Author Topic: Applauds(Cures) and Smites(Curses) icons  (Read 7069 times)

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Re:Applauds(Cures) and Smites(Curses) icons
« Reply #30 on: March 02, 2003, 05:34:28 PM »
Oh, dear, my first two smites! Should I be alarmed?  :'(

   or happy?  ;D

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Re:Applauds(Cures) and Smites(Curses) icons
« Reply #31 on: March 02, 2003, 07:20:45 PM »
 ??? I was probably a late-comer when this board reopened; so I'm not real sure how the karma thing works. However, upon reading all comments and getting some understanding from them, I agree that it serves no purpose and can be upsetting for some. Everyone doesn't look at the world the same way!
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Re:Applauds(Cures) and Smites(Curses) icons
« Reply #32 on: March 02, 2003, 08:34:29 PM »
I know I certainly don't decide what I will or will not watch, or who I will or will not listen to or read based on a critic's review.  I think if that were the case for people here, they would not be watching DS.  The show was hardly a critic's dream but people have nonetheless watched it faithfully for decades, and as stated here, continue to do so even when spouses and family members make fun of them.  If you are in that position and have developed a thick skin over those issues, why let a stranger bother you?

I prefer to think for myself and more times than not, I have come to a different conclusion about a production or a post here than the critic.  The reason for this is that I do not know what the critic is using for as criteria in judging a movie, a play, or in this case, someone's post.  It might be some old personal score that ignites the smite button, it might some disdain for a particular subject that has nothing to do with the poster, it could be anything.    When I click on a post here, I don't even look at the "tally" - I have clicked on it for the subject and in most cases I don't even pay attention to who posted it until after I've read the post.  I prefer to decide for myself whether or not I place any merit in what the person has said rather than to depend on the opinion of others who are strangers to me and, as I said, have other reasons for not liking a post.

My own view on the matter is to remember this is a fan forum for a television show.  There are enough real world problems that face us now, and stand to directly impact us strongly than to worry whether or not someone likes the subject being posted or not.  I'm sorry that it has upset some people as much as it has though.  I don't like popularity contests myself, but the moderators here have explained why they can and cannot do certain things at this time and I think that is explanation enough.  I personally can't get upset over it either way because it doesn't seem important in the scheme of things.  I really can't worry about some stranger liking or not liking my post.  Obviously, I would prefer that anyone who reads it does since they already spent their time reading the thing in the first place. If someone wants to smite me to settle some personal score, I hope it makes them feel better about themselves.  Then it has served a useful purpose since everyone should definitely feel good about themselves.  :-*    Otherwise, if someone likes or dislikes my post or someone elses, that doesn't stop me from posting or reading the opinion of an oft-smited person or meeting that individual in some social setting later.  Like I said, I prefer to make my own decisions about people and what I read.

If I don't like a feature on this forum, I just don't use it.


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Re:Applauds(Cures) and Smites(Curses) icons
« Reply #33 on: March 02, 2003, 08:56:07 PM »
My own view on the matter is to remember this is a fan forum for a television show.  There are enough real world problems that face us now, and stand to directly impact us strongly than to worry whether or not someone likes the subject being posted or not.

Hear hear, Nancy.


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Re:Applauds(Cures) and Smites(Curses) icons
« Reply #34 on: March 02, 2003, 09:55:43 PM »
This is one of the most interesting threads I've read in a long time.  If you read it carefully, you'll find it a fascinating study in contradiction, the frailty of the human ego and a rich example of hypocrisy on many different levels.  (And all packed into one little thread!)


-CLC  (not afraid to voice an opinion because....and I quote from a previous post:)

"Well, all I can say to that is that if someone has a strong opinion about something, please don't be afraid to state it. This forum was specifically created so that any DS fan could feel comfortable knowing that they wouldn't be chewed up and spit out simply for saying something that might be a bit controversial (which most definitely isn't the case on some other DS venues )."

If we may, let's give this situation a slight perspective shift:

First off, let me state for the record that what I'm about to say is in no way intended to be construed as a Poor-Me-I'm-So-Misunderstood-Speech. I'll leave that tack to others who have already turned it into a fine art that I couldn't hope to compete with.

