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Discuss - Ep #0739
« on: July 04, 2014, 01:18:22 PM »
Robservations #739

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0739


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Re: Discuss - Ep #0739
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2014, 02:22:53 PM »
The writers have really set up to play loose with the history of Laura. It was already established that the Laura Murdochs lived and died 100 years apart and here is a Laura Murdoch Collins in 1897. I suppose one just has to dismiss this Laura as a separate entity and not connected to the ones within a 100 year span each, though it is difficult since she looks so much like all the other Lauras.

Once again Angelique takes great nasty glee to introduce herself as Barnabas' fiancée to the other woman in his life, Charity. I hate to say this but I do think Barnabas would be wise to heed Angelique's advice and seek out women who don't have ties to anyone who could protentially become a very dangerous thorn in his side. I think Barnabas just wants to stick it to a Trask. He asks Angelique to make him human which she is reluctant to do since she knows he'll want to go running back to Rachel. He accuses her of being more concerned about herself rather than him. Once again, they've reached a stalemate in their relationship.

One creepy dream that Charity had, and one that should have convinced her to try and steer clear of Barnabas. I wonder if Angelique could have sent that dream to her as a warning....

Judith offers to give Trask money to rebuilt the school and allow him to use a building on the estate to use for a temporarily school in the meantime. You can see already that Trask has eyed Judith already.....

Angelique urges Trask to marry Charity off to Tim as soon as possible (for her sake more than Charity's I might add) but Trask says the fire has had to make him postpone the wedding.

Judith notices how ill Charity is and sends her to bed. However, Charity manages to sneak off to Barnabas when he calls her. Despite the shock of meeting his 'fiancee' she goes to him. He shows her a portrait of Laura Collins from over a hundred years ago and remains convinced that the Laura he just met this night is the one that he knew from when he was a boy. He then enthralls Charity before biting her.

Judith tells Trask about Charity's condition, but also tells him that Charity seems to have left for a walk. Trask doesn't believe that and goes on another mumbo jumbo self-righteous sermon on how there is evil in everyone even though he always believed Charity to be a 'perfect' child. Charity returns to the house but faints when she comes in. Both Judith and Trask sees the marks on Charity's neck. Hate to admit it but I agree with Angelique....I think Barnabas' continuing to 'see' Charity is going to bite him in the butt.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0739
« Reply #2 on: July 04, 2014, 03:22:14 PM »
I've always wondered if this conversation marks a turning point in the Barn-Angelique relationship. As they enter the drawing room and sit in the two-sided love seat, Angelique comments, After all these years, your taste in women should have improved over the years. Charity seems rather thick witted--I suggest you leave her alone. Amusing advice, Barnabas comments with no amusement whatever, coming from you, who made me what I am. Angelique warns him, Charity Trask can be nothing but trouble, just like all other Trasks. I see you’ve forgotten about them. No, Barnabas says. Angelique reminisces, I remember dear Reverend Trask well--the man who tried, and failed, to destroy the witch. Thanks to me, Barnabas reminds her. Angelique replies, There was a rather sweet irony in the way you handled his execution--walling him up in your own cellar! I always rather appreciated that. Thank you, Barnabas answers coldly. [They are just two supernatural beings chatting together!]

Naturally Barn asks Angelique to make him human again, and naturally she refuses. Angelique, Barnabas sighs wearily, your concern for me, as usual, is concern for yourself. Angelique looks away. She has no reply to this, possibly because it’s the simple truth--and Barnabas knows it too. He prepares to leave, saying, It is getting late, and you know I cannot stay. Angelique steps in front of him and says with surprising urgency, Barnabas, for your own sake, as well as for what you are trying to do here, spend your time with the girls down at the docks, girls that have no names, no homes, no hopes and most of all--no fathers. [For the first time, Angelique expresses jealousy over a woman whom Barnabas does _not_ love. She senses and resents what Barnabas describes to Charity as not love but "the special thing we have between us." Yet Angelique is sincere in her concern and advice for Barnabas. She no longer wishes simply to destroy him.]

