Author Topic: #1020/1021: Robservations 07/15/03: Buffie, the Vampire Victim  (Read 1325 times)

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1020 - Angelique gazes with hope at the door, waiting, like a black widow spider to pounce on her prey. And the winner Larry Chase. Concerned to see her trembling, he asks is something wrong?  The house is suddenly cold as a tomb, she says, and I'm so afraid. He puts down his briefcase--what's frightened you? he asks.  I hate to be alone, she says. Where are Quentin and Maggie? he asks.  They went out for the evening, she says--I heard someone, down the hall--would you stay here with me for a while? Embarrassed but eager, Larry smiles and says, actually...  I'm sorry, says Angelique- I shouldn't have asked you. Nonsense, he assures her, I just finished work and brought over some papers for Quentin to sign. Isn't your wife isn't expecting him? she asks.  I'm not married, says Larry--I'm the last of the bachelors, and proud of it. (Didn't he once say he was married, or at least had on a wedding ring?) Oh, she says, could you come here, please? Observing that something is physically wrong with "Alexis," he offers to get her a drink. (Always a cure-all on this show.) It's all right, she says, I just feel better standing there near you. That's the affect I like women to have, he says, obviously mixing up his line. She smiles at him--hold me, she asks.  He looks around--are you sure no one is here? he asks (and what if someone was)?  HOLD ME, she commands, her face bare inches from his.  I've wanted to do this ever since I first met you, confesses Larry. (Fred's last words, too, as I recall.)
He hugs her close; she takes his face in her hands and plants a big kiss on his mouth, grinding her face against his as she sucks the life out of him.

Will enters Collinwood to find Angelique screaming, "He's dead, he's dead!" Will kneels to check on Larry.  We were just standing here, talking, says Angelique, and he just fell over. He's so cold, says Will.  We should get a doctor! she wails. It won't make any difference, insists Will, it's as if he's been dead for hours! That can't be, she objects--it just happened. Will shakes his head--how it can be? he asks. Sobbing, Angelique mumbles something.  I'll call Cyrus, says Will--you should calm yourself--I know what a shock this can be. No you don't, she says, suddenly looking triumphant. I'll call Cyrus, repeats Will.  Do that, she says.

Cyrus' lab - The doctor takes down the map now covering his safe, opens it and takes out the potion, wondering what am I doing?--do I miss being John Yaeger so much? Do I have to murder again? No, this time will be different--I'll just see Buffie. The phone rings. He doesn't answer at first, letting it ring, then picks it up. It's Will--come to Collinwood right away, he says--Larry had some sort of attack and is dead. I'll be right over, promises Cyrus and hangs up. Saved! he exults to himself, then puts the potion back into the safe and covers it with the map.

Will has placed Larry's lifeless body on the sofa in the drawing room and covered it with a blue sheet. He closes the doors. Barnabas has joined the party. Angelique asks Will, when will Cyrus be here?  It won't be long, he assures her.  Maybe there's someone else we should notify, suggests Angelique. The police, I should think, suggests Barnabas--no offense, but his death was most unusual, as you say. Clearly disagreeing, Angelique says, of course you're right, we should call the police--Will. take care of that. We should wait for Cyrus to come, insists Will, he'll know what to do. What a terrible thing to have happened, remarks Barnabas, with Maggie having just returned--death seems to have a most mysterious affinity for this house. Angelique gazes at him, asking accusingly, "Why do you look at me when you say that?"  Will, anxious to placate, says, Alexis, you're still understandably upset, but Barnabas meant nothing--"Did you, Barnabas?"  The vampire asks, "Why should I--I was just thinking of the strange mysteries around here." Gazing at him speculatively, Angelique says, you yourself are one of those mysteries, aren't you, Mr. Collins?  "I hope not, Miss Stokes," replies Barnabas. A knock at the door ends this exchange.  Will, chuckling uncomfortably, goes to let Cyrus in. I'm so glad you're here, murmurs Will. Where is the body? Cyrus asks.  In the drawing room, answers Angelique. I'll show you, offers Will.  No, insists Angelique--he'll have a lot of questions he'll want to ask me. Angelique and Cyrus enter the drawing room and close the door. Will, scared, asks Barnabas, why did you come to Collinwood?  To visit, of course, responds Barn. That's all? asks Will. Yes, says Barnabas--you are not in charge of me any longer, Will (and I LOVE the way he deliver this line). I can't stop you, says Will, but I won't have you hurting anyone here--I saw the way you were staring at her. I have no interest in her, says Barnabas--now, meet me at the secret room just before dawn. Where are you going? asks Will.  I don't need to tell you, says Barnabas--just tell Miss Stokes and Dr. Longworth I'm sorry I couldn't stay.

