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Re:Anyone know anything new on WB dark shadows pilot
« Reply #60 on: December 20, 2003, 01:40:42 AM »
I'd like to elaborate a bit on my apprehension of the new WB series. I'm not against a remake of DS - I loved the 1991 series and still have it on tape. Nor am I against the WB per se.

But television is a very different animal than it was just 12 years ago, let alone 37 years ago. Today, TV shows are market researched and put through focus groups to the extent that something creative rarely makes it onto the air.

Witness the sweeping changes throughout daytime TV in the past decade; the advertising industry has decided their new target demo is girls between 12 and 18 and thus today's soap operas have become shallow in their appeal to the lowest common denominator. The primary goal seems to be to throw talentless, shirtless male models onto the screen with the expectation that 12 year old girls everywhere will squeal in delight. Content and substance have taken a backseat to eye candy if they are in the car at all. Hence the reference to the recently failed WB series "Tarzan."

The networks and/or sponsors just don't seem to get it - 12 year old girls were squealing with delight over Jonathan Frid - hardly a male model - over 30 years ago. Even younger viewers appreciate talent, charisma and good storytelling. But there's so little of that on TV today.

I hope the WB does do a new version of DS and I look forward to checking it out, and I'll keep my fingers crossed. I'm just skeptical about what kind of product they'll turn out in this era. The thought of DS turned into some mindless drivel like Passions or Days of our Lives makes me cringe.

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Re:Anyone know anything new on WB dark shadows pilot
« Reply #61 on: December 20, 2003, 02:03:07 AM »
thank you dr. eric lang, i am glad someone on this board finally agrees with me.

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Re:Anyone know anything new on WB dark shadows pilot
« Reply #62 on: December 20, 2003, 03:03:15 AM »
I hope the WB does do a new version of DS and I look forward to checking it out, and I'll keep my fingers crossed. I'm just skeptical about what kind of product they'll turn out in this era. The thought of DS turned into some mindless drivel like Passions or Days of our Lives makes me cringe.

I am also skeptical of what the WB has in mind for the new version of DS. Since the WB paid for the script pilot, I assume they have already given Dan Curtis certain parameters on what they would like to see in the pilot, like for example, change how Barnabas is released  from his coffin or ditch the Winters character (God forbid) etc... I just hope Cutis does not sell his soul to the devil just to get the show back on the air. It would have been helpful to  know the exact reasons why Fox was unhappy with last year's DS pilot.

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Re:Anyone know anything new on WB dark shadows pilot
« Reply #63 on: December 20, 2003, 05:38:22 AM »
thank you dr. eric lang, i am glad someone on this board finally agrees with me.

picard, we're just debating and discussing  8) That's why we're all here. And I wouldn't worry. To my knowledge nobody on these boards has a say in what's going to go down. It's all just fun conjecture.

My challenge is simply this- Post a one sentence 'high-concept' description of what DS is. That's it. Then we'll see what we get...

When a young woman arrives in a small coastal Maine town, intent on discovering her roots, she stirs up the past as well as supernatural events that change their lives forever.

How's that?

I'm obviously not suggesting scrapping Vicki. The show always had a gothic focus, and that sort of requires a young heroine. Arrival of a stranger always helps gets plot going. That's why she worked so well on the original show.
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Re:Anyone know anything new on WB dark shadows pilot
« Reply #64 on: December 20, 2003, 06:01:14 AM »
Food for thought. This is what WB Network co- CEO Jordan Levin had to say in an article with the Hollywood Reporter dated December 16, 2003 concerning next fall's schedule.
"We're going to take more risks in comedy and try to things that are further-out choices, higher concepts or different points of view," Levin said about the net's comedy development. On the drama side, " I think we have a very healthy balance between some passion projects that carve out new territory as well as strong franchise projects, Levin said."
Hopefully, in the latter he was referring to Dark Shadows and Lost In Space.?

Offline Darren Gross

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Re:Anyone know anything new on WB dark shadows pilot
« Reply #65 on: December 20, 2003, 07:23:06 AM »
It would have been helpful to  know the exact reasons why Fox was unhappy with last year's DS pilot.

Simple- the script was uninteresting and not compelling- a barely changed shortened version of the 2hr pilot for the 1991 series with a few tweaks and alterations such as Maggie running a magic shop (next to the Blue Whale which her dad ran) and being into sorcery. She was involved in some kind of earth god or goddess cult (Carolyn too) that wore black robes for their rituals.

It felt like the 1991 version with an attempt to make it a little Buffy-ish...

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Re:Anyone know anything new on WB dark shadows pilot
« Reply #66 on: December 20, 2003, 01:30:08 PM »
I guess I'm in the minority - either that, or those who feel as I do aren't posting in this topic - but I can't envision a remake or a "new" Dark Shadows at all.  I don't think the magic and the uniqueness of the show could ever be recaptured - not in a million years.  If this new show comes to pass, and they manage to come up with something people like, then more power to 'em.  But it won't be Dark Shadows.  It'll be something else, which I guess, is why I have no interest in it.
The ONLY concept I can imagine having any sort of appeal to me at all would be a show which has the original cast members in their roles as they would now be in 2003.  Problem is, we're missing a few key people and Frid is retired.  I mean, REALLY....anyone else playing Barnabas....I can't get with the program.  LOL
Jonathan Frid was Barnabas - he created him.  Same with Quentin.  The idea of anyone other than Selby playing him is sacrilege in my humble opinion.

