Author Topic: Robservations 5/22/03 - #950-951  (Read 1122 times)

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Robservations 5/22/03 - #950-951
« on: May 22, 2003, 05:47:23 AM »
950 - Carolyn and Quentin express disbelief that Philip murdered all three men.  Jeb agrees--I couldn't believe it, either. He liked my father, says Carolyn, bewildered, and let him use the antique shop when Paul had messages for me--he--couldn't kill anyone! You're right, Carolyn, says Quentin. Did you know him well? asks Jeb. Barely at all, answers Quentin, but you said yourself, you couldn't believe it--why would Philip kill Paul? He won't say why, he won't say anything, says Jeb. Because he had no reason, says Quentin. No, agrees Carolyn, he and Megan were kind to my father, and to me when he was killed--it wasn't an act! The police think Philip is schizophrenic, says Jeb--that would account for killing Paul--Philip had to kill Davenport because he had found out, and he had to kill again tonight... Stunned, Carolyn says, I just can't believe Philip could have done it--tell me everything, Jeb, she says  The investigator had been to the shop to question him, says Jeb--evidently, when he was here, Philip called him, and Guthrie went--an hour later, he walked into the police station and said, "I've done it again." Quentin listens, annoyed. They took him back to the shop, continues Jeb, and there was Guthrie's body. Oh, Jeb! murmurs Carolyn. Paul died of something he had seen, interjects Quentin, something so horrid his heart gave out--I don't think that something was Philip Todd--clothing in the two murders was disintegrated by an unidentifiable substance, is that true this time? Yes, says Jeb.  What's the substance? demands Quentin--did this man die of a heart attack, too?--Quentin smiles--I wonder why?--what's the reason--and just how did Philip murder these two men? He won't tell the police even that, says Jeb. They must make him tell, insists Carolyn. They're still questioning him, says Jeb. I want to call the police, says Carolyn--perhaps they know more--I must find out everything that's going on. She leaves the room.  Quentin closes the double doors. "I think we met before Collinsport--where, Mr. Collins?" asks Jeb--"When?"  The only place we could have met is the one place I've never been--hell! Retorts Q. (I thought he WAS there with Amanda.) You think that's where I've been? asks Jeb.
That's where your ideas come from, says Quentin. Maybe I can whip up a few special ones for you, suggests Jeb. Oh, you'll try, you'll try, chuckles Quentin, I'm very sure of that, but let me tell you something, he warns, I have learned to take care of myself.  For quite a long time, I imagine, remarks Jeb. Quentin's smile fades. Pouring a drink, Jeb asks, do you believe the sad story of Philip Todd? Never, says Quentin. Why don't you try and clear him? suggests Jeb. I'm going to, promises Quentin. You won't make him change his confession, says Jeb. Do you want to make a bet on that, Mr. Hawkes? asks Quentin. Jeb nods.

On the foyer phone, Carolyn speaks to the police--can't they get Philip to explain it?--call in a psychiatrist, she says. Barnabas enters, apologizing for being late. Sheriff, says Carolyn, call me back if Philip should say anything. She hangs up.  What's wrong? asks Barnabas.  Philip has just confessed, she says. Quentin and Jeb join them.  Quentin adds, "For the murders, Barnabas." Barnabas is shocked--that's impossible. "Is it, Mr. Collins?" asks Jeb slyly--"Did you have another suspect in mind?" Barnabas looks at him, his forehead creasing. Jeb sips his drink.

