Author Topic: Idle Thoughts--Once a Cheap, Insufferable Pig, Always ... (6/3 & 6/4)  (Read 3350 times)

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Fashion notes first . . .

I realize that Grayson Hall was probably growing her hair out at this point, but that is one, extremely unattractive haircut. The less I say about that blouse with the bow, the better.

Ugh. Just realized that Roger is wearing a plaid suit. Oh, dear.

Does Jeb own anything other than that one pair of jeans, the green sweater, and that leather coat? Talk about the Great Unwashed.

Zombie #4: It's kind of sad when your loved ones bury you in jeans and a shabby jacket.

Holy Doug Henning, Batman! Look at all the spangles on the robe of Mr. Blair. I suppose we should be grateful that we're about five years too early for sequinned jumpsuits.

Apparently, they got Elizabeth's pearls from an estate sale of a former flapper. I really, really hate the hair that never moves too.

A noose should not be a fashion statement.

Onto the shows . . .

Night of the Living Dead came out when? 1968? That explains what inspired our zombie quartet I take it.

Oh? Are we supposed to feel sorry for Jeb now? Because he's found love and wants to be human? He's a tragic figure, right? Tragic figure, my ass.

Quentin, Sky, and Roger all in the same room. All we needed was Barnabas and they could have had a little convention (or a support group): Angelique Anonymous.

And there goes a lamp. Somewhere Dan Curtis cringes before deciding that if set pieces are unexpectedly totalled, he can call the look "minimalist" rather than forking over $15 for someone to go to the Salvation Army and replace it.

I enjoy HAA's scenes, but whatever little sense there was in bringing the character back just went out the window. One minute Jeb's declaring that Julia, Roger, Barnabas, Quentin, and Willie are doomed: They all must die! Hence the raising of the zombie quartet.

Next second, he wants to be human and he's arranged all this so that Julia can set about fixing him. Okay, Julia, to put a positive spin on it, is a risk-taker. It's not like she's fled the house. He couldn't, oh, I dunno, arrange to talk to her first? Instead we get the dramatic kidnapping and then the discussion.

Somebody changed gears, ASAP, and the whole thing smells.

Meanwhile, Maggie, who nearly got killed by half the household and still presumably should be in deadly danger, has let bygones be bygones and has been staying at Collinwood. Uh huh.

So don't care about the Maggie/Quentin lust spell. This is what they do with Quentin? Oh give me a break. Like I care if he and Maggie are swapping spit.

Jeb: "I'm not very good at saying things I feel."
Excuse me? The Leviathan Messiah has been nothing but an emotional fascist since the get-go. He's hardly cerebral. Every bloody word and action out of every one of his incarnations has been based purely on his emotions. He only knows how to say the things he feels.

Why is Nicholas standing in the bushes to perform the ceremony?

I'm not sure how bright a move it was on the part of the writers to wipe the memories of some of the Leviathans. It's not consistent (if Elizabeth forgets, why doesn't Bruno?) And why bother? What purpose does it serve?

I mean, okay, the big secret would be that Barnabas is a vampire. Second and third would be the truth about Quentin and Chris. To the best of my knowledge, none of the Collinwood followers of the Cause ever figured those out. So that's not it.

On the other hand, the subsequent plot--the marriage of Jeb and Carolyn--requires opposition from everybody but Jeb and Carolyn. Carolyn never figured out what was going on. Why not keep Liz and Amy and David's memories intact and then have them opposing Jeb? Hitherto, they've been doing everything but stripping Jeb and Carolyn naked and throwing them together in a locked room with a bed. Instead suddenly, they've supposedly been against Jeb all along???

According to their tombstones, the zombie quartet were freshly planted so I'm thinking that revived or not, their flesh should have remained intact. Would be creepier than seeing that one damned skeleton over and over again.

"Too good to be true" Oh, please. The aversion of Barnabas Collins to the truth is just ridiculous. Do your cousin the courtesy of believing in her intelligence and go from there. Might actually help. But noooo. . .

Ice Queen Liz is still present even when she's Leviathan free. Heh.

God, Jeb is such a loser. Really a first-class pain in the ass, A#1 creep. Nothing like making the woman you supposedly love leave her family in the dead of night because you screwed up.

