Author Topic: Discuss - Ep #0505  (Read 635 times)

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Discuss - Ep #0505
« on: July 20, 2013, 05:04:07 PM »
Robservations #505

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0505

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0505
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2013, 08:32:11 PM »
Carolyn's exhaustive examination of her circumstances tells her in three seconds that there's no way out except by the door, and since it's locked, well, she'll be trapped there FOREVER.   By the way, imagine being so rich that you can be abducted with no apparent hope of ever being found, without even leaving the property....   She should try to bring the roof down and make an exit upward-- she said it was likely to come down at any moment anyway.

Replacement Patterson's story is changing.  It's now six men who subdued Adam; before it was twenty.   Is it unfair of me to dislike Vince immediately?   Of course, but I can't help it.   Dana Elcar was likeability personified.   

Was the scene with Adam going off the cliff out of the Frankenstein novel?  I know it was in the great 1973 TV film "Frankenstein: The True Story".   So Barnabas might be a vampire now.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0505
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2013, 04:46:57 PM »
I thought I was the only person who remembered "Frankenstein: The True Story"! :)

This is a wonderful Friday episode. Talk about a cliffhanger ending! I also caught the reference to six men subduing Adam, where before it was twenty.

Barnabas is taken aback when the sheriff tells him that Willie mentioned Adam's name (Willie managed to keep this detail from him), but insists that he's told all he knows. However, the sheriff has apparently decided that even a Collins is not above suspicion. With the majesty of the law at his back, he tells Barnabas [in his own house!], You’d better sit down . You’re going to have to answer a lot of questions. Barnabas complies, but no doubt is secretly lamenting the good old days when anyone named Collins was above the law.

Adam arrives at Widow's Hill, still carrying Carolyn in his arms. Eventually he listens to her pleas and sets her down. But she's too close to the edge. Her little shoes slip on the rocks, leaving her hanging on to the cliff's edge. At first Adam doesn't quite comprehend what has happened, even though she screams at him to take her arms. Even now he attempts to repeat what she says without understanding it. The next moment, Barnabas, the sheriff and the deputies arrive. Don’t shoot! Carolyn screams at them. As they watch in amazement, Adam finally clasps Carolyn's arms and pulls her straight up in one smooth motion, turning himself at the same time so that her feet land far from the edge of the cliff. Once down, she rushes to the relative safety of Barnabas's arms. As the sheriff's men close in, she begs them, Please don’t hurt him! He just saved my life! For a long moment Adam hesitates, looking at the sheriff's men, then at the steep drop to the rocks below. Then with a cry, he throws himself off the cliff as Carolyn's screams of horror, and perhaps sorrow, fill the air.

The scenes from the opening credits roll by, showing the waves breaking majestically against the indifferent rocks at the base of Widow's Hill. The last thing we hear is Dr. Lang's warning to Julia about how Adam and Barnabas are linked....

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0505
« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2013, 11:22:11 PM »
The sheriff insists that Barnabas go see Adam to see how he reacts. Luckily Adam is too occupied at the top of Widows Hill pulling Carolyn up with some difficultly. It seems his strength changes daily. Adam
 Jumps and Carolyn goes Berserk over it.  Nice sequence at the end. It reminded me of a show I used to watch called A Family at War.  Apparently someone can't get enough of Addison and they will pay him more money to emote when any old person could do the vo.   
you know there's a whole wing that's closed off all the time; the west wing, I go there lots of times

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0505
« Reply #4 on: July 26, 2013, 03:43:15 AM »
"That's the old Collins house. Every time anything goes wrong around here, that's where all roads seem to lead."

All the white in the title intro is deep pink, even the white of the waves. Is it because I am watching on a rear projection TV (an old dinosaur nowadays), I don't think so because I never noticed it before on this TV.

Sheriff Patterson rakes Barnabas over the coals. I have no problem with Vince as the sheriff. I think he's quite good in the role. I wouldn't expect him to be likeable. But I do agree that it is quite a contrast to Elcar's sheriff P. I really liked all that is discussed between the two men. A lot of good stuff is mentioned - topped off with dragging Barn along to Widows Hill to see if Adam recognizes him - love it.

LOL, loved the scene when Adam reunites with Carolyn. Both Barrett and Rodan are superb. Barrett really elevates Rodan by contrast. It's magnificent.

Just think, it could have all ended with this episode... Actually, I think I am going to like it better this time around.

No pink in the water at episode's end. I loved seeing the location footage at the end of this episode. I wonder if it's the last we get of this nature. AD, I don't believe it's Addison Powell we hear at the end but that's just my opinion, it doesn't sound like him to me.