Barnabas exits the house and stands outside, lamenting, "The lust...the lust!" He closes his eyes as if in pain. "I must find someone to make me stop thinking of Maggie--I must find someone tonight!"  (He sounds a lot like Angelique a short time ago, doesn't he?)

Cyrus tells Angelique and Will, I will follow the ambulance to the morgue--there will be an autopsy. Is that necessary? she asks. In cases like this, says Cyrus, it's always necessary--now, are you absolutely positive of the time of the attack? Yes, it was just like I told you, she replies.  It's highly unusual for a body to get rigor mortis that quickly, says Cyrus--I'll drop by soon, bring you something to help you rest.  Both Will and Angelique thank him.  Will you perform the autopsy yourself? she asks. No, he says, but please don't worry. I'm not worried! she says, sounding angry, and heads into the drawing room. Will, don't leave her alone tonight, instructs Cyrus. He goes into the drawing room.  I could stand a drink, he tells Angelique--how about you? She  refuses. He tries to talk her into it--it will do you good, he says--don't worry, I will take care of everything. I won't worry, she promises--Will (who's already sipping his drink), do you know Barnabas Collins well?  I wouldn't say that, he answers warily. You know him better than anyone else in this house, she says--why did he come to you? He read my book about his ancestor, says Will, fingering the fang marks on his neck. What do you really think of him? queries Angelique. I don't know, answers will.  You're hedging, she accuses.  No! says Will firmly, why are you bothering to ask me all these questions about him for?  Because he looks at us as if he knows all about us, she says, but he couldn't, really, could he, I mean it's as though he has some secret information--do you understand him?  No, says Will--why should I, hm?  I don't know, she says, but you're very nervous right now, and I wondered why.

Eagle - Barnabas sits at a table topped with a red and white checkered tablecloth, a candle in front of him, an untouched drink next to it.  Will there be anything else? asks Buffie. He looks up at her--will you join me? he asks--it's such a lonely night. I never thought of a night being lonely, she scoffs, one hand on her hip--I guess this one is. She sits down with him; he introduces himself. Oh, I thought I knew all the Collinses, she says--are you just visiting here? He nods. Where are you from? she asks. South America, he says. Really? she asks eagerly--I always wanted to travel everywhere, anywhere. Perhaps you will, he says. I've about given up on that now, she says, smiling. I was reading about a theory the other night that we exist in different bands of time, he says--look the same, but behave differently because we made different choices--perhaps in another band of time, you've left Collinwood, you're living the life that you want. She chuckles--I hope I'm having a better time, she quips--oh, I don't mean now, I mean in general. The door opens and closes. Customer! she says, rising from the table. "You will come back," he says, standing, too. She nods.  It's Cyrus, who greets Barnabas. We meet again, says the vampire, will you join us? No, says Cyrus, just back from the morgue, and was just driving back to Collinwood. You know exactly what happened to Mr. Chase? asks Barnabas. Not yet, says Cyrus. Buffie asks the doctor, do you want a drink?  No thank you, he says, I was wondering if you had seen John Yaeger?  Is he back in town? asks Buffie, sounding afraid.  I don't know, says Cyrus, I wondered if you did. I thought you told me yourself that he wasn't coming back, she reminds him. I did, didn't I? says Cyrus--well, he's very unpredictable--I guess I'd better be going--Barnabas would you like a lift back to Collinwood?  No thank you, says Barnabas. Goodbye, Cyrus says to Buffie and leaves.  Do you know why he came in here? she asks Barnabas.  To see you, obviously, says Barnabas.  "Me? Are you crazy?" giggles Buffie. No, I'm right, he teases. Not likely, she says. Barnabas, sporting a rare smile, says you're a very pretty girl. "You keep telling me that, and maybe I'll believe it," she says flirtatiously. He looks at her--will you be closing here soon? He asks.  In an hour or so, she says. He leans in very close, smiling at her.
"Perhaps I can take you home," he suggests. "I think that would be very nice," she replies. He's about to kiss her, but slides right past just as their lips are about to connect. Where are you going? she asks, surprised that she wasn't kissed. I'll be back, he promises briefly. You could stay and keep me company until closing time, she suggests.  I don't think that would be wise, he says--"I'll be back." He leaves.  Buffie, watching him go, licks her lips as if hungry.  Her expression says, I like him a lot.

