't the curse, only his guilt and that they tricked him into drinking the potion that would bring on the curse. She tells him the curse will start that night. Quentin stares at her in horror.

Very stupid of Quentin to trust them by accepting their offer of a drink, I must say. He had cause to be suspicious this time and he let his guard down and now he's going to pay for it.

Another great episode.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0749
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2014, 05:14:41 AM »
The Curse is prepared.  As the gypsies do this, Count Petofi is mentioned for the first time, but Magda says he received this curse years ago in front of her own eyes, after Petofi wouldn't pay for the old gypsy's help.  [spoiler](So long after having lost his hand 100 years earlier, Petofi became a werewolf?  And how did he overcome that?  Not Q's way, since there's no Tate portrait of Petofi, or maybe there is, but did Petofi know about that power of Tate's?  And if you magically make someone a painter with magical powers, can the powers you created cure you, if you couldn't just cure yourself directly?)[/spoiler]

Quentin thinks he heard Jenny's voice, but it was Magda's.  Doll appears-- but Magda didn't seem to have done it.  Maybe it was Jenny, but didn't sound like her.  Have Quentin's inner and outer rooms now been combined?  It's like the inner room with the desk has been shrunk to an alcove with a blanket or something as a semi-partition.  I'd thought the inner room was eliminated, but now it seems the outer room was.

The gypsies trick Quentin into drinking the potion... perhaps vomiting hadn't been invented yet.   Barnabas is going to be pissed.  What's the use of time travel, if everything happens when you're offline?
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0749
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2014, 05:26:14 AM »
I'm mixing up anyone reading this with my talk about "inner" and "outer" rooms.  As you walk into Q's rooms from the corridor, let's call the first room "outer" and the final room "inner".  It could just as easily be the other way around.  (Q's outer room from his perspective would be the inner room from the house's perspective.)  So now, the outer seems to have been kept, with the inner absorbed into it as a desk alcove.  I'd thought only the inner had survived the consolidation from previous viewings.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0749
« Reply #5 on: July 19, 2014, 06:18:28 PM »
LOL, MT! But this is a dreaded dream sequence, so perhaps it's distorted only in Quentin's mind. There must be an inner, inner room that's Quentin's bedroom. But since no one ever has sex on this show, we can only imagine the, ahem!, encounters that went on there.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0749
« Reply #6 on: July 19, 2014, 06:30:34 PM »
I'm talking about the two connected rooms in Quentin's "suite" that we've always seen up until now, with the desk not previously being in that room we're seeing now.  There was another room to the right of this one, with the desk all the way on the right side of that.  I suppose you were perfectly aware of what I meant, though, probably.

I did note and think about the fact that I didn't recall ever having seen a bed in either of these rooms...
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0749
« Reply #7 on: July 19, 2014, 07:47:36 PM »
Aha, I see what you mean, MT! DS Wiki has a couple of frame grabs from this ep. showing Quentin's desk in an alcove rather than a separate room. They also have a couple of frames from the kiss scene, lit in spooky--or maybe bloody?--red, and a truly creepy closeup of the doll's face, with long eyelashes and unblinking blue eyes.