Author Topic: Robservations 6/2/03 - #962-963 - A New Vampire in Collinsport  (Read 1212 times)

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962 - Jeb fires at the werewolf again.  The creature falls to the floor, blood spurting from its chest. Jeb bangs at the door, calling, "Bruno, let me out!"  The werewolf rises to his feet, ready to battle again. Jeb grabs the whip Bruno left on the floor, holding the werewolf at bay with the silver handle.

Collinwood - Carolyn and Quentin meet in the foyer. I'm glad to see you, he says, since you're usually not alone. Jeb was just here, she says, but left, saying he'd be back as soon as he could.  As far as I'm concerned, says Quentin, never would be too soon.  Why do you, Barnabas and Julia persist in hating Jeb? asks Carolyn--it's clear by the way you look at him and even when his name is mentioned. Quentin grabs her by the shoulders--Jeb is no good for you, he says.  I happen to think he's very good for me, retorts Carolyn, and the longer I know him, the more certain I feels that...  She doesn't finish what she's about to say.  You can't love him, insists Quentin, you've got to realize that. I realize that you, Barnabas and Julia are somehow forcing me to make a choice between them, and if you say one more word against Jeb, I'll have to find new friends (and relatives, too, I guess). Quentin looks morose over his inability to convince her.

Megan sits in the carriage house. Bruno enters, humming.  He places his fur coat on the chair. You're in a good mood, notes Megan.  Why not? he asks.  I should think you'd stay sober, at least until after the full moon, she remarks. If you mean the werewolf, that's Jeb's problem, says Bruno--I'll let him handle it--I, Bruno, will handle... He stops. What? she asks. Barnabas Collins, says Bruno--you're not going to believe this--he's a vampire. Megan feigns surprise--it's impossible, she says.  It's true says Bruno--this is our chance to show Jeb how useful we can be--a vampire must hide from daylight in its coffin, and if we could find out where that is... No, protests Megan, I couldn't--Barnabas and I aren't friends anymore; I couldn't go near him, night or day. You're wrong, says Bruno--he's always been so fond of you, and I'm sure he still is. He caresses the end of the scarf around her throat and says, you could get him to tell you where his hiding place is if you put your mind to it--couldn't you? She grabs the scarf from his fingers--I don't know, she says.

Quentin is walking through the woods when he the werewolf drops from a tree, holding his wound. Quentin leaps away at first, then stops, carefully observing the wounded creature. What have you done? he asks him. What have they done to you? Someone tried to capture you, kill you, or you killed him. Quentin moves in closer, looking at his kin--Chris, I want to help you, I really do
--somehow I must make you understand what I'm saying. The werewolf raises a hand to him, then collapses, moaning, to the ground. The night is over, says Quentin, gazing up at the sky. Indeed, it is. The werewolf transforms back into Chris.

Carriage house - Bruno slugs down a healthy drink. Jeb returns.  "Thought I was dead, didn't you?" asks Jeb, "But I got away." He holds the gun on him. "But you won't, Bruno, you won't."

Bruno pretends he doesn't know a thing--Jeb, what happened to you?  I'll tell you what happened to me, says Jeb in a deadly voice--I got betrayed, by a rat. Who? demands Bruno. You know perfectly well who did it, accuses Jeb, but why didn't you stick around for the kill?  You're talking nonsense, insists Bruno.  You took the silver bullets from that gun, accuses Jeb, then put me in there with that wolf, only you didn't see a silver handled whip there, which I drove him off with.  I didn't do any of the things you're accusing me of, except to leave, says Bruno--there was no way I could know the werewolf was loose, I figured you had it under control, so I went to the Blue Whale, then came back here to take care of a few things--and a good thing, too!  The smartest thing you could do was be to run, says Jeb, but there's no place far enough. When I got back, says Bruno, wisely talking fast, I met Megan back here, and discovered something about her--something I was going to tell you about when you came in. Are you trying to tell me SHE betrayed me? demands Jeb. Yes, says Bruno, and I can prove it. Prove it fast, commands Jeb. When I was talking to Megan, says Bruno, I saw her scarf slip--and spotted fang marks! You're lying! shouts Jeb, pushing the pistol closer to Bruno. I wouldn't lie about such a thing, says Bruno, I could be found out too easily!--a vampire must have his victims!  Jeb, shocked, drops the arm holding the gun. "Barnabas got to her," he laments, truly upset. Yes, says Bruno--that's what I wanted to tell you--she's dangerous now, he must have sent her here to change those bullets, she was here earlier. I can't believe it, says Jeb.  I couldn't, at first, says Bruno, but she's been acting very strange lately, if I had had any idea what she'd done, I'd have killed her on the spot! Jeb says he won't believe it till he sees it. Tomorrow, advises Bruno. Not tomorrow, tonight, insists Jeb, we're both going to see her.

