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Discuss - Ep #0694
« on: May 02, 2014, 04:22:50 PM »
Robservations #694

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0694

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0694
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2014, 06:54:57 PM »
LE is absolutely wonderful in this episode!

Stokes finally stops Quentin's tricks by breaking the mirror. Out in the hall, Roger hears the uprorar. Stokes explains. Still the family skeptic, Roger fumes, There are no ghosts! I only agreed to the exorcism to keep Liz happy. Please tell her the spirits are gone. [Even though you don’t think there are any, Roger?] That’s too dangerous, Stokes argues. Amy and David must not be left alone for a minute. But even Stokes’s warning about his son fails to convince Roger. Stokes tries to leave the room, but Roger blocks the door. No, Professor, he says, you’re not to leave the room until you agree to keep silent about this latest trick of your imagination. [Despite all the supernatural disasters that beset them, those wacky, lovable Collinses have carefully preserved a strong rationalist streak through the centuries, and every generation boasts at least one skeptic who needs to be persuaded.]

David comes to the drawing room to say good-night to his aunt. Elizabeth tries to get him to confide in her, but he refuses. Once you banish all the secrets by talking, you'll feel better, Elizabeth assures him. I want to make sure _he_ can never come back, David says, admitting at last that there is a “he” to get rid of. Moments later, they are both horrified when Quentin's Theme starts up. Elizabeth hurries out, unaware that David hasn't followed her. The doors close, trapping David in the drawing room. Quentin appears before him, angrier than ever. He fixes his gaze on David, who is unable to look away. Don’t come near me! David shouts. Don’t touch me! Quentin does neither, instead striking him mute.

Elizabeth joins Roger and Stokes upstairs--all three of them can hear the music. Stokes admits that the exorcism has failed. Suddenly they realize that David isn't with them, and they all rush downstairs.

Down in the drawing room, David is mutely trying to call for help as the music drones on and Quentin glares at him. Elizabeth calls David from the foyer; Quentin hears her and promptly disappears. The music stops at the same moment. Quentin seems not to have had nearly enough time to repossess David, who opens the front doors and runs straight out of the house. Stokes explains that the music has stopped because "our friend" has no further need of it. Stokes decides they should check on Amy.

David has made a beeline for the Old House. He may or may not be about to spill the beans, but Roger arrives and berates Barnabas and Stokes for upsetting David. Barn gently asks David to tell his father the truth. But Quentin is glaring at David through the window. David stops talking. It was only a game, he says lamely. His voice rises to a shriek as he ends, Only they’ll punish me for playing it, that’s why I can’t tell you, they’ll punish me! I don’t know what to do! He runs upstairs, sobbing. His face clouded with worry, Barnabas watches him flee.

Whether because Barnabas, even in his mortal state, is the more powerful of the two, or for some other reason, Quentin doesn't appear inside the Old House. 

Back at the Great House Elizabeth regrets that she didn't think to send David to stay with Barnabas. Stokes advises Elizabeth, I think you should all pack your bags and leave. Sarcastically, Roger asks, Should we burn the house when we go? Stokes replies, You're treating all this very lightly. There have been two mysterious deaths in this house already [he means Madam Findley and Ezra Braithwaite], and there will be more--tonight, tomorrow. You’re deliberately trying to frighten my sister! Roger says accusingly. Why are you doing this? Stokes assures him, I want to save your son’s life and Amy's life. The spirits that are roaming this house are determined to take the children for their own. They will kill anyone who stands in their way. I want to stop the tragedy. Mrs. Stoddard, go to Barnabas at once! he urges Elizabeth. If you don't, you will regret it every day of your life! Elizabeth hesitates, but only for a moment, then announces, We'll all go to the Old House now. If it isn't convenient for Barnabas, we can stay at the Inn. This is insane! Roger protests, but Elizabeth says, I’m going upstairs to wake the others. I won't go, Roger says flatly. I hope you change your mind, Elizabeth says as she heads upstairs. This is all your fault! Roger fumes at the professor. Unimpressed, Stokes retorts, I already know your opinion of me, Mr. Collins! He storms out, leaving Roger alone in the drawing room.
Roger pours himself a solitary brandy. Sensing a presence, he turns around, but sees nothing. He shakes his head at his own foolish fancy. Then he turns again, his face shadowed, still feeling as if someone's watching him. He shakes his head again and drinks. Ridiculous! he mutters. He turns, thinking he sees-- something by the french windows. He searches both alcoves. What did I think I saw? he mutters. I'm getting as bad as the rest of them, he chides himself. Then the double doors close by themselves. Nervously, Roger murmurs, Someone _is_ here! Breathing hard, he calls out, Who’s here? Who is in this room? He turns and unconsciously raises his fist to his mouth in horror. Quentin is standing before him, favoring Roger with the same malevolent gaze he turns on Roger’s son.