Back at Collinwood, Angelique asks Cyrus, how long it will be before you get the autopsy results? Not until morning, he says, handing her a bottle of pills--they'll help you sleep--you're probably very tired. I am, she agrees--thank you. Will holds up his glass and says, if you'd had a little drink with me, you wouldn't have needed the pills--it's the greatest relaxer in the world. For you, perhaps, she says, heading off to bed; she stops and asks, Cyrus, can I call you in the morning to find out about poor Mr. Chase? Please do, says Cyrus. Angelique leaves. Cyrus, Will asks, will you join me in a drink?  Cyrus refuses. I don't know what's wrong with everyone around here; complains Will, it seems as if things were just beginning at this time of night--we'd all mosey down to the Eagle...  I'm afraid you wouldn't even find much company there, says Cyrus, sourly--except for your friend, Barnabas Collins--I stopped in there tonight, he was there with the girl who works there--they were alone together. Will, looking stricken, quickly puts down his glass. "Buffie," he says, and starts to race from the house. Cyrus, puzzled by his quick departure, calls, wait!   I'll see you later, promises Will, still in flight.

Eagle - Buffie blows out the candles and cleans up the tables. Will comes in.  You're just in time for the last one, she notes. Where is he? asks Will--Barnabas Collins. He'll be back, says Buffie. How do you know? asks Will. He's taking me home, she boasts, that's why. Will shakes his head, about to tell her.  What's wrong? she asks. Yes, says Barnabas, standing behind him, what IS wrong, Will?--tell me.  Will, petrified, surveys his master.

Barnabas, gazing warningly at Will, again asks, what did you want to tell Miss Harrington? Nothing at all, says Will softly, I just heard you were in town and thought we might go home together. I won't be going home now, says Barnabas quietly, his tone tinged with steel, "but thank you for your. . .consideration--but it won't be necessary--you understand, Will?"  (His voice is TERRIFYING!) Yes, answers Will, I think I'll be going home now. Disbelieving, Buffie asks, "You won't even have one drink, Will?"  No, he says, I don't think I'd better--thank you. She watches him leave and remarks, everyone is acting so peculiarly.  Aren't they? asks Barnabas--is it time to close now?  I think so, before anyone else comes in, she says. She turns off the lights as he watches her. "Well, come on, Mr. Collins," she says.

At Cyrus' lab, Will shakily takes a big gulp of yet another drink.  Are you sure I'm not bothering you, Cyrus? asks Will.  No, I need company tonight, Cyrus assures him. So do I, says Will--I remember once you and I talking about good and evil, and I accused you of knowing nothing at all about evil. You were wrong, points out Cyrus--we all have evil inside us, I think it best that we just admit it, and let it out. Like your friend Yaeger, laughs Will nervously. Cyrus stares at him--I didn't know you knew John. I didn't actually, says Will, I ran into him once, described him to Quentin, who said that must be who it is--he never mentioned me to you?
No, says Cyrus, why should he? I just thought he might, says Will--where is he now? He's waiting somewhere, says Cyrus, to come back--you know, he and I are much more alike than you think--the only difference is, I work and he plays--and I do what I should, and he just does what he wants. Try it yourself, Will suggests--quit work, have fun, just have a ball. I wouldn't know where to begin, says Cyrus, examining a test tube. Do it by just doing whatever you want, for once, advises Will. Yes, agrees Cyrus, you're right, I should--I will!

We focus on the TV set in Buffie's apartment (a rare sight). She and Barnabas enter.  I always meant to fix this up more, she says. He admires the picture Yaeger gave her, which is hanging on the wall over the fireplace. Do you really think so? she asks--I don't know if I like it or not, I keep changing my mind about it--someone gave it to me, but when I think of him, I don't like it too much, I guess--but you didn't come here to hear about my problems. No, he agrees. She offers him a drink, which he refuses, moving in closer. Are you sure? she asks.  Buffie grins when he slides an arm around her, drawing her nearer. "You have the strangest eyes I've ever seen, she says, gazing up into them--it's like they can see through me."  She tilts her head, anticipating his kiss, and rests her head on his shoulder.
Barnabas, his lust different from hers, sinks his fangs into her throat, holding her limp body pressed against his, arms around her. Someone knocks at the door.  Barnabas lets her fall to the floor, unconscious. Cyrus flings opens the door and flies in.  "Buffie?" he says, spotting her. Barnabas, caught, stands there, staring at him.