Charity starts to cry when Judith, apparently with real kindness, tries to put her own black shawl on her. Meanwhile, Angelique meets the current Trask and advises him to marry Charity off ASAP. Judith arrives, and Trask wonders why Charity hasn't come to greet him. Judith says she's upstairs resting, then invites him into the drawing room. My dear lady, I would follow you anywhere, Trask assures her obsequiously. (Especially to the bank, I'll bet!)

Judith offers Trask the use of a small house on the Collins property while the school is being rebuilt. For once, Trask is utterly flabbergasted. You would do all this for me?-- for us? he hastily amends, but Judith doesn’t notice. She is, however, embarrassed by Trask's fulsome gratitutde and says that when one has money, it's easy to offer it. Trask invites her to confide in him: I see there are problems in your heart and in your soul. These must be uncovered and talked about to a dear friend. I shall be that friend. Judith answers, Reverend Trask, I can't tell you how much I admire you. We all complain so, yet you seem so uncomplaining despite everything--despite your ill health. My ill health? Trask asks, surprised. Your wife mentioned it during her visit, Judith explains. We can all but see the light bulb go off above Trask’s head as he slowly turns away from her and says, How strange of Minerva. You see, she is the one who is in ill health-- _increasingly_ ill health.

Judith takes Trask upstairs to see Charity, but she's already answered Barnabas's call and arrives at the Old House, still wearing her pink nightgown. She's also wearing the black shawl that so horrified her earlier--now it doesn't bother her one bit. I’m feeling very well, she says. I was upset and depressed at first last night, when I met your fiancée. But afterward, lying in bed and thinking about it, it didn’t seem to matter that the two of us are engaged to others. Because of this special thing that we have between us, Barnabas suggests. Yes, I know that now, Charity agrees. It makes me feel elated, as if something extraordinary might happen.

Barn shows Charity a portrait of his uncle Jeremiah's first wife--who knew??!! We see that the portrait shows a woman who only generally resembles Laura in a bright, flame-colored dress. Nonetheless, Charity exclaims in amazement, It’s she! It is the same woman! As Barnabas reminisces, it becomes clear that the writers have decided once again to make Barnabas much younger than his uncle instead of making them the age mates we saw during the 1795 episodes. They've also decided that Barnabas was just 10 years old when he met Laura, and that she was his first crush. When you were ten years old? Charity asks, surprised that the ageless vampire was ever a young boy. Barnabas disregards her, caught up in the memory: She was like a flame, a flame coming toward the house that day, in her bright orange riding habit. How ironic that fire should kill her. Charity gets freaked out by the idea that Barnabas has lived so long, but he quickly re-mesmerizes her by reminding her of the "special thing we have between us." Now he intends to use her to spy on Laura.

Trask wants to search for Charity, not out of loving fatherly concern but out of annoyance that she isn't where he put her. Just as Judith is about to send for Dirk, Charity rushes into the house. Sternly, Trask tells Judith, There is no reason to search. She is here. He walks over to Charity: And she had better have an answer for me--a good one! A very good one! Where have you been, Charity Trask, and what have you been doing? Charity starts, I... But suddenly she seems to grow faint and collapses to the floor, unconscious. She’s fainted! Judith exclaims, rushing over. Trask kneels by Charity and moves to touch her neck for a pulse--then pulls back, startled, as he spots the bite marks on her throat....

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0739
« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2014, 05:12:11 PM »
So, this makes Barnabas 20 in 1795!

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0739
« Reply #4 on: July 04, 2014, 06:27:12 PM »
Yeah, that seems weird. I thought he was about 25, which makes more sense.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0739
« Reply #5 on: July 04, 2014, 07:08:35 PM »
the later attempts to "retroactively" make Barnabas much younger than the actor they cast as him with back when he was just supposed to be "scary" were strange indeed. [ghost_rolleyes]
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0739
« Reply #6 on: July 05, 2014, 08:24:52 AM »
I saw 1795 Barnabas as perhaps 30 or 35, and Jeremiah as possibly 40 or 45.

I wonder why Ang went for the fiancee story instead of just proclaiming she was already his wife... she gives Charity a lovely dream about her wedding-funeral.  Good dream.  Married, buried, six of one, half dozen of other.  Music nicely strange. 

When Charity faints at Trask's feet, he sees her vampire bite marks.  Bum bum bum.
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