Author Topic: #1152/1153: Robservations 11/04/03: Proof Positive  (Read 1268 times)

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#1152/1153: Robservations 11/04/03: Proof Positive
« on: November 03, 2003, 11:23:06 AM »
1152 - Desmond, fighting for air, accuses Gerard of doing this to him, insisting he doesn't want Gerard anywhere near him.  An upset, puzzled Flora points out that Gerard wasn't anywhere near him when he was stricken, so she doesn't understand how he can hold him responsible.  Desmond's choking becomes worse.  His mother asks what's choking him, and he says he doesn't know--you've got to do something, he gasps, but his panic-stricken mother doesn't know what she can do.  He sends her for Julia, but she doesn't want to leave him there alone, so she calls for Leticia to come--quickly!  Flora kneels beside her son again, wondering how he could have become so ill for no earthly reason--is there anything she can do to make him feel more comfortable?  It feels like something is around my neck, he gasps, and Flora loosens his collar.  Leticia comes in and is horrified to see Desmond's condition.  Flora tells her she doesn't know what happened.  Desmond wants Julia, and Flora tells Leticia to go get her.  She can't help him, says Leticia, the psychic gleam in her eye.  What are you talking about--Julia's a doctor! cries Flora.  He ain't suffering from any ordinary sickness, proclaims Leticia--it's the devil's work, I tell ya!  Flora says that's impossible and hustles Leticia out the front door.

Collinwood drawing room - May I assume you are anxious as the rest of us to find out how and why Roxanne became one of the living dead? Trask asks Julia, his hands posed in a praying position.  You may assume that, says Julia.  Then why do you immediately become hostile when I attempt to question you on the subject? he asks.  Julia stands and says she doesn't like the manner in which he questions her, nor the insinuations about her brother, Barnabas.  Who is still missing, by the way, says Trask.  He is not missing, says Julia, he was grief-stricken about Roxanne and is in seclusion for several days.  I hardly think the circumstances warrant seclusion, says Trask--the person who destroyed Roxanne's life should be found and punished, I should think Barnabas would be happy to cooperate with us.  I don't wish to discuss my brother any longer, if you don't mind, says Julia coldly.  Then let's discuss you and the ordeal you went through, suggests Trask.  What about it? asks Julia.  You said after you were attacked, you were taken to the abandoned lighthouse--who took you there?  Roxanne, of course, lies Julia (how ironic that she is forced to protect Valerie).  But Roxanne couldn't stay with you in the daytime; after she was gone, why didn't you leave the lighthouse? asks Trask.  Julia turns to him and says he is well aware of her condition--she was too weak to be moved.  Is that the reason--or were you forced to stay there by someone else? he asks.  You were the victim of an attack--did you meet the person responsible for Roxanne? asks Julia.  Of course not, he says.  Then why do you consider it so logical that I did? she queries, annoyed--I trust the subject is closed.  No, it is not closed until I get to the bottom of it, insists Trask testily--I'm sorry you could not shed any light on the subject--excuse me, I must go upstairs and see Samantha.  Julia sits, but not for long--oh, Lord, I'm so glad you're here! cries a breathless Leticia, you've got to come to Rose Cottage at once--it's Desmond, he's frightfully ill, he can't breathe, poor darling.  Julia runs to get her bag.  Leticia laments that now that she's met a man she really likes--a nice, kind, decent, lovable man--something happens to him--oh, Desmond, please don't die!  (This is sweet.)

Desmond's hand drops down; for a few moments, it appears he has died.  Flora comes in with a glass of water and shakes her son, who mutters, "Quentin, listen to me--it's dangerous business, I'm warning you, stay away, stay away!  What's dangerous? begs Flora--can you hear me?  "Quentin, stop!" cries Desmond (obviously something Gerard has him saying).  Why are you calling for Quentin? wonders Flora desperately--what's happening?  She holds him.

The clock strikes eight.  Leticia paces the drawing room in Collinwood.  Julia comes downstairs, and Leticia tells her she has a carriage waiting outside.  The front door opens and Valerie walks in.  She and Julia stare at each other, Valerie amazed, Julia defiant.  (It must give Julia such satisfaction to have outwitted the witch.)

