Author Topic: Discuss - Ep #0715  (Read 470 times)

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Discuss - Ep #0715
« on: May 31, 2014, 04:34:03 PM »
Robservations #715

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0715

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0715
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2014, 04:54:56 PM »
I hope to say more after your post, DL.  Fire, Ed's room.  I find it hard to believe Jenny is sitting there quietly in a chair while Edward berates her, after just having been a pyromaniacal wild woman.... He hates having to stand around with her waiting for Rachel to go, and says so...

I liked the wind rushing past Rachel's window as she leans out to see Jenny being taken to the Tower.  They're not letting the rush of getting DS made stop them from putting in atmospheric touches like this, lately.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0715
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2014, 12:00:52 AM »
Edward scolds Beth for taking a tray of food up the front staircase. We also find out that Quentin hasn't asked Beth for any information on the person upstairs.

Magda comes to Collinwood to give Rachel the amulet. Rachel asks to have her palm read. So many things have happened in the past few days, I don’t know what to do or think, she frets. If there is a secret, I want to know it. She offers to pay Magda. I will let you, Magda says graciously. She extends her hand; Rachel puts one coin in it. Magda keeps her hand out, and Rachel gives her another coin. (Nice bit!)

Magda tells Rachel she has an enemy. Rachel tells her about seeing the light in the Tower Room--something that is a complete surprise to Magda.

That night, we get the ripped-off fire scene from Jane Eyre. But this time Edward gets to yell at somone who is calmly sitting in a chair. Rachel comes in after she hears Edward shouting. He sends her back to her room and is even angrier at the person in the chair because now they'll have to wait until Rachel falls asleep again. Finally Edward decides that Rachel must be asleep and insists that Beth has to gag the person in the chair before moving him/her (cruel!). Beth isn't happy about this.

Just as the sleepless Rachel is about to turn out her light, she hears Edward’s door slam, then footsteps (sounding like the proverbial herd of elephants, despite Edward’s earlier order for silence!). Come, come, Edward says. Yes, sir, Beth replies. Please, no trouble, yes, please! After a moment, the footsteps stop and another door slams, then silence. As Rachel watches, each window in the Tower is lit up as though someone was carrying a light past it, up the flight of stairs that hugs the outside wall. Finally the Tower Room windows are alight. [Actually, it’s a flame behind a cardboard cutout.] Rachel closes her window and shivers. What’s going on? she wonders. She leans wearily against the bedpost, trying to figure it all out.

The next morning, Beth reports to Edward that everything is calm again, but just as with Judith, he doesn't want to hear about it. But he threatens to fire Beth if this happens again. Rachel overhears part of this, then hurries into the house as if she's just gone for a walk. She tells him, I didn't sleep well last night--as well you know. Edward says, Your nerves seem to have been on edge ever since you arrived--perhaps the atmosphere here doesn’t agree with you. This scares Rachel into running upstairs, but she glances back at Edward once as she goes up.

That evening, Rachel tries to make friends with Beth, but Beth rebuffs her, no doubt out of jealousy. Later, Magda arrives with a note supposedly from Barnabas, telling Rachel to go to the Tower Room. Magda warns Rachel that SHE mustn't see Rachel and Barnabas together. Rachel is afraid, but Magda says the amulet will protect her. Edward finds them and glares coldly at Magda. Coldly Edward asks Magda, What are you doing here? I came to deliver a note from my master, she replies. You may leave if you have done what you came to do, Edward says even more coldly. Magda asks Rachel, Do you want Mr. Barnabas to come and see you when he returns? Yes, Rachel replies, I will have news for him then. Magda gives her a nod, then leaves.

Edward startles Rachel by telling her, I owe you an apology for my curt behavior last night. Thank you for coming to my room. It showed a sense of responsibility, he says. I would like to think that in my absence you would show the same responsibility to the children or anyone else in the house. With a nervous laugh, Rachel thanks him. She moves to leave, making the excuse of having work to do before Barnabas comes. I understand, Edward says, adding I want you to promise that you will forget about last night. Rachel replies, I once read the words of a philosopher who said, You must not look to the past, but to the hour ahead of us. Edward thinks this is a good philosophy, and Rachel finally escapes upstairs. As thunder starts rolling, Beth comes out the servants’ door. Edward opines, I don’t think Miss Drummond will bother us  anymore. That’s good news, Beth replies with a smile.

But at that moment, Rachel is in the corridor leading to the Tower Room. The thunder continues to peal as she looks over the railing, then tries the key. The lock turns, and she opens the door....