I would never have thought...Philip! says Barnabas, treading carefully.  Yeah, sure shocks you, doesn't it? asks Jeb. Barnabas agrees--Carolyn, he says go tell your mother. I will, says Carolyn--Barnabas, don't leave yet. She heads upstairs--I don't know what to say, frets Carolyn--Mother is as fond of Philip as we all are. Quentin and Barnabas follow Jeb into the drawing room. "You're in serious trouble, Jeb," says Barnabas. Jeb chuckles--"I was, but not anymore, you and your friend here should realize it."--you shouldn't have sent Philip for the box--you were right to ask him to get it, Philip's a weak man, without faith, which you noticed and encouraged--you've been clever, Barnabas, but I've been cleverer. I can't let Philip die for what you've done, insists Barnabas. Really? asks Jeb--order me to confess--go on! You can save him without incriminating yourself, says Barnabas. How kind of you to think of me, taunts Jeb.
You've killed Paul, the sheriff and now this! says Barn. "You just love listing my crimes, don't you?" says Jeb hatefully--why don't I list one of yours, a very serious one--treason, yeah Barnabas, we know our true selves, because you are a traitor! To a cause I've never believed in, insists Barnabas. You should have believed in it from the beginning, rants Jeb. (He did, at first.) Don't try to threaten me, says Barnabas defiantly. We don't threaten, we act, warns Jeb. No one will ever stop me from fighting you, says Barn. No one, laughs Jeb--do whatever you will, no one can stop the Leviathans from taking over whoever we want, or whatever house, or even this room to be our shrine--yes, Barnabas, Philip and I will be left, and you will be the hunted, the tormented, the lost. Just as you lost me, you will lose others, vows Barnabas. I won't interfere anymore, says Jeb, but look at the last person you tried to enlighten--look at Philip. You cannot sacrifice all your converts, says Barnabas. Not all, agrees Jeb, just a few well-chosen ones--like Mrs. Stoddard, for instance, or David. "You won't get away with hurting them," says Quentin. Carolyn enters--Mother is very upset, she says--she refuses to believe it--I want to go see Megan. This isn't the time to go, insists Barnabas gently. I feel I must, says Carolyn. Please, do as I say, says Barnabas. You aren't in charge of my life! says Carolyn--Jeb, will you take me?  Of course, he says.  She leaves to get her coat. Jeb shoots the other two triumphant looks and leaves with Carolyn. His voice dangerous, Quentin tells Barnabas, "I'm going to have to kill that man." We don't even know how to do that, says Barnabas--the book can tell, but I'll never have another chance to look at it. What are they going to do? asks Quentin--wait until Carolyn comes back and tell her everything then? Will she believe us? asks Barn. No, replies Q, I told her it was Jeb, but before I could explain, he came in.  Then she'll think us mad, says Barnabas, we have to be logical and take this step by step. All right, says Q--just where will we begin?  We have to find the box, says Barnabas, if we have that, at least they won't be able to convert others. You'll never be able to get it, predicts Quentin. It's in Jeb's room, it has to be kept there, says Barn. Philip was caught, Q reminds him. I don't be! insists Barnabas.  No, says Q, I can't let you take the chance. I must do it tonight, says Barnabas. He'll kill you, warns Q. No, he'd have done that before, says Barnabas. Let me go with you, Quentin says. No, absolutely not, says Barnabas. You don't know what you're doing, says Q. Stay out of this, orders Barnabas, please, you should have stayed out all the time. I haven't, and he knows I haven't, says Q, he knows I'm in it. He'll have to bring Carolyn back here, says Barnabas--that's my only chance.

Jeb speaks to the bat--your time has come, just as we knew it would. He laughs, takes the Leviathan box from the closet, sets it down, and opens the cage. He brings it over to the box--the creature isn't even frightened of me, he says. He places the bat in the Leviathan box, where it rustles. "You and I are alike," says Jeb, we know who our enemies are." He lifts the box, speaking to the animal inside it. (The bat is even bigger than the Leviathan book--how Jeb gets such big objects into much smaller ones--well, he really must be a magic man.) Jeb puts the cage in the closet and leaves the room. Now, Mr. Collins, he muses, the box is yours--do with it whatever you will. He smiles.

Carolyn waits for Jeb downstairs in the shop. I woke Megan, he says (to tell her about Philip, I guess), and gave her some sedatives (why not just let her sleep?)--she's groggy, upset, I don't think it would do any good for you to see her--wait until tomorrow. Carolyn picks up a teapot.  I remember when Philip bought these, from the Chandler estate, she says--how pleased he was-- he admired everything in the shop so, almost too much to sell it...he once told me--he loved living here so--he can't have killed my father, he just can't have!  She goes into Jeb's arms. He holds her, playing with her hair much the way Adam used to, muttering, I didn't want to tell you--I knew...I knew!--don't cry, he begs, I hate to see you cry. She looks up at him and kisses him, big and wet. Jeb, she murmurs. I never want you to be sad, he murmurs--you do like me a little, don't you? He smooths her hair back from her face.  I don't understand you sometimes, she says, but I do like you--only... Only what? he asks. You're so harsh with people sometimes, she says, like Quentin--when I walked into the room this evening, I knew you'd been fighting, or at least arguing. I like Quentin, says Jeb, Quentin just doesn't like me, that's all. (liar!)  He kisses her; she responds eagerly.

