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Discuss - Ep #0575
« on: October 26, 2013, 03:32:13 PM »
Robservations #575

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0575

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0575
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2013, 07:27:20 PM »
So, Nicholas has figured it all out and explains it quite succinctly to Angelique and for any of us who might need an explanation.

Why the hell would Ange want to be the life-force for Adam's mate? Oh, that's why, to be drained of her affliction. As if. (Ange comes across as an idiot here in this moment - for obvious reasons). And from this scene we get a wonderful understatement: "Angelique, with you I always have something to worry about."

Interesting scene in the Old House basement with Clark, Stokes and Adam. First of all Clark bringing Stokes there seems contrived even though they explain it away as Stokes tricking him into it. Then Adam shows up, and he and Clark act as if they don't know each other but more like have only heard of each other. Perhaps I am reading it wrong. All that is forgiven though when Jeff opens his big mouth (in his always annoying way) and gives Adam something to think about. I liked it for several reasons - but mostly for the fact that it gives Adam another reason for self-loathing that he'll inturn take out on others. I'm still not totally hating Adam. It's got to be rough being him, lol.

Davis wasn't half bad in the foyer scene with David. David was marvelous. Loved the way David voiced (and body-languaged) the character's quiet sense of urgency. And I laughed out loud when Clark re: Julia and the experiment says: "She just pulled the right switches, that all." BTW, David looks pretty sharp as Stokes today, better than usual lately.

I didn't remember Jeff being bitten by Ange but you could see it coming. I imagine we are due for some pretty good action because of this.

Davis started off rough but ended up having a pretty good day. Everyone did well as a matter of fact. A decent episode.


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Re: Discuss - Ep #0575
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2013, 08:47:21 PM »
I'm still not totally hating Adam. It's got to be rough being him, lol.

As rough as Adam has had it so far in his short life, (and I do agree he HAS gotten a rough shake of it), and I do feel for him on that, I really can't be as lenient towards him as you are dom, at least as far as his abducting Vicki then threatening to kill her and the Collins family, people who had nothing to do with what went down between him and Barnabas. I realize that Nicholas has been manipulating him, playing him like a puppet....but Adam really comes across overbearing and obnoxious during this period that I just can't stand him. It's only during his gentle moments with Carolyn that I can tolerate him.

Smart move, Jeff. Taunt a man-made creation who's 20 times stronger than you are. Sure fire way to end up in the hospital (if you're lucky) or the morgue. Jeff does owe his life to Stokes on this one.

Angelique wants to get out from under Nicholas' thumb any way she can so it was really no surprise to me that she would try to force her way into being the life force. Though exactly how she thought she would get away with it when it's Nicholas of all people behind this I don't know.

Eh, the episode was so-so, but watchable, even if I still can't bear Adam's ever increasing threats and demands and overall insufferable behavior.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0575
« Reply #3 on: October 26, 2013, 08:57:55 PM »
I don't know why it's not bothering me this time around, I'm surprised by it myself. I think I'm seeing it through his eye's more than Barn's. I don't like what he's doing but I don't hate him for it. It's what I would expect from someone in his shoes. Though I am still expecting to get to that point, but honestly, I am not sure I am gonna get there.

And my point about Ange is that she should know damn well that Nick isn't going to let her out of her vampirism, not in that way. And certainly not until he is done with her. It seemed idiotic to me that she would even entertain that notion out loud.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0575
« Reply #4 on: October 26, 2013, 10:12:12 PM »
I listened to the novel Frankenstein recently.   DS is a lot closer to the novel than the 30s monster movie was.   I think we're supposed to be torn evenly in both directions on Adam and the novel's creature.   In the book, his threats against Frankenstein's family to get him to create a mate came after a period of more than one year, during which the creature had made painstaking plans to be accepted by a family he'd come to love from a distance (including the old blind man), only to be totally rejected by them because of his appearance once he did finally work up the nerve to approach them.  It became clear at that point (after many other incidents too) that though a human had made him, there was no place in human society for him, ever, because humans were so prone to judge and reject on sight.

So there's enormous reason for the bitterness against the human race.  With Adam though, he's had some help and allies, and it hasn't been as long since the creation, and Adam isn't hideous like the novel creature was.   So his bitterness isn't as well set up and explained and justified in DS.

As for this ep..... I enjoyed the close-up on Ang, as she thinks Nick is flattering her by calling her the most evil woman who ever lived!   She registers extreme smugness, then is crestfallen when it's not her... Lucretia Borge?   Lady Bathory who killed people and took baths in their blood?  (Last viewing I learned a bit about her)  More evil than ME?!

Elliot knew about this second experiment?  Another lie to Jeff I guess...  This is the way TES seems to go about things, using his silver tongue to barge his way in.  I liked how upon meeting Adam up close, Jeff talks "at" him rather than "to" him, giving him the once-over, eyeing him up and down, studying him like the experiment he is.   It's typical of people to hold Adam's nature against him as Jeff does, and I'm sick of it.   Yes, using body parts is disgusting.  So are most forms of surgery that we benefit from.   By the same "logic", if we observed video of a major operation we'd just had, we'd have to consider ourselves too disgusting to deserve to exist.   I once saw tape of someone's face being pulled down to make way for a brain operation.   Medical progress isn't pretty.

Ang's first nightie ramble outdoors... In this cliffhanger version, it looks as if she actually traverses the distance between Nick's house and the Old House, on foot.   In the redo, it's as if she popped into the cellar, which makes more sense.   Bites Jeff.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0575
« Reply #5 on: October 27, 2013, 08:18:49 PM »
The whole life force issue brings to mind was Barnabas really living?  It would be interesting if Adams supernatural abilities came from Barnabas so that Angelique's. Ploy would have some merit. Or they create the mate and she is ordinary.  We learn Julia installed a generator. It must be large to power all that equipment and loud.  Adam in the window making Jeff look a fool to  Vickie was the best part of that scene.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0575
« Reply #6 on: December 22, 2015, 02:57:53 AM »
It's interesting to see Professor Stokes, who is always so used to getting the better of other people through his wit and erudition, finding himself suddenly impotent when confronted by physical superiority and violence. He looks like a sad, defeated figure when he trudges up the Old House basement stairs, having been unsuccessful in getting Adam to see things his way.

Vickie and Maggie's lives seem to be charting parallel courses lately. Both have boyfriends whose inexplicable sullenness and secretiveness are beginning to drive a wedge right through their romantic relationships, mainly by keeping them from spending time together as a couple. Add to that, both have now fallen victim to Angelique's bite. They may need to form a support group soon.