So, anyway, sometimes it seems as if there are people here who believe I'm some sort of computer god, at once all knowing and all powerful, who should be able to understand and immediately be able to resolve any and every problem that might occur, not only on the forum, but on the Internet at large. And while that can be flaterring, nothing could be further from the truth - no one could live up to that expectation. Add to that the fact that not one day has passed since the forum changed over from SP to SE that I haven't come here or opened e-mails or IMs to find multiple instances of people asking or outright complaining about the change. Why is this such and such? Why can't I do this? Where did that go? My head starts spinning with so many things that I'd like to change for them - as well as for Midnite, Dom and myself - but I can't because I just know how to yet. But no one wants to hear or understand my frustration that I don't know PHP/MySQL the way I knew Perl. They don't want to hear that internally SE is just SO different from SP. They don't want to see that this is a completely different set of circumstances than last year when we had more than a month to sort the system out before people arrived and began using it. They don't want to know that trying to sort everything out while people are already using it is difficult at best. They don't want to understand that this change was not something Midnite, Dom and I wanted-  but is something that we had to do to keep the forum up and active. They want things the way they were (or at least back as close as possible to the way they were) - or they want them gone entirely - and they want it now. And that makes it even more frustrating for me because no one wants me to be able to tweak this system as easily I was able to with the past one more than I do. And under all that, I finally snapped. But as anyone who has been around these forums for the past 5 years can also attest, I can honestly say that in the 5 years since Midnite and I started these forums, I've never once done what I did last night. If anyone thinks I took any pleasure out of what happened in this topic, you're sadly mistaken - I'm embarrassed, I'm apologetic, I'm mortified that things took that turn. But I'm also only human.

As for you, Connie - to take my comments out of context is not only disingenuous, it's also cunning and manipulative because it completely disregards not only the circumstances under which they were made, but it applies them to a set of circumstance that are about as far removed from their original context as they could possibly be...


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Re:Applauds(Cures) and Smites(Curses) icons
« Reply #35 on: March 03, 2003, 12:01:57 AM »
Hello MB and Midnite,


I understood exactly what happened in the dialogue.  Bob felt passionately about something, kept pressing, and you blew.  It's as simple as that.  You're very busy, you work hard on here, you've got people at you wanting this and that.  A totally natural human reaction.


Your posts are always comprehensive and eloquently written.  You put a lot of thought and care into them.  I haven't responded privately yet because I simply haven't had the time to gather my thoughts and express them properly.  It takes me longer - I don't write as well you do.  I've also been waiting for some sort of perspective to set in and anger to subside.  The same thing happened to me the other day as happened to MB yesterday.  I blew.  Not only do I notice frustration in others, but also in myself and question why I feel or react in a certain way.  Once again though, as has been happening to me all week, I logon here and never have the time to relax and think -- constant interruptions and having to be somewhere.  I'm running late right now.  I hope to get to you sometime late tonight.

Note:  I suppose I shouldn't have posted in this thread but as far as hypocrisy goes, something that gets to me is seeing the view count hit the roof in a thread like this but seeing very few people post anything.  So I said to myself. "Well, if you don't post anything, you're just as much a hypocrite as anyone else."

I have the utmost respect for BOTH of you.  If I didn't, I wouldn't be here.   And that's not bullshit.


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Re:Applauds(Cures) and Smites(Curses) icons
« Reply #36 on: March 03, 2003, 12:56:21 AM »
Before anyone reads what they're about to here, please allow me to state emphatically that I do not make these revelations out of spite or anger. And I take no pleasure in this either. Under normal circumstances I would have dealt with this matter privately. However, given the way this topic has progressed, I sincerely believe everyone has the right to know exactly what has been going on...

As I stated initially, the feature is ambiguous in nature, and it should just be removed completely. It is obvious from the responses this thread has received that several  posters are not comfortable with it.

Needless to say, I feel very strongly about my feelings in regards to this feature, but not to the point where I want to subject myself or others to public ridicule.

I'm puzzled. Are we to believe that after our little altercation last night, Bob, that these entries in the forum's error log seem to indicate that you came to the conclusion that if you can't beat 'em, join 'em?

Well, no, wait - the first error that you encountered trying to smite someone actually took place on March 1st at 02:55:01 AM CT - several hours before our altercation:

Code: [Select]
Bobubas : : March 01, 2003, 08:55:01 AM
Sorry, you can't repeat an action within the wait time. You must wait 24 hours.

What might inspire a person so strong in their assurance that a particular feature is ambiguous and should be taken down to take part in that very same feature rather than to completely ignore the same?

