Author Topic: Dark Shadows 1991 Revival Episode 6...  (Read 502 times)

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Dark Shadows 1991 Revival Episode 6...
« on: October 20, 2013, 02:58:06 PM »
I am now halfway through the show...this is the episode where Vicki is sent back in time.

Carolyn is now firmly under Barnabas' power....I must say seeing her rub herself against him like that in a most intimiate way before he starts to feed on really made my skin crawl. They're family for pete's sake! Granted they are a few generations apart, but still...they are blood. It's one thing to suck on her blood but to do it in an almost seduction like manner....eww. Call me an old prude if you want but it still just really bothers me.

Willie tells Barnabas it's a shame he can't see his reflection anymore since he looks so stylish and great in his costume (he does actually). Tactfulness, thy name is definitely NOT Willie Loomis. No wonder Barnabas looked at him like he wanted to smack him for that comment, (and honestly I can't really blame him).

Chuckled  at Roger's comment at the party about how nothing can keep the good folks of Collinsport from an evening of free food and drink. I guess he doesn't think a whole lot of the residents.

Carolyn is anxiously awaiting Barnabas' arrival, and Julia too since she must be curious to how Barnabas is after refusing to attend to him. Barnabas arrives, Carolyn goes to him, Julia sees this and is suspicious. Once Carolyn leaves him, Julia goes to him and then has the nerve to say how concerned she was to hear he was ill (yes, so concerned you still wouldn't go with Willie when he told her Barnabas may die!). Barnabas, understandably hostile to her, insists to her that the treatments are over and done with, he doesn't need her anymore....and menacingly warns her he will even the score with her.

Then Vicki comes down in Josette's gown , Barnabas walks away from Julia and towards Vicki. I noticed Julia's seething look of jealously as he goes to her. Julia, if I were you I'd be less worried about Barnabas and Vicki right now and more focused on Barnabas' threat to you. Of course she probably does do that at the dinner when she notices Barnabas' hostile glare at her.

Later on, we see Barnabas, very painfully and very reluctantly, ready to break things off with Vicki when Elizabeth interrupts.
Vicki leaves. Nice moment between Barnabas and Elizabeth when he comments how much she reminds him of his mother.
I think that's one thing the two Barnabas' have in common, this one and the one in the OS....a respect for the mistress of the family probably due largely to the resemblance to his mother, Naomi.

After the party the family, Maggie, and  Sheriff Patterson play around with the oujia board. Patterson asks all sorts of questions about the killer and his identity....a nervous Barnabas wills Carolyn to break it up. This makes Julia even more suspicious.

What a that Carolyn seems to have lost interest in Joe (other than using him to buy her that case with the poison in it) he seems to want to start seeing more of her...but now that's the last thing on Carolyn's mind right now.

Carolyn's attempt to poison Julia is thwarted by David, who was tipped off by Sarah. Julia confronts Carolyn in her room, Carolyn accuses her of deliberately hurting Barnabas. Julia denies knowing what she's referring to, but Carolyn tells her that she will be sorry.

Late at night Carolyn, compelled by Barnabas, takes a knife, goes to Julia's room...and proceeds to stab her...only Julia has anticipated her instead it was a bunch of pillows that Carolyn was stabbing. Irked, Carolyn leaves.

Julia goes to the Old House to confront Barnabas and asks what did she ever do to him. Talk about STUPID question. I'll grant you that maybe she didn't realize the side effects that her screwing up the injections would do to him BUT there is no question she intended to make him revert to what he was. Barnabas informs her he had aged drastically to his true years, thanks to her tampering, that Carolyn was in the wrong place at the wrong time and that he had no choice but to attack her so he could revert to his youth...and that Julia is to blame for that as well (frankly I think Barnabas has a good argument there). He's ready to kill Julia, Willie tries to intervene but Barnabas shoves him away.

Only Sarah's sudden appearance stops him. Barnabas is elated to see her. She insists that he can't go on hurting people and warns him that danger is near. Suddenly Angelique's vengeful spirit materializes for a moment...Barnabas looks at her with hatred, Willie with fear and Julia with bewilderment. Then it disappears....and Barnabas notices that Sarah is gone too. Julia insists that they hold a séance to reach Sarah to try and find out what the danger is.

The family holds the séance with Maggie leading the ritual (of course, since Maggie is a psychic, after all. Sarah speaks through Vicki....a moment later the lights go out, then come back on...Vicki is gone, and in her place is Phyllis Wick....Sarah's governess in 1790, whom Barnabas recognizes right away.

Phyllis is ill and placed in bed with Julia treating her. Maggie explains that it's a transference.....that wherever this girl came from, that's where Vicki is....and that if she dies, Vicki very likely will never return to the present. Roger reads a letter that Phylis had on her that explains who she is and where she came from....and the year in which it is written. Julia glances at Barnabas and realizes he already knew Ms. Wick from the past. David comes in and confirms that Vicki is indeed back in 1790.

Other than the Barnabas/Carolyn seduction like feeding, I must say this was a good episode.