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Discuss - Ep #0737
« on: July 02, 2014, 04:04:58 PM »
Robservations #737

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0737

Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0737
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2014, 07:37:55 PM »
At the gazebo, Quentin repeats his soliloquy, but this time it really is one, because Grayson Hall isn’t in this ep.

Judith finds Laura staggering around the drawing room. Alarmed, Judith hurries out to ask Beth to make tea. So not only does Collinwood have a servant problem, but even the bell-pulls don’t work! But the plot calls for Laura to be alone so that she can stumble out the door. Quentin arrives and Judith returns. She is scandalized by Quentin's total lack of concern for their sister-in-law. Quentin says bluntly that he knows Judith always hated Laura. I did hate Laura, but I never wished her harm, Judith huffs. (Her idea of Christian charity is almost a match for Trask’s!) Judith finally picks up the phone and asks for Dr. Pendleton [who wisely stays off screen, thereby prolonging his life]. Sipping his brandy, Quentin mutters, Too late for a doctor--what she needs is an undertaker.

Laura is horrified to discover that her precious little urn is missing. Just as she's about to collapse, Dirk happens by. She clings to him like a limpet, absorbing his warmth. Almost terminally embarrassed, he manages to break free. She tells him that she knows he's "the one" and tries to convince him to obey her every command. Dirk backs well away from her, mortified by what he interprets as her amorous advances. Eventually he convinces her to go back to the house.

More snippy repartee between Judith and Quentin: Judith is having a phone conversation with Trask and agrees that they should thank the Lord that all the children are safe. Now it's Judith's turn to tell Quentin that the school was gutted in the fire and no one has any idea how it started. Quentin suggests, Shouldn’t you try the doctor again--he must be back from his house call (lol!). Judith sniffs, I have never seen anyone so indifferent to human suffering. Quentin replies, The suffering of some people has to be seen to be believed.

Just then Dirk returns with Laura, occasioning some snide remarks by Quentin. Judith starts to take Laura upstairs, but Quentin takes over. I owe it to Laura to take her upstairs myself, he says, in atonement for my earlier reaction. Laura is far too weak to protest.

Judith questions Dirk about Laura. Nervously, he says he thought she was drunk at first but now he thinks she's very sick. Nothing she said made any sense, he adds.

Someone has made up a roaring fire in Laura's room. With mock solicitude, Quentin helps her lie down. He leans directly over her, bringing his face close to that of his former lover, now his enemy--the better to mock her. He refreshes her memory by bringing up the time she found him dying at the cottage (after Jenny stabbed him, I think) and refused to help him. Now, I do believe that one bad turn deserves another, he finishes as he kneels by the bed again and tries to kiss her. She turns her head away, but he jerks it back around by the chin, kisses her hard, and lets her go. Why, your lips are ice cold, he says cruelly--goodbye, Laura. After mockingly caressing her face and shoulder one last time, he leaves the room, concluding a wonderful scene.

Kerosene lamp in hand, Dirk returns to the Great House to tell "Miss Collins" (correct) that he's about to begin his rounds. Then he asks about "Laura" (grossly incorrect--she should be "Mrs. Collins" to him!). Judith says the doctor doesn't know what's wrong with her. He leaves to do his rounds.

Meanwhile, Laura staggers out of bed, kneels by the fire, and implores her master to help her. We hear a whooshing sound, presumably the cold wind of her master’s rejection. Laura pleads, No! No, please. Please don't take away your warmth. There is so little time left. Please help me. I beg you, appear to me. Appear to me in human form! I have chosen someone--a young man.

As Laura speaks these words, Dirk returns to the house--and is throughly confused when he hears Laura's voice in his head, begging her master to "possess him." Dirk becomes possessed as Laura finally finishes her prayer. The flames are reflected, dancing across his face. He sets the bucket down, stands up and starts to chant, presumably in Egyptian, because he addresses Amon Ra. Laura joins him in the same language, invoking Aton. Come to me, she pleads over and over. I don’t want to die! I can’t die, not now, not here! Finally Dirk leaves the drawing room and goes upstairs.

Injury on set?! Laura has collapsed, unconscious, on the floor of her room. Dirk kneels down, picks her up awkwardly (and possibly straining his back--she’s about his height), and puts her back on the bed. I don’t understand, he says. She revives enough to tell him, There’s no need to understand. Come closer. She pulls him toward her. I was just saying foreign words that don’t make any sense, he murmurs. Laura takes hold of his lapels. Laura, he says, using her given name for the first time, I shouldn’t be here. Do you want to leave? Laura asks. No, no--I want to stay and help you, he replies, puzzled. I don’t know why. Laura explains, Because I am going to die. Dirk grabs her, exclaiming, No, No, you can't die! You won't! Laura tells him, You have the power to save me. But that makes him pull away from her in disbelief. Look deep into your soul, Laura tells him, and you’ll know what to do. You must do something--there’s very little time! I don’t know what to do! Dirk cries, seemingly near tears. I don’t know what to do! Collapsing back onto the pillow, Laura insists again, Look deep into your soul. Dirk suddenly seems to become someone else. He grabs Laura again, his eyes shining wildly, and calls her name hoarsely. Laura says, You do have the power! Only you have the power to restore me! This only gives him cold feet again. No! he cries out. It’s impossible! Laura tells him one last time, Look deep inside yourself, where you will see the flame of eternal life. You want to help me, don’t you? Dirk grabs her roughly and holds her tight as he declares, Oh yes, yes! I am never going to let you go! I don't want to lose you! Then use your power, Laura urges him, use it! Don't let me die! Please, don't let me die! Dirk holds her tighter and tighter....


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Re: Discuss - Ep #0737
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2014, 07:44:45 PM »
Quentin and Judith quarrel over his lack of concern over Laura. I suppose one can argue that Judith does have more humanity than Quentin worrying about Laura even if she does detest the woman almost as much as he does.

Dirk comes to Laura's aide and she has found her own Willie/Sandor like servant.

Dirk takes her back to Collinwood and Quentin does a 180 and feigns concern for Laura and offers to take her upstairs to her room. His actions strike Judith as hypocritical but doesn't prevent her from allowing him to take Laura upstairs.

Alone in a room, Laura knows only too well that Quentin's concern for her is all an act and that he is responsible for her getting weaker. She vows to get even with him but he insists she won't have the time to do it. He takes pleasure in gloating over her impending demise in revenge for her smirking over his painful attack at the cottage the other evening. He leaves her.

However Laura is not finished yet not by a long shot. She summons Dirk to her....she bewitches him...he says some kind of incantation in Egyptian, I think, which restores her. Laura once again has gotten the upper hand over Quentin though he doesn't know it yet.

Cool episode.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0737
« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2014, 04:52:36 PM »
Why Q hates Laura so much is one of those things I'll just have to wonder about, since I'm not going to spoil any surprises within my tape gap.  We do hear that she left him to die.  Good, though mean scene with the two of them as she's on the bed dying.  The kiss was especially mean...  and perghaps inspired.  Here comes unwitting Dirk to the rescue.  Dirk seems to be no detriment to the show, at least now.  Roger Davis is okay here.

Chuckle at "limpet", DL.  I don't want to be told, but when Jenny stabbed Quentin pre-zombihood, Laura wasn't around yet... maybe she stabbed him yet again later.
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