Author Topic: Here Come De Judge!  (Read 1216 times)

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Offline Bob_the_Bartender

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Here Come De Judge!
« on: November 12, 2003, 03:09:47 AM »
Hey gang,

Talk about fever-pitched excitement!  It's almost too much that Quentin Collins I is facing trial as a warlock (the first witchcraft trial in Maine in nearly 150 years), but to top it off, the presiding judge at the inquest of Randall Drew's death is none other than the honorable Wiley, the Pine Tree State's greatest jurist, bar none!

Yes, Wiley (a/k/a "Wily Wiley"), a man whose idea of having a good time on Saturday night, is reading the Uniform Commercial Code while enjoying a non-alcoholic, hot toddy just before retiring for the evening.

Of course, I would be extremely remiss not to acknowledge the wonderful (not to mention, much-anticipated) return of the actor portraying Judge Wiley, Mr. Addison Powell, Dark Shadows' greatest recurring guest star/character actor, IMHO.

Yes, Addison Powell, the man who wowed us all as 1797's sagacious Judge Matigan, 1968's delightfully demented Dr. Eric Lang, and now in 1840, as the learned Judge Wiley, perhaps Mr. Powell's greatest Dark Shadows performance ever!

Regrettably, Judge Wiley will not preside over the three-man tribunal to determine if Quentin is, in fact, a warlock. That weighty responsibility will fall upon the shoulders of Judge Vail (a very sullen and unimaginative jurist, IMHO).

Yet, I can't help thinking that the Dark Shadows writers missed out on a golden opportunity to provide the fans of Dark Shadows with a compelling courtroom drama during the final weeks of the program.  Imagine, if you will, that Judge Wiley, rather than Judge Vail, is the presiding judge at Quentin's warlock trial.  And, instead of the dour Desmond Collins as Quentin's defense attorney, we get to see the shocking (and, I might add triumphant) return of Jeffrey Clark (a/k/a Peter Bradford) as Quentin Collins' estimable counsel?

Oh, what unremitting joy for all Dark Shadows fans as we get to see, once more, the uproarious mirth and mayhem of Lang & Clark, this time in the incarnation of those two loony legal eagles, Wiley & Clark!

Can you imagine how "animated" Jeff Clark (a/k/a "Mr. Vicky Winters") would be in his spirited defense of his falsely-accused client?  No doubt, Counselor Clark would employ his finest histrionic gestures and techniques to convince the tribunal of Quentin's innocence.  I can just see the sixty-something Mr. Clark grabbing his still lustrous head-of-hair (now a radiant shade of battleship gray) as he beseeches the tribunal to consider Quentin's high moral standing and reputation in the community when they consider the evidence against him.

I daresay that, in a last ditch effort to save Quentin, Jeff would employ the so-called "spaghetti defense," that attorney Johnnie Cochran used so masterfully during his succesful homicide trial defense of Orenthal James Simpson, a true high point in American jurisprudence!

Of course, Judge Wiley would be the epitome of the perspicacious arbiter, a man (or woman) determined to insure that true justice be achieved according to the prescribed rules of the tribunal (and looking oh-so-cool with that new "mod" hairstle and those groovy sideburns of his).

Yes, indeed, what may have been.  Nevertheless, I think that we can all agree that Addison Powell hit, yet, another "home run," so to speak, with his timeless and unforgettable portrayal of Judge Wiley.  Touch 'em all, Mr. Powell!

Bob the Bartender, who, like the learned Judge Wiley, will be "perusing" all follow-up postings concerning this final paean to the great Addison Powell.

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Re:Here Come De Judge!
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2003, 04:06:20 AM »
 ::) Hey Bob (or, is that Andy?) -- I thought Addison Powell's appearance as the Judge was pretty ordinary.  Where did you dig up the first names of these benchmen?  (Horton?)

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Re:Here Come De Judge!
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2003, 05:09:52 AM »
OMG, BtB, your Lang & Clark posts were hsyterical!

Where did you dig up the first names of these benchmen?  (Horton?)

It's a valid question.  I don't recall that the two judges were given first names, so if they're invented it would be appreciated if they'd please be edited out of the main topic.  That would be fiction, and well, you know...


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Re:Here Come De Judge!
« Reply #3 on: November 12, 2003, 09:24:15 AM »
I didn't like the way the judge did that scene.  He seemed to believe in witchcraft as much as Trask and quite forcefully pronounced the charges and possible penalty to Quentin.  He had previously said that he couldn't release him, even if he wanted to, because of the law, and then cited the law and that the old laws from Massachusetts days were still valid in Maine.

The implication of that, to me, is that he didn't really believe in having a trial for witchcraft, but that the laws were still on the books and as a judge he had to uphold them.  He should have had more regret or some such feeling in his voice as he "reluctantly" held Quentin.  Instead, he seemed almost as triumphant as Trask as he charged him.

Offline Bob_the_Bartender

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Re:Here Come De Judge!
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2003, 04:28:55 AM »
Where did you dig up the first names of these benchmen?  (Horton?)

It's a valid question.  I don't recall that the two judges were given first names, so if they're invented it would be appreciated if they'd please be edited out of the main topic.  That would be fiction, and well, you know...