Megan lies in bed, twisting and writhing, calling to Barnabas, come to me, wherever you are--I don't want to be away from you, she moans--ever!--Barnabas!  Bruno and Jeb stand in her bedroom, listening to her.
I still can't believe this, says Jeb. You've got no choice, after what you've seen and heard, says Bruno. Poor Megan, laments Jeb. Poor Megan! repeats Bruno--she set you up for the slaughter!--well Barnabas isn't going to make her do anything anymore! Bruno promises, and moves around the bed to strangle Megan. Stop! cries Jeb. She's got to die! insists Bruno. No, Jeb says--she became a victim because I made Barnabas into a vampire (mature of him to accept the blame). We can kill them both, if you like, says Bruno, but she's got to die! I made the mistake with Barnabas and won't make Megan pay for it, says Jeb--I'm not going to make anymore mistakes, not with Barnabas, Quentin, Willie or anyone.  What will you do? asks Bruno. You'll find out, says Jeb--you all will. Bruno looks unhappy.

Bruno and Jeb leave Collinwood.  It's dawn, says Bruno--I can get Barnabas now--if I can find him. I'll find him, vows Jeb, when I'm ready. Tell me what you're going to do so I can help you, says Bruno. I don't need you, says Jeb. Yes you do, unless you plan to kill them all in your other form!  No, says Jeb, Carolyn's terrified of that form--I'm never going to assume it again. Then you DO need me, points out Bruno. Yes, I do, says Jeb--when night comes, I want you to make sure Megan doesn't leave this house, go to HIM, because when he's destroyed, she won't be able to go to him, and then she'll be all right again. But if I stay here, says Bruno, I can't go with you! I don't need you, says Jeb. Why won't you trust me? demands Bruno, knowing everything I told you is true?  I don't trust you because I don't know why you left me alone in that crypt, says Jeb. I told you why, says Bruno.  I don't buy it, says Jeb. I had no choice, says Bruno, I didn't know the werewolf was loose! I still don't buy it, insists Jeb, and both of us will have to live with it. Tell me what you're going to do, demands Bruno. Stay with Megan, orders Jeb--if anything happens to her, I'd hate to see what's going to happen to you! He leaves.

A sad Chris sits on a rock. I know the feeling, sympathizes Quentin, when dawn came and I was covered with blood--I wanted to die, too, but I didn't. You didn't have an enemy that knew your secret, points out Chris--Bruno almost got me that time, next time, I think he might--I'd prefer you go ahead and kill me. Now listen to me, begins Q. Listen to ME, says Chris, looking at his great-grandfather, we've finally stopped pretending to be casual strangers, you and me, so let's not pretend anymore--there isn't any help for me, there isn't.
There has to be, says Quentin. Not for me, says Chris, nothing's worked, the portrait, Sabrina's moon poppy--Quentin, I am what I am because of you--you owe me something, I want you to kill me, right now. Quentin, miserable,  wonders, why Bruno didn't kill you--perhaps he has other plans, or perhaps you killed Bruno--what do you remember? The sheriff, says Chris, the dead sheriff, was standing over me with a gun, and I woke up here, I don't remember anything else.  Go back to your cottage, instructs Quentin, get cleaned up, later we'll try to figure out what happened. Chris leaves. (This could have been so much more poignant than it was here.)