Why it's my dear sister in law, says Valerie, I haven't seen you in ages--I'd almost given you up for dead.  As you can see I'm very much alive, please excuse me, says Julia, and she and Leticia move to leave the house.  Valerie shuts the door, stopping them, insisting that she and Julia have so very much to talk about.  Leticia begs her not to detain them, it's an emergency.  Yes, says Julia, Desmond is very ill and needs immediate medical attention.  All right, go on your errand of mercy, I suppose we can talk later, says Valerie.  The other two women leave, but not before Julia and Valerie exchange another glance.  Valerie goes into the drawing room, wondering how Julia escaped--Roxanne would never let her go!  She goes to the window and looks out, calling to Roxanne to appear to her.  Outside, a storm rages over the countryside, but Valerie gets no response.

Flora checks anxiously on Desmond and is grateful when Julia comes in with Leticia.  Julia examines Desmond and asks how long he's been this way.  Almost two hours ago, says Flora.  Has he been unconscious all this time? asks Julia.  No, says Flora, he's been awake most of the time, and at one point he even almost choked to death.  Julia checks his throat and observes he seems to be trying to choke again now.  Flora asks if he's going to be all right, her face twisted with concern. Leticia, who loves him, is equally worried.  Julia reports to Flora that there is nothing physically wrong with Desmond.  How can you say that? asks Flora--he can hardly breathe!  There's no sign whatsoever of any constriction of his throat, explains Julia.  I don't understand, says Flora.  I do, says Leticia, I understand it, all right--it's the devil's work, that's what it is.  She kneels beside Desmond, putting his hand against her face.  The poor soul, she laments, who would want to hurt him?--such a dear, gentle man he is--who would want to do a thing like this to him?
--something occurs to her, and she says it's someone not far from here.  Julia asks what she means.  Flora says that Leticia is starting to see something.  Yes, says Leticia--she sees a doll, sitting on some stairs, with something wrapped around its neck--Desmond's ascot--the doll has the ascot tied around its throat, says Leticia--she rises and declares, "It's black magic!--Someone is using black magic on him!"  Where is the doll? asks Julia.  I only know it's not far from here, says Leticia--sitting on some stairs--but she didn't recognize the stairs in her vision!

Collinwood - Valerie continues to call Roxanne, ordering her to answer her call and appear to her.  She is gone, realizes Valerie, I can feel it--she's gone--Julia must have destroyed her!  Trask enters the drawing room, hoping he isn't disturbing her.  Not at all, she says.  I've been looking for Samantha, he says.  I haven't seen her, says Valerie.  I hope you don't mind my saying this, says Trask, joining her on the seat beside the fire, but I can't help having noticed that you always seem to be alone--I mean, without your husband.  He has his interests and of course I have mine, says Valerie.  I should like to know a great deal more about your husband's interests, says Trask.  Why don't you ask him? she suggests.  I would if I could find him--do you know where he is?  She looks away from Trask and says she really doesn't.  Apparently no one does, he complains--he seems to have completely vanished--one is inclined to wonder why.  Perhaps he's at Rose Cottage, suggests Valerie, helping his sister with the emergency--Desmond Collins was taken quite ill this evening.  Trask smiles triumphantly.

Rose Cottage - Leticia caresses the chair in which Desmond was sitting.  A weary Flora enters, and Leticia asks her if there's been any change.  The nurse will let us know if there is, says Flora--I told her not to leave him.  I don't understand why Julia had to leave, wails Leticia.  You heard what she had to say, says Flora--there just wasn't anything she could do for him. Trask comes in and says he just heard the news about Desmond, he's here to offer his help.  Flora tells him there's nothing he can do to help--no one seems to know what's wrong with him.  There is one person who knows what's wrong, insists Trask--the man who caused it--Quentin Collins!  He smiles.

