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Discuss - Ep #0636
« on: February 11, 2014, 06:00:14 PM »
Robservations #636

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0636

Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0636
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2014, 08:46:27 PM »

Julia tries to help Adam, but he knows she's doing it only to keep Barnabas alive. He takes off into the night. Julia would rather take care of Barnabas, but he tells her to look after Vicki, who apparently will be okay. We can’t have Vicki wake up here, Barnabas says urgently. Julia, get your car. Shall I make plans for the rest of the night, too? Julia asks pointedly. Shall I find Willie, tell him to bring a coffin to this room? A coffin that you may need at sunrise--because that's the risk you're taking, Barnabas. Or shall we go try and find Adam? Barnabas tells her somberly, I already made that decision when I fired that shot. Help me, Julia, he implores her.

Adam seeks the one friend he might have left--he drags himself through Professor Stokes's living-room window and grabs a letter opener (great way to greet a friend!). The phone rings, and he picks it up. It's Jeff Clark, but Adam says nothing and hangs up. A moment later, Stokes arrives. Startled at first, the professor quickly recovers his normal Zen-like calm and assesses the situation. He calls his own doctor, Carl Something, to treat Adam. Carl avoids the usual fate of male doctors in the Collins universe by staying off screen. Adam bursts into tears but turns away, mortified. You're becoming too civilized, Professor Stokes says with mild irony and a little sadness. He helps Adam lie down on the sofa. Torn and bloodstained, the handsome green sweater that Carolyn gave Adam is irretrievably ruined.

Vicki wakes up and remembers almost nothing. Julia promises to stay with her.

Adam is cleaned up and now wearing a red plaid shirt. Stokes regrets not following through on his promise to educate Adam but says Adam now has a second chance. No, says Adam morosely. No one will ever love me. I can't comment on that, Stokes says. I’ve never been much of a prophet. Perhaps love is too much to expect in your present condition, but you can change. Gazing at his reflection in the mirror over the mantelpiece, Adam says, I can’t--I’m too ugly. Stokes cheerily says, That's simple to remedy! Nowadays anyone can make himself handsomer if he wants to. I know a clinic, and if you don't like the old Adam, they'll make a new one! I need a project! Just then someone rings the doorbell. To Adam’s horror, it’s Jeff Clark--of course Adam remembers Eve and Vicki. Please don’t let him in, Adam begs Stokes. The professor thinks for a moment, then tells him to hide in the next room. Adam leaves both the room and the show forever.

Jeff tells Stokes, Someone picked up your phone before, but didn’t says anything. Stokes observes wryly, I suspect this place is haunted, but in all my reading I’ve never heard of a ghost who used the telephone! [Little does he know!] Jeff wants to find out how and why Peter Bradford came to this century. He eats Stokes's special herbal leaves and goes into a trance, describing Peter Bradford's birth and parents. I came to this century because I love her, he realizes--then in his mind's eye he sees Vicki about to be hanged. He starts to be pulled back to the past, but Vicki hears his voice and quietly leaves her room. (Julia has fallen asleep.) She bursts into the professor's house and clings to Jeff, anchoring him in the present. Jeff promises they'll be married tonight. Meh.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0636
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2014, 04:41:34 AM »
At some point Barn gets Julia to heel simply by saying "Do as I say!"   Well, I suppose there's little else to do at a time like that, but go along with Captain Collins and hope you don't somehow die as a result.

This is a good episode, because of the nice, optimistic send-off for Adam, and Stokes' lines, which I'm absolutely certain must have been written by Thayer himself.   We complain about all the blunders and awkwardnesses in storylines like this one, but we must admit that there's something special about DS that shines through even these dark patches.   Throughout Adam's story, as much of a loud mouthed selfish childish threat he was, at the same time we're shown enough of his character at other times, when he's not bullying Barnajulia, to understand that his rages and ignorance and everything, it was all understandable, and bound to happen with someone dropped suddenly fully grown but empty headed, into the world.   DS knows Adam deserves a lifeboat, and another chance.   What a humane message...  That alone makes this better than the original movie I think, which has always left a bad taste in my mouth because of the attitude it projects... they establish some well-meaningness on the creature's part, but then he ends up the marauding monster who must die, anyway.  Fault doesn't matter I guess, it only matters that the "un-natural" being is evil and must be stamped out.

"Curiosity is the most boring obsession."   "I assure you death is no better than life, so don't look forward to it."   Stokes notes that Adam never hid his crying before, and civilization "taught" him that, making him too "civilized".  All good thoughts from Thayer, by way of Elliot.

Nice foreshadowing of Quentin, with Stokes' line about ghosts not using the telephone!   I am SO glad we have clever 1969 DS to look forward to now.

Jeff dooms himself, typically, with his own rashness and incompetence, by eating the herb without the ritual first.  That's what does it.   Davis wasn't bad with the acting for Jeff's being pulled back in time.   Vicki Part Deux brings him back.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0636
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2014, 05:30:28 PM »
Well, if TD did write a lot of his own material, it's too bad he never go the chance to write a whole play. Elliott Stokes is one of my favorite characters. He's a bit detached from life but engaged enough to come up with all those witticisms.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0636
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2014, 06:02:16 PM »
He's a bit detached from life but engaged enough to come up with all those witticisms.

Good observation... there are perspectives you can only form about society from a distance.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0636
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2014, 01:28:16 AM »
Of course, it's probably impossible for us to know about every scene, but as a general rule we should probably be careful about jumping to the conclusion that the actors may have ad-libbed/reworked their lines on the show. Through the years many fans have asked the actors if certain of the more funny/dramatic/ironic/whatever lines were ad-libbed/reworked by them, and invariably the answer has always been that they delivered the lines exactly as they'd been written in the original script. Some of the actors who'd been asked that question in particular are David Selby, Diana Millay, and Louis Edmonds (especially in regard to scenes they did with one another) and Michael Stroka (especially in regard to his scenes with Thayer David as Petofi).

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0636
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2014, 01:45:56 AM »
Oh, I am being careful not to assume that.  In this one case, after years of wondering, I've just decided that Stokes' lines are so idiosyncratic, and spring forth from episodes with otherwise simple or dull, functional dialogue... that it's exactly as if someone else stepped in and wrote those lines only, then stepped back out of the episode.   I could be wrong obviously, but I'm pretty sure now.   Thayer does sound like someone who might have been capable of it.   If these lines came from the listed writer of each ep, then I'd think these ep's would have sharper, wittier dialogue overall.   That's in short supply in 1968 though, I think, except when TES walks into the room....   Obviously no one would write these ep's as if everyone was as witty as Stokes, but I think we'd hear traces of that writer in the other characters.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0636
« Reply #7 on: March 07, 2014, 06:42:10 AM »
Vickie lives and all is well for Barnabas. Jeff takes Herbs to go to the past with Stokes helping him  and Adam in this episode.
you know there's a whole wing that's closed off all the time; the west wing, I go there lots of times