Jeb meets Carolyn stand at her father's grave. What are you doing here? she asks.  Your mother told me you come here--Carolyn, he, he says, there's no need to...  My father was buried here, she reminds him--coming here is my way of letting him know, wherever he is, that I think of him all the time, and what happened. She starts to cry.  Jeb puts his hands on her shoulders and draws him into his arms--don't cry, he begs. She clings to him--I'm sorry, she says, I just felt so alone. Not as long as I'm here, he promises. She pulls away from him and asks, how long that will be?  What do you mean? he asks.  When I was a little girl, she says, my father went away from me, I told myself then I was so small, I couldn't keep him, then I grew up and he came back and I took a chance--and he went away again. This isn't the same, he assures her, his hands on her shoulders.  Maybe not, she says, but I did lose him again, didn't I? I feel that I'm doomed to lose everyone. Not me, swears Jeb. I don't want to, she cries, sliding her arms around him, I really don't. I know you're upset about your father, he says. They will find out what happened to him, won't they? asks Carolyn, tears in her voice. I hope so, says Jeb--what else is bothering you?  I had a quarrel with Quentin after you left, she says, and I've been thinking of it all day. What did he says? demands Jeb.  He said I shouldn't see you, she admits. Same old thing, says Jeb, what did he say this time?  Nothing, says Carolyn
--I wouldn't let him say anything against you, and if he did, told him we would no longer be friends. You told him that? asks Jeb. Yes, I didn't want to, but I had to, says Carolyn. He had no right to upset you, he says. Jeb, she whispers, hugging him, why are there so many ways of losing people, and so few of holding on?  Hold onto me, he urges, that's all you'll ever need--I'd better get her home, a storm is coming. Arms around each other, they walk past the grave of the man Jeb murdered.

Collinwood - Megan troops downstairs, looking around to make sure no one is watching. She opens the front door and leaves. Bruno shouts her name--where are you going? he asks. Just for a walk, she lies. A storm is coming up, he says.  I couldn't sleep, says Megan. We know that--and why, says Bruno, yanking the scarf off her throat--"We know all about you, Megan!"--Jeb wants you to go back inside, and stay there--and that's what you're going to do!  He shoves her back into the house.

Quentin and Chris leave the crypt, Quentin remarking, at least you know you didn't kill Bruno. What did I kill? wonders Chris. You tore a dead man to pieces, says Quentin. Horrible, says Chris. No, you just returned him to death, where he belongs, says Quentin, it's better than having him walk around, we're all better off for it--stay away from any others like him, too, warns Q.

Cemetery, Jeb stands before four graves, calling to Thomas Findley to join him, followed by John Hart, Amos Ross and Emory Pace--all of you in your graves, would you follow me if you have the chance? he asks. Oh God of the underworld, hear me, your servant, for I have a need of hands that are not mine, bodies without minds, hearts that do not beat, open the door and let them out, so I can rid myself of my enemies, and I will give you in return, the leader of the damned, five new souls for you to claim, yours for eternity, and all I ask are these dead, let them rise, let their hands reach into the night air, make them my servants--NOW! The earth on top of the four graves begins to shift and pulsate. Jeb grins. A hand reaches out of one grave, into the air.

NOTES:  I was touched by Jeb's upsetment over Megan, and his refusal to allow Bruno to kill her. He accepted blame for this gaffe, rare for Jeb. It seems he's growing up at last, accepting responsibility for his mistakes.

It really is creepy to watch Jeb with his hands all over Carolyn, telling her not to cry, when HE'S the one who killed her father! How can he live with himself, seeing her intense grief?

They could have done so much more with the Quentin-Chris scene! These two men are not just related by blood, they are related by the werewolf bond, a terrible thing. Hearing Chris accuse his great-grandfather of being the author of his woes, insisting he owes him death, was heart-rending, but there just wasn't enough to satisfy, when one considers how important this meeting was.

