Author Topic: Discuss - Ep #0723  (Read 964 times)

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Discuss - Ep #0723
« on: June 12, 2014, 04:16:18 PM »
Robservations #723

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0723


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Re: Discuss - Ep #0723
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2014, 12:31:35 AM »
Judith and Carl don't believe Rachel's claims that Quentin was in her room but one look at the empty coffin convinces them she was telling the truth. That surprised me, I half expected Judith to say someone must have stolen the body....but then I suppose witnessing Jamison's possession by Quentin was more than enough to realize that something really terrifying is going on since Quentin's death.

Barnabas knows the source of it all, but can't tell it.

Carl screams like a little girl when he sees zombie Quentin (though in this instance can't blame him for being scared out of his wits). Quentin starts to choke him but then he walks away from an unconscious Carl when Barnabas, Judith and Rachel run up to him.

Barnabas does succeed in luring Quentin back to the coffin, but having told the terrified mistress, her brother and Rachel the details of what has happened to Quentin, Judith wants to bury him for good with the method Barnabas told of putting a zombie to rest. Barnabas unsuccessfully tries to put Judith off, but she wants to put an end to having to deal with her dead ladies' man brother as a 'mindless' hulk'. Barnabas and Carl put the cement over Quentin's coffin. Fat lot of good that does.....

Barnabas convinces Rachel not to leave Collinwood. Under the circumstances I think her getting away would have been a good idea...he knows Angelique has tried to harm Rachel before, and amulet or not, who's to say she won't try again.

Rachel doesn't get the chance to make a definite decision....she runs into zombie Quentin (who managed to get out from his cemented grave), faints and he proceeds to carry her away.

Great episode.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0723
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2014, 02:45:42 PM »
Good scream--and I mean the scream by JK!

Barnabas tells the others gravely, The symptoms Carl described--the icy hands, the lurching walk, the empty eyes--are all too familiar to me. A a very young man, I traveled to the West Indies. In a remote village in (he hesitates the barest fraction) Martinique, the people were filled with terror because a young man had died and come back just as Quentin has--lurking and unseeing, unfeeling, driven by a mind outside his body. They spoke of him with terror, and with good reason--he was a zombie. A zombie? Judith repeats. Quentin? How could it happen? she asks. Someone very powerful is using Quentin as a mindless clod, he continues. He is able to maim and kill. He knows nothing, and he feels nothing. What sort of creature could make Quentin rise from the dead? asks the horrified Judith. Never mind who, Barnabas replies tersely. We must concern ourselves with undoing it. Is that possible? Judith asks. Barnabas replies, The Martinique villagers found a way. They burned cypress and myrrh beside the empty coffin, and the soothed zombie was brought back to rest. Then they buried the coffin and covered it over with cement. The body couldn’t walk then. How horrible! Rachel exclaims. Barnabas leaves Carl in charge of the ladies while he turns to leave. Where are you going? Judith asks. To the Old House, Barnabas replies. He tells his attentive audience, I want to make sure that Magda "has the myrrh and the whatever, the things that she needs." Carl, take the ladies and lock yourselves in your rooms. I’ll be back later.

After Barn and Carl bury Quentin while Judith supervises, once again Barn has to play beat the clock. Rachel is relieved that a new day is near as the dawn comes up, but Barn barely has time to convince her (rather selfishly) not to leave before he must return to his coffin.

Alone and scared without Barnabas, Rachel finishes turning out the lights in the drawing room. She turns off the foyer lights and starts up the stairs. Suddenly the front doors blow open. Rachel calls to Barnabas but gets no reply. She comes downstairs searching, then walks out the front doors, calling his name. Suddenly Quentin lurches out of the shrubbery behind her. She turns to face him but is too surprised even to scream very loudly. He wraps his hands around her throat, and she promptly passes out or faints. He catches her in his arms in the received zombie style and walks directly toward the camera, his big blue eyes glassy and bright....

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0723
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2014, 11:31:10 AM »
I wonder if after having made Quentin human on DS, they suddenly realized, not enough supernatural is going on now, and so worked in a stint as a zombie... Did they make Quentin creepy again for ratings?  Rachel doesn't scream at seeing him in the rocker, strangely... 

Barnabas knows just what to do when a family is afflicted with zombies.  He's the Stokes of 1897.  Quentin rises again though, and he/it uses Adam's old trick of sending his victim to sleep with a single touch, making for easier carrying-off, of Rachel in his case.

I wonder if we hear anything more later from Quentin's spirit, separate from his wandering empty body...
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0723
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2014, 04:00:20 PM »
Interesting point, MT. Barn has reverted to his vampiric self, but now he's a good guy.

Barnabas knows just what to do when a family is afflicted with zombies.  He's the Stokes of 1897.

 [ghost_grin] [ghost_grin] [ghost_grin]

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0723
« Reply #5 on: August 06, 2014, 04:51:46 PM »
Shadow has been used quite effectively in this storyline, but this shot is really one of my favorite examples of it:

I mean, what other daytime show was doing such dramatic lighting back in the day?! (Or even nighttime show on a regular basis?!) One of the reasons why 1897 became so popular is that the look of the storyline is just so amazing!!

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0723
« Reply #6 on: August 06, 2014, 06:43:27 PM »
Wow, MB, that's just beautiful. Thanks for sharing.