Author Topic: Close Encounters of the DS Kind  (Read 652 times)

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Offline LoveAtFirstBITE

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Close Encounters of the DS Kind
« on: September 22, 2003, 08:27:16 PM »
     No, I did not run into John Karlen at the Emmys.............. ;D

    It started yesterday at work.  I'm sitting in a room with some other girls pricing and marking clearance items, when a woman employee I occasionally see comes in to use the phone.  I heard her say where she was from, and she was asking the number of a nearby video store.  She was on hold, and then I heard her talking to the person from the store, and then I heard her ask if they had the "Dark Shadows videos, series one."
     I suddenly turned and started listening to her intently as she was put on hold again.  I must have had this strange look on my face, because the girl across from me leaned forward and asked with a smile on her face, "what's she talking about?"  I told her that I watched Dark Shadows and that it was about a Gothic mansion and the family that lives in it, with creatures running around and all the problems that they have, etc etc.  She said, "Really?  When's it on?"  I told her that it was on Sci-Fi at 8 in the morning for an hour.  When the woman got off the phone, the girl asked her, "what were you asking about?"  Turns out that she was looking for the videos to get for her husband's upcoming birthday.  She called her daughter and told her that she had found the videos there, for $59.95 (!!!) Her daughter was trying to get them for her dad.

       But anyway, I thought that was the weirdest thing, because what are the odds of hearing it mentioned somewhere?  But then, this morning, I went to theatre class, and what do I see?  A classmate of mine with a DS T-shirt, with Barnabas on the front!!


Offline doombuggy69

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Re:Close Encounters of the DS Kind
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2003, 03:45:15 AM »
Interesting story, thanks for sharing. Well I hate to see them spend 59.95 on a DS DVD, when you can get them for as low as $41.95 on line. What I hate to see even more is the birthday present will be DS set #1!  If this man has not seen DS since his childhood, those early Barnabas B/W episodes are absolutely dreadful to watch. I would never show them to someone who has never seen DS before.  I can just see them turing the shows off after the first episode.  Especially if you are not familiar with the great stuff that came later.  I wish you could tell her to buy set #7 first.  Start with 1968!  As much as I love 1795, that story really drags in places, but it would still be better than 1967.