963 - Jeb stands in the graveyard, lightning illuminating four headstones. Join me, Thomas Findley, urges Jeb. . .John Hart, would you like to hear the lightning, see the thunder?...Amos Ross, would you like to break from the bonds of the earth that holds you?...Emory Pace, unable to rest, to think, to dream (no EEO guy is Jeb)--all of you in your graves--will you follow me if you have the chance? chants Jeb--oh God of the underworld, hear me, your servant, for I have a need of hands that are not mine, body without mind, of a heart that does not beat--give me these dead and I will give you five new souls for yours, for all eternity--just make them rise, make their arms move, their hands come out into the night air--make them my servants, NOW! The earth on each grave begins to tremble. Jeb smiles with pleasure as a dead hand rises from the earth...

One by one, the dead men Jeb has summoned claw through the dirt, climb out of their graves and stand behind their headstones (and remind me of contestants on Jeopardy). Really creepy-looking dudes, too--first Thomas Findley (any relation to Janet?), then John Hart, Amos Ross and Emory Pace. Look at me, Jeb commands his zombies-I am your leader, and your allegiance is to me--there is much to be done--five new souls will join you in your underground, four men and one woman--Barnabas Collins, Quentin Collins, Roger Collins, Willie Loomis and one woman--Julia Hoffman! Their graves are to be dug tonight, for they will be in them tomorrow!

Old House - Julia prepares another injection while Barnabas paces.  What's wrong? she asks.  I've had a feeling ever since rising from my coffin, he says, a premonition--have you seen Jeb today? Julia hasn't. I'm sure he's planning something; I feel it--ever since Nicholas Blair came back, he's done nothing--why?--if only they hadn't discovered that Maggie was working with them, not the Leviathans, laments Julia--right now, we must find someone we trust. We have, says Barnabas--Megan. Julia is stunned. Megan and I have had a long talk, he says. "What else have you had, Barnabas?" asks Julia (one of my very favorite of her lines). Ashamed, he asks, what is your question, Julia?--must you read meanings into everything I say?--Megan is unhappy, her husband in jail, having signed a confession to three murders he didn't commit--wouldn't that be enough to turn anyone against Jeb?  Anyone else, yes, agrees Julia, but she's fanatic about Jeb. We can use her, says Barnabas, and we will. Julia looks at him sternly--when did you have this "talk"? she asks.  You came to give me injections, says Barnabas abruptly, ignoring her question, I'm ready. He takes off his jacket. Julia gives him another look and makes up the injection--I'll go into town to get more of what I need to make the serum, she says. Unseen by Julia and Barnabas, Jeb and his zombies are passing by the window. The serum is affecting me differently the last time, says Barn--then, I felt no need for blood and could actually feel myself changing, but this time, I don't. You haven't given in yet? demands Julia--HAVE YOU? HAVE YOU? She swabs his bare arm with cotton. Barnabas doesn't answer. Outside, Jeb muses how stupid I was not to have guessed the truth--Dr. Hoffman, a doctor with a very bizarre practice, he says to himself.

Collinwood - Megan stands by the window. It's dusk again, she tells herself, why doesn't he summon me?  She looks ragged and pale--terrible. Doesn't he know how much I need him? Why doesn't he summon me?  Liz answers the door. It's Jeb, who asks for Megan.  He stops Liz as she's going into the drawing room to get her and says, just stay with Megan tonight--I was going to have Bruno guard her, but sent him on another errand--go with Megan to her room and make sure no one comes in--make sure she's alone, that's all I'm going to say. Of course, says Liz. If Barnabas should come...begins Jeb.  Liz interrupts to remind him Barnabas never comes to this house anymore--you know that. IF Barnabas should come, says Jeb, make sure she isn't alone with him--are Roger and Carolyn here? No, they took David and Amy to a concert in Bangor, says Liz (ah, culture for the kids!) Then they'll be back late--very good, says Jeb--remember, stay with Megan. He leaves. Liz enters the drawing room and finds Megan sitting in the dark. Megan moans with displeasure when Liz turns on the light, complaining, I'm so cold. Why don't you let Julia examine you? suggests Liz, and throws an afghan over her (not the infamous multi-colored one). No, protests Megan. But you feel worse every day, points out Liz. I'm all right, Megan assures her.  You obviously aren't, insists Liz. My nerves, says Megan, the shock over Philip, haven't been sleeping well, so worried. Are you sure that's all it is? asks Liz.

