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Discuss - Ep #0702
« on: May 14, 2014, 05:20:02 PM »
Robservations #702

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0702

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0702
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2014, 08:56:35 PM »
Frid is BACK!  Engaged, rested, and ready.  He steps totally into yet another version of his vampire personality.  What I love about early 1897 Barnabas is how he's a blend of the vampire of this time in the box, more gaunt and bitter than in 1795, and the 1969 version who leapt into him.  I really think we're seeing and hearing a joining of the two, and I think that accounts for this Barnabas seeming so alien to what he was a day earlier (from his perspective), yet with 1969 Barnabas's priorities.  I think this explains some of the mistakes he makes later on.  His vampire self is influencing him without his knowing it.  He's a strange, fascinating composite creature.

Sandor at the crypt doesn't hesitate at all when asked what year it is, unlike anyone else.  Gypsies know vampires.  He just states what year it is.  I liked that.  I liked Barnabas's thoughts to himself, trying to work out the nature of what he's experiencing.  Is it in my mind?  My body's supposed to stay in 1969!  While all the while he's also fully the 1897 vampire, falling into the part without a first thought, threatening without hesitation... but to pursue 1969 Barnabas's goals.  "This place is in a deplorable condition."  I love how Mr. Frid reads that line.  That line sets in place for me who and what this Barnabas is.  1969 Barnabas wouldn't have said that in that way.  He often seems to be of this time, completely.

Did JF actually lose weight for this?  He looks it.  He seems to love his work again.  You can tell those moments when he wakes up, and feels he has scripts to sink his teeth into again... he remembers his lines too.  Welcome back, Barnabas.

Quentin is completely set up as a character in the first two episodes.  We see the meanness and selfishness, we see the wit, we see the sentimental side.  I think viewers were hungry to see as much of him as possible, and they gave as much as they could, and didn't disappoint.  End: Barnabas sees Quentin.  Then Magda works it out, turns to the vampire in question and says "VAMPIRE!!"
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0702
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2014, 03:24:27 PM »
Yup, MT, these are some of my favorite episodes. I like what you say about Barnabas's vampire self.

JF is absolutely in his element. Barnabas is horrified that he has reverted and without Dr. Hoffman's magic elixir. But his quick and clever mind is hard at work as he sets out to establish himself. By now he has the "cousin from England" gambit down cold and knows exactly how to prepare.

We get wonderful verbal duels between Magda and Quentin. No love lost on either side.

JB is just fabulous as the conniving Judith and gets to wear another knockout period gown in a color that suits her perfectly. No love lost between Judith and anybody else.

Welcome, three-seated S-curve love seat! That thing must have a name, but I don't know what it is. Quentin insists on seeing Jamison, regardless of the late hour. Jamison arrives in pjs and bathrobe, thrilled that Uncle Quentin is back. Quentin takes out the gift he’s brought: a beautiful model ship (the same one that sits on the breakfront in 1967). It’s to take you away with, he says. Jamison is thrilled to see that it’s named the _Jamison Collins_. [spoiler][A long time from now, it will become the notorious _Java Queen_, and we will meet its sinister crew.][/spoiler] At this point, Judith walks in and stares hard at them. Jamison bursts out, I won’t tell him! I don’t want Quentin to go away! I won’t tell him! I won’t! I won’t! He hugs Quentin hard. There is your answer, Judith, Quentin tells his sister smugly. She retorts, You didn’t come back because of Grandmama at all! You came back to finish ruining Jamison! They exchange glares.

Great scene also when Magda returns to the OH and finds Sandor--and Barnabas. His calling her "Madam" is no sign of respect. He is sad and angry at the state of the OH--and utterly affronted that Magda is sleeping in Josette's room. Their argument is interrupted when someone knocks at the door. Already enslaved to Barnabas, Sandor pleads with Magda to obey him.

The knocking has turned to pounding. The visitor is Quentin. As Barnabas peers through the grille for his first look at his living adversary, he listens intently to the ensuing conversation. Notice I knocked? Quentin says. I kept my manners, no matter what anyone else may say. Be quick, Magda tells him. Immediately suspicious, he asks, Am I interrupting something? No, Sandor replies, Magda is just tired. I was expecting more hospitality, Quentin comments. And what about those interesting things my grandmother said today? I forgot them, she mutters. Quentin grabs her arm angrily.  Get out, she tells him. Something is wrong, Quentin says quietly, and I want to know what. Nothing! Sandor insists nervously. Just a nice quiet evening at home discussing my generous offer? Quentin asks sarcastically. I ain’t aware of your offer, Sandor says. Something is very strange here, Quentin insists. Magda tells Quentin, We can't discuss it tonight. Tomorrow, she promises, just to be rid of him. Sandor offers, I will talk to her tonight if you will leave us. I’m curious, Quentin admits. I never knew Magda to be upset before. Until tomorrow, he says, giving them a mocking bow before he leaves. Sandor asks Magda, Why didn't you tell me? Who is _that_? Magda asks as she points to Barnabas’s hiding place. He has the mark of death on him, she says. Tell me! she insists. Sandor turns away from her, but she grabs his arm--and sees the wound on his neck Those marks! she gasps, horrified. Sandor doesn’t answer but simply runs from the house in anguish and shame. Magda turns toward the basement door and points through the grille at Barnabas, screaming, Vampire!...

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0702
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2014, 04:25:13 PM »
I like finding that out about the model ship, that it's in the present.  So it went through Jamison to "now"... I love those "S" couches, too.  What crazy talking positions it creates, adding a lot to those arguments... That couch is my favorite late-Victorian thing, I think.  It wasn't all stodginess back then.  There was a bit of wild innovation, too.

Not sure how to say this... but I love it when DS seems to "expand" or be fleshed out further, and one way they do that is dropping extra story into scripts, and by that I mean references to backstory we never get a chance to see, scenes that happened offscreen, and in this case it was the fact that Judith and Jamison had had a conversation before Jamison saw Quentin, where Judith prevailed on him to reject Q and send him out the door.  We find this out in a streamlined and economic way, mostly implied, with just a couple of quick remarks.  One great thing this does is to stretch out the story beyond just the 21 minutes.  The episode in our imagination lasts longer than that, sometimes much longer, because these kinds of lines provide windows out to other events and scenes, past and present, that there wasn't time to include.  I wouldn't be surprised if these kinds of episodes strike fans as being the longest.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0702
« Reply #4 on: May 16, 2014, 04:36:21 PM »
Just thought of this-- those implied scenes were pretty daring, for a soap opera.  Shows like this go through story so fast, that they're in the position of having to show everything and maybe add unnecessary scenes, just to have enough to broadcast every weekday, and to spin their wheels a little so viewers who miss an occasional episode can still follow.  They decided to make the show as good as they could, at this point, even if it involved telling a story as a novel or film might.  One thing I give D Curtis credit for... it was probably at this point that he demanded plot development in every episode.  The ratings were high enough, what with kids like me becoming sprinters to see it every afternoon, that he could now get away with this.
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Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0702
« Reply #5 on: May 16, 2014, 07:00:28 PM »
I think you're right about the soaps, MT. On the traditional ones, everything was spelled out laboriously and the stories took FOREVER. It's nice that in this story line at least, DC gave the viewers credit for some intelligence and trusted that you could infer off-screen bits by the on-screen results.