Barnabas and Quentin leave Collinwood.  We will wait and watch from the window of the Collinsport Inn until Jeb and Carolyn leave, says Barnabas. He knows you're up to something, warns Q, there may be a trap. Then I'll have to escape it, says Barnabas--we must destroy that box.

Collinwood - Carolyn and Jeb run in from the impending storm, removing their coats.  Will you be all right? he asks. I'll be fine, she assures him. Will you be able to sleep? he asks. I think so, answers Carolyn--I want to sit up and think a while. May I see you tomorrow? asks Jeb.  Call me as soon as you talk to Megan, she says. He plants another kiss on her and holds her close. If any people come around asking questions about me, you'll tell me, won't you? he asks.  Smiling, she answers, if I believe what they say, I will. One last smooch and they say goodnight. Carolyn enters the drawing room, sits down in a chair and stares into space.

Outside the antique shop, Barnabas tells Quentin, stay here--prevent him from coming in. Q nods. Barnabas enters the shop.

Carolyn dreams. Bright colors coalesce into Jeb's face. Look at my scar, he says--you must understand--do you remember me as Joseph, what a quiet, sweet little baby I was? (he makes a rocking motion with his hands)--or do you remember me better as sweet (?) little Alexander, and how I tried to scare you with the mask, or do you remember me best as Michael, which is when I first began to want you, so much so, I couldn't wait until he grew up and became Jeb--you can understand that, can't you?  Why do you keep telling me these things? she asks--you told me before and I didn't understand, and don't now--I don't believe you, Alex, Michael and the baby are the same person. It's true, he says, and now that you know, I'm going to be all yours--come to me, he beseeches, holding out bloody hands, come to me!  She screams--your hands!--why are they covered with blood, what have you done?--what have you done!
When a door swings open behind her, she sees a dead man. Who is it? she asks--you killed someone, who is it, whose body is that?  Jeb pulls the door closed--no one is there, he insists. She backs away from him.  Blood begins pouring out from under the door. She screams, wildly, over and over.  Jeb insists no one is in that room, you saw nothing, nothing! The dream comes to an end.  Carolyn awakens, wondering what it means--why do I keep having that dream?

Antique shop - Barnabas exits, locks the door and reports to Quentin--he has the box--I must go to the Leviathan altar to destroy it. I want to come along, insists Quentin.  You can't, says Barnabas, (let him go--he's immortal and right now, you're not!) I don't know what will happen when I destroy the box--something might even happen to Jeb--stay here and see--when I'm finished, I'll go back to the Old House--if he returns here and starts to leave again, because he'll know the box is missing, he'll come looking for me, he will know where to come. Barnabas walks off with the box.  Quentin looks uneasily after him.

Leviathan altar - It was here that I first saw this box, says Barnabas, the blackest day of my life--spirits, if you are listening, know that I no longer need you, know that my days will be spent ridding my world of the Leviathans. Barnabas takes his cane and draws it back, intent on destroying the box. His face contorts with horror when it opens by itself.
A bat launches itself at his throat. Barnabas screams as the creature attaches itself to his jugular and drinks...

NOTES: Yes, the bat is ridiculous, with all those strings and such, but hey, this was high-tech back then and looked pretty cool to us. Those of you who have seen entirely animated movies utilizing nothing but computer graphics filled with amazing special effects, scoff at this, but it's what I and my contemporaries grew up on.

Jeb and Carolyn had some of the best kissing scenes on the show. Once again, he's so much taller than she is (much like Adam was), and they look cute together with the blond hair and blue eyes. Still, he did kill three people and is a total SOB. She seems to love him, but one has to wonder about her taste. Joe Haskell or Tony Peterson would have made much better choices--but neither of them was a bad boy!

Quentin already seems to be meandering through this storyline without much direction--a shame.

Why doesn't Carolyn take her own dreams more seriously? When Quentin told her about Jeb, she had already had the dream once--how could she not tie the two together and figure out Jeb really did kill her father? Or at the very least, WONDER? I sure would! Carolyn used to be so sharp and cool, they've dumbed her down just as they did Vicki and Maggie.  It wasn't safe to be an attractive female on this show--either you lost your brains, as the younger ones did, or you had no action at all, as Julia did.