What are you talking about? demands Flora.  I told you once before, says Trask, that Quentin is a warlock--he uses supernatural means to deal with his enemies.  Quentin has no enemies in this house, insists Flora.  Are you going to tell me that Desmond was taken ill for no reason at all? asks Trask.  I don't know what the reason is or who is behind it, admits Flora.  Trask asks her if she knows Desmond and Quentin had a quarrel earlier this evening.  Don't be absurd, says Flora, walking away.  Hands on hips, Leticia informs Trask that Quentin and Desmond are quite good friends, Desmond told her so himself.
I understand Dr. Julia Collins came to examine Desmond, Trask tells Flora--what was her diagnosis?  She said there was nothing physically wrong, says Flora.  Then my instincts were correct, weren't they? asks Trask--the moment I heard about Desmond, I knew he was a victim of witchcraft!  Flora says she accepts the idea of witchcraft, but not that Quentin is behind it.  Trask asks why she accepts one and not the other.  I know Quentin too well, replies Flora, and I believe in Leticia--a while back, she had a vision--she saw a doll with one of Desmond's ascots wrapped around its throat.  Where was this doll? Demands Trask of Leticia, who answers that she'd rather not talk about it with him, if he doesn't mind.  Leticia, I demand you  tell me! he shouts, grabbing her arm.  Take your clammy hands off me! she commands, pulling out of his grasp.  Desmond may be dying, says Trask--if you know the source of the black magic that is killing him, it is your solemn obligation to tell me--you don't want to be responsible for Desmond's death.  I saw the doll, she admits, nothing more--sitting on some stairs--but she doesn't know what stairs, she cries, she's never seen them before!  He asks her if they were in a room.  I told you, I saw the doll and the stairs, that's all! she cries.  Trask asks where the stairs led to?  They didn't seem to lead anywhere, she says, just some steps going up from the floor.  Stairs leading no where? muses Trask--thank you, Leticia, thank you very much.  He hurriedly leaves, Flora in pursuit, asking if he knows where the stairs are.  He promises to be back later, and doesn't reply when Flora insists he tell her what he knows.

Julia enters Collinwood and accuses Valerie of killing off the entire Collins family because she failed with her.  What on earth are you talking about? asks Valerie.  You know what I'm talking about, says Julia, witchcraft!  Valerie stares at her.  Suppose you explain this curious accusation, suggest Valerie.  Is it necessary to explain? asks Julia venomously, Desmond Collins is dying--and not of any natural causes--but because of witchcraft.  So naturally you suspected me, says Valerie bitterly.  I didn't expect you to admit it, says Julia.  Valerie insists she has never harmed anyone simply for the sake of harming them, and I have never met this Desmond Collins.  Julia is perplexed--if you're not responsible, then who is?  I don't know or care, says Valerie, but what I do care about is Roxanne--how did you destroy her?  I didn't, says Julia, I suddenly was free--I learned later that he brother, Randall, had kept her out of the coffin at sunrise--she is at peace, Angelique!  Valerie, I'm known as Valerie now! whispers the witch, closing the doors.  Only until your true identity is discovered, says Julia.  You dare to threaten me? demands Valerie, advancing on her.  No, says Julia, there's no point in threatening you, I couldn't risk exposing Barnabas--someone is using witchcraft against Desmond Collins, and I think it would be to your advantage to help us find out who it is.  Why do you say that? demands Valerie.  Because if anything happens to Desmond Collins, there will be an investigation by the family and the authorities, points out Julia, everyone will be questioned, including you--suppose in this investigation, the truth about you becomes known--and you will become the one accused--think about it--Angelique.

Trask quietly enters Collinwood, looking around to make sure no one is there, and enters the kitchen area.

I suggest you go by the door and waits in case someone tries to come in, Valerie tells Julia.  Julia asks her how long she thinks it will be.  Valerie doesn't have any idea--she will simply try to contact whoever it is using black magic, there's no guarantee she'll succeed.  Julia goes to stand by the door, leaning her back against it.  Valerie sits by the fire, asking the flames to carry her thoughts--to the one who is like me--to the one who understands my way of life--whoever you are--wherever you may be--let my words enter your thoughts--reveal yourself to me--send me an image by which I may know you.  She sees in the fire the head of Judah Zachary and is terrified.  It disappears.  She rises, terrorized, covers her eyes with her hand.
When Julia asks her what she saw, she claims it she saw nothing at all.  Julia doesn't believe her, not from her reaction.  I was reacting to a vibration, says Valerie, whoever your witch is, he is hostile to me as well.  Julia doesn't believe she's telling the truth.  I've told you everything I know, insists Valerie, clearly upset--there's nothing more I can do!  Julia, forehead creased, stares at her, then opens the door.  Oh and Julia, says Valerie, just because I agreed to help you this once doesn't mean anything has changed--I shall deal with you when the first opportunity presents itself.  Without a word, Julia walks away, but her response is evident in her body language.