Code: [Select]
Bobubas : : March 02, 2003, 10:27:07 AM
Sorry, you can't repeat an action within the wait time. You must wait 24 hours.

Bobubas : : March 02, 2003, 12:12:22 PM
Sorry, you can't repeat an action within the wait time. You must wait 24 hours.

Bobubas : : March 02, 2003, 05:27:05 PM
Sorry, you can't repeat an action within the wait time. You must wait 24 hours.

And these are the entries I just now happened to come across while checking the error log, as I do about every other day so I can keep apprised of the problems people are having on the forum with the hope of being able to address them once I'm up to speed. I wonder what I might find if I were to check the forum's access log?...

Knowing you personally as I do, Bob, I'm very disappointed you choose to publicly profess one opinion, while an entirely different one would appear to be the case...

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Re:Applauds(Cures) and Smites(Curses) icons
« Reply #37 on: March 03, 2003, 02:52:35 AM »
Well, no, wait - the first error that you encountered trying to smite someone actually took place on March 1st at 02:55:01 AM CT - several hours before our altercation:
Yep, and i even mentioned that i had tried the feature prior to posting about it. As far as using it after I'd posted, I sure did. I was upset with the smites I had received and reciprocated in such.  See what i mean about how the feature can upset people?
Now lets address your behavior here Michael. You are in violation of everything this forums "supposed" guidelines stand for. You ought to be ashamed of yourself for doing what you have done here compromising the privacy of members. How many of the personal IM's have you been reading, and when can we expect them to show up on the boards. You have reached a new low. One I didn't think was possible with you. Congrats. 
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Re:Applauds(Cures) and Smites(Curses) icons
« Reply #38 on: March 03, 2003, 03:13:23 AM »
What might inspire a person so strong in their assurance that a particular feature is ambiguous and should be taken down to take part in that very same feature rather than to completely ignore the same?
Michael, like I had said in a prior post, how is one supposed to ignore it when the tally is right there in each post for everyone to see? I tried to let this go yesterday and even gave the board itself my vote of confidence. But no, now, nearly 24 hours later, you had to throw yet more fuel on the fire. You have not only compromised your position of authority here with your invasion of privacy, you have compromised every ethical guideline this forum is supposed to be based on. 
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Re:Applauds(Cures) and Smites(Curses) icons
« Reply #39 on: March 03, 2003, 03:15:33 AM »
You are in violation of everything this forums "supposed" guidelines stand for. You ought to be ashamed of yourself for doing what you have done here compromising the privacy of members. How many of the personal IM's have you been reading, and when can we expect them to show up on the boards. You have reached a new low. One I didn't think was possible with you. Congrats.

I'm honestly sorry you feel that way Bob. But there's nothing private about the forum's error log or the info it contains. And as for your IMs, I can assure you that I haven't read a one, nor am I even aware of the last time you've sent or received one. And even if I were, I can most definitely assure you that one or more would never be publicly posted on the forum.

I can certainly understand that you might feel that I've wronged you. But perhaps you should be channeling those feelings in a different direction...

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Re:Applauds(Cures) and Smites(Curses) icons
« Reply #40 on: March 03, 2003, 03:16:37 AM »
Connie, you left out the possibility that people who read the thread and do not post simply do not find it that important in the scheme of things.  Too many people are facing or know someone who is facing unemployment, health problems, family issues or the apparent threat of war with Iraq directly impacts them.  If you are someone looking at a discussion about the existence of a smite or applause button and have these other concerns hanging over your head, you can understand why they don't want to be bothered and feel it's not worth the investment of time or energy.

That's a good point, Nancy. And this may be off base, but I wonder how much external pressure might actually contribute to a certain amount of strife in here (and anyplace where people interact). Folks have come to feel that the DS board is a constant, comfortable place, and when it gets shaken up, it rattles people's nerves more than usual because it's just another thing that's changing and it's out of their control.

Or maybe not. But I know when I'm under stress, I sometimes react badly and take it out where I ought not to. These days, there is so much happening "out there"--to us personally and to people that we know and care about--and the fact that most of it is beyond our control can make you feel like there's a lead weight on your back. I don't like things that are beyond my control. I'd rather drive a car in blizzard over a sheet of ice than be somebody's passenger on a beautiful sunny day.

All I can control is how I react to things that I can't control. And sometimes, it's not as well as I like to think. These are the times that little, insignificant things (maybe like curses and cures to some people) look like great big roadblocks that have to be busted up RIGHT NOW.

