Author Topic: Discuss - Ep #0676  (Read 494 times)

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Discuss - Ep #0676
« on: April 08, 2014, 05:02:49 PM »
Robservations #676

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0676

Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0676
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2014, 09:07:39 PM »
Barnabas doesn't need a bandage on his hand any more. But the wolf's ears on his silver-topped cane have been smashed down, a sign of his struggle with the werewolf. He takes Chris to the secret room in the mausoleum.

Careful to leave the panel open while they talk, Barnabas tells Chris, This room was originally a storage room for ammunition during the Revolutionary War. How do you know about it? Chris asks. With two hundred years of pride in his voice, Barnabas replies, I am a Collins. I know a great deal about my family history. Chris points to the coffin as he comments, This room must have had other uses after the war. Yes, Barnabas says, with massive understatement--and leaves it at that. Who was buried here? Chris wonders. The coffin is empty, Barnabas replies. Who _was_ buried here? Chris asks. That’s a bit of family history I know nothing about, Barnabas answers as he turns away.

DB has one of his finest scenes as he describes, with pain and anger, how he first underwent the transformation. He says they started seven years ago, which according to my notes, makes him four years older than poor Tom. And I knew the animal was _me_! he finishes with a sob. Tomorrow morning will be better for you, Barnabas assures him. Chris shouts, How can you be sure that even this place is going to hold me? Foot-thick granite walls will do it, Barnabas assures him. I'll lock you in. I didn't show you how to open the door from the inside, he points out. The pains begin. As he doubles over in agony, Chris pleads with Barnabas. Get out--for your own sake, he gasps. It will happen in a few minutes. Let me help you, Barnabas says. Chris tells him, Just close the door! Close it good, and pray that I can't get out of this place! I’ll return for you in the morning, Barnabas promises. By now Chris is in too much pain to do more than grunt an agreement. Barnabas reluctantly steps outside and pulls the ring in the lion's mouth, locking Chris in the secret room. He leaves the mausoleum and gazes up at the bright full moon.

David is wearing a suit and tie, so I suppose Elizabeth still has formal dinners. He finds Amy outside, also staring up at the full moon. Sometimes it scares me, she says. You get scared of the funniest things, he tells her and takes her back inside.

Outside, Barnabas hears the werewolf’s mindless growls and knows the transformation is now complete. He bows his head in sorrow, then leaves, knowing he can do nothing more for Chris until the morning.

After dinner, the kids entertain themselves by insisting to Mrs. Johnson that she only imagined the silent, angry man at the cottage. Barnabas returns and hears her break a glass. He invites her to sit on the sofa and tell her what's bothering her, so she tells him about the kids--and about the man at the cottage. Barnabas has been listening with his now-usual caring attentiveness, but he is clearly mystified too. I’m convinced the children are responsible for that man's appearance, Mrs. Johnson insists. When I found them playing dress-up, David was wearing the same kind of clothing that man had been! To her relief, Barnabas replies, I don’t think you’ve lost your mind. I believe you. Please tell me more.

Of course the kids haven't gone to bed but make a beeline for the West Wing. Quentin indicates that he wants to see David ALONE and that Amy has to wait downstairs. She leaves, puzzled and hurt. Quentin assumes his patented sardonic smile as his theme song starts up. David asks, What is it you want me to do, Quentin? Quentin sits down, which seems to be his usual preparation for giving instructions.

Amy comes downstairs and tells Barn that she's sure Mrs. J only imagined the man. But Barn doesn't have quite enough clues, not yet.

David actually finds the strength to defy Quentin and refuses to poison Chris with strychnine. He storms out, leaving Quentin absolutely furious. Amy is still stung by Quentin's rejection and asks David if they're playing the game. Not tonight, David says. Unhappy and scared, he denies that anything is wrong.

Quentin, meanwhile, picks up the bottle and examines it thoughtfully, an ugly glare on his face. And we all know that now he can leave his room....

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0676
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2014, 09:57:02 PM »
Barnabas reveals the mausoleum to Chris.  A huge step for him.  Why the suit, David?  To teach those scruffy hippies a thing or two?  You're probably right, DL.  Mrs. Johnson now inhabits the Village of the Damned!  Alone!  Amy is her nice real self and then evil, minute by minute.  Only on DS. 

Barnabas has now found his purpose in life, helping with supernatural threats as atonement, though keeping busy probably has more to do with it than he lets on.  He's got to let the romantic side of life go for awhile...

David's shocked at the idea of poisoning Chris, but wasn't so troubled by trying to kill his father, earlier.  Sad Q, holding strychnine, can't find good help anymore I guess, if you want something done right...  I want to catch Quentin putting his strychnine in that drawer in 1897.  I liked the roll top on the desk slamming open by itself...
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Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0676
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2014, 07:18:30 PM »
Maybe Vicki's benevolent influence has gone some way toward reforming David.

Yes, Quentin is having some trouble finding good help.  [snow_cheesy]