951 - Barnabas lies on the ground, blood seeping from two holes in his throat. Jeb stands over him, grinning--you were warned, but didn't listen, you traitor--now you're doomed to a life of eternal darkness. Jeb closes the box--Oberon and Haza, my mother and father! He calls--I know what I did was without your permission, but now, he says, lifting the box, I have this, and the Leviathans will go on!  He walks away, leaving Barnabas lying on the ground, unconscious. Somehow, Barnabas' hair is grayer than before. He awakens, sits up, and stands. His touches the bloody wounds and screams, revealing sharp fangs in his mouth.

Quentin paces in front of the antique shop and he hides when he hears Jeb approaching. As Jeb is about to unlock the door, Quentin grabs his coat.  "What have you done with him? Where's Barnabas?" he demands.  Jeb grins--try to guess, he suggests--I should have known he'd leave you here. Quentin spots the box.  This is a very interesting antique, says Jeb--ever seen it before? he asks him. Quentin looks at him, lightning illuminating his face. "You've killed him," he accuses.  You have a one-track mind, says Jeb--excuse me. Quentin grabs his arm--you aren't going anywhere until you tell me where he's at (another expression of the time, folks). I don't have to tell you anything, insists Jeb. Oh, yes you do, says Quentin, hammering the back of Jeb's neck with his fists.  They launch into another of their fierce physical tussles. Jeb puts the box down and says, "All right, Mr. Collins, you beat me once, but you won't this time!" They fight viciously.
It only ends when Jeb pulls out a knife and holds it to Quentin's throat--let go of me, Collins, unless you want your friend to find your body here. Chastened (but again, he wouldn't die, so why avoid the stabbing?), Quentin releases him. Jeb picks up his box and says, you'll get another chance--we will meet again. He opens the door and lets himself into the shop. Quentin picks up his discarded coat. Jeb places the Leviathan box in the shop window.

Old house - Julia questions Quentin about Jeb's words--"and he stopped the fight saying then "your friend will find your body?" That has to mean that he did not kill Barnabas." Julia thinks for a moment.  Her face shrivels with misery. I know what he's done! she whispers. A vampire? asks Quentin. That was their threat, sobs Julia, they told Barnabas that--oh, Quentin! she wails.
Quentin takes her by the arms--I know how you feel, he says, but don't give in to panic yet--we have got to find Barnabas.  Did he tell you where he was going to destroy the box? she asks. I had a crazy idea it was some mystic place that had a meaning to the Leviathans, answers Q. The cairn in the woods, realizes Julia, the place only the Leviathans can see, Barnabas saw it first--he must be somewhere in the woods. Stay here, in case of trouble, orders Quentin--I'll go look. NO, says Julia firmly, whatever has happened, Barnabas needs both of us--come, she says.

Collinwood - Barnabas stands looking up at Maggie's room--I'll go there and wait until she's asleep--no, he warns himself, they have turned me into this animal again and I will NOT harm Maggie!. . .I must, he says, I must have blood, they have made me this way, I must have blood. Yes! he says aloud, Maggie can be mine--at last!  A creepy smile on his face, he heads for the front door.

Can I do this to Maggie? Barnabas wonders--an hour ago, I'd have killed anyone who tried to harm her, and that is just what he would be doing--I must not! NO!  He leaves Collinwood.