Trask enters Quentin's laboratory and looks around.  He spies the staircase Quentin built, and on a stair, finds the doll with Desmond's ascot wrapped around its neck.
Trask picks it up and triumphantly says, "Now no one can refuse to believe the truth--it is here in this laboratory--I have final proof at last that Quentin Collins is a warlock!"

NOTES:  This isn't good!  Gerard cleverly placed the doll in Quentin's lab, on the staircase, and Quentin isn't going to be able to easily explain it away.

Isn't Leticia's fondness for Desmond cute?  You can sense she hasn't been in the company of too many nice guys, and it's great that she appreciates him for what he is.

Now Valerie knows she is in trouble, too.  She has seen Judah's face in the fire, knows he is the warlock who choked Desmond--but she doesn't confide in Julia.  She seems terrified.

Trask sure is relentless in his pursuit of Quentin--and Barnabas, too.  I wonder where Jonathan Frid was during this time period?

I love the Julia-Valerie scenes, but you'll notice that Valerie did relent and attempt to help Julia.  Now Valerie might find herself in a position where she needs some friends!  But this is the first sign of a softer, kinder Valerie yet to come.

1153 - Desmond lies in bed, clutching his throat.  Having found the doll with the ascot tied around its throat, Trask stands in Collinwood's foyer.  Daphne comes out of the kitchen and asks him what he was doing in Quentin's lab.  You must be mistaken, says Lamar.  I'm surely not, says Daphne, I was standing in the kitchen and saw you come up the cellar stairs--Mr. Collins never allows anyone down there when he isn't here.  I suggest you forget you saw me this evening, advises a nervous Trask.  I shall do no such thing, Daphne assures him, I intend to tell Mr. Collins you were there.  Very well, says Trask, if you wish to be in league with the devil in this house...  With the devil? She demands.  Or perhaps you're already in league with him, says Trask, and that's why you're so anxious to help him.  I'm sorry, says Daphne, I don't understand what you're talking about.  All right, says Trask, reaching into his cape and producing the doll (with the ascot still wrapped around its throat; doesn't he care about saving Desmond?)--you may tell Quentin Collins I found his evil weapon--the one he has been using against Desmond Collins--and you may tell him I shall bring the wrath of God down upon him--I shall rid this house of the witchcraft with which he has defiled it!  Daphne stares, wide-eyed, at Trask.

Daphne asks Trask what that is.  You know as well as I do that it's a creature of the black arts, says Trask--a voodoo doll, and it has something of Desmond's wrapped around it.  Where did you find it? demands Daphne.  In Quentin's lab, says Trask, and as soon as I get back to Rose Cottage with it, Quentin's attempt to kill Desmond will be stopped!  Quentin would never try to kill anyone! says Daphne hotly.  Trask tells her the Almighty will never look favorable upon one who follows Satan.  Daphne informs him she won't listen to any of this, she's going to find Quentin this minute and tell him. Yes, shouts Trask after her, go warn him--for all the good it will do!  She heads to the study and Trask leaves the house.

Daphne returns to the drawing room, does not find Quentin, and goes upstairs, but before she gets far, someone knocks at the door.  It's Randall, and he introduces himself to Daphne after a moment's hesitation.  Yes, you're Mrs. Collins' brother, won't you come in, says Daphne.  You must be the new governess, says Randall, I'm looking for Quentin.   Daphne explains she's been looking for him herself; she doesn't know where he is.  I see, says Randall.  Daphne excuses herself, saying she'll go look for Quentin and Randall can wait in the drawing room.  He asks her if they know each other from somewhere.  Daphne says she doesn't believe so.  I'm almost certain I've met you before, he says--what is your name?  Daphne Harridge, she replies.  He says her name and says that nothing comes back.  She smiles in relief.  I'm not good at names, he says, but I always remember faces.  Quentin returns.  Daphne tells him something terrible has happened at Rose Cottage--Desmond's very ill, and Mr. Trask was here, saying all kinds of things...  Quentin squeezes her arm, interrupting her.  Randall listens closely.  Take it easy, says Quentin, come in here and relax.  He notices Randall and asks if he's here to see him.  Yes, says Randall, but it can wait until later--what's all this about Desmond.  Daphne says she doesn't know; Trask made it sound as if he were dying.  What else did he say? asks Quentin.  He said things I'd rather not repeat in front of anyone, says Daphne, I'm very sorry, Mr. Drew.  It's all right, says Randall--he'll go to Rose Cottage to check on Desmond, and will see Quentin later.  I'll be there in a few minutes, says Quentin, we can talk then.  After Randall leaves, Daphne reveals to Quentin she saw Trask exiting his laboratory--he had a doll with something of Desmond's wrapped around it--he said he found it down there and Quentin was using witchcraft to make Desmond ill--I know none of it is true...  Do you know where Trask went? Asks Quentin.  To Rose Cottage, she says.  Quentin hurries out, ignoring Daphne's questions about what he's going to do.  He's gone into the storm.  Daphne closes the door, concerned.