I shouldn't have told Julia as much about Megan as I did, Barnabas tells himself--she's too suspicious--why do I feel this sense of doom tonight, why can't I shake it off? What is happening to me, why do I feel this way? he says aloud, and starts to collapse. I must have blood, I've never felt this need for blood so strongly before. Megan...
I understand your feeling depressed about everything, says Liz, but can't believe it's all mental--you're obviously ill. Megan is just about nodding off in the chair.  I notice how agitated you are, adds Liz.  I thought I heard a voice, calling for me, says Megan.

Barnabas stands at the Old House window, calling to Megan. No, he admonishes himself, I can't, she'll die, I must not give in, I must not, for her sake as well as mine--where's Julia, she can help me. . .no, she's gone to Collinsport...  He slams his fist into his hand. Not Megan, he says to himself, not Megan...  Yet, moments later, he returns to the window to summon her.

I didn't hear anything, Megan, says Liz--it must be your imagination.  Yes, Megan agrees, it must be. Let me take you upstairs, offers Liz.  Megan refuses. Can I do something for you? asks Liz.  Megan asks for water--my throat is parched.  Liz goes to get it, forgetting Jeb's orders of only a few moments ago. Megan rises from the chair and totters to the door, barely able to stay upright. She smiles, adjusting the scarf around her throat, and leaves the house.

I must leave this house, says Barnabas to himself, find blood, I must!  He takes his cloak and starts to leave, but Megan is out there, calling his name--why didn't you summon me?--"I know you need me," she says in a hoarse whisper, "you need me so!" Barnabas gazes at her, torn between doing what he so desperately needs and what he knows is right.

Return to Collinwood! Barnabas orders Megan--for your own sake.  She whispers, "Never, Barnabas!"--I do nothing for my own sake anymore, I only live for you. Please, he begs, you don't know... "What will happen?" she asks. It WON'T happen, he insists. "You can't imagine how much it means to me," she says, moving closer and closer, "that you need me so."  Barnabas pleads with her to go away--"Don't come any closer--DON'T!"--but she pays no attention, drawing relentlessly nearer, his eyes reflecting both his hunger and his horror.

Liz finds Megan missing.  When Julia returns, Liz asks, did you see Megan outside? No, says Julia, immediately concerned. I went to get Megan a glass of water, explains Liz, but when I came back, she was gone--she's so terribly weak, Julia, I know she's desperately ill. What's wrong with her? asks Julia.  Megan wouldn't say, says Liz--except that the light hurt her eyes. This registers with Julia, who turns and races from the house without another word to Liz.