NOTES: Cold shower time, folks. Buff and Barn are too hot!

What a dilemma we have here, and some fascinating observation. Cyrus shows up as himself to Buffie's apartment, not Yaeger, and one wonders if he was planning on starting the fun Will suggested to him by taking Buffie up on her not-so-subtle offer. (I like quiet men.) The question is, can Barnabas disappear before Cyrus can register who he is, or has our vampire been caught, en flagrant dilecto, as it were?

Buffie and Barnabas make a very sexy combination, reminding me of Nancy Barrett's many encounters as different characters with the vampire. She really seems to like him, and he likes her, too, probably more for her blood type than her sexy hair and pretty blue eyes. He could have gone for a hooker on the docks, but homed in on Buffie instead. Good choice.

I adored Karlen's performance in this episode! His nervous exchange with Barnabas at the Blue Whale reminded me so much of Willie in the early days of RT, a constant nervous wreck trying to stop Barnabas' attacks on people he knew and failing miserably. This Will may have talent and money, but he's as fearful of the vampire as his RT counterpart, even under his thrall. Knowing that Barnabas is planning to make Buffie his victim, powerless to stop it, no wonder Will went to Cyrus' for drink and conversation. He had to be feeling absolutely terrible about the fate he was forced to leave Buffie to at Barnabas' hands (and how does one vampire victim feel about another, anyway, jealous, perhaps)?

Poor Larry got a nice big smooch before Angelique sucked the life out of him. I hope she at least gave him the tongue, considering it was his last. I remember finding this need of hers, and her methods of choosing her victims, extremely creepy. Any port in a storm, but considering what a gap Chase's death is going to leave behind, she should have found herself a stranger--or Hoffman could have pimped one for her. Both Angelique and Barnabas are, in essence, draining life from their victims, but Barnabas leaves his alive, most of the time, while one touchy-feely encounter with Angelique leaves her victims dead--and very, very cold.

1021 - What happened? Cyrus asks Barnabas.  The vampire kneels down and quickly covers Buffie's fanged-marked throat with her scarf. I had just taken her home, explains Barnabas, and had left her apartment--I heard her scream, returned and found her this way.  I heard her scream, too, says Cyrus. Buffie, can you hear me? Barnabas asks.  I want to take a look at her, says Cyrus.  No, says Barnabas hastily--she's coming to.  What happened? asks Buffie.  Barnabas stares into her eyes and says, "You must tell us, Miss Harrington."  Frightened? she asks. Through hypnosis, he coaches her: Yes, what was it, he asks--something in the room, out the window? Yes, she agrees--I thought she saw someone at the window, looking in. Barnabas asks Cyrus to check, which he does--I don't see anyone, he reports, nor did I see anyone when I came in.  Are you sure you sure you didn't imagine it?, asks Barnabas. I guess I did, she says, I do silly things sometimes; I hope I didn't cause anyone any trouble. She rises to her feet, hastily adjusting the scarf. No trouble, says Cyrus, we're happy you're all right--you are all right, aren't you? Yes, just a little shaky still, she says. Perhaps you'll allow me to stay with you until you feel better, suggests Barnabas. Buffie, now sitting in a chair, says, that's very kind of you. She refuses to let Cyrus examine her.  Barnabas reminds the doctor, you have unfinished business you were attending to--surely there was some reason you were on this particular street at this particular time of night? Oh, says Cyrus, you're right, I forgot.  Then, good night, says Barnabas firmly.  Cyrus leaves. Barnabas listens at the door to make sure he's gone.  What happened? asks Buffie--why do I feel like this?--why didn't I ask for help? You know the answers to that as well as I do, says Barnabas hypnotically.  Yes, she agrees. You'll do exactly as I tell you, won't you? he asks.  Yes, she says eagerly. And you will not go anywhere near Cyrus, will you? he asks, Whatever you say, whatever you want, she promises. Sleep, rest, he says. You'll be back? she asks hopefully. Yes, we will see each other very soon, he assures her. He backs away from her, their eyes still locked, and leaves. She gently touches the spot on her throat where he'd penetrated her.