Dear Fellow Dark Shadows Fans,

Concerning the origin of the given names of the two judges, I think that I first heard about them at the 1988 Dark Shadows Festival.  Wow, that's fifteen years ago!  Some of these "newbie" Dark Shadows Forums posters were still toddlers way back then.  Man, does that make me feel like the venerable Ezra Braithewaite!

Anyway, during a question-and-answer session, someone asked what was the first name of the original Rev. Trask.  It's so long, that I can't remember who replied to the question, but, suffice it to say, the answer was that "Ian" was said to be the first name of Jerry Lacy's great Dark Shadows character, and was bandied about on the set back when the episodes were filmed in 1967.

I believe that a follow-up question elicited the given names of the two judges.  So, I suppose that someone at the festival should receive the credit (or the blame?) for the given names of those supporting Dark Shadows characters.

Of course, If I were to be "asked" what the given names of these learned men of law should be, I'd opt to call Judge Wiley either "Nunzio" or "Shlomo."  And, as to the actual chief justice of the three-man tribunal, I would think that there would be no more appropriate first name for him other than "Noah" Vail.

By the way, I would like to express how delighted I am that there are so many newcomers (or "newbies") to the the Dark Shadows Forums.  I particularly enjoy reading the thoughtful observations and candid comments of the next generation of Dark Shadows fans, so to speak.  What especially impresses me is that some of the more "prolific" newbie posters have been able to express their refreshingly frank comments without, even once, violating the long-standing official guidelines of the Dark Shadows Forums.  That's quite an accomplishment!

So, even with the impending cancellation of Dark Shadows on the Sci-Fi Channel, I remain optimistic about the future of Dark Shadows fandom, what with so many bright and articulate, young Dark Shadows fans to take up the mantle to provide further grist for the "Collinwood mill" for many years to come.


Bob the Bartender


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Re:Here Come De Judge!
« Reply #5 on: November 13, 2003, 07:50:51 AM »
  8) I'm willing to accept "Ian" as the first Rev. Trask's first name.  If Jerry Lacy was at this convention and said it was Ian... well, that's good enough.  Lacy wrote for that character, I believe.  I think he and Joel Crothers might have named done that.  Anyway, was anybody else at this convention?  Can someone confirm "Ian" as the name?  Is it on a draft script/synopsis?  What was the name of the character in the 1991 series?

 :-  However, I am finding it a little hard to figure out why anyone would ask about the names of the other judges!

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Re:Here Come De Judge!
« Reply #6 on: November 13, 2003, 06:11:46 PM »
 ???The "tribunal" is most interesting. As I was watching the episode today (Thurs.), I couldn't help being amazed by the "evidence" accepted in the court. Just picture a "trial" like this in today's courtroom. Yes, I understand witchcraft trials were quite different, but just because someone SAID he saw a ghost, does that then make it a fact??? Today the testimony of eyewitnesses isn't necessarily a so-called slam-dunk. It definitely is an example of the mind-set at that time.
" Small things amuse small minds"--------at least my students have been led to believe!

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Re:Here Come De Judge!
« Reply #7 on: November 21, 2003, 04:46:35 AM »

You comment in your reply to my previous posting:

8) I'm willing to accept Ian as the first Rev.
Trask's first name.

Well, I can't begin to tell you how delighted I am that you're "willing to accept Ian as the first Rev. Trask's name."  (No doubt, many of my fellow veteran Dark Shadows Forums "cousins" also take great joy in that pronouncement.)

You proceed to inquire about:

(1) "Confirmation" of Trask's given name?

(2) If the name appears on a draft or a synopsis?

(3) What was Trask's given name on that memorable NBC revival series?

Evidently, these questions are of paramount importance to you.

Well, I have a question of my own:

What, are you writing a book?!?

Come to think of it, perhaps some officiously-minded poster/"cousin" would care to "confirm" the validity of just a few of your many statements of fact concerning Dark Shadows.

You conclude your reply with the observation:

:-  However, I am finding it a little hard to figure out why anyone would ask about the names of the other judges!

Oh, really?  I am finding it somewhat difficult to understand why, in the space of just a few weeks, you have inundated the Dark Shadows Forums with your comments, declarations of facts, and multitudinous questions (three of which appear in this posting alone).  Perhaps you're trying to get them all in before December 30, 2003 arrives?  As the great Jackie Mason (who's currently appearing on Broadway) is wont to say: "Oy vey!"

I found your comment/reply to Patti's recent posting entitled "Gerard Question," to be, as they say in the legal profession, highly "on-point":

"It always seems like I'm putting other viewpoints down, after I read what I post.  I hope it doesn't bother's not meant to!"

You know, there's really nothing I can add to that compendious comment.

Bob the Bartender, longtime Dark Shadows Forums "cousin" and lifelong curmudgeon.

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Re:Here Come De Judge!
« Reply #8 on: November 21, 2003, 05:06:55 AM »
The topic is now locked, I'm asking that everyone please reread the forum guideline regarding netiquette, and the personal conflict must be taken off the forums.  Thank you.