[rant]This isn't love. Let's suppose he can actually escape the extremely pissed off warlock, the thug, and the insane and vengeful ghost. Okay. How is planning on supporting Carolyn? (and don't give me that crap about photography--I own a camera too. Doesn't make me a photographer). Where are they going to live? Is she ever going to be able to come back home and see her mother? He killed Carolyn's father. Is he ever planning on telling her that? Does he feel any guilt about that? (the answer is no) What about this relationship is being decided for the good of Carolyn? There is absolutely no consideration here for her. [/rant]

Carolyn, your subconscious is trying to tell you something and it appears your conscious self knows something isn't Kosher. Go with that. Your mother, your hitherto "Jeb is a wonderful young man" mother, who has had precisely one unpleasant encounter with him (perfectly justified, btw) is now suddenly the enemy. According to the loser. Think about that. This is a sign of things to come.

He's back! Argh. I had forgotten (or purposely blanked it out) that Roger Davis comes back. Worse than ever. BTW, hanged men do not look that good. I'm just saying.

Meanwhile Megan has found yet another perverted way to get off. Heh. I kind of liked the post-coital bite scene with her and Sky. A no-strings vampiric affair. Of course, I think Megan could do a lot better than Sky.
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Re:Idle Thoughts--Once a Cheap, Insufferable Pig, Always ... (6/3-6/4)
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2003, 07:38:31 PM » time, why don't you tell us how you REALLY feel?!!  [furious3]

Hee hee.....I love it when you have nothing nice to say.  [vryevl]
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Re:Idle Thoughts--Once a Cheap, Insufferable Pig, Always ... (6/3-6/4)
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2003, 08:42:26 PM »
Loved your rant against Jeb!  It's so true.  I'm sorry to see Carolyn's character come down to this considering what a prime place she once held on the show.  I've always had a difficult time understanding her infatuation for Jeb.  I'd assumed that her attraction was mainly induced by the deal Paul made with the Leviathans for her to be Jeb's bride, and hoped that that spell might lift with the downfall of the Leviathans, but no such luck.

I'm not sure how bright a move it was on the part of the writers to wipe the memories of some of the Leviathans. It's not consistent (if Elizabeth forgets, why doesn't Bruno?) And why bother? What purpose does it serve?

I think it was because the Collinwood crew was recruited through the Leviathan box, now destroyed, whereas Bruno and Sky made a direct deal with Mr. Strack. 


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Re:Idle Thoughts--Once a Cheap, Insufferable Pig, Always ... (6/3-6/4)
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2003, 08:47:29 PM »
Holy Doug Henning, Batman! Look at all the spangles on the robe of Mr. Blair. I suppose we should be grateful that we're about five years too early for sequinned jumpsuits.


Quentin, Sky, and Roger all in the same room. All we needed was Barnabas and they could have had a little convention (or a support group): Angelique Anonymous.


I enjoy HAA's scenes, but whatever little sense there was in bringing the character back just went out the window. One minute Jeb's declaring that Julia, Roger, Barnabas, Quentin, and Willie are doomed: They all must die! Hence the raising of the zombie quartet.

Next second, he wants to be human and he's arranged all this so that Julia can set about fixing him. Okay, Julia, to put a positive spin on it, is a risk-taker. It's not like she's fled the house. He couldn't, oh, I dunno, arrange to talk to her first? Instead we get the dramatic kidnapping and then the discussion.

Somebody changed gears, ASAP, and the whole thing smells.

Yes, yes, yes!!  Watching these eps again, I can't shake the feeling that entire scenes were skipped, though unfortunately I know better.  We're supposed to accept that the real Leviathans-- the powerful Oberon, Haza, and Adlar-- would do nothing while their grand scheme is circling the drain?

I'm not sure how bright a move it was on the part of the writers to wipe the memories of some of the Leviathans. It's not consistent (if Elizabeth forgets, why doesn't Bruno?) And why bother? What purpose does it serve?

They tried to explain it by having Sky declare that he was recruited by Strack, as was Bruno.  But it's still stupid.

Would be creepier than seeing that one damned skeleton over and over again.

How do you know it was the same skeleton?  Oops, forget I asked that. :D

[rant]This isn't love. Let's suppose he can actually escape the extremely pissed off warlock, the thug, and the insane and vengeful ghost. Okay. How is planning on supporting Carolyn? (and don't give me that crap about photography--I own a camera too. Doesn't make me a photographer). Where are they going to live? Is she ever going to be able to come back home and see her mother? He killed Carolyn's father. Is he ever planning on telling her that? Does he feel any guilt about that? (the answer is no) What about this relationship is being decided for the good of Carolyn? There is absolutely no consideration here for her. [/rant]

I think one of us should approach MB about making that an official dsboards code.  Maybe the text inside would glow red hot? ;)

Of course, I think Megan could do a lot better than Sky.

How do you suppose she avoided getting splinters in her teeth?  [lghy]

FABULOUS writeup, Luciaphil.  And they keep getting better and better.

