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Discuss - Ep #0571
« on: October 22, 2013, 02:56:45 PM »
Robservations #571

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0571

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0571
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2013, 05:46:20 PM »
Here's where I thought, "Oh that's why they had that awkward scene about caring about Julia last episode."   They were leading up to this ep, in which Barnabas really is relieved and happy that Julia's alright.  Not to mention that Barnabas was the one who saved her.  I may be one episode ahead of myself here, but it's been a few days.   Barnabas definitely shows real-seeming concern.   I can't believe good-Barnabas is taking this long to materialize.   Has Julia really saved his life often, as Barnabas says?

A certain kind of interesting moment which should have a name:  Barnabas has to leave Nick in the house with Julia and Liz while he goes off with Roger to the crypt.   He pauses, thinks silently, decides he has to risk it.   The last such moment was when he left Julia in the Collinwood drawing room with expiring Cassandra, unsure if she'd whack her...

Tom "dies", Julia recovers.   I'd say Farewell Tom, but I think we're not quite done with him.   Dom, I don't see Vamptom as intelligent, I see him as almost brainless, a sort of instinctive animal.   (Though plenty of animals have their own kind of intelligence.)   True he does speak as if he's a bit smarter than human Tom was, but we don't really hear enough from him to know that.   Maybe "cunning" more than intelligence, if that makes any sense.  Sometimes people claim the former is possible without the latter (though that's questionable, and a big tangent I won't go off on).

Nice to have a happy ending.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0571
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2013, 05:50:18 PM »
Youtube link for this show:



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Re: Discuss - Ep #0571
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2013, 10:10:07 PM »
I really love that moment when Barnabas goes to Julia after he has destroyed Tom....he's so relieved to see her free of being under Tom's power and not just because she can now concentrate on the experiment....he's generally happy to see that she's going to be all right because he knows she is the one person that he can count on when the chips are down.

Barnabas remembers how easily it could have been him at the end of the stake only a short time ago...but he knows he must put Tom out of his misery and save Julia.

Though Tom didn't strike me as being all that miserable being a vamp....he actually seemed to have relished it.

Julia hates having to lie to Roger about not seeing Elizabeth in the crypt but does manage to talk him into letting Elizabeth stay at Collinwood.

Loved the scene between Nicholas and Julia as well. Nicholas is such a sly little devil, isn't he? Without coming out into the open, both of them nevertheless each know what the score is.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0571
« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2013, 06:51:27 AM »
I was surprised to hear a Briscoe OV-O.

My favorite scene was between Julia & Blair.

Magnus, I don't even remember why I referred to Tom as an intelligent vampire.

This must have been a pretty good episode because it passed quickly and had my undivided attention, even though I really have nothing too specific to say about it.

Having Liz hanging about the Old House is kinda fun and I smiled thinking she learned a thing or two from David. I also liked that Julia pegged Blair regarding Barn's pondering Tom's disappearance.

There was more tripe than I care for in one episode but it moved things along, so there you are.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0571
« Reply #5 on: October 23, 2013, 04:52:59 PM »
Gee. I didn't know DS episodes were on You Tube.

What did Julia do with the flowers Nicholas brought her?
I get a kick out of these guys who think they're so clean, when all the time they're trying to cover up their dirt.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0571
« Reply #6 on: October 23, 2013, 05:59:16 PM »
Yup, another one of my faves too. Barnabas really is concerned about Julia as a person. Nice detail that he carries her upstairs and sets her on Josette's own bed.

We get another nicely delivered soliloquy by JF as Barnabas gazes down at the sleeping (and breathing!) vampire Tom. Barnabas wonders silently, Did anyone look at me as I look at you now? Then grimly he answers his own question: No--or I wouldn’t be alive now. (Sadly, no one now living can tell him that Joshua tried and failed to destroy him. But a long time from now, he will find out what happened.) As he sets the stake on Tom’s chest, he is repelled and horrified by what he must do. Sternly he reminds himself, I must, if Julia is to live. As he drives the stake home, dreadful screams arise from the coffin, then subside as the unfortunate Tom finds his rest. Emotionally and physically spent, Barnabas flings the mallet away. He does, however still have enough presence of mind to realize that his job isn’t quite over yet. I mustn’t leave the coffin here, he tells himself. I’ll come back after dark and bury it, but for now I need to assure myself that Julia is safe. He slowly leaves the crypt--unaware, with his merely mortal senses, of Nicholas, impeccably dressed as always, watching him go. Nicholas quickly enters the mausoleum, opens the coffin, and gazes at the contents (unseen by us) with interest.

That would have been a golden opportunity for DC to indulge in the gore he seemed so fond of. Maybe he thought it wouldn't get past ABC's censors.

Up in Josette’s room, the devil and the doctor fence very discreetly. Congratulations on your speedy recovery, Nicholas says as he sits in a chair at Julia’s bedside.. I was very concerned about you--good doctors are vital to all of us. We can’t afford to have you sick. You do look very weak, he observes. I’ll be out of bed tomorrow, Julia assures him. And back to work? he asks. I imagine you have a lot to do. Julia acknowledges, The virus did come at a bad time for me. I can imagine, Nicholas says. With her usual tartness, Julia retorts, I know very well that you haven’t come just to ask about my health. There’s more to it than that. What? Nicholas asks. You tell me, Julia says. Nicholas replies lightly, Perhaps I’m planning to be ill, and I want to be sure the best doctor around is in good health herself. Julia comments a bit sourly, Your own health seems excellent--in fact you seem indestructible. I hope so, he answers grinning broadly as he knocks wood. As he gets up to leave, Julia asks, Did you find out what you came here to see? Yes, he replies, you’re much better. Gallantly he takes her hand and kisses it, then leaves. Julia gazes after him suspiciously.

Roger tells Julia that when he went to the crypt, there was no coffin. Poor Barn has his grim work to do all over again.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0571
« Reply #7 on: October 26, 2013, 10:04:50 PM »
Barnabas stakes Tom offscreen so I guess it's too gruesome to show as of now.  Julia gets flowers from Nicholas. Another gentleman caller from the supernatural.  Roger is convinced to keep Elizabeth at Collinwood. I'm not sure why it is his decision as it's her house, her money, and Carolyn( who has mostly been MIA) is her next of kin.  It never made much sense to have her sent off when the head of the sanitarium lives with her.
you know there's a whole wing that's closed off all the time; the west wing, I go there lots of times