Actually, if they could come up with something interesting casting the available original actors in their roles, utilizing flashbacks here and there might prove interesting - particularly for those who have never seen Dark Shadows.  Think about it.  Has something like that ever been done?  Being able to have the real people NOW and being able to show them 35 years ago (and not having to use younger people to play them)?

I dunno.  Maybe I'm way out in left field.   8)
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Offline jimbo

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Re:Anyone know anything new on WB dark shadows pilot
« Reply #67 on: December 20, 2003, 02:23:10 PM »
Simple- the script was uninteresting and not compelling- a barely changed shortened version of the 2hr pilot for the 1991 series with a few tweaks and alterations such as Maggie running a magic shop (next to the Blue Whale which her dad ran) and being into sorcery. She was involved in some kind of earth god or goddess cult (Carolyn too) that wore black robes for their rituals.

Thanks Darren for the information and honesty. It is a far cry from what we were officially told about how Fox was going in a different direction and that was the reason why Fox passed on last year's DS pilot script. I have a feeling the writer will come up with a more compelling and interesting script that will make the WB pleased..

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Re:Anyone know anything new on WB dark shadows pilot
« Reply #68 on: December 20, 2003, 05:25:31 PM »
This is a great thread.

I am for a totally new DS. A rehash would be boring to me as the 91 series was (no, I didn't give it a chance, I was bored that quickly). If it's going to be the same I want it to be the same - I'll watch my MPI tapes.

But if they are going to recreate the original perhaps it would be good to start the show in 1795. No Viki or time travel and continue up to the point of Barnabas being chained in his coffin and then flashing forward to 2004 with his release and go from there.

Thanks Darren for the Fox info I was craving to hear. Perhaps the black robes killed it, that was the only part that seemed corny to me. ::)

Offline Darren Gross

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Re:Anyone know anything new on WB dark shadows pilot
« Reply #69 on: December 20, 2003, 10:28:43 PM »
It is a far cry from what we were officially told about how Fox was going in a different direction and that was the reason why Fox passed on last year's DS pilot script.

I should say that my analysis in the post above is only my opinion based on the draft I was able to read...Studios don't tend to give you a script analysis when you submit, they pretty much give you the feedback quoted above, 'We're going in a different direction, yada yada yada." No one wants to risk offending a producer who might churn out the next big hit and may pitch their next big thing to your studio... ;)

Offline wes

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Re:Anyone know anything new on WB dark shadows pilot
« Reply #70 on: December 20, 2003, 10:54:25 PM »
 ;D It doesn't take a genius to figure out the proposed Fox series was going to be the third remake of the same storyline!

 :D I hope WB and Wells take the show in a different direction.  I heard a 'next generation" approach was out of the question.

 ;D I don't think all those "teenagers" on WB are all in their 20s... some must be in their 30s!

Offline Raineypark

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Re:Anyone know anything new on WB dark shadows pilot
« Reply #71 on: December 20, 2003, 11:06:09 PM »
   I heard a 'next generation" approach was out of the question.

Can you tell us where you heard/read this, wes? 
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Re:Anyone know anything new on WB dark shadows pilot
« Reply #72 on: December 21, 2003, 12:29:33 AM »
 :) I heard it from one of the writers associated with DS.  I was stating my opinion that DS should be done from a present, possibly alternate/parallell time from the original series.

 :o The basic outline would be -- The brooding David Collins returns to Collinwood with his son (from an unnamed first wife) & his new bride (a Vicki-type heroine); mysteries ensue, naturally!

 ;D TPTB feel the the strongest initial storyline, and greatest chance for success, is the "Introduction of Barnabas" and the events that follow his getting out of the box... IE 1967, HODS, 1991.  I thought a "next generation" type approach would be better & more modern.

 :) I thought you could maintain continuity with the old series by hinting that the old show might exist in a parallel reality -- or, might also be the actual past of the "new" show.  Then, you could use elements as you wanted, and let some "die."  I thought it should respect the old series, but be modern/unique.  I thought that approach would be the greatest chance for success... still do!

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Re:Anyone know anything new on WB dark shadows pilot
« Reply #73 on: December 21, 2003, 01:24:54 AM »
Thanks, wes....though I find it disappointing....sounds for all the world as though the WB was frantic for a new Vampire series to replace "Buffy" (since they were dumb enough to loose "Angel") and decided DS was a quicker fix than a completely original new show.
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Re:Anyone know anything new on WB dark shadows pilot
« Reply #74 on: December 21, 2003, 02:25:27 AM »
All i can say is that the Wb better not make it into one of those other "so-called" supernatural garbage like fluffy buffy and angel, dark shadows is not like that, and that will turn dark shadows fans of the original off on it in a snap, i know it will for me if that is what i see on the new pilot when and if it airs on fall 2004 primetime on the WB.