Collinwood - Maggie, pouring tea in the drawing room, sits across from her husband at a table.  Why didn't you tell me Angelique was murdered? she asks. Why should I tell you something that isn't true? He demands. Why would Alexis tell me something that isn't true? she counters.  Because Alexis believes it is, but I don't, says Quentin angrily--Angelique was not murdered! Angelique, entering the house, a bouquet of flowers in her arms, overhears this exchange. Let Alexis believe what she likes, insists Quentin, just because Sabrina became hysterical at a seance doesn't mean it's true--please stop talking about it. All right, says Maggie, hurt (Angelique smiles), if that's what you want. He apologizes for getting angry. Angelique closes the door and calls to Maggie, then shows them the gorgeous bouquet of flowers she picked for Maggie. I'll have Hoffman get a vase, says Maggie.  Angelique, in extremely good spirits, says, I'll get it--you should go outside, too, it's so beautiful.  Maggie holds the flowers in her arms, remarking, how nice of Alexis. Cyrus knocks.  Good morning, Quentin greets him.  Cyrus admires the flowers.  I can see you want to talk to Quentin alone, says Maggie--I'll be upstairs.

As Quentin leads Cyrus into the drawing room, Maggie places the flowers on the table. The cause of Chase's death was indeterminate, explains Cyrus, but the body was so cold... The man was dead, Quentin reminds him. No, says Cyrus, if I were to list the cause of death, I'd say the body froze to death!

Angelique exits the kitchen area and listens at the double doors, then looks down at the flowers on the table. Dear, sweet Maggie, she says to herself, passing her hand in a magic gesture over the flowers, what is it about you that makes something peculiar happen to such pretty flowers, so soon after you held them--and what will Quentin think when he sees what happened? The flowers instantly turn from brilliant-hued life to black and white death.  She grins with satisfaction.

Cyrus, asks Quentin, do you think what happened to Larry is in any way related to what happened to me? You mean any unseen forces at work in this house? asks Cyrus--I don't know, but wish I did, I wish I knew a lot of things. He leaves. Quentin spots the dead bouquet on the table. Maggie comes downstairs--I thought there was a vase in our bedroom, she says, but...hey, what happened to the flowers?  I don't know, says Quentin. Angelique exits the kitchen with a vase--I hope it will be large enough, she remarks and stops, horrified to see the flowers she picked less than half an hour ago are dead--why, just minutes ago, when Maggie was holding them, they were so lovely and fresh--now, they're so cold, as if they'd frozen and died. Quentin immediately picks up on this. It's sad, says Maggie--they were lovely, but Ie can pick more in the garden. Angelique smiles a bit as she observes the awkwardness between the couple.

One o'clock - Cyrus goes to check on Buffie, who curtly says, there was nothing wrong with me, I just have an overactive imagination, that's all--and I want you to go. There was a time I thought you enjoyed my company, he says, hurt. Please, doctor, she says, turning away from him. You find Barnabas Collins very interesting? he asks, jealous. Please, she begs, I have things to do.  As you wish, says Cyrus. Have you heard from Yaeger? Asks Buffie.  Do you miss him? queries Cyrus. No, just curious, she says evasively. I haven't heard from him, but if I do, you'll be the first to know, he says, gazing raptly at her. He leaves. Buffie looks at her love bites in the mirror, fingering them. Barnabas appears--does John Yaeger still interest you? he asks. "You were standing out there all that time?" she asks. He advances on her. Tell me everything you know about Yaeger, he commands. I hardly know anything, she says, the doctor can answer your  questions; he knew him better than anyone. Oh? asks Barnabas. Yaeger used to help him with his experiments, she says, I bet he could tell you where Yaeger is right now. That would please you to know, wouldn't it? asks Barnabas. No, I never want to see him again, she insists.  I, on the other hand, want to see him, ASAP, says Barn--I have important questions to ask him, concerning a certain basement room--I want you to find out everything you can from Cyrus.
You told me to stay away from Cyrus, she protests. That was before I knew there was a connection between Yaeger and him, says Barnabas--make sure he doesn't find out our secret--I must find that man!