Trask comes to visit Gerard, telling him he found what they were looking for--he holds up the doll--here it final proof that Quentin Collins is a warlock!  (And the ascot still strangles Desmond!)  Gerard surveys the doll with disbelief. Trask remarks that Gerard still seems to have doubts.  I have no doubt about where you found the doll, says Gerard, but I wonder if this constitutes a final proof against Quentin--somebody could have planted this doll in Quentin's laboratory with the hopes that the blame would fall on Quentin for what has been happening around here.  Why are you still so determined to defend him? asks Trask.  How do we know, asks Gerard, this doll is responsible for Desmond's illness?  The ascot, points out Trask, see how it's tied around the doll's neck as if to choke it--just as Desmond is choking.  Only one way to find out, suggests Gerard.

Desmond, still choking, calls to Quentin, stay away, he begs, it's trouble, trouble--she doesn't know, she's innocent--leave her alone, let her live her life.   His eyes are closed, so he doesn't see that Trask and Gerard have entered his room.  Gerard unwraps the ascot from around the doll's throat and Desmond is all right.  It's astonishing! proclaims a smiling Trask.  Desmond sits up, asking what they're doing here--why is he in bed?  You were very close to death, says Trask.  Desmond is astounded--he remembers becoming ill, he couldn't breathe--it was as if someone were choking him--but he was downstairs.  You were brought up earlier this evening, says Trask--how do you feel now?  Desmond says as if he were suddenly released--the pressure on his throat is gone--why was it over so suddenly, he doesn't understand.  Trask tells him he has the weapon that was causing it, but first, does he recognize the ascot.  It's mine, says Desmond, where did you get it?  Trask explains that it was tied around the neck of this figure--you seem to recognize this, too--tell me, where have you seen it before--to whom does it belong--you must tell us.  It once belonged to me, says Desmond, I picked it up on a trip to South America years ago--when I returned (Desmond's lips are trembling), I gave it as a gift to Quentin.  Trask and Gerard both grin.

