Author Topic: Idle Thoughts--Shadow of the Cheap, Insufferable Pig (6/5)  (Read 2251 times)

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Idle Thoughts--Shadow of the Cheap, Insufferable Pig (6/5)
« on: June 06, 2003, 02:33:17 AM »
Fashion notes first . . .

While I do think that deep red is an attractive color on Bennett, I have to question the fuschia lining and that scarf thingy.

Lime green polyester is not your friend, Liz.

Not at all wild about the pre-Charlie's Angels coiffure on Angelique, but vast, vast improvement on the braids. Dress and scarf were decently flattering. Did they use all the rouge on Pennock though? They couldn't spare some for her and Barrett?

Ah, I hope they're not taking wedding photos, because that "fly" peacock blue suit of Jeb's would surely break any camera.

That's what Carolyn is wearing to her wedding??? It looks like the top part of a really ugly pair of pajamas.

Who would have ever thought that Joan Bennett would be seen wearing a dowdy pink sweater set and a frumpy grey skirt (I own the same damn thing too, lol).

Onto the show . . .

You know, I really, really hate it when soaps do a reversal and expect me to forget that a character has hitherto been lower than pondscum and now accept that he's one of the good guys. I'm not stupid and I do have a memory so sorry. I'm not buying. Jeb remains a creep.

Peter/Jeff, on the other hand, remains relatively true to character. He was, is, and always will be a first-class ass, so nothing new there. Sloppy writing though for us to now see him as this monomaniacal crazed wacko uncaring as to who and what gets killed in his quest for vengeance.

As most of you know, I generally am not an Angelique fan. She does have her moments, however. The death of Eric Lang was one of them. And now. And now, she deserves many, many karma points, for the lady has rid us of Mr. Davis. (Let's all throw our hats in the air in celebration!)

Let's review. Less than a week ago, Elizabeth thought and indicated in her every word and movement that Jeb was the greatest thing since sliced bread, pencillin, and the repeal of the Volstead Act combined. Of that pathetic little band of followers, she was one of the most effective and most loyal. The woman yells at Jeb one time for creeping around her house in the dark. She has perfectly understandable qualms about him wanting to elope in the dead of night with her daughter, and suddenly all this constitutes insurmountable opposition and excuses him being even more of a horse's ass than usual???

Oh, please. They had actual plans for this wedding other than standing in front of a justice of the peace and going to a no-tell motel? I don't think so.

Since when is Elizabeth the type to pull out the stack of Modern Bride magazines she keeps by her bedside table and start babbling about Chicken Wellington and orange blossoms?

God, Jeb is a bastard. You just know that had they been together for more than a month, he'd be beating Carolyn and then blaming her for it "You made me lose my temper, honey."

And once again, complete reversal. Last night, Jeb was demanding that no one was to know about the wedding and it couldn't be held at Collinwood. The next day, he's telling Angelique all about it, and the show's on for Collinwood.

Fun with arts and crafts! Amazing what one can do with some construction paper and a pair of manicure scissors.

Oh, Carolyn, honey, if you think your mother's accepted Jeb . . . She's probably already called Mr. Garner, established what annulment grounds are available, and asked him if he'll handle the divorce.

Jeb continues to shine in the stupid department. If he'd ever paid the slightest bit of attention to Nicholas instead of trying to kill the people who pissed him off, he might have picked up that Angelique's not just a trophy wife. Damn it, she's a witch who's a trophy wife too!

Lord, but that was one really sad little wedding. They would have had more romance if they'd been married by an Elvis impersonator in Vegas.

Way to ingratiate yourself with your mother-in-law there. Yep. Tell her you have no plans, no idea of what you're going to do. That will definitely reassure her.

Excuse me while I pick my jaw up from the floor. Sky Rumson just made one of the most perceptive comments about the Barnabas/Angelique relationship that I have ever heard. Of course, this was succeeded by the obliteration of loads of already-established vampire lore when Sky just casually and totally betrayed his mistress there. Maybe he's just too stupid to realize that when he's told not to tell anyone, that means him?

At least Carolyn evidently did get laid. I suppose that's something . . .

And so it begins. The horror that is 1970 PT.

Edited because: commas are our friends
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Re:Idle Thoughts--Shadow of the Cheap, Insufferable Pig (6/5)
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2003, 04:02:56 AM »
As most of you know, I generally am not an Angelique fan. She does have her moments, however. The death of Eric Lang was one of them. And now. And now, she deserves many, many karma points for the lady has rid us of Mr. Davis. (Let's all throw our hats in the air in celebration!)

Well, you know I cheer every time I watch that scene. [wink2] And I also thank God that RD wasn't available to play Desmond in 1840!! Frankly, I can't picture anyone but JK in the part because he so made it his own.

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Re:Idle Thoughts--Shadow of the Cheap, Insufferable Pig (6/5)
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2003, 08:11:00 PM »
Luciaphil darling, I'm so pleased you've started writing again.  You know I live for your fashion notes, and your deliciously witty comments about the characters, the writers, and everybody and everyTHING in between.

Hearing what you're saying about Jeb and Carolyn's marriage, I do wish you would offer a few apercus upon the thrashing, screeching, puling monstrosity that is the union of Quentin and Maggie Collins, but I fear your general distaste for the 1970 PT storyline may just leave you with your set switched off for the next few months.

I loved the catlike way in which Angelique informed Jeb she was repairing her nails, and how she waggled the scissors at him.  Her look was very Mediterranean in these shows, somehow.  Maybe she'd popped into the Milan fall collections shows on her way over to Collinwood?


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Re:Idle Thoughts--Shadow of the Cheap, Insufferable Pig (6/5)
« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2003, 04:26:24 AM »

At least Carolyn evidently did get laid. I suppose that's something . . .

And so it begins. The horror that is 1970 PT.

Edited because: commas are our friends

somehow i don't picture Jeb being all that good which could really explain her behavior in 1995!
The horror of that!

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