Maggie sits by the fire, reading a book. Angelique enters.  Quentin's in his study, working, says Maggie. There's something I've been meaning to mention all day, says Ang--I've been thinking about Angelique--and I might have a way to find out who her murderer was--if you had murdered someone, what's the most logical thing you'd do? Blame is on someone else, says Maggie. Possibly, says Angelique, but there's something that might work much better--deny there was a murder to begin with--it's perfectly simple--if you can convince everyone there wasn't a murder, you'd have nothing to worry about, would you?--if there was someone to deny there was a murder, shouldn't that be the first person to suspect? I don't know, says Maggie, who seems uncomfortable. That's only logical, says Angelique. Yes, but only this morning, Quentin said he didn't believe Angelique had been murdered, says Maggie. Oh, Quentin, of course, says Angelique, I'd forgotten all about him, he said the same thing to me just after the seance--he's convinced there wasn't a murder--oh, but Maggie, of course I didn't mean Quentin--he's the last person in the world I'd think of--he couldn't have done it, we both know that, don't we?
Yes, of course, says Maggie, sounding very unsure. Angelique was his wife, says the blond, he couldn't have killed his wife, not if he loved her--could he? Maggie shakes her head, not sure at all.

Up in their bedroom, Maggie prepares for bed, gazing at herself in the mirror. Quentin enters. Are you coming to bed? she asks.  I don't know, he answers--I have things I must do downstairs before morning, if you don't mind--it won't take long. I don't mind, she says--I want to tell you I'm happy I'm back. So am I, he says.  I'm sorry I went on and on about Angelique this morning, she says, and the murder--I promise never to mention it again. And I shouldn't have blown up about it, he says--forgiven? Forgiven, she agrees. Don't be upset about what happened to those flowers, he says. I wasn't, she says, puzzled, maybe...  I'm sure it doesn't mean anything--I shouldn't have brought it up. I won't be long, he promises, kissing her hand tenderly. I'll be waiting, she promises. He leaves.

Buffie's room - I'm surprised to have received you invitation, says Cyrus.  I didn't mean to sound so unfriendly, she says. You mentioned that you'd been upset lately, he reminds her, accepting her apology. That's one of the reasons I asked you up here, she says--I have some things Yaeger gave me, and since I don't want to see him again, I'd like to return them--could you give me his address?  So, it is John Yaeger you've been thinking about, notes Cyrus. Only to give the things back, then forget about him, she insists. Are you so sure it isn't because you want to see him again? Why would I want to do that? she asks--I want to forget about him, I really do!--so could you please tell me where he is? I have the very distinct feeling if you wait long enough, you'll be seeing Yaeger, fairly soon, he says. And with an arch look at Buffie, he leaves.
Buffie, unhappy, thinks, he knows more than he's telling me--I'm sure of that, but why is he protecting Yaeger?--I've got to try again.

Maggie sleeps, dreams. She sees a burning candle, hands joined in a seance on a table. Angelique, dressed in her infamous low-cut blue gown, as in the portrait, sits there. Quentin is beside her, and he looks at her, rises from his seat, and begins to strangle her as she soundlessly screams. Murder! Murder! yells Angelique's voice.
Maggie awakens, terror-stricken, bolts upright in bed and calls, "No, Quentin, no, she was your wife! She was your wife!"

NOTES: Love the relationship between Barnabas and Buffie. What can I say, it's erotic and they really make a well-teamed victim and vampire.

So now we have Cyrus, who has seemingly forgotten all about his engagement to Sabrina (where the heck is she, anyway, not that I care)? He goes to see Buffie--why? Is he hoping to have fun with her as himself, instead of as Yaeger? He now thinks she's attracted to Yaeger, which will surely convince him to take the potion again and become that evil soul once more. He finds her with Barnabas, and is jealous--has she found another "quiet type" to have fun with? He's becoming very weird, isn't he?

Angelique has the power to kill pretty flowers and render them dead. Creepy. What is she, anyway? Not an official witch, like her RT counterpart, but just a practitioner of black magic? She should stick to killing flowers, given her track record for other spells.

Originally, Barnabas ordered Buffie to stay away from Cyrus, then, when he realized there was a connection between him and Yaeger, he changed his mind and told her to find out everything he knows about Yaeger.  The latter saw Barnabas' coffin and must surely wonder about it, but will he pursue his interest or forget about it?  Barnabas, not knowing, has to make sure he isn't in danger from Yaeger's knowledge.

Now Angelique has planted the seed in Maggie's head that Quentin killed his first wife, so of course, she dreams about it that night (was that nightmare sent by Angelique or just naturally occurring, I wonder)?  She's working hard to convince Quentin that Maggie is practicing black magic (hence, the dead flowers), and convince Maggie that her husband is a murderer. One can only hope this newly-rejoined couple will pay more attention to their love for each other than the nonsense Angelique is filling their heads with.

It's getting really interesting now; I always enjoyed this storyline when the mainstays returned and Barnabas went after Buffie.

Love, Robin