Rose Cottage - Randall paces the drawing room.  Quentin enters and asks where Trask is.  Upstairs, with Gerard, in Desmond's room, says Randall.  How is Desmond? Asks Quentin.  I'm waiting for someone to come down and tell me, says Randall.  Angrily, Quentin assures him he won't have to wait much longer--he's going to drag Trask out of that room.  You can't go up there in that frame of mind, insists Randall, you'll upset Desmond, besides, you might do something you'll regret later--Trask will be coming down soon--wait here.  I suppose you're right, says Quentin.  What happened to get you so angry? asks Randall.  Quentin explains that Daphne caught Trask sneaking around his lab, looking for something he could pin on him--in his own home.  Why don't you have him arrested for breaking and entering, suggests Randall, it might slow him down a bit.  I'll decide what to do with Trask after I see him, says Quentin.  Randall sits down and begins looking at the Tarot cards.  Quentin asks him what he wanted to speak to him about.  I'd rather wait until after you've seen Trask, says Randall.  All right, if you wish, says Quentin.  I couldn't help noticing your new governess seems quite devoted to you, says Randall.  Quentin says yes, she's a lovely young woman.  Funny, says Randall, but I can't get over the feeling that I've met her before.  Quentin looks at him, his eyes veiled, and says he doesn't think that's possible.  Everything's possible, says Randall, I learned that four years ago--with Joanna.  Randall, says Quentin, let's not talk about the past--it's all over.  Randall tells him not to worry about him--he accepted all that long ago--he never thought it would be possible for anything to come between me and Joanna--but then she met you and suddenly life changed for all of us--I don't know if you still see her, and I don't care anymore.  I couldn't see her if I wanted to, says Quentin.  What do you mean? asks Randall.  She's dead, says Quentin.  Randall stares at him, stunned.  Yes, says Quentin, she committed suicide six months ago.  Suicide? asks Randall--oh God, why did she do it?  I don't know, I was at sea when it happened, says Quentin guiltily--I've been asking that question over and over.  Joanna gone? asks Randall--why, she was so lovely, so...  What's wrong? asks Quentin.  Your governess, Daphne, I DID meet her before, says Randall, it was a long time ago--she was only a child then--her face was almost the same then as it is now--that girl is Joanna's sister!  Quentin doesn't say anything.  You already knew it! says Randall.  Yes, I knew it, admits Quentin.  Does Samantha know who she is? demands Randall.  No, says Quentin, and I beg you not to tell her because no good can come out of it.  You mean YOU have nothing to gain if Samantha finds out, says Randall, and everything to lose--you installed her in that house, didn't you?  Listen to me, demands Quentin.  Don't bother to deny it, says Randall, I've see the two of you together at Collinwood, and I know it's true!  All right now let me explain, insists Quentin.  There's nothing to explain, says Randall, it's all quite clear--you've already ruined the lives of two young women, now you want to ruin the life of a third!  Quentin says he doesn't know the truth.  I've known the truth since the day you took Joanna away from me, says Randall angrily, I just could never admit to myself you had some insane compulsion to destroy!--I've seen what you did to Samantha, you've killed Joanna, and now you want to destroy her young sister!  Trask has come downstairs while the men are arguing, and he hides something on a chair under a cloak, then enters the drawing room, where Randall is warning Quentin that he isn't going to  let him ruin this young girl's life--I'll do whatever becomes necessary to stop you!  Trask enters the room and asks Randall if he has any idea how dangerous it is to threaten Quentin Collins.  Randall looks at Quentin, who gives Trask a dirty look.

Quentin advances on Trask, saying he's going to give him one more warning and that's all--you stop all this talk about witchcraft and stay out of Collinwood!--if I catch you back on my property, I'm not going to be responsible for what's going to happen to you.  You deny the voodoo doll I found in your lab belongs to you? asks Trask.  Quentin says he doesn't deny anything--he does happen to have a so-called voodoo doll, but the last time he saw it, it was in his room.  Your so called voodoo doll had an ascot of Desmond's tied around it's neck, says Trask, and when that ascot was removed from around its neck, Desmond, who was choking to death, suddenly made a miraculous recovery--then he identified the doll as belonging to you--I'm sure his testimony will be very interesting when he tells it to the authorities.  You listen to me, insists Quentin, I don't care what you think Desmond said--he knows I would never do anything to hurt him and I know he would never say anything against me--if you found that doll in the lab, you had to have taken out of my room and planted it there (right church, wrong pew)--because that's the only way you can ever prove anything against me--and if it's not too much inconvenience for you, if it is my doll, I would like to have it back.  So you can work more of your evil ways with it?--no, says Trask, I'll keep it in a safe place to be used as evidence against you.  You'll be jailed for breaking and entering before you can do that, promises Quentin--I'm giving you one last warning--you stay off my property or the next time I won't stop with words!  Quentin stalks out.
Trask watches him go upstairs, then retrieves the doll from his cloak on the chair.  He shows it to Randall, asking if he can't feel the presence of evil.  Don't you think you're going to far, Trask? asks Randall.  Trask says one can never go far enough pursuing the followers of Satan.  Why should Quentin want to harm Desmond? asks Randall--they're very close--everyone knows that.  Not as close as one might think, reveals Trask--earlier this evening, I came in the found them in the midst of a violent quarrel.  About what? asks Randall.  (Something was cut.)  At 10 o'clock tonight, says Trask, I'm going to present my evidence against Quentin to the police--I need your help--the help of someone unbiased--you must help me stop him.  I'm sorry, says Randall, but even if this doll is Quentin's, I still can't find it concrete evidence--someone could have planted it there to implicate him--I'll go talk to Gabriel and the others at Collinwood, and if I believe Quentin is guilty, I'll meet you at the park in town at 9:45--if I don't believe it, I shan't appear.