Just a thought. And all of this is general and hypothetical. It's not aimed at a single individual in this place. If anyone takes it personally, I will curse the lot of you. No, I'll go one better. I'll call on Angelique (I have her phone number, you know), and we'll see how you like them apples.


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Re:Applauds(Cures) and Smites(Curses) icons
« Reply #41 on: March 03, 2003, 03:20:28 AM »
I still am not sure I understand this stuff karma, smite, curse yadda yadda yadda stuff but I just came home from a great trip and read some of this thread and now I feel even more worn out. Maybe I should stick to the threads that don't require so much mental energy to read through.
I'm feeling pretty good about my karma right now so that is all that matters to me! :D
" Some day we'll look back on this and it will all seem funny"


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Re:Applauds(Cures) and Smites(Curses) icons
« Reply #42 on: March 03, 2003, 03:25:16 AM »
That's a good point, Nancy. And this may be off base, but I wonder how much external pressure might actually contribute to a certain amount of strife in here (and anyplace where people interact). Folks have come to feel that the DS board is a constant, comfortable place, and when it gets shaken up, it rattles people's nerves more than usual because it's just another thing that's changing and it's out of their control.

Or maybe not. But I know when I'm under stress, I sometimes react badly and take it out where I ought not to. These days, there is so much happening "out there"--to us personally and to people that we know and care about--and the fact that most of it is beyond our control can make you feel like there's a lead weight on your back. I don't like things that are beyond my control. I'd rather drive a car in blizzard over a sheet of ice than be somebody's passenger on a beautiful sunny day.

Mark, I was trying to hit quote and hit delete instead so my post you quoted from is now gone. Sorry.:(

I agree with you.  Well said. But I guess that' why you're a writer. ;D


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Re:Applauds(Cures) and Smites(Curses) icons
« Reply #43 on: March 03, 2003, 04:17:20 AM »
That's a good point, Nancy. And this may be off base, but I wonder how much external pressure might actually contribute to a certain amount of strife in here (and anyplace where people interact). Folks have come to feel that the DS board is a constant, comfortable place, and when it gets shaken up, it rattles people's nerves more than usual because it's just another thing that's changing and it's out of their control.

Or maybe not. But I know when I'm under stress, I sometimes react badly and take it out where I ought not to. These days, there is so much happening "out there"--to us personally and to people that we know and care about--and the fact that most of it is beyond our control can make you feel like there's a lead weight on your back. I don't like things that are beyond my control. I'd rather drive a car in blizzard over a sheet of ice than be somebody's passenger on a beautiful sunny day.

Mark, I was trying to hit quote and hit delete instead so my post you quoted from is now gone. Sorry.:(

I agree with you.  Well said. But I guess that' why you're a writer. ;D

very well said also Nancy but have to add to Mark i did drive home a few weeks ago from work on a sheet of ice in a blizzard and told my husband(who drives like a manic hey this is Boston!) that for once i would rather have been been a passenger with him LOL! :o :o
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Re:Applauds(Cures) and Smites(Curses) icons
« Reply #44 on: March 03, 2003, 12:20:53 PM »
i'm feeling this topic has degenerated to a slug fest instead of simply stating opinions regarding the karma feature.

as a fellow moderator, i am truly feeling for MB, Midnite and Dom at this point.  it's difficult to learn new things, they don't work, it won't save it properly and it's now deleted, the ftp won't log in and you start over again.  jez it can be a huge nightmare.  it's enough to make a sane person tear out their hair.

i would like to suggest that we don't discuss this topic for awhile until as such time as MB has had a chance to get up to speed on the new software and server.  if you don't like the karma feature, just don't use it!  it's as simple as that.

if your karma has low or negative points, just ignore it for now and think of the person that did that just made a mistake and pressed the wrong button.

i'd also like to thank MB, Dom and Midnite.  someone is paying for the web hosting here and it's not necessarily cheap as this group is known for overloading the bandwidth.  i'm sure the benefactor is having to pay more for the host to allow more.  also, i don't believe that MB, Dom or Midnite ever receive any compensation for their time.  they bring this forum to us for free without pop ups or flashing ads.  we are truly lucky to have them.   they do this for the challenge of it and for fun.  and it's not been fun lately and it should be again.

i am praying for peace in here now and that all make up and are friends again.

luv you all and especially our gracious hosts
your friend,