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Re:Idle Thoughts--Once a Cheap, Insufferable Pig, Always ... (6/3 & 6/4)
« Reply #4 on: June 06, 2003, 01:16:18 AM »

Zombie #4: It's kind of sad when your loved ones bury you in jeans and a shabby jacket.

Ha! I thought the one with the ping-pong eyeball looked kind of like Harry Johnson. Oh, so that's what became of Harry.

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Re:Idle Thoughts--Once a Cheap, Insufferable Pig, Always ... (6/3-6/4)
« Reply #5 on: June 06, 2003, 03:52:44 AM »
[rant]This isn't love. Let's suppose he can actually escape the extremely pissed off warlock, the thug, and the insane and vengeful ghost. Okay. How is planning on supporting Carolyn? (and don't give me that crap about photography--I own a camera too. Doesn't make me a photographer). Where are they going to live? Is she ever going to be able to come back home and see her mother? He killed Carolyn's father. Is he ever planning on telling her that? Does he feel any guilt about that? (the answer is no) What about this relationship is being decided for the good of Carolyn? There is absolutely no consideration here for her. [/rant]

I think one of us should approach MB about making that an official dsboards code.  Maybe the text inside would glow red hot? ;)

::MB makes note to self::

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Re:Idle Thoughts--Once a Cheap, Insufferable Pig, Always ... (6/3-6/4)
« Reply #6 on: June 15, 2003, 08:03:12 AM »
::MB makes note to self::

::And MB follows through:: :)

Offline Luciaphile

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Re:Idle Thoughts--Once a Cheap, Insufferable Pig, Always ... (6/3-6/4)
« Reply #7 on: June 15, 2003, 12:04:42 PM »
::And MB follows through:: :)

I have inspired coding! Hot damn  ;D
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Re:Idle Thoughts--Once a Cheap, Insufferable Pig, Always ... (6/3 & 6/4)
« Reply #8 on: June 16, 2003, 09:00:28 AM »
Ugh. Just realized that Roger is wearing a plaid suit. Oh, dear.

LOL!!  Maybe he should give it to Philip Todd to match those plaid slacks he always wore!!

Does Jeb own anything other than that one pair of jeans, the green sweater, and that leather coat? Talk about the Great Unwashed.

This is so funny!  He was getting almost as bad as Adam when it came to the green sweater!   And that coat...

Zombie #4: It's kind of sad when your loved ones bury you in jeans and a shabby jacket.

ROTFL!!!  I thought the same thing!  They all looked like "bums" coming out of those graves.

Next second, he wants to be human and he's arranged all this so that Julia can set about fixing him. Okay, Julia, to put a positive spin on it, is a risk-taker. It's not like she's fled the house. He couldn't, oh, I dunno, arrange to talk to her first? Instead we get the dramatic kidnapping and then the discussion.

I couldn't for the life of me imagine why he needed that quartet to go out and kidnap Julia?  He could have done that all by himself if he really wanted to.

So don't care about the Maggie/Quentin lust spell. This is what they do with Quentin? Oh give me a break. Like I care if he and Maggie are swapping spit.

This was utterly ridiculous IMO.  We had to endure the whole pitch fork thing all over again.   I feel they totally wasted Quentin's character during this storyline giving him little more to do except stand around looking clueless.

Jeb: "I'm not very good at saying things I feel."
Excuse me? The Leviathan Messiah has been nothing but an emotional fascist since the get-go. He's hardly cerebral. Every bloody word and action out of every one of his incarnations has been based purely on his emotions. He only knows how to say the things he feels.

You got that right!!   The first day he met her he was telling her that they would be married soon!!  What a guy!

Why is Nicholas standing in the bushes to perform the ceremony?

LOL!!  Now that you've mentioned it what was the purpose of that??

RANT: Okay. How is planning on supporting Carolyn? (and don't give me that crap about photography--I own a camera too. Doesn't make me a photographer). Where are they going to live?

Supposidly they were going to be living in the cottage house and I imagine he would be living off Carolyn's money.

He's back! Argh. I had forgotten (or purposely blanked it out) that Roger Davis comes back. Worse than ever. BTW, hanged men do not look that good. I'm just saying.

This made no sense to me at all!   It was as if the writers/producer were looking for any excuse just to bring him back.    What did Peter Bradford have to do with Jeb?   So, now we're suppose to believe that Jeb actually lived in the past also?   It also bothered me that they had to change the Vicky/Peter relationship when we all believed that the two of them were off living happily ever after in the past!

I enjoyed these Luciaphil, thanks!

"Calamity Jane"