Collinwood drawing room - Daphne reads another of Joanna's letter to Gerard:  "I have seen my Quentin again, but he was not alone--I beg you, do not make the same mistake I made."  That's the second letter you received, points out Gerard--where did you find it?  Just not in my room, before I came down and found you here, she says, but how could it have gotten there?  I think the answer lies in the supernatural, says Gerard.  Perhaps you're right, she says--Quentin and I held a seance tonight, and something did appear to us.  Was it Joanna? He asks.  I don't know, she says, but I think it was--she wants me to leave here.  Gerard says he doesn't like seeing her distressed and upset.  I can't help it, she says.  He smiles and comes closer, putting his hands on her shoulders, saying he doesn't want her to be--she's a very special woman to him--things are going to change for her, he knows it--and he will help her change.  She moves away from him.  He pursues her, turns her around, and tells her there's a new world awaiting her, one of beauty, power and terror.  He touches her face, saying she will achieve all of it--and he will help her.  He touches her face, her chin, asking her to let him help her.
She kisses him, a big, long one, but she pulls away, asking why he did that.  Why did you let me? he counters.  I didn't, she insists--I don't know.  I do, he says.  How can you claim to be Quentin's good friend? she asks--how would you like it if I told him what just happened?  But you won't tell him, will you? asks Gerard.  Quentin returns.  Gerard greets him.  Quentin comes in and tells Daphne he spoke to Trask; he doesn't know how much good it's going to do.  Daphne looks at Gerard and Quentin notices it and asks if something has happened here.  Daphne looks at Gerard and tells Quentin she received another note tonight.  She hands it to him.  Gerard says he'll leave them alone, he's sure they want it to be that way.  Good night, Quentin he says.  Good night, Daphne, he says, giving her a significant look.  He leaves.  Daphne is disturbed.  Quentin promises her they will find out how all this is happening.  I know we will, says Daphne.  This note isn't the only thing bothering you, is it? he asks her--something happened while I was out--what?  She turns to face him, but is silent.
He touches her face and asks what happened.  Nothing, just the note, says Daphne.

Rose Cottage - Randall hands Desmond a brandy and asks him if he and Quentin quarreled tonight.  Desmond says they did, why?  Randall says that's why Trask thinks Quentin did this to him.  Desmond scoffs at the whole idea--that's ridiculous--they must be objective about this--Quentin is his closest friend, and they both know he isn't capable of something like witchcraft.  Then how do you explain the doll? Asks Randall.  I can't, says Quentin sipping his drink, I only know it wasn't Quentin.  Who do you think is responsible? Asks Randall.  The man who was the subject of our argument--Gerard Stiles, says Desmond, his face angry.  So that's the argument Trask overheard, says Randall.  I'm going to tell you, says Desmond--don't ask me for proof, because I can't give any, but I suppose it's wrong for a lawyer to rely on instinct alone--I have no proof--not a hint of evidence
--but my every instinct tells me there is more to Gerard Stiles than meets the eye!  (There is another sloppy cut here.)  Randall leaves Desmond's room.  Desmond feels his throat and takes a nice, deep breath.

Rose Cottage - Randall searches Gerard's room, opening drawers, looking in the closet.  He finds a box in a drawer and opens it.  Inside is the mask of Baal.  Randall gazes down at it.  Someone enters the room.  Randall's puppy dog eyes fly open wide.

NOTES:  I like Randall, he's an up and up guy, fair and just.  He had a fight with Quentin about Joanna and Daphne and has every reason to think him a bad guy, a witch, whatever, but he listened to Desmond's ideas about Gerard and checked his room.  Will it mean his end?  Will he connect the mask with Gerard in the right way?  We'll soon know.

Daphne's getting to kiss two handsome men in these episodes, and really seems to enjoy it.  Who wouldn't?

Trask is being led around so easily by Gerard, being manipulated like a puppet.  It makes Trask a joke, but a dangerous one to be sure.  Will Randall meet him at 9:45?  Or will something happen to yet another member of the Drew family?

I can't believe that Trask found that doll and didn't immediately remove the ascot.  He had to keep Desmond choking so he could use his recovery as proof?  What if Desmond had choked to death in the meantime?  Sloppy writing there, because Trask was certain that ascot was choking off Desmond's airway, and he SHOULD have stopped it right away.

There were at least two sloppy cuts in this ep, and I wonder what was taken out.  I hate watching the shows with commercials.  I really must finish my MPI collection!

Love, Robin