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Discuss - Ep #0322
« on: October 17, 2012, 12:08:18 AM »
Robservations - #322

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0322

Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0322
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2012, 12:41:08 AM »
I'll say something tomorrow, I promise!

Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0322
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2012, 03:39:42 PM »
Finally out from under a pile of work here! What a great episode--I think, anyway.

Julia tells Barnabas that she's written an incriminating letter and left it with a "trusted friend." She dares him to call her bluff, but later she tells Willie that she was improvising. Barnabas will know you were lying, Willie frets, wringing his hands.

Barnabas has just decided that Julia was lying and has put his coat on before going out on his killing spree. But for what I think is the first time, he actually hears Sarah's flute music. He calls to his little sister longingly, but the music simply continues as he weeps.

Joe returns Sarah's doll to Maggie, who finally feels secure enough to sleep peacefully.

Willie feels anything but secure. Still on the terrace where he met with Julia, he agonizes, I’m sure Barnabas will kill Maggie!  And once he does, that will be just the beginning. Next he’ll kill David, then Burke, then-- who knows? He finally weeps with despair at his helplessness.

Later, Maggie wakes up and spots the shadow of a man at her window. She and her pop listen in terror as they hear eight gunshots.

Who was shot?????

Offline alwaysdavid

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0322
« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2012, 04:57:00 AM »
Julia bluffs and Barnabas folds then she reveals the bluff to Wilie.  One would think that Julia would have already done this and had a copy ready to show Barnabas. Barnabas one more is on the someone must die kick after deciding it was a bluff.
you know there's a whole wing that's closed off all the time; the west wing, I go there lots of times

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0322
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2012, 02:24:34 AM »
If I had every photo of the Old House known to exist I would be a happy man.

More Barnabas in the window. No wonder that became such a widely distributed still.

My thought is that this episode would have been great in a silent film. Frid's body language is superb. I'm not digging the vocal deliveries here. Something's seems off to me. Nobody's acting right! They used a lot of thought-voice (what is that called when we hear the character's thoughts in their own voices?). I don't like it. I also dislike Sam calling Maggie darling. It sounds insincere. Grayson had some great highly theatrical/fun moments - vocal and facial but they didn't add up to a great performance. Maybe Lela Swift is new to the crew, I don't know. Maybe the writing? It couldn't possibly be me.

My favorite part in this ep. is seeing Barnabas open the front doors of the Old House and seeing Julia standing there, waiting. (It was a lol moment for me.) I am really noticing the dead trees outside the Old House doors. I feel like that isn't the usual sight we see looking out. It will be interesting to see if and when it changes; maybe leaves in the spring? I'm thinking about Lydia's dead bush right now. How fun would it be to track that during the run of the show? A fun game perhaps, but I digress.

I think every character is acting as they should except Julia. Barn's smart enough to know Jules is more than likely bluffing, Willie knows that Barn is pulling Hoffman's leg. Julia seems dumb as a post right now. I did think it was somewhat inconsiderate that Julia ratted Willie out to Barn's guess of he being the one to tell her that Barn was going to kill Maggie. You'd think she'd consider sparing Willie the possible beating. Which leads me to my favorite line in this episode ~ Willie sez, to himself: "...Barnabas'd know; he'd kill me, or worse."

Karlen does his quivering face schtick and I will confess that every time I see him do it I try to do it. I fail. He's marvelous (almost always). Poor Willie, the tortured soul. His karma seems a bit harsh though.

I'm at the point of looking up Sarah's last appearance, it must be documented somewhere.

I'm wondering for the first time why the town drunk wears a sports jacket, button shirt and tie.

The doll must be an, "I'm watching you! Love Sarah"  signal to Barnabas. What else? Maggie can sense Barn, why would he even bother to put "it" out there to begin with?

Does Joe Have a new hairstyle?

Well, somebody gets it. Shoot first, ask questions later.

This episode wasn't that great.


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Re: Discuss - Ep #0322
« Reply #5 on: December 24, 2012, 12:10:40 AM »
Julia seems to be a smart cookie EXCEPT when it comes to Barnabas....Willie is right, you can't fool Barnabas about anything.

Barnabas very clevery surmised that if Julia had had a letter telling all about him she would have told him the night he came to her room to kill her...or at least when he told her he was going to kill her when he lured her back to the Old House.  I am surprised that it never occured to Julia that perhaps it really would have been wise to write a letter in the event Barnabas went on his 'I'm going to kill you/Maggie/David/Burke' mood. With nothing to back her up Barnabas is more than willing to do what he deems necessary to stay alive.

Poor Willie. He knows that Julia hasn't fooled Barnabas and he feels so helpless. He doesn't want to see any more bloodshed but know if he tries to intervene it will be the end of him. I really felt sorry for him in this episode, and John Karlen does an excellent job portraying Willie's torment and helplessness over the situation.

Maggie has the doll and it proves handy....but did the doll really protect Maggie? I know Sarah believes the doll is a form of protection, but ghost or not, she's still a little girl and doesn't know better. Despite Roger's rant about the incompetence of the police force a few episodes back, they did do their job right in here so maybe they're not as ineffectual as Roger thinks. Of course.....

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0322
« Reply #6 on: March 18, 2015, 06:33:47 AM »
I'm not convinced that Julia's letter plan is really as foolproof as she seems to think it is. After all, Barnabas could torture the whereabouts of the letter out of her. Or he could simply bite her and put her under his spell, thereby forcing her to reveal it to him. Barnabas has been threatening Julia for so long at this point that he's become a bit of a paper tiger, all bluster with no follow-through. Eventually, such a person's power and influence are going to wane to the point of ineffectiveness - and, indeed, Julia seems to be coming less and less afraid of him as time goes on and these toothless [he he] threats mount.

All I can say is Joe is really lucky to have made it out of this episode alive. He avoided being taken down by all those trigger-happy cops standing guard over the Evans' cottage, not once but twice, the first time when he showed up with the doll and Sam had to intervene to make sure Joe didn't get shot, then again when he rushed out the French doors mere seconds after a fusillade of gunfire had just  been raining down on that very spot. All three of them should have been hiding under Maggie's bed till they got the all-clear signal from the cops.