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Discuss - Ep #0704
« on: May 16, 2014, 04:54:08 PM »
Robservations #704

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0704

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0704
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2014, 07:27:01 PM »
Joan VO.  She acts in these, while some just read VOs in a hushed voice.  Barnabas talks his way out of a skewering... I think at this point he could have claimed to be the only member of the family left in England, which would be his reason for coming to America, to be with Collinses.  Less verification needed.  Barnabas meets Beth in the woods... not remarkable lines really, but I love Mr. Frid's acting here. 

When you're alone, and life is making you lonely, you can always go... to the Collinsport docks... Sophie Barnes, someone who seems to teeter on the edge of perhaps being a prostitute, perhaps not, from moment to moment, loses her "compact"... isn't that a modern expression?  He didn't take hers and later give it to Grandmamamama, did he?  It couldn't have been fancy enough and SB's was smaller I think, but the thought occurred.  Captain Strathmore, a character on the fringes...

Quentin seems to be about to murder Edith.  Bum bum BUM. [spoiler]And it's over the Secret, which everyone assumes is about money.   She should say, Well Quentin, we've got a vampire chained up in the graveyard.  Satisfied now?  Don't spend it all in one place![/spoiler]
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Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0704
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2014, 10:20:42 PM »
Barnabas is nervous as Quentin holds him at sword's point. I guess he's afraid of what will happen if Quentin run him through--basically, nothing much. Judith returns with tea and the men patch things up, but they are still at daggers drawn, metaphorically anyway.

In the woods, Barnabas meets Beth (returning from town, because she is without the parcel). Beth admits to the existence of Jamison and Nora, but is startled when Barn mentions another child. After she leaves, Barn has another wonderful, though brief, soliloquy about the missing child. He looks around him at the woods and up at the moon, but nature offers him no explanation.

All we will ever lean about Charlie is that he was drunk. All we will ever learn about Captain Strathmore is that he was considerate. Barn looks sad as he realizes that his encounter with Sophie can end in only one way. He gets a mouthful of blond curls as he bites her. Does she die? I really don't remember. I don't know whether "compact" is a modern (20th cent.) term. Did Barn give Edith a compact? I don't remember that either.

Quentin waylays poor Beth again. It seems the tray she's carrying has too much food for his grandmother, but Beth smoothly replies (truthfully) that Judith is dining with Edith. Later, up in Edith's room, Judith tells Beth to take the rest of the food "upstairs." Hmmm.... Also, Beth never calls Quentin "Mr. Quentin." Also hmmm...

Quentin is really mean to his grandmother as well as to everyone else.