Blue Whale - The bartender cleans up.  Barnabas sits alone at a table.  The bartender tries to put on the jukebox, bangs it when it doesn't work, then gives up. A young woman with a Southern accent walks in--I can't find anyone to ask, she says--where is Todd's antique shop?  Barnabas rises and offers to help her--it's not far, but difficult to explain--I suggest you go directly to the Collinsport Inn, directly across from the side entrance, and if you take a left...he stops, noting she is wearing the sign of the Naga. You know it? she asks.  Very well, he says--I know the Todds, and Jebez Hawkes, he adds. Her eyes sparkle with fanaticism.  She asks, "What's he like?"  If you'd like to join me for a glass of wine, he says, I think we have much in common. I don't mind if I do, she says, setting down her suitcase. They sit together at the table.  "Are you one of us?" she asks.  I am Barnabas Collins, he says.  I'm Nelle Gunston, she says. We've been eagerly looking forward to the others' arrival, explains Barnabas. The bartender brings over a glass of wine for Nelle. We knew many would be coming, says Barnabas--where are you from? Virginia, she says--you haven't told me what HE is like--Jebez, our leader. You will find out soon enough, says Barnabas. You don't know what my life was like before, she complains, just getting up, going to work (ew, sounds like MY life!), listening to Mama and Papa, wanting to get out so bad. Only you were afraid to, encourages Barnabas. Before, yes, she says, but not now--in Richmond, I met a man named Bruno, who told me all about it, and who gave me this (the Naga necklace)--everything's been different since then, she says, clutching it, since I met Bruno--I can't wait to meet and serve our leader! Julia and Quentin enter the bar.  Jeb will be very pleased to hear that, I'm sure, he says. "Barnabas," says Julia. He bids her good evening. We were very worried about you, says Q.  Oh? says Barnabas.  Yes, says Julia, puzzled by his reaction. This isn't the time to discuss this, says Barn, and introduces Nelle to Julia and Quentin. She greets them.  We are busy having a discussion, says Barnabas. Quentin offers Julia a drink; she nods. They walk away.  What would you like? asks Q. Anything, she replies. You'll be excellent company, Barnabas tells Nelle. At the bar, Quentin orders two brandies for Julia and him.  Have you noticed the girls locket? whispers Julia--it's the same as Megan's--the Naga.  Why would Barnabas be with that woman? wonders Quentin.  Jeb didn't dare do what Oberon threatened, suggests Julia. He looks different, notes Q. Perhaps Jeb put some terrible spell on Barnabas, made him a Leviathan again, frets Julia fearfully. The bartender puts down their drinks.

Once you open the sacred box and become a true Leviathan, says Barn, our leader will make all kinds of demands on your obedience--you will be required to steal. I won't be scared, vows Nelle. To go against your own friends, continues Barnabas--even to kill. Even that, says Nelle--now take me to the shop, I must see him. He isn't at the shop, says Barnabas, preventing her from getting up, but I do know where he is--come with me--I have to meet him myself.  I prefer meeting him with a gentleman like you than Bruno, who hasn't been around here very long, says Nelle. I've been here since the beginning, Barnabas says. It's better with you, says Nelle, touching his hand. You think so? he asks. I'm not a girl who'd say it if I didn't, she assures him. She rises from her chair; they leave together. Julia, beside herself with concern, says, he didn't even stop to say goodbye--"What's happened to him, what?" she asks through gritted teeth, her eyes filled with worry.

Old House - We see Barnabas' portrait hanging over the mantel (which is good since he can't rely on mirrors any longer). Nelle and Barnabas enter the house.  Why is it so dark? she asks--you said Jebez would be here. Barnabas hangs up his cane and puts down her suitcase. He must be late, says Barn. Are you sure? she asks. You're not a very trusting girl, are you? asks Barnabas. Bruno told me never to trust anyone, says Nelle--I don't even know you are one of us--you don't wear the ring or anything. Lighting candles, he says, I don't need to--I myself brought the sacred box to the Todds. You can say that, says Nelle, but saying doesn't prove.  I don't need to prove anything, he says. Yes you do, she insists. He focuses an intense gaze on her.  Why are you staring at me like that? she asks.  "You're very attractive," he says huskily. Uncomfortable under his scrutiny, she says, I don't care if you think so--I don't believe Jeb Hawkes is coming here. Be patient, orders Barnabas--now, what did Bruno tell you that made you so fervently one of us?  Bruno told me not to talk about it, to anyone, she says curtly. You can tell me what he says, insists Barnabas, how did he become a Leviathan?  As him if you want to know, she says snippily. I prefer asking you, says Barnabas. A Mr. Strack brought him in, that's all I know, says Nelle. Is it? demands Barnabas. Stop pumping me (?!) cries Nelle--just give me a drink. Forgive my questions, says Barn, there are so many mysteries. He pours her a drink. I guess there are, she agrees, and a lot of people want to know them--the wrong people, pulling a long, sharp knife from her purse and walking towards him purposefully, "The wrong people, Mr. Collins." She raises the knife...

Barnabas orders Nelle to put the knife down.  Still holding it raised threateningly, she accuses, you're not one of us!  Drop it! he cries, his voice ragged. You're only trying to find out about us, Nelle accuses. Do as I tell you, commands Barnabas.  Nelle, mesmerized by his gaze, finally drops the knife. You're right, says Barnabas, I'm not one of you, but I shall show you what I am. He opens his mouth, baring his fangs.
No! bleats Nelle, trying to escape.  He grabs her arm and twirls her toward him. "As a Leviathan, you'd do anything, even try to kill!" he shouts.  Let go of me, she begs, they'll get you for this, I swear! "NO THEY WON'T!" Barnabas retorts, his face absolutely terrifying, eyes bulging.  He sinks his fangs into her throat and enjoys his first vampire meal.