I know you were leaving to see somebody else, says Megan, but I won't let you--I won't, she says huskily, I want to be yours again. She begins untying the scarf around her throat. Please, she begs, let me... Barnabas, unable to resist this blatant, erotic invitation, sinks his fangs into her throat, and thirstily drinks. She passes out in his arms.  He calls out her name like a lover. Julia enters, yelling for Barnabas in a far different tone of voice. He leads Megan over to a chair, where Julia takes her pulse. "I didn't want her to come back," says Barnabas miserably, "but she knew...she knew there was something wrong with me. Julia gazes steadily at him. "Don't look at me that way!" pleads Barnabas guiltily. Julia drops Megan's arm and rummages in her bag. Do you think I did this by choice? Barnabas asks. No, says Julia, I know you did not. Julia examines Megan.  Will she be all right? Barnabas asks. "She's dead," says Julia quietly. Oh, no, says Barnabas, sinking down into a chair. If not for you, Megan would have been against us, Julia reminds him--if Jeb had told her to kill you or I, she would have done it. Barnabas, head down, orders her, don't comfort me.  I'm just trying to be realistic, she assures him. I vowed that I would get every one of Jeb's followers, says Barn sadly, but I didn't mean it this way--why didn't she go back to Collinwood?--why did I panic?--perhaps I would have died and this all would have been over. It is over now, says Julia, then gulps, "For her." No, says Barnabas--don't forget what will happen to Megan.  She'll become as YOU are, says Julia, horrified. Unless, says Barnabas.  You must do it before she rises, says Julia. Don't you think I know that? demands Barnabas. Do you think I want her to go through the agony that I do, want her to need the blood so strongly...?  Julia's face displays her sorrow as she says, you must do it, now, before she rises.  Yes, Barnabas agrees, and they go over to look at Megan. I must do to her what my enemies want to see happen to me, says Barnabas--a hammer and a stake. Where can we find a stake? asks Julia.  Come downstairs with me, he urges--we'll make one. They leave the deceased Megan sitting in the chair.

Collinwood - One of Jeb's zombies waits outside the door. Inside, Jeb calls Liz stupid for allowing Megan to leave.  Liz protests--I didn't know she would. I don't allow excuses, says Jeb, now go upstairs and stay up there no matter what you hear. What's going to happen now? asks Liz.  You don't deserve to know, he says. This is still my house, Liz reminds him. Is it? asks Jeb, is it really?--GO!  She does, heading upstairs. Jeb turns off the entryway lights, then heads for the front door.

Old House drawing room - Barnabas, brandishing the stake, says, Julia, stay downstairs--I have no need for you here.  She refuses--I'm coming. But I've put you through so much already! he points out. I haven't done anything I was forced to do, she says.  Barnabas relents.
When they go to administer the stake to Megan, however, the chair is empty. "We won't need these," he tells Julia--"she's gone."

Jeb stands outside Collinwood with his four zombies.  You know what to do, he tells them, but I won't be able to be with you, because there's something you must do, to stop one of my people from becoming like they are
--you know your orders, carry them out! Jeb leaves. The four zombies enter Collinwood and head upstairs. One waits in the foyer. Julia, at the front door, tells Barnabas, let me know when you find Megan, I'll be in my room, seeing if I can find out what's wrong with the serum. Will you be able to isolate it? he asks. There's no time to worry about that now, says Julia--go!  She enters the house. One of the zombies hides in the darkness of the foyer, under the stairs. Julia heads upstairs. The zombie watches her cross the landing.

Julia enters her room and closes the door. She turns on the light and opens her doctor's bag. There are test tubes already on her desk; she begins to pour one into another, momentarily distracted by a thumping sound.
The second time she hears it, she opens her door, and finds herself face to face with one of the zombies. She closes the door on it, but it barges back in.  Another comes lumbering out from behind her drapes. One knocks her test tubes to the floor, another grabs and holds her; the same one who toppled her test tubes hits her across the face hard enough to render her unconscious. The zombie who slapped Julia picks her up in his arms and carries her out.

NOTES: Those zombies were totally creepy, and watching them kidnap Julia scared me, then and now. Poor Jeb is losing followers left and right, and since he appears to have more control over the dead, perhaps he should only utilize those without a pulse for his plots.

I never expected Megan to succumb from Barnabas' attacks, but let's face it, she practically raped him into giving her the fatal bite, acting the femme fatale. Hot!

Julia is so devoted to Barnabas, but wasn't she pissed at him for biting Megan? How did he think he could get away with hiding it from her? She finds out everything. He showed concern for her, too, wanting her to stay downstairs while he finished off Megan. That was considerate for Barnabas.

You've got to love Christopher Pennock's over the top performances. He loves to chew the scenery, and seems to have a blast with these power plays of Jeb's.

Love, Robin