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Offline Lydia

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Discuss - Ep #0314
« on: October 05, 2012, 02:46:38 PM »
Robservations - #314

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0314

Offline Lydia

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0314
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2012, 02:52:05 PM »
Lots of interesting talk from Sarah today.  There were three points that I remember:

1) Sarah was all excited at the idea of going to see Barnabas.  Apparently she has not seen him yet in her wanderings.  That didn't surprise me, but it's nice to have confirmation.

2) Sarah said she was looking for David, and that she keeps getting a sense of where David is, but not enough of a sense to be able to do anything about it.  Very, very interesting.  I have no doubt that the writers were just copying what she said about Maggie - but it's quite a different situation, and one that requires some thought.

3) Sarah told Willie that she's told David her biggest secret.  And we know, although Willie doesn't, that she has not told David that Barnabas is a vampire.  So maybe she doesn't know it.

It's all so very interesting!

Meanwhile, Dr. Woodard, Maggie, and Joe have determined that there is something strange about Sarah and that Julia is sort of odd, too.  Where does one go with that?  They know for sure that Julia did come into the equation until after Maggie escaped from her kidnapping, and they have no thought that Barnabas is in any way involved.  In their shoes I would be all ready to cast Sarah as the villainess.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0314
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2012, 03:42:32 PM »
I'll say again that I don't think poor Sarah has no idea what Barnabas is. All she knows is that he's not acting like the brother she used to know--and love. She may not have seen him kill Jason McGuire, for example, but somehow she gets a vibe or some other hint whenever Barn has done something terrible. Maybe that's why she tends to arrive only after the fact. Later on, if I remember, she'll get better at interpreting these vibes and shortens the time between vibe reception and acting on it.

Barnabas and Willie's assumption that Sarah knows that Barnabas is a vampire is the driving force behind their efforts to find her and shut her down.

The same probably holds true when she's looking for someone--Maggie or now David. She probably gets some kind of vibe about them and has to orient herself in time and space to find them.

Dr. Woodard knew Julia Hoffman BEFORE Maggie was even kidnapped. She--still "Hoffman…HE" at the time--was the one he called in to analyze the sample of Maggie's blood. I think Woodard, Maggie and Joe have the idea that Sarah is somehow connected to whoever kidnapped Maggie, but I doubt if anyone would think Sarah was the perp.

Dr. Woodard tells Julia that Sarah's doll looks brand new, even though no one has made a doll like it for over a hundred and fifty years.

AND Elizabeth is still in Boston, hooray!

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0314
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2012, 02:28:29 AM »
Joe decides it borders on the supernatural. I would think it would be an either or thing. I find the characters to be a little thick when they don't realize Sarah is a ghost considering the previous Laura storyline and Bill Malloy. 
you know there's a whole wing that's closed off all the time; the west wing, I go there lots of times

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0314
« Reply #4 on: October 15, 2012, 01:39:18 AM »
Grayson is getting better at the voiceover intros but she's not quite there yet.

I actually appreciate it when they don't don't recap yesterday's closing scene. When I was watching during the original run I used to think that they were re-airing the closing scene to save money and would feel cheated out of three minutes of new story. I was a cynical kid.

Joe gives us a hunky preview of what it might be like to wake up next to him in the morning. I'd never return to work if I were Maggie and married to Joe.

Joe and Maggie rat out Julia for her poor job skills and lack of patient care. Dr. Woodard gets suspicious. Joe is the hero of the day. He is trying to put all the pieces together and will tell anyone who will listen and discounts nothing, even the supernatural. It's a somewhat sad turn of events for me because I always rely on Joe to be grounded in reality or scientific proof, if you will. That's the thought that went through my head anyway.

I'm still enjoying Dr. Woodard as a character. He wants Sarah's doll because he's convinced that it might be a big piece of the puzzle and help solve the mystery of Maggie's abduction. I say phooey. I think it's out of character for him to sense anything. Joe - maybe, now that he is questioning reality. But hooray, I guess, for leaving no stone unturned.

I don't know - a vampire who can't sense a kid in his own coffin, a ghost who can't find anyone. Whatever.

Grayson looked really good in this ep. She and Karlen both did great jobs and their scenes together worked really well, the same for Gerringer and Hall. Okay, so now Dr. Woodard has also jumped the supernatural shark. Two reality stalwarts go down in one episode. Willie panics and is on the verge of losing it - Karlen is so wonderful. Julia panics but keeps her head. She's a handler. 

IMHO, everyone turned in very good performances making this a very enjoyable episode.


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Re: Discuss - Ep #0314
« Reply #5 on: December 22, 2012, 02:26:21 AM »
Joe apologized to Julia the other day about Sam's accusations about her, but now he has apparently come to agree with Sam. Not really a plot hole, considering that Julia spends all her time at the Old House and Maggie hasn't yet able to remember anything, at least while Julia's around. They were bound to get suspicious of her.

A 150-year-old-doll and the fact that Sarah comes and goes when she pleases wouldn't exactly make me think of the supernatural either. But I have to admit I would be hard-pressed to even hazard a guess what the heck was going on with her.

Sarah tells Willie that she told David the biggest secret she knew. Julia insists that Willie not tell Barnabas about this, knowing it would mean David would be a goner for sure. All I can is, I pity Willie with this task....Barnabas always knows when someone either Willie or Julia isn't being straight with him and now that he's sure Sarah has told David about him has become even more paranoid than before. I just don't see how Julia thinks Willie can put on an act with Barnabas, no matter how convincing he was. And let's face it Willie is prone to getting into a panic very easily....

I still feel that Sarah went back to her 'rest' when David went into the secret room and had to hide in the coffin from Barnabas and Willie. She has awoken and now senses that David is missing but can't quite yet sense where he may be.  Sarah says she wants to see Barnabas, but if she was really that anxious I think she would have appeared to him by now. I agree with Darklady, I think she senses his dark deeds and it scares her off a bit. By the time she might feel secure enough to appear he goes and does something else, or something happens that grabs her attention. Very complex situation here.

Good episode.