Old House, front door - Julia tells Quentin--if Barnabas isn't here, we'll wait here for him. He wants her to go back to Collinwood, but she determinedly vetoes that, and opens the door. They find Barnabas kneeling beside Nelle's body. "I had to do it," says Barn, unable to face them. Julia examines the woman, takes her pulse, pronounces her dead. She's been strangled, says Julia. She had come to join them, reveals Barnabas. We must do something with the body, says Quentin.  She wanted me to take her to Jeb, explains Barn. What has Jeb done to you? asks Quentin. Julia examines Nelle's throat more closely and finds the telltale holes and blood. "Barnabas!" she cries. Guiltily, Barnabas says, "Yes, Julia, he's turned me into...into..." He starts to leave.  Quentin says, "You can't go." Julia puts her hand on his chest--"Barnabas, please." They found out I'm a traitor, and so this is my punishment, says Barnabas, ashamed. I'll start the injections, Julia assures him--I'll go get my medical bag at Collinwood. Not tonight! insists Barnabas. You've got to start right away, says Quentin. No, says Barn, there's one thing I must do tonight, and I must go to Jeb before he goes into that room to change into his other form. It's the only place he can change, and in that room, he is the most dangerous form that has ever existed--"Well, I will see that he will never change again!"  He races off, Julia begging him not to. Should I go after him? asks Quentin. No, says Julia, nobody can stop him. She puts a staying hand on his coat.
Julia looks at Nelle--we have much to do here--take her to the woods and bury her.  "Julia!" objects Quentin. I don't know what else to do, she says helplessly. I know what I'D like to do, says Q--take this poor girl to the antique shop and let them find her there in the morning--THEY caused her death!  If we did that, says Julia, they would use it against Barnabas, who is so vulnerable now--soon it will be dawn, and we must find a new hiding place for him, and the two of us must protect him, because they will try to destroy him during the day, I know it. If he goes on fighting him, yes, agrees Quentin. He will, says Julia, I'll have to get Willie Loomis to come guard him. Desperate, Quentin asks---how are we going to win now--how, now that Barnabas won't be able to function during the day? "He may be able to function," agrees Julia, "but I think that soon, Jeb Hawkes is going to learn that he made the biggest mistake of his life this night!"

Antique shop - Jeb, on the phone with Megan, says, if you want to hang out at the police station all night, go right ahead--they're questioning Philip again?. . .you sure don't trust your husband, do you? You're right--if they say you can see him afterwards, wait, fine, yeah, fine, goodbye! He takes the Naga box, turns off the lights, then heads upstairs. Barnabas looks through the shop window. Jeb goes into his room and locks it.  The heavy breathing begins.

Barnabas enters the shop, holds the bell so it won't make a sound and goes upstairs. The  breathing is even and steady as Barnabas puts his ear to the door, then moves away.

Downstairs, Barnabas has found a can of gasoline, which he begins spilling liberally all over the antique shop. He takes a pack of matches from his pocket and sets the shop aflame. "May that breathing never come from any room again!" Barnabas declares exultantly, and exits the shop. Flames quickly begin to devour the room.

NOTES: Always loved Elizabeth Eis' characters, and Nelle was a goodie of a one-shot. You had to like her feistiness, her determination to be a good Leviathan--and the swiftness with which Barnabas dispatched her. She will appear again, in 1970PT, and she plays an even more fascinating characters--and the heat between her and Barnabas in that storyline--well, you'll see for yourself when it happens.

Poor Julia and Quentin, knowing something really awful has happened to Barnabas, but essentially helpless to aid him. Finding out her worse fears have been realized, you see how much Julia loves him and wants to immediately work to undo what Jeb has done.

Can fire kill the Leviathan leader? I guess we'll have to wait and see.

For those who wanted the evil vampire Barnabas back, you've got him, and he's still got that conscience bothering him, too. Look how he warred with himself about "taking" Maggie. He ultimately won this war, but will he be able to win the battles ahead? At least he found Nelle to slake his thirst.

Love, Robin