At 2:00 a.m., Elizabeth and Stokes are walking down the Great Staircase for the last time, suitcases in hand. Elizabeth says, I’ll have to come back tomorrow--I only brought enough things for one night. Stokes tells her, You’d better not plan on coming back tomorrow. When will we get back? Elizabeth asks. Soon, I hope, he replies as he helps her into her coat. I sense you feel it will be a long time, Elizabeth says soberly. In fact, I don’t know when any of us will be able to return, Stokes admits. I think we should attempt another exorcism, with someone with more power than I have. [We never find out who he means.] It's incredible, Elizabeth comments. I never thought I would leave this house. [And we know she means never!] Persuade Mr. Collins to leave with us, Stokes urges her. Where is Roger? she asks suddenly. I left him in the drawing room, adamant as ever, Stokes replies. Elizabeth enters the drawing room with Stokes following. Roger is sitting in a chair, nearly paralyzed with shock. What happened? Elizabeth asks in alarm. Burying his face in his hands, Roger gasps faintly, I saw him--here! Turning to Stokes, he says, You were right. I’m very sorry, Stokes replies generously as he helps Roger up. Come with us, Roger, Elizabeth says. We'll decide what to do tomorrow. Yes, Roger says at last. He turns to Stokes again and bursts out, Oh god! Please forgive me for doubting you! I never thought we would be forced to leave this house, he says, unconsciously echoing his sister. What will we do? he asks. I don't know what to do about anything, Elizabeth admits. I'll turn out the lights. Before she turns out the lights in the drawing room, we can see that the table that is usually in front of the fireplace is missing, even though the fire is still burning brightly. Tomorrow we will make an expedition to get your things, Stokes assures Roger. I'll put the bags in the car. He leaves. Roger staggers out to the foyer. Elizabeth turns off all but one of the foyer lights, plunging the house into nearly complete darkness. Standing in the darkened foyer, Roger comments softly, How quiet it is. I could almost believe I'm alone, Elizabeth agrees. Roger puts both arms around Elizabeth, who turns off the last light. When they reach the front door, Roger turns back. Shaking his fist, he exclaims defiantly, We’ll be back! Have no doubt of that! He closes the door.

After the last living residents of Collinwood shut the front doors, Quentin’s music joins the thunder outside to fill every room of the now-dark Great House: the West Wing room with the panel; the storage room that leads to it; the upstairs hallway with the door to the West Wing; Maggie’s room; David’s room, his schoolbooks strewn across his desk; Roger’s room; the drawing room, where the table is back in front of the still-burning fire, now with tea laid for one; the dark foyer. Quentin stands on the landing at the top of the stairs, laughing triumphantly now that he is the Master of Collinwood at last....

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0694
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2014, 08:05:35 PM »
This is the episode that gave me the shivers. I remember it like I saw it yesterday.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0694
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2014, 09:27:05 PM »
Good recap, DL.  Strangely enough, I made almost no notes myself, despite how pivotal this ep is, so thanks for making up for my falling down on the job.  Written by Sam Hall, directed by Lela Swift I think. 

It's definitely the last layer of reality penetrated, when Roger himself sees Quentin.  They've built things up so nicely that one actor (Selby) just standing there in front of another actor, doing nothing, is shocking and alarming.  Roger's shock afterward was well done, though I'd have found somewhere else to recuperate than the very room the ghost was in a minute earlier.

The slow pan through Collinwood and Quentin's triumphant laugh are classic, of course.  I was definitely watching and transfixed at this point, as a kid.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0694
« Reply #4 on: May 03, 2014, 12:53:36 AM »
Great points, MT! The buildup has been fantastic, and the shot of DS and LE was the payoff.

I always thought Roger was just to shocked to get out of the room--don't think he recuperates until Stokes and Elizabeth find him.

Regarding the final scene, I was definitely watching and transfixed at this point, as a grownup!

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0694
« Reply #5 on: May 03, 2014, 06:33:28 AM »
That was my favorite Roger moment.  First, he always seems to be out of the loop and disbelieving everything.  So, this time, he actually experienced it and HAD to believe.  But his defiance as he left was wonderful.  It seemed  so un-Roger-like to me.  I loved it.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0694
« Reply #6 on: May 03, 2014, 06:56:31 AM »
Welcome, Josette!  My impression of Roger is of two parts of him pulling him in two directions-- one is an utter coward, the other is a stiff-necked authoritarian, who can stand up to anybody.  He can bounce back and forth between the two in a single conversation.  We see the latter side when he comes back to Collinwood next...
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0694
« Reply #7 on: May 03, 2014, 10:28:46 PM »
I meant to say the chills not the shivers - I am not THAT delicate, lol.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0694
« Reply #8 on: May 04, 2014, 06:09:45 AM »
Magnus, there was another good and seemingly out of character instance for Roger.  I forget the details, but

[spoiler]I think it might have been during Leviathan.  Carolyn had been taken hostage or something and Roger went to the rescue.  A really good moment![/spoiler]